Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Waiting for Spring~

The sun is flirting with the horizon
                   a little bit longer these days~~

                         ~bidding welcome to Spring's
sweet and beautiful

                            of course,takes the lead
                  while we all dance about
 in giddy anticipation~~

we look for ways to leave
the weight of the winter's blanket
                     behind us.

And so~
with Spring's promise looming
                        just ahead-

we wait~~
(bring on the sun!!)

We are just back from some wonderful travels to warm places -- a few days in Florida followed by a 2 week cruise to the Caribbean.  It may be wonderfully warm and sunny where you are -- but here in Kentucky, its cold and rainy and gray and just down right miserable.

The beautiful weather we experienced was just the ticket to bring me back to wellness.  Thank you to all of you who sent me well wishes during my ugly bout of pneumonia.  (I have never felt so fragile in my life.)  

I am already back at work in the Sacred Yarn room -- those of you waiting on your Shabby nests will begin to hear from me soon.
I am still on a little blogging hiatus -- want to work hard on those nests and send them to your happy homes! 

I will be back in a few weeks with a beautiful post -- my VERA Grateful giveaway. I've missed you all so very much.  I had planned to stay totally away until April -- but just could not because I missed you too much!

ps -- the photos above are just a little tease of something to come your way later this spring~~xoxo


  1. Glad you are back!! And whatever is that on those pics, its sooo beautiful!!

  2. Vicki! I've been missing you!!! I had no idea you'd been battling pneumonia! I could have been praying for you. But it's good to hear that you are better! I'm glad that you had a wonderful time away--warm weather is great for recuperation. We had 18" of snow last week...hopefully good for the gardens, but spring seemed a million miles away with no power and no internet for even longer.

    Have a fun relaxing time working on your nests now that you're home.

  3. welcome back..lovely photos as usual!

  4. Okay....now I know why I missed knowing where you were and that you had just battled pneumonia. I just realized I missed your last post!!! I read the 20 questions post below this one for the first time a few minutes ago!!! I must have seen the title and thought I'd already read it previously. Oh my! So sorry! Anyway, now I think I'm all caught up!

  5. Healing Hugs and glad to hear you got some warmth from your travels. Lovely ode to Spring. Not long now. Be well my dear...

  6. the photos are gorgeous and just feel like spring. It's grey and cold here in Missouri too
    so glad to read you are feeling better-welcome home Kathy

  7. Those photos are beautiful. Makes me wish for spring.

  8. Welcome home Vicki, oh dear pneumonia, that's not a lot of fun and I am glad to hear you are on the mend. Glad you had some time for a little r & r and it's wonderful to have you back. Hugs ... Carole xox

  9. Well I'm certainly glad you got over that pneumonia, that is bad stuff! We were in Fl for 2 weeks and it was a nice break from this cold dreary Mi weather. Loved all the pink pictures and the verses were lovely.

  10. Hello my dear Vicki, so good you are home and feeling well again, sweet friend. I am sure you two had some amazing experiences on the trip.
    Here it is also so very cold, with snow,yes-and grey clouds, BUT todaY the sun have shined under the skyes and it has been so lovely.
    I love your wonderful fhotoes filled with goodies, and send love to you ,too.
    Hugs ,Dorthe-xx

  11. So glad to hear you're feeling better. I didn't realize you were ill...I'd missed your last post, I think. I hope you start seeing some warm, sunny days at home very soon. In the meantime, take care and happy knitting and nesting. :-)

  12. Hi Vicki - have so been missing you and wondering if all was well... glad to hear that you had a marvelous time and recouped. Love and hugs from Alaska, where it is sunny today (switches from blizzard to clear blue sky) - our "breakup"... Karen

  13. O_O I hadn't heard that you had pneumonia!! :-( I'm so sorry...But I'm happy to hear that you're getting to feeling like yourself again. Keep it up! :-)

  14. Your photos are gorgeous. I am glad you had some warm weather wonderful...I am jealous. It is cold and snowy here and yucky, too. Hope you are soon back sharing some of your wonderful "nests" with us. Blessings- xo Diana

  15. This post was like a breath of fresh Spring air! Your photos are gorgeous, those vignettes......oo la la. Can't wait. xo

  16. Oh, and I feel so bad as I just learned by reading another comment that you had been battling pneumonia. I do hope it is all cleared up and you are feeling as good as new! xo

  17. Welcome home and I'm glad you're all better! Sunshine is always a great healer! I'll look forward to some vacation shots I'm sure you got. We have the same weather as you...after a lovely warm weekend we are back with clouds, cold, rain/snow showers. Brrr....looking forward to more posts Vicki!

  18. Hi Vicki, I am so glad that you are home and feeling much better. I hope you post some of the pictures from your wonderful trip. We have had all kinds of bad weather. It is cold today. Pneumonia is not fun, I have been there and done that. I can remember telling the doctor I thought I was dying because I felt so bad. Have a wonderful day. Hugs and prayers coming from your Missouri Friend.

  19. Lovely.:)
    We are waiting for spring,too.:)

  20. Hello Vicki,
    I had no idea you was ill with pneumonia. Glad you are feeling better again and was able to go on a sunny cruise. Warmth and sun does allot for ones spirit.

    I look forward to seeing those photo of the cruise. I have never been on one but have been tempted often.

    All your embellishment look very pretty I am sure you will create something wonderful with them..

    Hugs Judy

  21. Love all the beautiful buttons and I'm happy to hear you are feeling better. Blessings, Patti

  22. I'm glad you went. I'm glad you rested. I'm glad you're home. I'm glad (and surprised) you've blogged. We've missed you more than you missed us - trust me! Can't wait until you're back with us like always, not just a teaser.

  23. somehow I missed that last post as well - perhaps my email mangled it, the important thing is you are better! And you're not staying away until April! Hooray!

  24. Vicki,
    So sorry to read you were ill., but glad to hear you are on the mend and that your time in the warm climate helped nurse you back to health. I'm looking forward to pics of your recent travels. I love this post with a little peek at whats to come. As always, love visiting your blog and seeing what you've been up to. Take care,

  25. So sorry that you were ill, but happy you are now better Vicki! Your photos are beautiful -- a touch of Spring which is a pleasure to see since we are still deep in snow up here! Take care; can't wait to see what you have been up to!

  26. Glad you are feeling better, Vicki. Two years ago I went through that also, and it took a long time to get better. Now when get a bad cough, I am frightened that it is coming back. They diagnosed me with Walking Pneumonia. What that means was that I was too stubbron to lay down.

  27. So glad to see a posting and that you're all better. No doubt that cruise into warmer climes helped a lot. Enticing pictures.
    Still waiting for spring, but we've had some warmer days of late and no snow. I know the mountains could do with more here in the Northwest.. but I'm so glad to see all of it melted off our lawn. Starting to see migrating birds in our yard..can spring be to far behind???

  28. Dearest Vicki
    I'm so sorry to hear you had pneumonia - you work far too hard (naughty girl)...but
    I'm HAPPY to hear you've been relaxing in the sunshine and enjoying yourself too!

    We all MISSED YOU too!

    Thank you for the pretty pink eye candy today.
    I'm sending you some warm sunbeams from my little corner of the world where it's still Summer.
    Shane ♥

  29. I thought about you during your trip and wishing Enno and I could have been there cruising in the warm winds of the southern Caribbean. Were you sick on the cruise? I hope not. Looking forward to seeing your spring things. Get well. xo Jenny

  30. Vicki,
    Such pretty pinks! I hope you get feeling better, you sweet thing...No fun to be so sick. My sister lives in Louisville and we were there two years ago, in May, just after the derby. I love it there, it is really nice when spring has finally sprung!

  31. Just beautiful Vicki!... hope you had a wonderful vacation, can't wait to see photos!... it is very Springlike here today, 70 degrees and sunny for a change!... I am dancing all over today loving it!... xoxo Julie Marie

  32. So happy that you are feeling much better, Vicki, and that you were able to get away to some warmth and recover even more.
    Your "tease" photos are so pretty and one can't help but think Spring with those pretty pink colors. With all you do, I can't imagine that you are thinking up yet another project.
    Take care of yourself, Vicki.
    audrey xo

  33. Yummy look at all that pink!
    Glad to read you had a wonderful vacation.
    Snowing here so Spring is a way's off yet.
    Have a great weekend.
    Susan x

  34. So sorry to hear you've been ill, but glad you are feeling better now. It is no fun not being able to do the things we love. It is wonderful you were able to get in some traveling recently.

  35. These pictures are delicious! I can't wait to see what comes next!

  36. Oh Vicki! I'm so glad to hear you are on the mend with the aid of a little burst of warmer climes... they'll do it every time! *sigh* it got cold here in New Hampshire again and it is actually snowing right now! Brrrrrrrr! I'm happy to see a post from you but don't rush it my sweet friend, we'll be here waiting for you... get the rest your body has told you it needs.
    Giant Hugs,
    Beth P

  37. Welcome back!!!!

    Did not know you where sick but very glad to hear your feeling better.. The pictures are beautiful and waiting to see what they will turn out to be..

  38. Welcome back!!!!

    Did not know you where sick but very glad to hear your feeling better.. The pictures are beautiful and waiting to see what they will turn out to be..

  39. Happy you are back and blogging...even just a little.
    I am starting on my next four scarves. I hope to mail them in late April or early May!

  40. Enjoy your days in your Sacred Yarn Room! Will anxiously await the results!

  41. Enjoy your days in your Sacred Yarn Room! Will anxiously await the results!

  42. So glad you are feeling better. There is nothing like the warmth of the sun and the inhaling of a salty breeze to cure what ails you! Looking forward to seeing the creations that emerge from your Sacred Yarn Room!

  43. Welcome back!The weather is not much better here in Ohio!Now that I know you are home I will be sending my first pink scarf installment!Missed you too!

  44. Vicki-sorry to hear that you have come home to damp cold weather. At least after your pneumonia you were able to enjoy the warmth of the sun smiling on you. This photo collection is a beautiful way to welcome spring.

    Welcome home

  45. Hola querida Vicki, gracias por tu mail. Ya te contesto, tuve que viajar a cuidar a mi madre enferma.
    Qué lindas cosas atesoras. yo también guardo todo lo que encuentro y pido a mi familia que me guarden todos los "cachureos".
    Nosotros esperamos el invierno, en Valdivia, como es el sur, hace más frío y llueve muchísimo, pero igual es una bella ciudad.

  46. Your knitted things and pictures are beautiful! Waiting for the next chapter.

  47. Your photos and your knitted things are beautiful. Waiting for next chapter.


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