Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A Winter Garden blanket for baby

Colorful blooms lifting their faces
         to the warmth of the winter sun~ 

A Winter Garden blanket
       for our newest little grandbaby, Kadence Noelle. 

        and dainty
                little flowers,
                            clinging to a frilly little

~~with their faces smiling brightly --
                        a celebration for our newest, precious babe.

Just as in nature-
       No two flowers are alike~~

Look closely to see~~ bits of vintage lace, vintage buttons, cotton yo yo quilt pieces taken from a flea market find, crochet flowers, and tiny little leaves made from tulle~~ 

They dance across the bottom
                 of this little baby blanket
                                  (that took me absolutely forever to knit!)

~made with love~
by "gb"

even in the midst of winter-
new life springs forth~

Pattern details
pattern-- my own
(really -- its just garter stitch every row with a 6 row
seed stitch border.)
yarn -- Debbie Bliss baby cashmerino
(10 skeins!!!)
(I thought I would never see the end of knitting this blanket !)
embellishments --
(a little bit of this and that)

An heirloom for our precious babe~

A Winter Garden Blanket~

 How does your garden grow in winter?

I love sharing with you the little trousseau that I've created for our newest little granddaughter.  There are several more knitting posts to come yet -- so I hope you aren't bored already!  Coming up next --- one more little "frosty" blanket that was made for our babe.
Some updates~
The pink scarves are coming every week -- your generosity has absolutely just filled my heart with gratitude.  I will be devoting an entire post to these beautiful gifts very soon- and I am also creating a Pinterest board to showcase ALL of the scarves! 
I'm already busy "nesting" this winter -- my hands never seem to stop --- and the first orders will be mailed out in the next week or so.  My Grow Your Blog party begins on January 19--- if you want to gain new followers and readers for your blog - be sure you sign up for the party- you are all invited!! So far there over 250 participants -- the opportunity to grow your blog is immense!!  The info is on my sidebar. The last date to sign up is January 15-- so that I have time to get all of the blogs loaded into the post -- whew- what a task!!!  

Thank you for always being here for me,
      for your comments,
         and for the love that you send my way~~


  1. Very delicate and beautiful work. I'm sure it will be treasured.

  2. That purple is amazing! So very perfect for a beautiful little girl! The floral embellishments are out of this world, Vicki! I LOVE all the snowflakes and snow that you've photographed with your newest knitting. Love it!

  3. Vicki- I think that is one of the most beautiful baby blankets I have ever seen. It is just GORGEOUS and I love it! Blessings to you and your sweet family- xo Diana

  4. Vicki,

    I want to be your granddaughter. I love everything about this sweater-the color, the flowers. It is darling-she is going to be the best dressed baby.

  5. Just lovely, as always! You are simply amazing, my friend! :)

  6. What a beautiful blanket! You're so talented and have such an eye for detail. It's destined to be an heirloom!

  7. Oh my goodness Vicki, I just want to snuggle up with that precious blanket myself!!!! And NO I'm NOT bored with your posts showing these beautiful baby goodies. How lucky is that little girl???

    Glad to see that your Pink Scarf project has been so successful.
    I had a feeling with your involvement it would be. far so good!

  8. oh. my. goodness...Vicki you are such an amazing artist!!!! This precious blanket is a true heirloom...I can't imagine receiving it for my newborn!!! I always love seeing what you are creating dear friend and I just wanted to wish you a beautiful, happy and healthy new year!!! hugs and love, Dawn

  9. the blanket is astonishing:) i like purple colors and those beautiful flowers, which make the blanket look so delicate:)
    thank for including me in grow you blog party!

  10. Amazing! I love the colors!

    Lol, did I ever mention my daughters name is Noelle?

    Savely hugged the lil one will be in there....

  11. Dear Vicki, the winter garden blanket is absolutely gorgeous. The color is so beautiful and the trail of vine and flowers across it is just the perfect finishing touch. Your handiwork is always so incredible and definitely a gift to be cherished and treasured. Blessings for a wonderful day. Tammy

  12. Your blanket is really special and beautiful. Happy New Year to you and looking forward to Grow Your Blog. Betty

  13. Dear Vicki,

    That blanket is almost as beautiful as your new little grand daughter! ;-) I love all the little flowers you created for it. Simply gorgeous!!

    Thanks for the reminder about the pink scarf project. I've got the yarn here, just haven't started yet. But I will.

    And I'm definitely looking forward to your blog party!

    xoxo, Silke

  14. e.x.q.u.i.s.i.t.e!! Vicki!! I never tire of seeing your beautiful knitting!! what a wonderful way to start the new year with a new babe!! Congratulations to all! Wishing her a safe and beautiful arrival! blessings ~ tann

  15. What a lovely blanket! I like the color and the embellishments are so pretty and creative! I would have never thought to add something like that to a knitted or crocheted blanket. A treasure indeed!

  16. My goodness, Vicki, that's absolutely AMAZING! It's a beautiful blanket; God bless the new babe and her family.

  17. Precious and priceless Vicki,just like that new grand baby.
    I am thrilled to say our first one is due in June. I will be 68 in July and hubby 77,just thought this would nvr happen !
    I am already drolling and eyeing those baby treasures.
    Your beautiful nest sits next to my computer,I think of you often. Hope to be a better blogger this year,I've been way too busy.
    Happy New year..lov & Hugs, Amy Jo

  18. Happy New Year Vicky!
    Much health and happiness (and travels!) for 2013 to you!
    The blanket is simply wonderful!
    Michela x

  19. that blanket is a work of art that will be forever cherished! Blessings to your kadence noelle (LOVE the name)! :)

  20. Absolutely beautiful is indeed heirloom quality. Love how your colors blend. Precious.

  21. Your winter garden for your sweet new grand baby is just beautiful!... oooh, I would love those for myself... and the color is my favorite... I am almost through crocheting my pink scarf to send you.. will you please email me where to send it?... I am also sending you my extra yarn from it... maybe you can use it somewhere in your sacred yarn room... xoxo Julie Marie

  22. This is absolutely stunning, my friend...I'm sure it will be loved for a lifetime! Happy New Year - XOXO

  23. BEAUTIFUL blanket!!!! And I kNOW how much work all of those tiny embellishments are too!! Good Job, Vicki!! :-)

  24. What a beautiful blanket. Take care, Sarah xx

  25. I love how you take so many shots of the same subject and yet it isn't boring - it is simply delightful, as is the pretty little blanket. What a delightfully lucky little girl.

  26. Breathtaking Beautiful Blankie for your newest little one. A treasured heirloom for generations to come. Creative Bliss...

  27. Such a beautiful and intricate blanket. I can see your busy hands working so tirelessly on this. I'm sure your newest addition Kadence will be nice and toasty in it. :)

  28. That blanket is absolutely spectacular!!!

  29. Wow, how lucky are they to receive such works of art from you? It is absolutely beautiful!!!

  30. Kadence Noelle-what a beautiful name! And what a stunning blanket you've created for her, Vicki!

  31. oh that is just too precious. I love the colors.

  32. That is fabulous! So pretty and special for that new baby. I'm in awe of your talent. You truly have a gift. I will be emailing pics the newest scarves soon..I promise!

  33. The blanket is so beautiful and I love the color Vicki!
    Hugs Marilou

  34. What a lovely blanket with all these different flowers and leaves.
    It will give extra "warmth" to your little grandbaby, while it was knitted with so much love.

  35. Thank you so much for "the blog party", this all will be a lot of work for you.

    I wrote my blog for the 19th, so I am ready for "the party".

  36. So dreamy, exquisite and perfect for Kadence. It Really is a labor of love.

    I opened my computer and while waiting for email to load, found that your blog was top on my list to read this morning, so I opened your page. The first email in my list to read was yours re the blog party along w your very awesome compliment. I thought it was a very cool co-ink-ee-dink!

  37. Vicki, I cannot tell you enough how beautiful this is. Everything you create is perfect and this is no exception. Love that you're thinking down the road and calling it an heirloom. Lucky granddaughter, that's for sure.

  38. Hi Vicki, It works and your baby blanket is so beautiful. You can tell a lot of love has gone into making this for your precious little one. Thank you for your help Hugs and Prayers from your Missouri Friend.

  39. Your work is incredible...amazing! A wonderful work of art!

  40. Absolutely stunning! Wonderful job!

  41. gb, you created a masterpiece! Love the embellishments and I know that yarn feels fantastic so the blanket is sure to be soft as a baby's blanket!

  42. Hello Vicki,
    Love the Baby blanket !!
    The tiny flowers are so beautiful
    and so are the colors !
    I signed in as a follower.

    Also for your "Grow your Blog"
    party. Thank you for that !

    Blessings, Wilma.

  43. Vicki,
    Love the color of this beautiful baby blanket. The flowers are amazing. Reminds me of your springtime garden. Congratulations to you and your family on the arrival of Kadence, what a blessing.

  44. That is so incredibly beautiful. You are very talented. Wow!

  45. I seriously wish I was your new grand baby.
    That blanket, and your words....absolutely gorgeous.
    You have such a gift, Vicki.

    You mentioned orders being sent out.
    If you're talking about the breast cancer nest I know i'm signed up.

    in fact, i'm pretty sure we've had the "automatically sign me up for every nest" convo. I'm a collector of Nests by my Vicki. Love you, Jan

  46. This is a beautiful blanket, a true heirloom.

  47. What a simply beautiful grandbaby blanket. Would make a beautiful wall hanging later too!

  48. What a simply beautiful grandbaby blanket. Would make a beautiful wall hanging later too!

  49. What a beauty...a real special treasure, indeed!

  50. Aw, such a sweet and precious gift for your granddaughter to be treasured for years to come. Happy New Year!

  51. The embellishments make the blanket exquisite and unique. How lovely.

  52. Oh this is absolutely beautiful I love the colours and the sheer artistry of it. An heirloom piece indeed. B

  53. The blanket is gorgeous!

  54. Just found yor blog and am now following, I love your work so pretty and delicate :)

  55. This blanket is just so beautiful, it is breathtaking! xo

  56. Hello my dear friend,
    I don`t find the comment I made here!!!, and am glad I came back, to tell you, that your new post is not showing up, when clicking it on my blog list!!!
    So now I can again tell you that this little blanket is the most adorable piece I have seen, so lovely in colour and the little roses, and your sweet little new grand baby can sleep beautifully under your loving gift!
    Hugs and kiss, dear Vicki.

  57. So beautiful Vicki!!! I love that you added the vintage bits to it too. Your creations are works of art, as well as future treasured heirlooms. And I'm in love with your idea to create a little trousseau for all of your sweet babes. xoxo

  58. So beautiful Vicki!!! I love that you added the vintage bits to it too. Your creations are works of art, as well as future treasured heirlooms. And I'm in love with your idea to create a little trousseau for all of your sweet babes. xoxo

  59. absolutely the most beautiful blanket i have ever seen! i almost want to take up knitting! aloha, angi in hana

  60. Another beautiful blanket. Love the label too!

  61. I am amazed at your knitting talent. Such beautiful pieces. Just a couple of posts in, and I already want to be a follower :O)

  62. What beautiful nests.
    The only "knitting" I know how to do are with those knitting looms,
    but I do love to travel.
    Chris =]


Your comments make my heart sing!