Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Moses Basket for "Little Baby No Name"

For 30 years this little Moses basket sat in my attic, wrapped in sheets and plastic bags - all but forgotten - until last week~~~

My Mother found this little basket at a flea market near their winter home in Florida. She lovingly hand made a little mattress, blanket, and decorative edging all around the basket that we used for my son when he was first born.

Sadly, my parents are now gone and when I brought this little basket out to the light of day last week, I also brought out a flood of precious memories.

My mother had decorated this basket with a gingham fabric that was printed with bunny rabbits in reds and blues. Just perfect for a little newborn boy. Just seeing it again after so many years, made my heart stop.
There was no way that I could preserve all of the fabric decorations, so I ever so gently removed my mothers careful stitches one at a time so that I could make this little basket brand new and fit for a little Princess. I know my Mother would have loved and approved of this little creation, but it broke my heart to have to undo some of her stitches.
Even though I removed the outside fabric, I saved the mattress as it was originally covered by my mother. I just simply wrapped the mattress in this little pink blanket, tucking it in along the sides - it can easily be removed for washing. I also have saved the original blanket that she made - just in case. (Don't you think that it would be sweet to take a picture of our grand baby laying on the matress and covered by the blanket that was once used by her Daddy?)

The outside of the basket is decorated using two crochet lace pillow shams that once belonged to my paternal grandmother. This bedspread and pillowcase set was one of the treasures that became mine when she past away last year. (I am planning to use the bedspread as a table covering at the baby shower---).
The pillow shams were then tacked to the basket from both the inside and out. I like the way that they are lined with the muslim cloth, it seems to make the lace design look prettier. They are also rather heavy and seem to hang nicely along the basket.

The top and sides of the basket are decorated with pink ribbon roses, pink satin yo yo hearts, crochet green leaves, some green ribbon from my stash, and a beautiful flower that is complemented by some exquisite ribbon embroidery.

Each piece is individually sewn on by hand and it took me one very long day to complete this project. This is not the kind of project that you can do in your lap - so I had to stand and lean over the basket to do all the sewing. (Ouch for my back!)

This last little heart is not actually attached to the basket, but rather hangs freely from the little green ribbon. (I was feeling a little whimsical I guess--).

The beautiful green ribbon was left over from my last year's Christmas gifts that were wrapped by my friend, Mary. (She knows that I save everything!) I was thrilled to have an opportunity to use this pretty ribbon in such a delicate and dainty way. There is also a little tiny piece of this beautiful ribbon in the top of the beaded hat that I knitted for "Little Baby No Name". (Go back to the top of that posting and see if you can see the ribbon!)

The lace design on the pillow shams was just perfect for me to weave the ribbon through along the edge of the basket. These little bouquets of ribbon roses look so pretty around the bottom of the basket and also at the sides, near the handles.

Decorating this little basket was indeed a labor of love. Following the stitches created by my Mother, with my own little hand made stitches, gave me a feeling that I can not describe - except to say that it filled my heart with some tender feelings that I know have not been there in a very long while. (I miss her so--).

("Can you see this Mom? I hope you like it---")


  1. It is beautiful!!! You did a lovely job, how precious it is...... she will love it!!! as the too the gorgeous sweaters and hats you knit..... wow!!!
    All of it is just stunning!!!
    Margaret B

  2. That is utterly delightful! What a precious gift!

  3. How beautiful that is! Just as a thought for the fabric that came off, I had a quilted mattress cover that my grandmother had made for me when I was born. I salvaged it into a teddy bear and Christmas tree ornaments for all the great grandchildren.
    All of your items for your new addition are wonderful!

  4. Vicki Dear,

    This is my all time favorite post of yours! The basket is exquisite! How lovely to pass on such a treasured heirloom!
    Much love and thanks to you too, for your help at ddna! Your comment was the high point of my day!

  5. Hi Vicki,
    what a wonderful little basket... I am sure everybody will love it, because it is so unique. And how gorgeous that you can take the old basket, the blanket and your new touches together that little baby can rest in a very special little nest. Hugs Myriam

  6. So beautiful and it's history and the love you took to create this for her are just wonderful!!!!
    This is the most precious gift. Although I admit I am still waiting to see what you did to the beautiful blue cabled blanket :)

  7. Vicki,

    Your story about your Mom and all of the memories wrapped up in this one basket is absolutley heartwarming. I have to admit that while reading your post I cried just a little because of the depth of emotion and the love intwined passed from your Mom to your son to you and your grandbaby. This is what it is all about..Love and Family. "The ties that bind the hearts together in Love forever".

  8. It is absolutely exquisite!!!! One of the most beautiful baby baskets I have ever seen. The pillow cases are so beautiful. What a lucky grandbaby you have!!!

  9. What a wonderful story, project, and sweet memory.

    It is just lovely.

    Thanks for coming by and leaving a sweet comment.


    barbara jean

  10. Wow that is gorgeous! Thank you for leaving such a sweet comment on my blog! Hugs, cherry

  11. Vicki,

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving such sweet comments!

    I just fell in love with your basket. I can see how much work you put into it and appreciate how much it means to you. My mother passed away almost three years ago and I cherish the things we sewed together very much. Bless you for honoring her that way and congratulations on new baby girl!

    See you soon!


  12. B E A U T I F U L !

  13. Vicki, I'm so glad you visited me. Thank you so much for your note... I'm glad to hear that the blankets/hats will be used and appreciated. It's so funny that you wish to crochet, because I wish I could knit! Funny how that works, huh? I have to tell you that your Moses basket is so unbelievably gorgeous... I literally could feel the love in every stitch as I read your post... sounds weird I know, but I just felt it! That is something very special that I know will continue to be a family heirloom.

  14. Hi Vicki,
    thanks for coming around... usually I also didn`t read that kind of stuff but I must say I laughed tears. And same to you ..... would love it if you just were round the next corner around here and have a latte with you or two... look very forward to little Baby no names birth - then you have all your baby things done and can do my precious nest lol.
    Hugs and a wonderful weekend

  15. I have to tell you that this post brought tears to my eyes. (I'm crynin'! as my girls called it) I, too, miss my mom.

    The little princess basket is beautiful and how very special it is. When baby girl is old enough, I know that she will love the story of her special basket.

    Your knitting creations are just wonderful too!

    I am delighted that you came over. And I pray that the arrival of baby girl will be perfect in every way.

  16. This just turned out SO gorgeous! And Oh, the memories!

    Frankly, I cried buckets because I lost my mom just a little over a year ago.

    I just love how you lovingly restored everything! This baby-is going to have the BEST GRANDMA!

    Okay,,,,I'm still under the weather and tears do NOT help!

    But I truly love your post and your craft!

    Okay,,,,ahem! Announcement/invite!

    I'm having a little Easter GIVEAWAY over on my blog if you want to "HOP" on over and say hi to enter!!!

    Thanks for sharing. In so many ways!


  17. Okay missy, one last comment! And I WILL not cry again! I took some of your lovely music selections off of your playlist and added them to mine! What a great selection you have!!! Thank you!!!!

    Big, big hugs,,,and I won't cry anymore!!

  18. I'm sure your mother and grandmother are both looking down and smiling at your beautiful "new" basket! And how wonderful to see another generation be able to enjoy such a wonderful family heirloom!

    Kat :)

  19. Hi dear ,
    This basket is so wonderfull, what a lovely work, you have doneVicki.
    I love the little roses you have decorated with.
    This will be treasured from the heart, I`m sure.
    Love and hugs, Dorthe

  20. You are an amazing woman. I am blessed to be your friend


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