Tuesday, July 16, 2013

"Hope Blooms"--(MY contribution to the Pink Scarf Project)

Pretty little balls of the most exquisite pink and pale green mohair have stared at me for the last several months. 
"Knit me"-- they seemed to say every time I looked their way. 
Between cataloging and photographing all of your beautiful and generous donations -- I have scarcely had the time to dedicate to my own contribution. Finally on our recent trip to the beach -- I gave in to temptations and cast on the fragile little stitches~~

"Hope Blooms"

Every journey of 10,000 stitches
begins with only a few~

and over time,
with patience and trust~

it grows~

and grows~

until finally, 
the hope of what could be
is there for all to see.

Inspired by all
 that so many of you have given to
this incredible project --
I knitted fervently for almost 
10 days.
And when the project was completed,
I returned to the beach
to photograph this creation
in the place that it was

"Hope Blooms" 

The very essence of
the "Pink Scarf Project"
has been to encourage
 hope and support
for women facing a personal battle
with Breast Cancer.

by donating a scarf
a gift from both heart and hands~
we share support and encouragement
with those who need it most.

a simple gesture 
that says
"I care".

To date, 
your generosity has bloomed
to over 200 scarves. 
(I still can't believe it!)

proving all the while~
that in the depths of despair,
 when we think that we cannot win,
when we are so very frightened
so weak, 
and so frail~~

against all odds~
"Hope Blooms"

~Pattern details~
  Rowan "Kidsilk Haze"
Louisa Harding "Simonetta"
you can find the pattern here on Ravelry

this scarf was photographed
at Canaveral National Seashore
in Titusville, Florida.
A Reminder~
To those wishing to contribute a scarf 
to this project--
the deadline for me to receive your scarf 
and still have time to photograph it 
is September 15.  

Up next -- 
the latest edition of your amazing contributions to the Pink Scarf Project. They traveled to the beach with me and the photographs are amazing! I can't wait for you to see them photographed in this beautiful setting. My heart is so full of appreciation and gratitude for all that you have given~

On my very first day to walk the beach, this beautiful shell tumbled up out of the waves and landed right at my feet.  It's a little worn,  not perfect by any means~~ but then neither am I.  To me it is a treasure, a gift from the ocean. (and I needed a really great photo prop!!)


  1. So beautiful Vicki... your photos, your words and your "Hope Blooms" pink scarf... as you know, I get very emotional at times like this... adding my hopes and prayers to yours... xoxo Julie Marie

  2. So beautiful in your work and as Julie said in your words. I have not done mine yet. Will get busy soon.

  3. Oh that is so beautiful - the softness really shows through the photographs. I love the pattern, and your colour choice is perfect.

  4. You sweet soft pretty scarf is over the top wonderful. You inspire me. I love all your photos! I hope to get a few more pink scarves to you before mid-September.
    Hugs, Cory/Dogwood

  5. Hi Vicki, So beautiful and the scenery used for your pictures was gorgeous. Your pink scarves really make you think. Our horse show the 6th was a benefit for one of our own who will have surgery this month. I don't like them, but I will go for my mammogram at the last of the month. Your words says it all. Have a wonderful day. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend.

  6. So beautiful, for so many reasons, just like you! And that shell is gorgeous!

    xo Kat

  7. The scarf is just beautiful. So are the pictures.

  8. Each delicate stitch of the softest pink yarn has resulted in the most delicate and beautiful pink scarf for this wonderful cause. You are amazing dear lady. Blessings and Hope Blooms...

  9. Your pictures of this beautiful scarf are breathtaking, and so is the scarf itself. Hope Blooms is the perfect name for it.

  10. Such a beautiful piece of work for such a worthy cause. The beach looks amazing ~ Sarah x

  11. It is all lovely, Vicki, the scarf, the pictures and the cause.

  12. Oh I wish I knew how to knit. I can almost feel the softness of this beauty against my cheek.
    What you and countless others are doing here to support such a worthy cause is a beautiful thing.

  13. Hello Vicki, Your HOPE Blooms scarf is very delicate and lovely. The wee pastel green flowers flowing thru the scarf are exquisite and adds so much to this gorgeous Hope Blooms Scarf. I am sure it will give great pleasure to a Heart who is healing. Hugs Judy

  14. Vicki, your pink scarf is a real jewel and your photography is just amazing. I can appreciate all the thoughts and care that you put into all that you do because it's outstanding.

    I'm knitting a pink scarf for a Cancer Survivor for another blogger follower of mine who is doing this project and I'm slowly knitting away in a knit one purl one pattern. Life is so busy in the summer but I'll get it done on time or it will be short, lol.
    I can't wait to see your photographs of the scarves that has come your way.


  15. Shells "... a little worn and not perfect ..." Those are the best kinds! I hope you packed this beauty up with your scarf when you left the beach that day. It is beautiful - just like you! Thanks, Vicki, for a beautiful post.

  16. Your scarf is beautiful and the words in this post so very true. The yarns you chose and the pattern all are perfect to comfort and hold a precious woman one day.
    The shell is a perfect prop and I think an affirmation that you are doing something good. Just a little gift from the sea...right at the moment you needed it. Nice!

  17. That is one lovely and airy pink scarf my friend! I love seeing the ocean which I miss terribly. Living in the mountains doesn't give a lot of ocean opportunity *sigh*
    Talk soon my friend!

  18. What beauty you create in more ways then one.. I cannot imagine a shell like that rolling up to my feet.. I have never seen the ocean... I am in the finishing stages and will mail my scarves later this month... so happy I got to join in..anything fun you need from Texas????

  19. Vicki, you have the kindest heart. I think you are the treasure!

  20. Your pictures are beautiful .. And the "Hope Blooms" scarf is so gourious. " Hope Blooms in Pink". Is what your project means to me. In memory of all the loved ones we have lose to breast cancer. xoxo.

  21. I will make scarf.I posted about this project on my charity blog,but I will post about it on my home blog,too,with some other charity projects.We are blessed to create,so we should share it...You made a lovely scarf.:)

  22. the words and scarf are motivating.. I am also impressed with a beach that has real shells... the lady that received the scarf, because you can see lots of love went into it.

  23. Vicki, your gift is an incredible gift from God and to use it to bless women going through cancer is another gift from God - your gift of caring. What a caring friend you are to me and to so many others.

    God bless you for organizing the Pink Scarf Project.

    I love you! J

  24. Vicki, what a beautiful scarf you have made!! Just gorgeous!!

  25. A beautiful scarf, so beautifully photographed!!

  26. Thanks for visiting my blog and your very special comments! They mean a lot! Your newest pink scarf and Hope Blooms post is just beautiful! You are an artist in your staging and picture taking also!

  27. oh Vicki what a lovely scarf, so delicate-looking and feminine!

  28. Vicki this post was just so stunning-gorgeous photography and I love the scarf you made-especially those green leaves.
    will you be excepting scarves after sept? thanks Kathy

  29. Oh my! The scarf is beautiful and the location is too...perfect! I'm excited by the scarves We've received for this amazing gift of love. Can't wait to give comfort and hope with these creations this fall. Thanks for all you do!

  30. That is an amazing scarf! The shell is gorgeous! I am so behind on sending my scarfs, but they will all be there by october! I am trying to make some with my own hands this time, we will see how that goes....in the meantime I am thinking of you and all you do for others, you are amazing too!!

  31. A beautiful scarf along with a wonderful heartfelt post. I've been putting scarves aside and have another to do for your project. I need to get busy on them.

  32. Preciosa tu bufanda, tan suave que se ve, y las fotos preciosas, como todas las que publicas.

  33. How utterly stunning your Hope Blooms scarf is, whoever receives it will cherish it and know that they, too, are cherished.
    You chose a wonderful place to commune with nature whilst you knitted and photographed this latest creation, the shell that washed ashore is simply nature's gift to you. So well deserved.
    Have a wonderful week dear friend, it was so lovely to have you pop up in Normandy today.
    Love, M.

  34. i love everything about this. beautiful!

  35. Vicki, you are truly gifted....in so many ways. These photos are wonderfully done and in such a natural setting....so calm.
    This 'project' is phenomenal and since it's inception I have learned that my niece has been diagnosed with breast cancer and is presently midway through chemo treatments. We are all being very hopeful.

  36. Sweet Vicki...You are amazing!!!Your scarf is so beautiful! I can just imagine how soft and wonderful it feels on, made with all those perfect, dainty little stitches... each stitched with love, I'm sure. Your photos are gorgeous! xoxo Paulette :)

  37. Rowan wool is the loveliest to work with. Thanks for sharing your beach photos. I can feel the beach breezes and warm winds helping you along with your creation.
    Thanks and "a bientot" !!!

  38. Lovely scarves...:) I chose the yarn for mine...And my post will be on my blog these days...


  39. My dear Vicki, your "hope Blooms" scarf, is a beautiful way of expressing your wishes and hopes , and all you dreamed about, when starting this fantastic way of doing and giving some people all the goodness you can !!
    It is a most adorable scarf, filled with your thoughts of love and caring !
    Love and hugs, Dorthe

  40. Its just gorgeous Vicki...as was this post and the creator behind it all!!! I can't say thank you enough. It's been one difficult battle for me (still on going with a few side effects). People like you who care make a huge difference, really! Thank you.

  41. You are so gifted Vicki,
    With every aspect of this post...the creativity is outstanding.
    From the heartfelt project to the beautifully stitched creations and then exquisitely photographed.
    I'm not sure I could create and send a scarf through in time now...I'm so late visiting here but I certainly add my hopes and prayers to everyone concerned with the project.
    You're an angel xoxo


Your comments make my heart sing!