Thursday, July 11, 2013

Welcome to my Sacred Yarn Room~ (Where Bloggers Create Event)

Early mornings are my favorite,
   soft sunlight in the window
         reflecting through the leaves on the trees.
With my window open,
      I can listen to the birds as they sing their 
                 morning songs~ 

In the early hours here,
 sometimes I just sit~
a place to reflect
to make plans for my day-

say a prayer,
~feed my soul

Surrounded by all the things 
that make me happy~

fulfilling my dreams,
my passions,
to create~

~Welcome to my Sacred Yarn room~
I'm so excited to share my special place
with you!

I wanted you to see this room as I do, 
starting in the early morning hours -
my most favorite time 
to be here~

I love the way the light filters in through 
the window~

Now that the morning  glow has filled the room,
let's take a walk
 around this place where I create.
I want to share with you
all the things that make this room so special
to me.

This antique button bowl belonged to my Mother.
Over time, I've added buttons and used many. 
I like to think it is filled with memories.
Sometimes I like to just let the buttons sift through my hands.
There are treasures in this bowl --
some that I have not even found 

I'm a knitter of nests
(but you probably already know that).
My collection of vintage books is 
ever growing.
(another obsession)
I use the books when I take photos
of my nests.

This vintage seashell dish is one of my favorites~
sometimes I use it to display buttons
for my projects.

 vintage white bliss

some of my favorite colored buttons
Czechoslovakian glass
tortoise shell
vintage Bakelite

my arrangement of glass beaded stems
(another obsession)

one of my knitted nests
(this one is waiting for a giveaway later this year!)

 from the morning sunlight

this wire dome
 was one of my flea market finds earlier this spring

Vintage pink laces and trims
(these are ready for use in my Breast Cancer Awareness nest)
(I'm working on that nest now!)

my most favorite flea market find ever!
this collection of vintage jars
is used to hold my "shabby" torn fabric strips

this vintage sidebar once belonged to my
(having it here in my Sacred Yarn room is very special to me)

I love to collect little bird dishes

Don't laugh~
but these tiny little jars of glitter  came from the Dollar Tree
(and I love them!)

my yarn scraps
 every knot, every tangle, every little piece
for use in my nests
this vintage porcelain bowl also belonged
 to my Grandmother

every nook and cranny of this room 
is filled with my crafting supplies
it may look disorganized to you
but believe me~
I know where everything is!
(but it might take me a week to find it!)

a beautiful collection of supplies
(vintage and hand embroidered)
just waiting their turn for use
in my 
Vintage Spring nest
(due out next spring)

~a collection of my Mother's vintage laces and trims~
her legacy lives on
as I use these to make my
Shabby Chic nests

a collection of treasures
for use in a project that is just now
beginning in my sketch book
from first sketch to finished plans-
it will be 2 years before I begin to share this with you!
(but already I am collecting treasures !)

~just one of my beautiful yarn stashes~

My Mother's vintage suitcase
holds another of my yarn scrap collections
(she used it on her honeymoon-
it still has the train ticket stubs hanging on the top)
some of my button collections are kept in
whiskey bottles
(our Kentucky heritage is linked to whiskey production)
I love these bottles.

a little bit of bling~

a little cast iron bird
nesting here among my "shabby" torn
fabric strips

~just pretty~

this little hutch belonged to my parents
(I can still see it sitting in the hallway in my childhood home)
the yellow bird vase
was another of my recent flea market finds
my Mother painted everything
this light blue color--
way before it ever became a popular shabby color!
this little bucket is from her collection
and houses some of my
knitting needles. 

~work on the
Breast Cancer Awareness nests
has begun!
(I have 3 more baskets of pink yarn that I have not even shown you here!)
(before I cleaned it up for these photos --- 
the Sacred Yarn room looked like a giant pink bomb
 had exploded here!!)

there is NO hiding my obsession
for knitting books.
(especially baby knitting patterns).
and yes--
this yarn IS organized
and I know exactly what I have here in this shelf.  
(not counting the 12 other bins of  yarn that are stacked in my bedroom!)
the person who dies with the biggest yarn stash wins~
it might be me!

I'm collecting vintage lace doilies
to use in a little project--
I've been collecting for almost 2 years
and I think I am getting close to having enough~

a collection of beautiful vintage books
that I use in the photography
of my nests.
(one of my favorite flea market vendors
saves some of his best vintage books for me)

another great flea market purchase earlier this spring~
this vintage pink transfer ware bowl
holds more of my Mother's
vintage lace collections

~just a small collection of the yarns
that I use in the making of my
Woodland and Shabby Chic 

ahh - another another "nesting" stash

My collection of glass jars with bird lids
is one of my favorite ways
to house my collections. 
(that little nest is the first one I ever made)
they have changed a lost since then!

the little porcelain bird box 
once belonged to my Grandmother
It's so very fragile~

~more of my tabletop display~

there is actually organization to this chaos~
yarns and embellishments in these storage jars
are destined for future projects 

the china bluebird platter
once belonged to my great-Grandmother

more treasures
and~~ another little stash of yarn in the back

~another view~
(my parents started housekeeping with that lamp)
as you can see I spend a lot of money on my decorations - lol
I walked out in the yard - grabbed a tree branch - stuck it in a jar
(I won't win any prizes here!!)

beaded garland and ribbon
 for use in my nests

it's rare to find a vintage embroidered handkerchief
 with the "V" initial~
I treasure this one.

sometimes this display 
changes with the

I love this little berry basket from
(it's just perfect storage for my business cards)

and this~~
is where I sit to write my blog

Thank you all for visiting me here today. 
It may take me the rest of the summer--
but I will visit each of you who
leave your comments here :)
Thank you to Karen
for once again hosting this
great blogging event!
We all love and appreciate you so much!
(Please click on her name above to be directed to 
Karen's blog and the listing of everyone
who is participating in this amazing

Some updates for those of you who visit here regularly ~

Coming up next -- MY own contribution to the Pink Scarf Project -- and then all of YOUR latest contributions -- photographed at the seashore!


  1. Oh Vicki what an amazing room filled with so many heartfelt treasures. I love birds too as did my Mom. Your beaded stems could become my latest obsession, just beautiful. I look forward to my treasured nest from you. What a very special woman you are and I'm delighted to have crossed your path.
    Hugs and love Marilou

  2. You have the most beautiful yarns and buttons and glitz!! I love the color in your life!! You are blessed!

  3. I love your room even more this year than last! I have the nest you made for me proudly displayed I my very first craft room and hopefully next year I will be able to participate in this wonderful blog hop myself!


  4. Can a room have a "feeling"? Because yours exudes a feeling of serenity, creativity and love. I adore that you have so much of your family's treasures and memories in your studio. I can see why just being there would inspire you to make your incredible works of art. So beautiful; a reflection of the beauty of the artist, for sure.

  5. Vicki all I can think of to say is-just awesome-love everything especially all the birds and all the passed down to you treasures-so glad to you shared your special room with us Kathy

  6. Such a riot of colour! I love your room. It is right up my street (wish it was literal)

  7. It has been an honor and a pleasure to see inside your "Sacred Yarn Room".

    Love all those various yarns and trims.

    Happy Crafting

  8. That was a lovely tour! I love that you shared so many pretty vignettes! I may have to come back in the morning to see it again!

  9. What an amazing creative space. I love seeing where others work. Oh my! You have so much amazing and lovely things surrounding you. Lucky you!

  10. Oh the sacred yarn room is so cosy felling and inviting. all that yarn makes me want to just curl up in there.

  11. Oh my goodness...such a pretty space! I love your Yarn Room in the early morning light...all the colors of yarn are amazing.
    I love birds have some beautiful ones.
    So nice to meet you and your special space!

  12. Oh Vicki - thank you for showing us your view of your space in the early morning.... Wow, wow, and wow. Your space reminds me a lot of my grandmother's bedroom. And your yarn... wow, wow and wow! I agree that your flea market jackpot was that jars and wire tray. Thank you for sharing your magical space. I definitely felt the inspiration you must feel every day in your creative space! Take care!

  13. Absolutely amazing!!! Beautiful photos of a beautiful room.

  14. WOW!!! so much to look at...I really love all the jars with buttons in them!!! Yummy!! Thanks for sharing:)

  15. You have lovely collections of everything in your studio. I do not wonder why you love it.
    Thank you for sharing your treasuries.


  16. Just beautiful! I love your room! and all your treasures! wow! I have some as well, and I too treasure them! What a lovely post! thank you! Very inspiring! and your yarn! WOW!!!!!! hugs kat =^.^=

  17. Hi, wow I love your space, so peaceful and lovely the yarn omgoodness, love all your treasuresm just beautiful! hugs kat =^.^=

  18. A place of great beauty and creativity. Thanks for sharing!

  19. So wonderful that room.... I can just see you sitting there and feeding your soul with that beautiful stuff......

    Thanks for sharing, my dear!

  20. Oh my. Everything is lovely and there are so many special treasures.

    I was stopped in my tracks at the very beginning with the beautiful Grandmother's Flower Garden quilt.

  21. such a cozy work room you have Vicki!! oh, those birds, yarns and books... i wish i would be able to spend a day with you and create a yarn nest!


  22. Organized chaos is how I describe my decorating but yours looks a whole lot better than mine. It certainly looks to me like everything has a place and is easily accessible as you begin to create. I love that you have so many special items in the room from your mother and grandmother and great-grandmother. It's amazing to me how you can plan for a project 2 years in advance. I barely know what I am cooking for dinner. Ha! Thanks for sharing your lovely space and being such a blessing to us all, Tammy

  23. I too collect vintage books but you've definitely inspired me to show them off a little more!
    If it's possible, I think your candy jars of shabby torn fabric scraps made me swoon!

  24. What a treat, to see where you create! I am mailing two scarfs this afternoon.

  25. My Dear Friend Vicki
    It's no wonder you create the most gorgeous nests that you do with all that beauty surrounding you every day to inspire you. We gain a little insight into all the tiny little items that create these magnificent pieces of art.
    I even see some of my little buntings lurking in the background waiting to be embodied into the Vintage Spring Nests.
    I can't wait to see them revealed.
    It is so very special to have so many bowls of buttons and laces etc. representing the memories of your mother and family. No wonder it is your Sacred Yarn Room.
    Sending much love dear friend and see you soon when you visit my blog too.

  26. wonderful arty space.. just love it!

  27. Hello Vicki, What a beautiful special room to create in.. Love it. I really admire all your vintage jars, birds, sparkling crystals and button and beads. All very lovely indeed. Thanks for sharing your world with us. Hugs Judy

  28. I loved seeing your special place filled with all of your treasures!! Thanks for sharing!

  29. What a lovely place to create! You have so many beautiful treasures! Thank you for sharing this with us!


  30. That's lot of great treasures you have there, I like how the sunlight shines through the glass beads. I also love to collect antique books, bake light and lace.

    Lovely space!!!

  31. Oh I so loved seeing your creative space. I think your studio is awesome. It looks just as I would picture it to be. Filled with lovely laces, beads, birds and of course yarn.

    I am in love with the lace doily. I enjoy making doilies so when I see them I always fall in love with them. It's very pretty.

    You are so right about trying to find anything with a V on it. That was a great score on the handkerchief. So very lovely.

    Thank you again for sharing your beautiful studio with us. You are so very talented. I always enjoy reading your blog for it makes my heart smile.

    Blessings to you always

  32. Oh boy! How I would love to come to your house to visit your studio, amazing indeed.
    I love all of the birds you have just everywhere....
    I am touring this year and not joining in, not enough time to get my space ready. I love looking at all the beautiful spaces.
    Thanks for sharing your special space.

  33. Oh Vicki, your sacred yarn room is so beautiful!... morning is my very favorite part of the day as well... and I felt a quiet hush as I entered your sanctuary... and basked in the morning light... I think I could live in there quite easily!... everything is so gorgeous... and I am like you, my own crafts room might be filled to the brim, but I do know where everything is... your birdie dishes and treasures are all adorable... and of course, your nests... of which I am now the proud owner of 5 with one more on the way!... the treasures that belonged to your parents and grandmother are beyond priceless... I know they fill your heart with joy... thank you so much for sharing your sacred room with us...wishing you a blissful Summers day, xoxo Julie Marie

  34. What can I say? Everything in your Sacred Yarn Room is so inviting. I would expect nothing less from you! One of these days, you can expect a visit from me and I'm not just whistling Dixie here. I would love to spend a day or two in your shadows.

  35. What a lovely space you have. I could play for hours and hours in your room! You have so much texture in your space. It is fun to see where your beautiful nest come from. cheers -

  36. Hi, sweetie!! I loved looking at the beautiful pictures of your studio! Makes the Crack House look even more like it's namesake.
    However I have been working on it this last week and it's coming right along!
    The horrible thing is that I didn't take any before pictures! I KNOW!

    Love you. Love your lovely studio. J.

  37. BEAUTIFUL - I really enjoyed the tour as well -- I found you through Karens event. I am so very happy that I did.

    Love from georgia.

  38. Hi Vicki,
    Oh my goodness Vicki - what a charming and special Sacred Space you have created - even more special that you shared it with us during the early morning hours. It reflects you and what a special, kind, loving person you are. Your room is even more precious with your family treasures.
    Thank you for sharing,
    Blessings, Erin

  39. I am a first time participant in this event. My head is absolutely spinning from all the awesome stash in your craft space. I have never head about this hobby before... "nesting" is it? Your creations are absolutely beautiful. Does one just display it in your home like an ornament? Thanks for sharing.

  40. Thank you for such a lovely tour. I too, love the morning light. Mine comes through the redwoods. Your studio is stunning.
    Sweet blessings, Chris

  41. Oh my goodness, Vicki, what an amazing room! I don't think I have ever seen that much yarn outside a yarn shop! I just loved seeing all the colours popping all over the place, it is such a cheerful room. You can't help but be inspired when you are surrounded by so much beauty.
    Loving my nests, btw, and so looking forward to the next one. They are incredibly special.

  42. Loving all your buttons, trims and yarn. You have a beautiful studio. Would love to spend a day crafting in there, so much inspiration and colour. Thanks for sharing!

  43. Love your sacred yarn room! I especially loved all the birds!.. And as I work to make my own craft room, I really liked how pretty the beads would be in liquor/wine/whiskey bottles!! (instead of the mere soda bottles I was thinking! pfft! I like YOUR way to keep and display.. So much prettier!) ~tina

  44. What an absolutely FUN, FUN room! So full of fabulous little treasures! I especially love all of your gorgeous little birds!

    Cathy ♥

  45. Oh Wow!!!! I'm in love with your room! It's so cozy. I love the teacup wreath and the 'gem stems' as I call them that reflect such colorful light. Your room has so many wonderful, little vintage touches. It's like a candy shop with all the colors. You must never want to come out of that room. Thanks for sharing your beautiful space.

  46. Love Love you Beautiful yarns ,buttons and all the memories that are there for you..

  47. What a beautiful,quiet place to dream, plan, and create! Thank you for letting me have a peek into your Sacred Yarn Room. I can see how something magical begins there as you are surrounded with sweet memories from the past and inspiration for the future.

  48. Your yarn room is beautiful. I love all of your collections, especially the lace. I'm looking forward to seeing your 2014 nest :-)

  49. Oh my!! I could just curl up in your sweet, cozy room! All that luscious yarn, those buttons, those doilies and lace... be still my heart! So many lovely things that mean so much to you, that's a fabulous place to spend time in!

  50. Thank you so much for sharing your lovely and inspiring room. I will going to pick up some things from my Mom as she is downsizing and moving to an independent living apartment. I have a vision now of how to use them in my little craft area. Can't wait to see your pink scarf. Have a wonderful afternoon. Pam L.

  51. I bet you spend a lot of time in your craft room and always find something new. I love your jars.
    Best wishes

  52. Very pretty, and you definitely have a lovely "nest" to create in.


  53. How amazing your beautiful room is Vicki, If I didn't look too close, it takes on the look of a fairytale summer forest glade, cool and shady and magical with wonderful watercolour floral patterns, quite beautiful, and very ethereal. just like your amazing creations.
    Hugs my lovely friend xxxx
    Lynn xxx

  54. Wow, I can see how you can get creative will all this amazing array of supplies and just pretty things.

    You have enough vintage supplies and yarns to take you into the next century.
    Good luck with your creations.

  55. Amazing and Breathtaking. I really don't have enough superlatives to describe. I love your space and your photography. Simply beautiful. thank you for sharing.

  56. I love your sacred yarn room! The idea that you own so many things your mother and dad and grandmother had is so wonderful and that you incorporate them here. I too love yarn, fabric, birds, buttons-maybe I will begin a yarn room too! (if I can ever organize it all)
    I also love visiting your travels-inspiration!
    I don't use my blog spot "yet" so I'm a nana but really I'm just Pam.

  57. Vicki your studio tour is just "yummy"! So many ideas1 Love your glass flower seams in the morning light!

  58. Vicki, Thank you for inviting me into your sacred yarn room. What a lovely and inspiring place. My little nest which you made is so happy and contented in my studio. Diane

  59. My dearest Vicki, what a most gorgeous room, so lively and happy, with the many colours in yarns !
    All your beautiful collections of laces, strings,buttons, and many other lovely pieces is a feast to see, and your gorgeous yarns so very exiting .
    It is so yours , filled with love and smiles and happy feelings ---and also because of all the wonderful memories from family , you have there!
    I can imagine the lovely feeling an early morning, enjoying life in this special place, dearest friend!!
    Love from Dorthe

  60. Vicki you inspire me like none other! After looking at just your's and Karen's studios I headed straight for Home Goods. You inspired me to get my yarn out of the closet and put it where I can see it.

    The pink scarf I am making for your Pink Scarf Project is finished. I just need to add the fringe. I should have it in the mail to you next week.

    I am abundantly excited to be on your list to receive a nest in May of 2014. I will definitely show it off at Karen's party next year.

    Thank you for doing the work that you do.


  61. Just beautiful! Your love for your craft shows in every corner. Thank you for showing us your magical space. Enjoy the party!

  62. I have not visited all the blogs yet, but I have never seen so much beautiful, unique yarn, fabric scraps!!! Your room is so beautifully staged it looks like a shop that I would love to just be in! The birds are darling spread everywhere.

  63. With all of your family wrapped around you in this wonderful, peaceful room, Vicki, it is no wonder that your artistry fills not just yourself but all who see it with so much warmth and love.
    I can see how this special place fills you with inspiration.
    Thanks for letting us in and having a look around.

  64. You have an amazing space, it looks like a store filled with everything I love.

  65. I can see why you love this wonderful working space. It is filled with all kinds of treasures, there is so much that I am sure a person would have to look twice to take it all in. The buttons,heavens, is there not a female on this earth who doesn't love buttons. As a child I would sit and look at the buttons in my mom's button box. Many came from old worn out shirts. You have a lot of sparkle and beads, so many pretty things. I am sure when you work in there it is more like play.
    Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed the tour.
    (((HUGS))) Susanne :)

  66. A creative space that is filled with love and spirit. The fact your grandmother loved birds must have had some influence on you. It is nice you have so many family treasures around. That bowl of yarn scraps...I want to swim around in it!!

  67. My friend, it is always a pleasure to peak inside your studio! There are so many things I want to reach out and touch in there!! Thank you so much for joining the party again this year. I know lot's of women can't wait to see you studio every year!!!

  68. What a great space. I would have a hard time not touching all the threads as I walked through.

  69. I have admired your knitted nests for some time and had no idea how much inspirational yarn and lace you would have to work with.

  70. What an incredibly beautiful room you have! I love how you have displayed the special pieces and lace and buttons from your mother and grandmother. It makes the space very special. It was such a treat to visit here today!

  71. Vicki, knitting nests is such a unique craft! I've never seen that before. I also adore your glass beaded stems - new to me, but gorgeous! Thanks! :-)

  72. We all collect and buy supplies that make us happy and I see a lot of happy here!! Beautiful colors and amazing light captured in the morning.

  73. I stopped by earlier, but your post wasn't up yet. I am in total awe of your awesome nests, and the very lovely way you display everything as you make it. I had NO idea it took so long to make one of your nests. They are so fun to look at.

    Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful and creative space with us.

  74. I love seeing your Sacred Yarn Room, Vicki, especially since I purchased one of your nests about three years ago and still love seeing it every day! All those yarns looks so pretty and must provide you with lots of inspiration for color combinations.

  75. What a great tour, you have so many precious items. My favorites are the vintage jars and antique white buttons but so many others I can't name. This is my first year to participate so I hope you will visit my studio too. Have a great weekend.

  76. Sweet Vicki...your beautiful yarn room is the perfect reflection of you, my friend. ... A lovely gal with a very soft heart, and a real sparkle for life. It's a very special room!!! Hugs to you. xoxo

  77. Wonderful creative space! I have enjoyed see your wonderful collections and beautiful work!♥

  78. that is a beautiful room, I can see why it would be hard to create in there, it's a fantastic place to just sit & ponder your thoughts , love it!

  79. "sacred" indeed. i am honored that you opened the doors so that we might breathe in all that lovely inspiration. your creative haven exudes calmness. i just adore every little detail and that you have surrounded yourself with pieces that once belonged to your dear mother and grandmother. "merci" fro this ever so lovley tour mon amie! sigh...

  80. Warm, cozy & beautiful ~ I love all the colors!

  81. Wonderful look through things that are nostalgic and full of meaning. It leaves a beautiful impression on the soul!



  83. This was a feast for my eyes, your buttons make my fingers itch to slide through them and listen to the faint clacking they make, like jewels in a bowl. LOVE those buttons. I think you do have the largest yarn stash I have ever seen also. And you do such wonderful things with it. I have a similar blue bird plate, from my mother also. Keep smiling and creating, thanks for sharing.

  84. Oh Vicki your room is magical and filled not only with treasures but warm wonderful memories!
    Just wanted to add that I love my Vera bag and have used it everyday.
    I smile whenever I look at it and think of you. Thanks again. Sharon

  85. It was wonderful to see the room in which you created my nest!!!

  86. I am bookmarking this blog to revisit and savor when I need a restful break. So enjoyable. Reading you post I found myself murmuring little comments aloud, as if I were having a conversation with you rather than just reading ... you really pulled me in. "My grandmother had a Silver pitcher of old buttons - she used them to teach me colors and to count."... "Oh! I have the same little bluebird platter, on a wall in my dining room." lol! So glad I got to visit and to have found your wonderful blog.

  87. Your right, your room is a very sacred place and I love how you have created it. It was a joy to visit. Thanks for sharing. I will be back frequently.

  88. Dear sweet Vicki...I just LOVE seeing all that inspires you in your wonderful studio!! So many beautiful treasures collected and gorgeous supplies for you to create with ~ everything is just BEAUTIFUL sweet friend. I love it all, hugs and love, Dawn

  89. Your studio is full of so many beautiful and inspiring things. Your sidebar looks just like ours, we gave it to our son and his wife but we had it in our home for years. You have a special way of displaying all of your buttons, yarns and other pretty things. I love all of the birds and your baskets, I too use many baskets in my space. Thanks for the tour.

  90. Love all the "nooks and crannies" filled with everything you love and also everything you love to share. I can see why the creative juices flow from here when it's filled with so many memories and treasures from people that are, and have been, important in your life.

  91. dear vicki your sacred yarn room is so inspirational. I love that you have so much of your heritage through your parents and grandmother's pieces in here. I have some of those types of things in my studio as well. I didn't make it for this year but hope to participate next year. I love your creativity in everything you do. thank you for sharing with us.

  92. Thanks for the tour and for showing us all of the things you are passionate about! Ooooh, all of that scrumptious yarn!!

  93. I understand exactly what you mean about morning being the best time of day in your art room and I adore that your mother and grandmother are in there with you!

  94. Your room is just magical! It looks almost as if it lived in fairies! I love the sight of so many trinkets, buttons, beads ... And all located in the beautiful climate containers ... Great!

  95. I love all the cute collectable items you put your supplies in. Part of the excitement of a craft room is the organisation.

    Handmade at Warratahstree

  96. Gorgeous! Love your style - I have the same exact buffet - it was my great grandparents!!!

    Thanks for the peek!


  97. Dear Vicki,
    your sacred yarn room encapsulates everything about you, it is you. Beautiful, eclectic, whimsical, multifaceted, amazing and one of a kind.
    sending love from Normandy

  98. Lovely cosy space! I will be looking out for your next grow your blog party! Your pictures feed my need to cuddle soft yarn! Hugs!

  99. I'd get lost in dreamland sitting in your yarn room ... dreaming ...

  100. WOW!! So many pretty things and so much inspiration here!! Love your display ideas!! I definitely have to get me more clear jars for laces!!

    Thanks so much for the inspiration!!


  101. Vicki, your room is wonderful and your photos are simply beautiful. Thank you for sharing!

  102. Chanced to find you via Where Bloggers Create linkup and omgosh are you one talented woman. I am in awe. Loved touring your wonderful studio. Your little birds reminded me of a sweet vintage pink bird planter I have and if I can locate it will find a home in my craft room. I'm not on the linkup but I'm sure loving the tour. Feel free to stop by and visit me anytime @ You will be most welcome :) Blessings

  103. I love your studio and the way you have displayed your family treasures. How nice that you can be with those family members every time you create. Your yarn and button collections are gorgeous! Sue

  104. Absolutely a delightful room. I especially love your vintage jars for your torn fabrics.

  105. You have the most beautiful Yarn room. It is wonderful. I don't knit but I love yarn and do a bit of crochet so I really appreciate the wonderful variety of yarns. I also love all of the vintage items that you use to store your lovelies in. I love all of your birds also. A wonderful room-Thanks so much for sharing. Mary

  106. It was such a treat to see your craft room, Vicki. Loved seeing every inch of it!

  107. Thank you for sharing your beautiful room. The early morning light brings such a beautiful quality to this room

  108. Wow that is quite the knitting room-you could give tours of the room. I just love all your little jars filled with treasures. One day I would like to come visit and just play with all of them. I like vintage books but do not have a collection like yours.

  109. Hermoso estudio Vicki, tienes un millón de cosas.
    Yo no alcancé a hacer las fotos del mío porque mi salud no ha estado bien, pero lo haré en cuanto pueda y lo pondré en mi blog.
    Te felicito.

  110. Hello Vicki,
    What a wonderful place you have. It's so colorful. I love all the yarn and things you use to create your beautiful nests. I love your art so much!!

    Thank you for sharing,
    Blessings to you,

    Wilma, Shabby Royale.

  111. Vicki,
    Now that was fun! I loved the tour and felt like I was right there ooh and aah'ing at all your beautiful treasures and yarns. Oh and the buttons, love the buttons. You have such a beautiful space to create your lovely nests and knitted beauties.

  112. Vicki, what an amazingly artistic room... No wonder ou call it's absolutely amazing:)

  113. What a perfect space for you. It really seems like a cozy little nest, everything stashed perfectly in it's place and I love that! It makes me sigh with happiness to think of you creating beautiful soul work there. I think I made need a button bowl. If just to run my fingers through it. :) Also, love that teacup wreath. Incredibly cool room!


  115. Aloha,
    What a wonderful collection of collections you have! Your yarns, buttons, lace, ribbon! And I even noticed you have some "puka shells". You have a wonderful place to plan and create your beautiful works of art. Thank you for sharing.

  116. Hi Vicki, I'm sorry I missed this year's Where Blogger's Create party. Your creative space looks so, well, creative! LOL! I still haven't finished re-doing my studio, some more frilly touches to add still and I'm on the quest, again, for a big fluffy chair, long story for another time...
    I loved peaking into all your little nooks and crannies in your studio!
    Beth P

  117. Wow, what a WONDERFUL room! Beautiful decoration and superbe ideas.
    Greetings from Germany

  118. Would like to subscribe to your blog. Thank


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