Saturday, January 9, 2010

Gratitude - (Overwhelming Gratitude!)

To My New Blogging Friends - I am absolutely overwhelmed by the response to my little knitted birds nests. I never, ever, in a million years, thought that anyone would even give them a second look - let alone vie in such numbers to receive one as a gift. I am amazed, I am shocked, I am in awe of your kind words and the precious comments that you have left on my blog. In less than 24 hours, I published over 50 responses - and they are still coming in! From the bottom of my heart - I am so grateful.
First off let me say that the contest is great - someone will win and ( then a whole bunch of you won't and you will be sad) - so we can't have that! I promise that we will go straight into another contest that will include something wonderful and a birds nest. Heck - lets just give birds nests away all year!
Now for those of you who actually want to purchase one of my little creations ( and I am still amazed that so many of you have inquired about that---- !) here is what you need to know. I have the little nests listed in my friend Jan's ETSY shop - click here for the link. I just sold the only 2 nests that I have made up BUT I will make more. When I initially placed those nests in Jan's shop I told her they were just there to fill the space - I was sure that no one would be interested in them! (Thanks friends! for proving me wrong!)
Here is the thing----. Right now, I am knitting feverishly for my new little granddaughter who is due to arrive in late April. The baby shower is March 20 - if you are a knitter, you totally understand the pressure I am under. For me right now- it is all about knitting PINK.
So - if you want a Birds nest AND are willing to wait until April to receive it- you can email me and place your Now. I will keep track of the orders and fill them in the order that they are received. Once the nest is knitted - I will email you and then you can make the purchase in Jan's ETSY shop. You won't have to pay until the nest is actually knitted. Fair enough?
Thanks so much, I have never felt the love of so many friends who have left such nice comments. Bloggers are just the nicest people ever----
My direct email address is


  1. I am glad you are happy with the response, I will put them on my sidebar to help people find you, I imagine your fingers are flying. I think it's kewl...and a new little one in March! Very exciting!
    Happy Sunday!
    While your in the pink zone,,how about some pink nests???

  2. Blogland sure is a wonderful place to be. I was so chuffed that you took the time to look at my blog and leave such a nice comment as well. Your nests are sooo lovely, I can't understand why you thought people wouldn't want them. Tut tut.
    I have two granddaughters now and love love love being able to buy/make pink things after raising three boys! So, happy pink knitting to you!

  3. That's because these nests are so interesting and unusual! It is so hard to find anything truly original and you have done it! A well deserved congrats!

  4. I found you through Dawn of The Feathered nest--what a discovery! Your little nests are just beautiful--you are amazingingly creative! I am so enjoying my visit to your blog!

  5. Riverview is covered with ice and snow and yet inside is warm and cozy. Your gratitude to others is coming back to you 10 fold. Bless U, Jan

  6. Nests are beautiful and so original. I love your stash of wool. Makes mine look quite meager. I feel so guilty when I look to buy more wool prior to finishing a garment. Thank you your picture has eased my conscience. Jaynex

  7. What a lovely post. It's funny that you didn't think your bird's nests would get so much attention. I think they are one of the cutest little pieces I've seen. Just darling. Good luck in your knitting for your soon to be granddaughter. Now that's exciting!

  8. So you are going to be lucky enough to get PINK!!!!!!!! I tried that. Mine little ones were both boys. And then they had boys (5) & now they are done. NO PINK! But, enjoy! Can't wait to see what you are making. I will order a nest if I don't win one! Hee Hee I am keeping my fingers crossed! Charlene

  9. I cannot believe how beautiful your knitted bird's nests are! I love nests in all shapes and sizes, but this is the first knitted one I have ever seen!
    Gorgeous website, too -- so happy to have found you!

  10. I am going to post your contest on my blog. I love the bifd's nest--are you going to write up the pattern?

  11. I have been eying the interchangeable needles for so long! Those nests are beautiful.

  12. Congrats on your Granddaughter! I am sure everyone one would graciously wait for their nest...they are sooo beautiful!

    Artful Blessings,

  13. Sounds like you are going to be one busy lady!

  14. A granddaughter? How exciting! (Speaking as the mother of four sons....)

  15. I would love to have the interchangeable needles. I have wanted some for a long time.

  16. Hi Vicki-

    Thanks for your comment on MY blog. =) Your nests are beautiful! Happy knitting!

    PS- I'm all about knitting brown and blue right now, as we're expecting a little boy in late February! =)

  17. Congratulations on the new graddaughter-to be. How exciting!

  18. I love the nest...I'm glad I found your blog for when I need help with my new adventure, you will be the one I turn to. Hope you don't mind.....

    You are truly blessed.....

  19. Hi there!

    Mom sent me your email/blog details and I am so tickled you are having so much fun in the blogosphere! What a cool idea about the contest. You are truly amazing.

    And just so you know, THOSE BIRD'S NESTS are incredible! I have to admit that for a split second, yes, I thought they were real. Maybe it's me being wide awake at 4:30 in the morning but still. =)

    Take care and hope to see you at the Maryland Sheep and Wool this year (if I can get the time off of course)l

  20. Your knitted nests are adorable :)
    Have a happy day :) crystal

  21. Hi there,
    it is because these little nests are one of the cutest things i have ever seen, and since i put them in m sidebar even I had about 10 people asking me where to buy them - and I just led them all to your blog... so good luck. And I hope the same same luck will bring one of these wonderful things just right over the ocean to me.... have a great week and pass by for a latte Hugs Myriam

  22. I just went over to the Etsy shop to check out the bird's nest and pricing. I will definitely order one (if I don't win one!) :)

  23. Vicki, first of all congratulations on the impending addition to your family! She's going to be one lucky little girl!

    Secondly, your bird's nests are incredible! I absolutely love them and will definitely be placing my order!

    Thanks so much for sharing!

    Marigold Manor


Your comments make my heart sing!