Monday, May 10, 2010

Spring Melodies

There is always music amongst the trees in the garden~~~

but our hearts must be very quiet
to hear

We have had the most beautiful spring~~
our yard has been filled
with blooming

when the wind blows
the air is filled
with showers
of falling

our majestic
snow crab apple tree
has never been

a palette of colors
in all the shades
of new

the gardener
left his toys

the fragrance of spring blooms
fills the air
and is mixed
with that wonderful smell
of fresh cut

the trees are showing off their
very best spring

this tree is so beautiful
it takes my

we have
so very, very long
for this spring
to arrive

is that why
it seems
so very

standing beneath this tree
you can hear
the buzz of
of busy bees

what a wonderful
and welcome spring
we have

perhaps I was a little anxious~~
I worked so hard to make our back deck look like this

and then - last night the weather report said
scattered frost!!!
so I gathered all the flowers together

and then they all looked like this!
(the sad thing is - that even though I know better,
I do this every year!)

We are going to be on a little spring theme here for the next few postings.

Coming up next, a celebration of spring in the Sacred Yarn Room. And after that - a crafty little post about "Spring - in a jar". I will show you how to make your very own~~~

Enjoy these blessed spring days~~



  1. Beautiful trees and blooms and landscape! You are not the only one covering and protecting plants. HA! Everyone wants Spring to come and then Old Man Winter sends a frosty greeting that makes folks scramble. Many bloggers are telling the same story all across the US. Our weather is either hot and sunny or hot and dusty. No surprises! I look forward to your next lovely posts. :) Tammy

  2. Your trees and flowers are gorgeous! What is it about this year that they all seem extra vibrant? My pink dogwood is almost a deep fushia color this year! The grass seems greener and the flowers brighter and more intense. Whatever the reason, I am really enjoying them all!
    We have experienced late frosts this spring, also. Our last frost date is supposed to be April 10, but here a month later, it is still freezing now and then. Best not put the tomatoes and pepper plants out too soon. But I rather like the challenge of this guessing game with the weather! ;~}
    Spring in a jar? How intrigueing!

  3. Hi my dear friend,
    lol I think Im not in that kind of music too - but my youngsters loves it and so sometimes I have to hear what they are listening too. I definitely prefer real music like Elivs, Queen, country music or whatever. And yes I had a wonderful mothers day - pics will follow as soon as I have a minute near the computer...But I just had to have a little stop with my latte on your backyard deck - it is so beautiful how you decorated it.... and I have to admit this year is the first year I am NOT planting all the flowers and then the frost will ruin it. Your pictures of the blooming trees just take my breath away and make me smile all over - thanks for making my day! Hugs Myriam
    PS. I love sharing my books and DVDs and things because I think they will give a little pleasure to another person!

  4. A beautiful Spring display by Mother Nature - isn't she a clever lady! It's been the same over here too and this morning I got up to FROST! I fear for my beans and courgettes but since the last lot got blasted by the frost I have resisted the temptation (unlike some) to start putting out patio plants just yet. Fingers crossed that all your lovely plants survive and enjoy playing the games under the sheets!

  5. Oh you teaser, can`t wait to see what you will teach us, dearest Vicki.
    Your garden is extreamly beautifull sweet,friend, so many wonderfull trees blooming.
    Your photoes takes the breath away, it must be gorgeus,to be among all this beauty.
    Here no trees have bloomed yet, and today it is very cold again,-also with leight frost at nights!!!!
    Hope your flowers are still there?

    Have a gorgeus day dear,

  6. You are so blessed with beautiful must love living there!

  7. Oh how we love spring! It is no wonder we are always anxious to plant. But then, that's part of the fun as well. Calling each other and debating whether to empty our houses of bed linens to tent out entire property! Your trees are the prettiest they have ever been I do believe! Why does it always seem as if we don't appreciate them enough! BEAUTIFUL!!!

  8. Hi Vicki ~ your green, green grass is beautiful! And the blooming trees are exquisite! I'd love to come and stroll around your property. I like my property, too, but we have (almost) NO trees at all...only bright sun and no shade anyplace. I think trees just make a home so nice. Your pictures are all beautiful.

  9. Hi Vicki,
    Beautiful pictures! One of my favorite is the wheelbarrow filled with gorgeous flowers.


  10. How glorious your yard looks. So beautiful all the wonderful pinks and whites with a background of green. The deck is dotted with so many wonderful colors in its palete. How lovely. I can so relate about putting flowers out a bit early. But the temptation is just to overwhelming and I do it too! Thanks for sharing. God bless. Cathy

    PS. Wishing you a belated but heartfelt Mothers day.

  11. SO beautiful, someone has stolen our Spring right from under our nose! Just as we started to enjoy it, Miss Winter has returned!! So lovely to enjoy your blossoms, Hugs, Catherine x

  12. Hi Vicki
    Thanks so sharing your beautiful spring pictures. It looks so pretty there at the moment. We had a frost last night too. Hope your flowers survived, your deck looks perfect.

  13. Oh my goodness - your house and yard and gorgeous! I'd love to have a great old house just like this. What a treasure to come home to. Your trees are beautiful and I am so jealous that you can grow those fragrant lilacs!
    PS - thanks for letting me know yoru package arrived safely. I hope you enjoy them!

  14. The trees are just stunning..., and all around you -wonderful! And who would have expected frost in May!

    Maya @ Completely Coastal

  15. What a lovely treat for the eyes and inspiration for my day. I'm glad I found you today.
    I'm following now.

  16. Absolutely gorgeous Vicki!! What a restful place you to take me a nap underneath one of those beautiful trees!! :o)

  17. Hi Vicky :)
    thank you so much for you sweet note :)
    OMG!But you live in Paradise!!!
    Is simply fabulous the palette colors that I can ses! What a wonderful Spring!
    Mila :)

  18. A beautiful post...
    I'm feelin your pain with the sheets covering the pretties ...
    Here too.
    All my flowering pots are hanging in the garage on a pole...waiting...waiting...waiting!
    xoxo~Kathy @
    Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  19. Beautiful Trees and shrubs for a beautiful friend!

    We too, got early glimpses of warmer days ahead here in Washington State,,,,,,,only to have to don Sweaters and provide shelter or forego the buying of tender plants!

    The last couple of days,,,,we shook off the rain, the wind, the cold and it seems,,,,dare I say it? That Spring may actualy BE here!

    I can tell you that there is nothing, NO ONE, more delighted by Sun/warmth and sunny days than a "Washingtonian." Yep, we love our green,,,but you give us a 60 degree day and we're donning shorts/flip flops and the occaisional fashion faux pas and the BBQ's are set into high gear!

    Enjoy your beautiful trees, That gorgeous new Grandbaby and oh, My! Give all those sweet little new ones a kiss or a kind word from me! (Can you bottle that scent and send it to me??))

    Hugs and big Love my dear, to you and ALL of yours,,,


  20. Wonderful pictures of all the trees in bloom. You plants and pots look like mine, to fun. I do this to myself every year, but I just can't wait. I think Mother's Day was a week earlier than normal this year. Chillie and Rainie all day.....brrrrrr

    Kate - xoxoxo

  21. I love flowers and spring brings so much joy - I love the last flower photo - the wisteria. It has the most gorgeous smell.

    I noticed you have an old wheelbarrow full of flowers - that is what I want to do in my garden, just need to find the old wheelbarrow!

  22. Hi Vicki,
    just want to wish you a wonderful weekend as we have a celebration day tomorrow an a real long weekend yipeeh. And especially for you I showed the very camera shy species of my husband lol. Hugs to you dear friend Myriam

  23. Oh those images are absolute heaven! This is the 3rd night here that we have been covering our plants due to threats of a frost. None yet, but we really did push it this year, normally it's not safe to plant here until after the last full moon in May. The gardener has really out done himself at your place, everything is exquisite! ~Lili

  24. Hey fellow Kentuckian, maybe we are neighbors. If you were, I would comeby and pick your brain about how to put those pictures on your header. Your blog looks great. I'm in Shelbyville by the way.

  25. Those trees take my breath away. absolutely beyond gorgeous.

  26. I love blooming trees very much and you have such pretty ones in your lovely garden! Thank you for sharing all those beautiful pictures!

  27. Hi Vicki,
    yes I think we are blessed with our lovely families. One can be so happy with the beloved family around him. A big hug and a bright smile back from all of us to you and your family. Enjoy a wonderful weekend. Hugs Myriam

    PS: A warm welcome in the "instant humans club" lol

  28. Can I come live with you? ;-)

  29. Vicky, your yard is just gorgeous, and so is that deck! Like a real little slice of heaven for sure! xo Paulette


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