Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Keri Beth's First Birthday Party

Happy Birthday to you,
Your gb and Papaw love you~
Happy Birthday dear Kerington,
Happy Birthday to YOU!

Our little grand daughter, Keri Beth just turned one year old. Only a grandparent would understand how we were so excited to drive for 2 hours just to watch her crawl for the first time and eat her very first birthday cake~



Those pretty little teeth are brand new - we are up to 5 so far!



It is almost impossible to take photos of squiggly little girls!

After about 5 attempts - this is the best one!
(it's all part of the fun!)

The Gardener is a very proud Papaw!




Keri Beth, her sweet Mommy and Maddy girl




Keri Beth is showing you her pretty bloomers!




She was mesmerized by the candle!


NOW the fun begins!

Her first EVER bite of cake!

Keri Beth shares a bite of cake with her Mommy




Thank you for visiting Keri Beth's first birthday with us and for allowing this "gb" to share photos of our adorable grandbaby. We are so very blessed to have three precious grandbabes in our family. Keri Beth, our sweet little Mason (who lives in Atlanta) and Miss Maddy girl. Our babes complete our life and bring us more happiness than we could have ever imagined~~

(Just to explain - for my new followers and readers - Miss Maddy girl is my great niece - but to the Gardener and I - she is just as one of our grandchildren. We love her so much! )


I recently won an Easter celebration drawing from Tracie on her beautiful Fishtail Cottage blog. Do you know Tracie? Her blog is a vision of loveliness and creative inspirations. If you have the chance - please visit her and say Hello. She is such a sweet person - you will love your visit to her blog.

This adorable bunny banner featured on Tracie's blog was created by her friend Elizabeth at The Porcelain Rose etsy shop.

Isn't it just precious? Keri Beth's little nursery is decorated in a sweet bunny theme - so I think this little banner is going straight to her!

If you have the chance - please visit the Porcelain Rose etsy shop - you will find so many lovely creations there! I purchased these beautiful gift tags - (for a future nesting project!) They are gorgeous!!


Coming up next - (like I promised before!) is your photo tour of the beautiful island of Curacao. (I had meant to take you there before now - but of course we had to stop everything for the birthday girl!)

xoxo Vicki


  1. Happy Birthday sweet little Keri Beth!!! Your Grandbabies are so precious. Hope she had a wonderful birthday.silsinic

  2. Nothing like that very first sugar rush is there? I can just imagine her first Easter....does Aunt Vicki have lots of chocolate and hand knitted goodies all ready for her?

  3. oh she is totally and utterly precious, Happy Birthday Keri Beth! What a lovely day it must have been. I too am in love with the Peter Rabbit banner, isn't that so cute! Happy Easter, Catherine x

  4. As a grandma, I can appreciate your photos. Kerington is adorable and how nice that she 'shared' her cake with her Mom!

    Lovely family photos and lovely memories. You are blessed


  5. Happy Birthday Keri Beth! You are one cute 1 year old! What a blessing you have been given, Vicki. Great win you had also. Have a good Easter.

  6. love this post ~ Happy 1st Birthday to your little grandbaby! she is adorable! Hope she likes the sweet banner you won for her! xoox, tracie

  7. What a cutie and I love her name. Happy Birthday, Kerington

  8. oh vicki..your grand babies are so adorable. i can see by the smiles on your faces that they bring you much joy. you are blessed indeed! on another note, you won Tracie's giveaway? i adore those sweet! lucky you! wishing you and the gardener a blessed easter mon amie! :)

  9. Happy Birthday to the sweetest little bub around!! and I just love those bloomers!!! What fun she must have had with that cake. It is exciting to watch a baby grow and become a little person and even though I have never met her, through blogging you almost become part of the 'family'!!

    I will head over and visit that blog you mentioned.

  10. What a bevy of adorable grand kids and grand niece! Thanks for the adorable photos especially of birthday girl Keri, she is so precious!
    Your blog is sweet!
    And love the bunny banner you featured too!
    Teresa in California

  11. Happy First Birthday. You have such a lovely family. :)

  12. first birthdays are always so special (and can be a little dice-y depending on naps and tolerance for singing!)... you all look like you had a wonderful time... and she certainly did enjoy the cake and the wrapping (or unwrapping)... so very glad that you get to enjoy your little ones...

  13. What cute birthday photos! How adorable. :) You certainly won some lovely things there, too. Hope you have a lovely Easter.

  14. Dearest Vicki, what a wonderful post- they are all 3 so very sweet- and the little one- cute ,cute.
    Yes I do understand you driving long to see them all.they live far too long away, here,-nad I guess you think the same, sweetie,
    Have a wonderful easter Vicki--are you off, work,dear?
    Hugs, Dorthe

  15. What a FUN time! Keri is gorgeous!!

  16. Oh my good ness! Isn't Miss Kerington absolutely adorable!!! She looks like she is having a ball at her BD party. I sure understand driving 32 hours to see it all!!

    I understand trying to capture all the girls in a pic with you Vicki. I have NO great pics of all my grandchildren! One is always doing something not photo worthy. Maybe when they get older...

    Happy Easter!

  17. Wow - a year old already? Seems like just yesterday that you were (not) sharing with us her name. What a cutie-pie. Oh my goodness. I could just love on her all day long. I would have loved to have been there celebrating with y'all (and having cake, too!) Thanks for sharing these wonderful photos with me.

  18. Oops ... forgot to sign my name. You should probably be able to guess who it was from just by the "y'all" ... am I right?

  19. Dear Vicki

    Thank you so much for visting my blog. I find the blogging world such a wonderful place to meet and greet. I have visited here before as I remember the lovely lady who made the most amazing birds nests. How inspired and incredibly creative~

    You have adorable grandies...I am sure I will be a proud granny like you one day..I am sure it is like having your children all over again.

    I will be visiting again..the fabric eggs came from a company in Denmark called 'Maileg' . Worth a visit.

    A happy day to you Vicki.

    Warm regards

  20. Who needs a cake fork when you have the perfect sized fingers?!
    Happy birthday baby girl!
    Have a great Easter weekend.

    Sandie xx

  21. Happy birthday to the sweet little one. That first birthday for both my boys seems so long ago. My how time flies and how they grow. I just saw your Spring giveaway. Wow! Lots of signing up to win one of your beautiful nest. Wishing you a blessed Easter weekend. Tammy

  22. Happy belated first birthday to your beautiful granddaughter, how exciting! She and all of your grandchildren are so cute! I love the little Beatrix Potter banner too!

    Kat :)

  23. OF COURSE the beautiful birthday girls comes first! It shouldn't be any other way.

    You two look so happy with your grands...and I totally understand that. Mine make me feel the purest joy ever.

    Sending love and looking forward to Curacao.

    Love and a big hug,


  24. Oh Vickie..your granddaughter is adoreable!! And yes, being a grandmother I do understand how important it is to be there for that 1st birthday party!!! smile...

    Blessings to all of you.especially little Keri Beth!

    xoxo Gert

  25. One Year already!!!!!
    Oh My, how quickly time goes.
    Hug little Keri Beth for me...I can smell her sweet baby neck from here.
    47 Nests done! I can't believe it.
    You must knit in your sleep.
    Such a productive woman you are.
    Easter is here tomorrow, all 20 of us.
    I'm sure there will be the whole gamit of emotions...laughter and tears.
    I have been MIA on my blog lately, but think of you often and smile.
    Happy Easter my friend,
    xoxo~Kathy @
    Sweet Up-North Mornings...
    Hug the Gardner.

  26. How totally cute. I know what you mean about trying to take a focused shot of little girls. They sure do wiggle alot. it's almost as hard as taking pics of my cats:) haha

    Happy Easter Vicki,


  27. All your grand babies are gorgeous. What a fun day you had. Birthdays are so special. Have a wonderful Easter.

  28. Oh Happy Birthday to your beautiful and very very cute Grandaughter, your girls are all cuddly and beautiful, and don't they bring such joy and love and laughter with them, it is lovely to see your beautiful family and the fun you are all having, it makes life just so special....lovely of you to share the joy Vickixxx
    Love Lynn xxxxx

  29. Hi Vicki,

    Your Grandbabies are adorable. Happy birthday to dear little Keri and Happy Easter to your family.

  30. Hi my dear Vicki,
    .... you are enjoying the first birthday party with Keri Beth ... I bet you have a great time. Isn`t it wonderful to have children! Enjoy each moment with them. Thank you for sharing the special moments. Have a great time Hugs & kisses Myriam

  31. Vicki, your family is just beautiful and your little birthday babe is precious! Love to kiss those little cheeks!!
    Happy Easter!!

    xx Susan

  32. Hi Vicki!
    Thank you for your nice comment in my blog, and nice to meet you!!
    Sounds like you had a great 1st Birthday party!!! keep enjoying your grandbabes!!


  33. I can't believe she is already 1!!! Happy birthday, sweet girl!!

  34. What a cutie pie Keri Beth is! So wonderful that you could celebrate such a special day together! :)

    Love the little banner too!

    ~ Zuzu

  35. I'm later I know...but
    Happy, Happy Birthday adorable Kery Beth :))!
    What a lovely family you have!
    Sending Smiles,
    Mila :)

  36. Now who's a happy grandmummy! I don't know...could it be YOU!

  37. Happy 1st Birthday sweet little one..
    lots of kisses and hugs from your Grandma's blogging friend in Calif.
    your cake looked so yummy and it looks like you enjoyed it very much..
    Have fun playing with all your birthday gifts.

  38. Keri is One, wow time flies by. She is such a beautiful little birthday girl. Love the Bloomers!

  39. This family knows how to party! Great candid shots Vicki.

  40. Oh I can see Keri Beth is such a little charmer just like her gb! Those photos of you and the Gardener with your grands just say it all! Such joy to share in these special milestones. Oh and what a sweet little bunny banner that is that you won. xoxo ~Lili


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