Friday, January 27, 2012

Sugar Snow ( a winter give away)

"In the morning the house was warm from the stove,
but when Laura looked out of the window she saw
that the ground was covered with soft thick snow. All
along the branches of the trees the snow was piled like
feathers, and it lay in mounds all along the top of the rail
fence, and stood up in great, white balls on top of the gate
posts.   Pa came in, shaking the soft snow from his shoulders 
and stamping it from his boots,  'It's a sugar snow', he said."  

The family farm has long been a vital image in the heritage of rural Kentucky.  As the most noted structures of farms, barns evoke a sense of tradition, security, and of closeness to the land and the community of people who built them.  Throughout American history, farmers have built barns to shelter their livestock and to store their harvest.  

  Just off any of the major roads in my area, you will find smaller, more rural roads, some of them dirt roads, leading to what we call "hollers".  Along these roads and dotted all along the landscape of the farms, are these amazing barns, many of them barely shells of the once proud structures that stood so tall and were the symbol of a way of life that today - is no more.

 Last winter, the Gardener and I took an entire afternoon on a blustery snowy day, to drive around the community so that we could capture these images.  We drove down roads that we did not even know existed - stopping along the way so that I could climb the hills, cross the fences, and wade through the snow - in order to take these pictures.  (at this particular stop - I truly took a tumble OVER the hill! I will do most anything to get a picture that I want!)

Old barns are one of my passions.  I am intrigued by their style and the history that they have survived. In my mind, every barn exists to tell a story.  I find them to be beautiful even in their state of decay and demise.   If only these sagging, once proud architectural wonders could talk~~


I fell over this hill too!

This old church stands all alone beside the highway - a symbol of what was once a fine and active part of the soul of the community. In time, this church and many of the barns pictured here will no longer be able to bear the weight of the winter snows.  One last snow, even that of a "sugar snow" will bring them to their final demise~~

Welcome to my first give away of the Year!

This stunningly beautiful cookbook has wonderful recipes that will warm your soul this winter. 

In addition to the recipes, the cook book is filled with gorgeous photography.

The contest is open to any of my faithful readers or followers.
To enter simply leave a comment - making sure that you have an email address where I can reach you.  

Does it matter where you live?  Absolutely not- the contest is open to my friends from all over the world. 
(Remember - I shipped a nest to a lucky winner in Russia one time!)

For a second chance to win - please post about this contest on your own blog.  Then leave me another comment telling me that you have done so. 

Are you one of my followers (who mean the world to me!!)  If so - then leave me a third comment  telling me so.  That will be your third opportunity to enter.  

I have shared with you but a few of the beautiful
photographs and recipes inside this
There are many, many more! 

 And there is more to come! ~~

Here is Maddy girl wearing a pretty Vera Bradley apron.
 One of my lucky followers will win this Mocha Rouge design.

If you are one of my devoted followers - and have left me a comment telling me that you are a follower - then you will be entered in a separate contest to win this Vera apron. 
 Maddy girl will draw the winner for the cookbook and for the Vera apron on February 18.  I will post the names right here - so be sure to check back!
Winners update~ the winner of the Vera Bradley apron is Shirley from the blog Shirley Stitches.

The winner of the cookbook is Arleen from the blog Starting Over, Accepting Changes.  

Ladies - please send me your mailing address so that I can send your gifts to  you!  Thank you to everyone who entered - this has been a great contest!  There will be several more contests coming up this spring - (it's my favorite thing to do!!)

Coming up next - a little chance for you to get to know me better.  Over the past year - I  have met so many wonderful people through this incredible blogging experience.  I have dutifully kept a diary of all the questions that folks have asked me.  So now - I am going to answer them.  (If you have a burning question - send it to me now - I will try to work it in to this post also) ~~~


One More Thing~~

 You welcomed my friends into your hearts and left them the most precious comments here on my blog. For all of you that said,  "those guys need to get their own blog ---- they LOVED that idea so much that they did just that!! You can find them HERE. 
Please give them a visit and show them some blogging LOVE!! Don't we all remember what it is like to be a newbie blogger!!

My friends Bob and Eric are welcoming you to their new blog with a giveaway of their very own!  So give them a visit - enter their contest - and maybe join me on their follower page!  (right now I am there all by myself.  Don't leave me there all alone!) 

You just know that these guys are going to have some serious fun with this blog~~!!


  1. I just love the old barns. I have a passion for old homesteads that have long been abandoned.

  2. OOOohhh firstly the photos in this post are stunning wow!! Always great to visit you. Your giveaway looks delicious so please enter my name for the draw and lastly, but not least, Maddy looks gorgeous in her apron, bless!

  3. I am a happy follower!

  4. I put your lovely giveaway on my blog! Good luck with it.

  5. Oh what a fabulous book, I would love the chance to win this!

  6. And . . . I am already a follower! : )

  7. Your area looks not unlike what I see every day. There are still some working farms left, but even those show the wear of time. It makes me sad to see these decaying barns and outer buildings and the land being sold off to builders, but so is life. It keeps changing and evolving and what once was may be no longer. I can only hope that what comes next will also have a rich heritage and add the the betterment of all.

    Okey, dokey, let me read about what I have to do for this contest. 1) I am a follower, 2) My e-mail is ", 3)I will try to think of a theme for a post that will incorporate your blog; however, I never know what will pop into my head when I sit down at the computer. I will try my best to remember step 4 and 5.

    OK Vicki, pick my name.

  8. Hi Vicki ~ LOVE all those barns!! Beautiful photos! (You might be interested in the Barn Charm blog--it has linkys for pictures of barns from all over, scroll down. It's this link:
    I'd love to be entered in your cookbook giveaway...I think I might like the pictures more than the recipes!

  9. I'm one of your followers who loves a VERA!

  10. Love your blog and the book looks like a delicious bonus!!

  11. I love all the old barn pictures...and that Church!

  12. I'm already a follower of your lovely blog!

    Have a lovely day!

  13. Your photos are stunning. This is my favorite post ever! And as good as that cookbook looks I would much rather win one of your photos. really. They speak to me...along with the Little House quote. I was a faithful viewer of Little House On the Prairie as a child. It was my favorite show and I never missed an episode. I even wished I had been born in the Little House years. Loveliness here today to warm my soul Vicki. thank you.

  14. I will definetly post about your giveaway on my blog. Can I share some of your beautiful photos?

  15. I would love a chance to win this lovely book. Di@cottage-wishes

  16. I am a happy follower!! Di@cottage-wishes

  17. I am so happy to see the guys join the blogging world. May they have a wonderful time.

  18. I am a new follower and love the look of that cook book and Vera too!! Please put my name in the pot! I do not have a blog yet but hopefully soon! Dawn if I win!

  19. Vicki, what beautiful pictures - I especially love the one of the shell of the barn - gorgeous. And don't you wish you knew all of their stories? Thanks for the chance to win that wonderful cookbook too!

  20. And I'm a follower also - what a cute gal your Maddy is - she looks like she's ready to cook! LOL

  21. follower for a while now....
    beautiful grandmother's family was from Ky up near Fordsville.

  22. I would love a chance to win the cookbook!

  23. I am "devoted" and would love a chance for the pretty apron!! use them all the time! Messy cook....

  24. Oh I just love the sugar snow theme on here Vicki and your beautiful images you have captured for us of those gorgeous structures. I absolutely love those ones with the sweet. Maddy is so adorable in that apron, so cute that you had her up on the step stool to model it. And I'm so thrilled that your friends started a blog...I'm headed there next! You are such a dear and you always have the coolest giveaways Vicki! xoxo ~Lili

  25. Oh I just love the sugar snow theme on here Vicki and your beautiful images you have captured for us of those gorgeous structures. I absolutely love those ones with the sweet. Maddy is so adorable in that apron, so cute that you had her up on the step stool to model it. And I'm so thrilled that your friends started a blog...I'm headed there next! You are such a dear and you always have the coolest giveaways Vicki! xoxo ~Lili

  26. Your photos are really beautiful of the old barns. I was involved with a project in our county a few years ago that set out to photograph and get as much history of the barns around here. I learned a little bit about the different types and also how sad it will be many of them will be gone. I'm a follower and would love a new cookbook and an apron to go with it! I'm happy to see those guys started a blog. I'll head over!

  27. So much fun to view, read and marvel at your blog. You are an amazing woman. Blessings. Jan

  28. We are blessed to be owners of an old barn and know some of it's history from the locals over the years.
    Every time I go in there I'm sure I hear the laughter of children in the hayloft and cow's mooing. My imagination I'm sure? But maybe not.Your photo's are awesome!
    Hugs & Lov, Amy Jo

  29. Hi Vicki, I just love all of your beautiful barn photos!... several years ago, I joined a blog party called "Barn Chicks" and posted tons of barn photos close to my home... they all hold a special place in my heart as well, and I listen closely for the stories from the past that they whisper to me... I am going to email you a couple of photos of my favorite barn... I also just visited Bob and Eric and signed on to follow their new blog as well... how fun!... more kindred spirits who love animals as much as I do... please enter me in your generous giveaway... I would love to win... xoxo Julie Marie

  30. PS I am a faithful follower of your blog!... xoxo Julie Marie

  31. Vicki you have outdown yourself once again with your photography. I loved Laura Ingalls as a child-I would probably adore her as an adult.

    xo E.

  32. I would follow you anywhere-M is too cute in her apron.

  33. Beautiful pictures. Little House on the Prairie will always be a favorite of mine.
    Heading over to say hi to the guys.
    Oh, almost forgot, I am a follower.

  34. Your barn photos are wonderful, Vicki!! And, your giveaway looks like it is brimming with beautiful photos and delicious recipes. You know I follow along like a puppy! LOL! Can't wait to go visit Bob and Eric! blessings ~ tanna

  35. Just got home from our anniversary dinner...and the wonderful surprise that you facilitated! Thanks to your generosity we had 15 followers before I even knew we had a blog!!! Thank you so much for introducing us to your wonderful world and friends of blogging!! The barns speak to us through our heritage, as we are both Kentucky boys!... Little House On the Prairie was the first book that I ever read and I thought it was an era long gone by....and then i met Bobby and then through him I met you...and now there is Just BE farm...

  36. Oh dear friend - your barn pictures are fabulous. I was remembering our unscheduled short trip through the "holler" last fall. Bless you. XO Prudence

  37. Dear Vicki I have so enjoyed the very old farm shed tour - just so much history there just like the wool shearing sheds here in Australia about which a book has recently been published.
    I think that is such a beautiful recipe book with the front cover showing roasted figs - it is strange to me as figs here ripen in the Summer and we have had the most exquisite tasting figs this year from our trees.
    The apron looks so gorgeous too on Maddy - what a sweetie!
    Love and hugs to you dear friend,
    Suzy xox

  38. Vicki I have just popped your giveaway on my right sidebar!
    x Suzy

  39. Vicki I have just popped your giveaway on my right sidebar!
    x Suzy

  40. Following you is a joyous journey!
    as you know I do!
    x Suzy

  41. Vicki dear, I love the books from Laura Ingalls Wilder- and we have read all of them when small kids, and also for my daughter- kind of sad that those wonderful buildings are not kept ,but will eventually rotten away, can make me very sad.
    Vicki I love the beautiful giveaway of yours, -the apron is gorgeous, and the book is so amazing with the photoes-and tell Maddy she looks beautiful wearing that rosy apron :)--Mathilde is still here ( almost 5 years)
    Hugs and love to you.
    I visited with your friends- how great they did it.

  42. I am a Follower!

    SuZeQ ~

    PS - just posted a long comment but it disappeared. Dang! I'll look back in a couple of days to see if it's really gone; if so, I'll send another one.

  43. Hi Vicki,
    Love the old barns. Here in Wisconsin, Shawano County they have been putting Barn Quilts on the barns. They are beautiful !
    Thanks for a chance to win that lovely book.

  44. I do follow your blog. I also have one of your beautiful nests. Love it but have to keep putting new little eggs in it as my grandchildren keep eating them.

  45. Old barns are my favourite...never can pass one by without taking a picture. I once had a garden shed built that made to look like an old barn...I drybrushed different colors to make it look aged and weatherbeaten.
    Please enter me in your draw!

  46. Oh Vicki I went to your friends new blog last night and I forgot to come back. Those barns are so lovely though some look like they don't have much time left. Europeans think we are crazy for building with wood but how charming they are.
    Love this recipe book seems like a veggie like me would find some good eats there.

  47. you know I would follow you anywhere.....just follow the ball of yarn right?

  48. Oh Vicki, I'm head over heels with your pictures of the horses.
    And the church barn. Just brought the best kind of chill~

  49. Vicki, your barn photographs are wonderful. I have taken hundreds of photos of old barns over the years. Having lived in Ohio all my life, I saw many. In my travels to and from Virginia, I added many more to my collection. There is a special beauty in those barns that have just about seen their last days and one can only imagine the stories behind them.
    Thank you for sharing these with us. I loved seeing them. I especially loved seeing the snow, as we have had none here in Virginia this winter.
    ♥ audrey

  50. Well Vicki, this post brought a remembering tear to the eye for me. Just seeing those outbuildings in their current state of decay and demise brought me back to my childhood in Girard, Pennsylvania. You see, I grew up on a no-longer working farm with buildings that look just like those you took. I had to chuckle when you said in your parts you called it being in the holler. Well, in my parts, we lived "down in the hollow" ... curious, isn't it? Ahhhhhhhhh, the memories you stirred up.

    Are you sure Miss Maddy is going to want to part wi th that Vera apron? She's stylin' in it and knows it, too. I sure could use an apron like that for our annual spaghetti dinners with the firefighters and the annual bake sale at the fire station open house. I need it!

    Maybe there's hope for me afterall, ya think? Bobby and Eric have a blog - do you suppose I may be next? Stranger things have happened ...

    SuZeQ ~

  51. I love old barns and am fortunate to have one on our property, along with several other old buildings. Ours is a cord wood or sometimes called a stove wood barn. It's the header image on my blog.

    We're in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, but you'll also find a few barns like ours in Wisconsin and Minnesota.

    Thanks for offering the giveaway. The book looks wonderful.

  52. I am your newest follower.

    Glad to have found your blog.

  53. well vicki I needed your blog today we have had four stinking hot days in the mid to high 30C and it hasent been nice so abeauyiful pictures of old buildings and snow are what i needed i have joimed the boys blog loved thir house and your photos of it and learning to knit what fun they will have i am also subscribed to you as i dont want to miss a single blog especially as i cant ge to the computer every day happy new year

  54. Lovely photographs and a great giveaway! :)

    q.piper at hotmail dot com

  55. I blogged about this dear.

  56. Great barn and horse shots Vicki! Miss Maddie is such a cutie! I'm going over to see your friends blog!

  57. What a fabulous day you had - the barns are spectacular...I especially love the one with the "ivy" or green tree/vines coming down from atop...and the church is a beauty. Hope you're not too sore from the falls - the pictures were worth it, I think!

    I'm already a follower, and glad I'm here. Thanks for talking Bob and Eric into blogging, too...I welcomed them this morning!

    Have a wonderful week - Tanya

  58. Hi Vicki, Your pictures have brought back memories of growing up on the farm. My dad always rented the farm until in the 60's so we would move quite a bit. Some barns were very different. I especially like the one that I could set on the steps and visit with my dad while he milked the cows. I miss the days when I didn't have neighbors really close like I do here in the city. I am a country girl at heart. I would love to entry your contest. Have a great day. Your Missouri Friend.

  59. I am one of your followers and I am enjoying catching up with my friends. I finished my valentine tea towel except for laundrying. Take care. Your Missouri Friend.

  60. Thank you for sharing such a nice giveaway with all and I do hope you can post to Sri Lanka as well!!!

  61. WOW what a stunning book but even too that the pictures that you have on this posting are wonderful.

    msgb245 at gmail dot com

  62. I am a follower
    I have to agree the apron looks just perfect.
    msgb245 at gmail dot com

  63. Hi my dear freind,
    wonderful pics you share with us.... and a wonderful giveaway. I will try to be the one the lucky fairy chooses....
    Everybody is finde here and I hope the same is right for you. At the weekends I also love to sleep a little longer than 5.30 a.m.......Im to old for that *sigh*. In my age you should lay in bed til 10 o`clock, your darling should wake you up with a big latte, the newspaper and a bright smile, a little read aftherwhile, a wonderful wellness shower and then two or three little hours in the craftroom. In the best case this should all happen in a spanishspekaing country with 25 degrees Celsius with sea view *lol*.
    Hugs and kisses

  64. Thanks for this lovely giveaway. Beautiful photos. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

  65. Yum, the photos in the cookbook are making my mouth water!!

  66. I'm a follower of your blog and that apron is very cute! (And so is the model!)

  67. Hi Vicki - I hate to see old barns and churches falling down on their ears; so sad! The cookbook looks fabulous and it has sheep...that means it's a gotta have -smile-.
    I'm off to visit Bod and Eric but please visit Thistle Cove Farm for my giveaway...great minds think alike -smile-.

  68. Oh yes, I follow...and love following your beautiful blog.

  69. Hi Vicki, your photos in this post are absolutely gorgeous! I love old barns and buildings! That cookbook looks like it is filled with a feast for the eyes and food for the soul. Maddy girl is so cute in that apron. Wishing you a great rest of the week. Tammy

  70. Incredible giveaway - thank you so much!

  71. I am a new follower - can't wait to catch up!

  72. You always have the most beautiful photo's on your blog! I love to take a break in my day at work and come visit ;-)
    This cookbook looks amazingly beautiful!
    Thanks for sharing it :-)

  73. Hi Vicki.
    Oh goodness - I am just now getting caught up on your adventures and can FINALLY leave comments - turns out I was using the old version of blogger and once I switched over things improved.
    Congratulations on your travel article about the Greenbrier - my grandparents and parents used to talk about how beautiful it was and your article brought back memories.

    Your photographs are stunning and fabulous and I hope that you have many more articles pubished with your photos and lovely writing style.
    Have a beautiful day.

  74. Wow...I've just found you from the link on Amy's 'Art from the Heart' blog and I'm so excited.
    I love your exquisite photography and old barns are so precious its certainly great that you have captured so many.
    I have to admit like you I'll climb, fall, reach, whatever is necessary to get the shot I want.

    I'm going to add my name to your followers and will keep my fingers crossed that I may be so lucky to win after only just arriving ;D

  75. ...the recipe book looks full of scrumciousness and fabulous photography...
    Maddy's a little cutie modelling the apron so professionally :)
    I hope she picks me xoxo

  76. I'm supposed to be creating emails and working but I can't stop looking at your posts...
    I'm one truly happy follower :D {see that smile} xoxo

    whoops I forgot to include my email address in the other comments
    What a numpty...see I'm so excited!

  77. I'm reading 'Rules of Civility' on my kindle too and loving it!

  78. Dear Vicki

    I have been taking painting lessons and my most recent painting is of a beautiful old American Barn..What a lovely post

    My goodness 'Russia' would South Africa be on the lucky cards~!?? A cute little Maddy..

    A happy day to you Vicki
    Lots of love

  79. You took some gorgeous photos of those old barns! Also, I think it's time I read the Little House books again.

    ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca

  80. I absolutely love your blog!!

    Thank you for the opportunity to enter the giveaway.

  81. This is such a beautiful post! I love to drive "up the hollers" and see what is there.

    Beautiful cookbook and apron. Maddy is a beautiful model.


  82. I am a follower of your blog. Love it all!


  83. such beautiful photos!!!
    oh,i envy the beauty that surrounds you!
    i came here via Amyjo Dayton's blog( glad I did!
    i have signed to follow you, and, am now on my way to visit Bob and Eric!
    such a wonderful giveaway!!.thanks for the chance to win!

  84. Love the blog! You always have amazing posts!

  85. I've been watching your blog for a while now and have now come out of the dark and become an official follower.
    Maddy is modelling the apron delightfully!
    I have one of Diana Henry's other books 'Crazy Water, Pickled Lemons', her titles are as tantalising as the recipes!

  86. Oh, yes, pick me! Pick me!!! I definitely need another cookbook and such a beautiful apron! I've recently been studying Vera Bradley designs for inspiration for my prints. :)

    And - the photos of the barns made me swoon. I have such a weakness for barns, especially the ones that are weathered and old.

    And Maddy is as cute as ever!!

    Lots of love, Silke

  87. And, of course, I am a loyal follower!! Wouldn't have it any other way... :) Silke

  88. And, as soon as I finish this comment, I am putting a link to your giveaway on my blog. Hugs, Silke

  89. lovely to find you...what a beautiful blog...what a lovely offering!

  90. Your photos are beautiful! Thanks for the lovely giveaway.

  91. such a beautiful post... i love old barns as well... it makes me happy when people salvage the wood from them, making furniture and such... keeping the stories alive... now off to take a look at your friends!

  92. Hi Vicki,

    I had some time this evening and wanted to do a little blog hopping so had to stop by.

    Oh how I love everything about barns - their purpose, the wood, the smell, the animals they house. I wish they could all stand forever. I'm glad you were able to capture some so they can live on, even if only in images.

    And I'm glad you didn't get hurt taking a tumble down the hill!

  93. Dear Vicki,

    Hi dear lady...when I read that you fell taking some of these pictures well it touched my heart, what a passionate person you truly are...which I knew already though. The pictures of the old barns are incredibly beautiful, although my favorite one is of the old evokes many feelings.

    What a wonderful Giveaway you are having..please count me in for the chance!!

    Blessings in Abundance,


  94. Vicki,

    I have been a happy follower of yours for a long time now!!

    Hugs and Smiles,


  95. Dear Vicki,

    I posted your wonderful Give away on my sidebar as well.

    Love and Hugs,


  96. I am following your blog. Everything about iy is lovely! I also have a grandbaby named Maddy!I will post your giveaway.

    Kelly (

  97. What beautiful pictures of the barns, Vicki!
    Enjoy your generous and gorgeous giveaway.
    Love for a sweet Sunday
    Saskia xxx

  98. I just LOVE those photos, they are magical and so beautiful. I could look at them for hours.

    Please do count me in for the give away , but just reading your blog and looking at your wonderful photos is prize enough for me :)

    Have a wonderful week. Blessings to a dear friend in blog land :)

  99. I don't know how I came to miss this post, with the amazing photography, last month!
    I love old barns but the church standing there all forlorn took my breath away.
    I would love to be entered into the giveaway if I'm not too late?

  100. Ever since I saw your beautiful nests I have been a follower and love the Christmas nest that you sent all the way over here to France.

  101. I've just put your giveaway on Normandy Life's sidebar!!

  102. the barn photos! thanks for a chance to win something beautiful.

  103. i am a new follower! thanks for the opportunity to win ;)

  104. Vicki love the photo's of the old barns there is just something about them the stories they could tell. You could certainly be a professional photographer I've never seen a bad picture. Would love to win this beautiful cookbook thanks for the chance!

  105. I agree with all your comments on this book, I love it too, and although we do not get much snow in the middle of England we did get just the right sort last weekend to make 'Sugar on Snow'. Luckily I had stocked up on Maple Syrup. It was delicious! Maddy looks so cute in that beautiful apron, she is a real little treasure. I am a follower and would love to be entered into your giveaway for the apron.

  106. Hello,
    I am a newbie blogger too and am having a ball with it. Thanks for the inspiration.

  107. I love old barns, too, and have always intended to take photographs of them. You've inspired me (you do that a lot)! The cookbook looks wonderful. Thanks for a chance to win.

  108. Gwendolyn D'AguiarThursday, February 16, 2012

    I love to follow your blog. The photos are so beautiful! Around here, some of those barns are still in use. The outside still looks old, but the inside is entirely redone.

  109. Gwendolyn D'AguiarThursday, February 16, 2012

    We are reading the Little House books. I'll have to get a copy of this cookbook. My girls love helping in the kitchen.

  110. Lovely pics. :) I adore all those wonderful things you craft with such beauty :) :)


Your comments make my heart sing!