Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Shades of Blue (the leaf and vine shoulder wrap)

The leaf and vine shoulder wrap is completed and I LOVE it! This was probably my most challenging project yet. Actually the knitting was a dream - I was so amazed to watch this pattern transform. The nightmare was in the rewriting of the graph. ( I nearly stayed up all night making that graph work! ) I am so pleased to be able to share these pictures with you now. I am not a very good model so I brought along my adorable Maddy. She is a ham for the camera and she is modeling the new little blue jacket that her Aunt Vicki just bought for her.

If anyone is daring enough to want to try this wrap - I am available for consult. I have already made all the mistakes - will be a breeze when I make the next one. (I already have the yarn!)


  1. It is absolutely beautiful! But, not as beautiful as what you were holding! She is a real cutie! You and Mary have so surpassed me in knitting! There is no way I could ever catch up! Where do you get all your energy, I am totally exhausted at the end of the day, I think you are the energizer bunny!

  2. I love the blue wrap. That is your color! I know you will love wearing it and I can't wait to try it.

  3. This is really gorgeous! Thank you for your nice e-mail, and of course I will add you to my bloglist. It's always a pleasure to get nice comments from all over the world, isn't it?

  4. The blue shoulder wrap and the cowl scarf are both fabulous! Maddy of course is beautiful beyond words.
    I love traveling vicariously through you and the gardener! I am also going to have to snag a consultation with the gardener for my yard this spring!

  5. This is breathtaking; love this pattern! Is it your pattern and do you sell it?


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