Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Sweet Summer Recipes (and a sweet giveaway for YOU!)

Summertime is more than just fun and sun -- it's also about enjoying some of our favorite summertime treats.  I'm sharing with you a couple of our all time most loved recipes (and at the end of this post there is a sweet treat giveaway for you!)

Summer Fruit Cobbler
4-5 cups of your favorite fruit (sweetened to taste)
(we like to use peaches, berries, and sometimes we even mix it up and make multi-fruit cobblers)
lightly grease pan with cooking spray
add fruit
make the batter--
1 stick margarine
1/2 cup milk
1/4 tsp salt
1 T vanilla extract
1/2 cup sugar
1 cup flour
1 tsp baking powder
**(if I use a large pan like the one pictured above - I always double the batter recipe.  But if you are using a 9 inch pan, a single batch is fine.)**
Pour batter over sweetened fruit mixture.
Mix one cup sugar and 1/2 cup water. Heat in microwave until the sugar is dissolved. 
Lightly pour the syrup over the batter -- trust me on this!
Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour.
**not all ovens are equal - so check at about an hour - you want your cobbler to be light brown and crusty.
as soon as I take the cobbler out of the oven, I dust the top with vanilla sugar, bourbon sugar, or raw granulated sugar. 
OF COURSE you will want to eat this with ice cream -- but our favorite is to buy vanilla yogurt from McDonald's and pile it on the cobbler while it is hot.  

"First Prize at the Fair"
Zucchini Bread
(you know this is a beloved recipe when it looks as worn as this!)
~(this recipe was taken from a 1990 Better Homes and Gardens magazine -- and I have added my own additions.)
(I really did win first prize at the county fair with this recipe -- but I can't find my ribbon to prove it to you -- LOL!) 
3 cups all purpose flour
2 tsp pumpkin pie spice
(honestly -- I do not measure this -- I just dump in a mixture of cinnamon, ginger, cloves, and nutmeg)
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
2 cups chopped pears - I use a 16 oz can (drained) and put it in the food processor
1 cup sugar
1 cup packed brown sugar
2 cups finely shredded zucchini
1 cup cooking oil
3 eggs
1 T vanilla
1 cup raisins**
**(before you begin the recipe - soak the raisins in a strong tea mixture)** 
Spray 2 (8x4x2 inch) baking pans with non stick coating. 
Mix together the flours, spices, baking soda, baking powder,
 and salt. Set aside.
Mix the sugars, oil, eggs, and vanilla.  
Mix in the pears.
Add the flour mixture and mix well.
With a spoon mix in the zucchini and raisins (drained).
Pour batter into prepared pans.
Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour.
Remove from oven --
while the bread is still hot and BEFORE removing from the pans~~
I make a glaze of xxx sugar and almond flavoring
and pour this over the breads, allowing it to soak into the bread and down the sides of the pan. 
 Allow to cool completely before removing from pan.
**Accept all compliments graciously - your friends and family will think you are a rock star when they taste this bread!**

Do you remember these cookies from this post earlier this spring?
My Sweet Summer giveaway
A lucky winner will receive a miniature
version of these cookies.
Baked fresh and delivered to you!
(this time -- the winner will need to live in the US-- but don't worry, another giveaway will be here soon and that one will be open to everyone!)
To enter -- just leave a comment here. That's it.  Make sure that your contact info is connected with your comment.  If  you are registered as anonymous - then you will need to leave your email in the comment.
 The winner will be announced RIGHT HERE 
on August 15. 

UPDATE -- the winner of the cookie giveaway is 
Missio Terra Blog

A little news-- my world is a total explosion of PINK right now! If you visited my Sacred Yarn room in the "Where Blogger's Create" post-- well, it does not look like that now!  The Breast Cancer Awareness nests are well underway and this craft room is a total disaster!  I'm running around in PINK circles right now! Look for a tiny little preview of the nests on my community facebook page next week. 
Those of you who pre-ordered some of my knitted wraps will be very happy soon!! They are knitted and I will be adding the beads and fringe soon (as soon as the nests are done.)  You will most certainly have them before the first fall winds blow!  (Seriously -- I can't even think about fall yet!)
Coming up next -- a little something I knitted -- just wanted to share it with you all~


  1. Hi Vicki... your recipes look and sound delish!...yum!... love this time of year with all the delicious fruits and berries... I make a darn good zucchini bread too, but haven't won any prizes at the fair yet! (I haven't entered it though!)... congratulations on winning first place!... I am sooo excited, I ordered a knitted wrap from you!... can't wait to get it... is it too late to request beads on mine?... Autumn is my VERY favorite time of all and I plan on wearing it alot!... and of course I will think of you each time I put it on... Summer is winding down here, hot hot, but subtle changes in the air... much love, xoxo Julie Marie... Oh yes, please enter me in your beautiful giveaway!!! Love you!...

  2. Hello! That summer cobbler looks delicious. I am going to try it. Thanks.

  3. Vicki, both those recipes look wonderful and the idea of a multi fruit cobbler doubly doubly wonderful. Please send your mailing address; I want to mail a pink scarf. thanks!

  4. My goodness- Those recipes sound absolutely wonderful. The first one is presented just beautifully, too. Hope you have a great night- xo Diana

  5. Thanks so much for the recipes! They are a great "giveaway" too and I'll be trying the berry cobbler one this weekend. Please enter me in your giveaway. I know those cookies are as delicious as they are beautiful, so someone is in for a very special treat!

  6. Your cobbler looks so pretty and I bet it tastes great! Cobbler is the one thing I never have good luck with..don't know the problem, maybe it's the recipe and I'll just have to try this one! Zucchini bread is something I can make. My Mom sent me her recipe many, many years ago. When she wrote it out she put "Mix the ingredients in a large bowl"..but instead of writing "bowl", she wrote "bowel"...I still laugh every time I read it! The scarves sure look beautiful in your pics...I'm sure your yarn room is a crazy place this time of year!

  7. Hi Vicki ~ Love fruit cobblers...have four huge peaches ready to make one tomorrow! Thanks for the zucchini bread recipe....I have an excellent chocolate zucchini bread recipe that I've used for years. Love it! And I'd love to be entered for those beautiful cookies!

  8. I'm a big fan of Fruit Cobblers and I'll have to give your recipe a try and I also love zucchini bread. This is the first year i didn't plant any zucchini but there's always next year.

    I imagine that you are all wrapped up in pink scarves by now. I'm looking forward to seeing the grand finale.

    Have a great week.

  9. The recipes look delish..and I'm always looking for new zucchini ideas. That cobbler looks good enough to eat off the computer screen!!! I've been baking and cooking a lot the last couple of weeks.. son and grandson were here for a week. Dozens of BIG choc. chip cookies...raisin cookies...big batch of potato salad..macaroni salad... deviled eggs...2 large pots of Boston Baked beans... Swedish meatballs.
    I was thinking I'd NEVER get out of the kitchen.. but lots of goodies to take home with them.
    I love cooking for a (small) crowd, not so exciting for just me
    and the husband!! (We had some wonderful leftovers too!)

  10. Would love those cookies; mmmm!

  11. Lovely, lovely cookies and thank you so very much for the delicious recipes. I'm going to try both. I would live to bee entered on your giveaway. Thanks so much :)

  12. Sniff...sniff...oh lordy those smell good Vicki,
    We've lost the sun today finding ourselves in a cloud so it's the perfect day to try out your recipes. I'm going to be so popular! ;D
    Thanks for sharing xoxo

  13. Those recipes sound so delicious, Vicki!! And, I LOVE the well-used recipes most of all. ;) Your wrap is beautiful, as always!! You are amazing all the things you get done! I'm in awe! blessings and hugs ~ tanna

  14. YUM...YUM...and YUM!!! :-) And I had never seen the cookies before. How did I miss that post?!!! ^_^ By the way, the knitted beauty...truly beautiful! :-)

  15. I should try your zucchini recipe, I think it may be a big hit! Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful info. And your latest knitting piece is so beautiful!!!

  16. August 1st was/is THE DAY to start back (again!) on my "watchwhatIputinmymouth day" but you're certainly not making it easy. Sheesh those recipes and giveaway sure look good!

    Like you, it's a sea of pink over here, too ... just wait until you see the BCA mini for your giveaway. It's one of - if not THE best - mini yet. Perhaps we'll see each other as we run in our PINK circles!

  17. I'm going to make the fruit cobbler this looks sooo good!!!! Have one more box for "The Pink Scarf Project " to mail sometime this month.. It has given me some peace with in my self to knit these scarfs.

  18. You always have such lovely pictures of things on your blog. Love the shot of the cobbler.....yummmmy.

  19. Hi, Vicki!

    Yum! I am making that summer cobbler!

    I mailed my scarf to you last Saturday. It should be arriving any day, if it has not already.

    I love seeing your blog post in my in-box! Whenever I receive email from 2 Bags Full or Susan Branch with a new post my heart jumps with joy.


  20. I'm making both of your recipes this weekend! They sound like total yumminess!...My goodness, those cookies are way to pretty to eat!...AND, that peek of knitting looks sooo beautiful, Vicki! xoxo :)

  21. Thanks for the great recipes - and just when I was planning to start my diet again! :)

  22. Sweet Lady~ You are definitely the most amazing sharing and caring person. Thanks.
    Yummmmeeee...gotta make me some cobbler.
    I am glad that the Pink Scarf Project is going so well. I always LOVE reading you blog and seeing you fabulous photos.

  23. Yummmiii...Can I have a piece of cake? :)
    Lovely scarf.Dear Vicki I have posted about your charity project among more,they are on my blog.:)
    I will make and send a scarf,too.But you now this.:)


  24. I'm going to have to make a trip to the store! ha Those recipes sound so wonderful. The cookies and knitting are stunning. I took a cake decorating class once and loved it. It was so much fun. Those cookies look like they'd be as much fun to decorate as they are to eat!

  25. I so glad I ate dinner before reading this post - or I would be right in the kitchen making that cobbler! I would love to have those beautiful cookies - thanks for the chance to win.

  26. I am looking the other way while reading this post....on a diet and all that looked so yummy!!! The knitting looks good too!

  27. All the recipes look SO delicious but I think the cobbler is my favorite. Going to try that one. Thank you so much for sharing these gems with us! :)

  28. The cobbler looks delicious. I have been adding raspberries to my fruit pies this summer. First to the peach pie and then tried them in a blueberry pie. Never had even thought of doing this before, but I had some raspberries that weren't going to make it much longer and adding them to the peach pie seemed like the best solution. Absolutely delicious. I don't know if I come up anonymous or not, so here is my email:

  29. Good morning, Vicki those recipes look delicious-we love cobblers too. Your knitting is always so beautiful

  30. I love putting entries in the local fair. I believe you got the blue ribbon! :)

  31. I can't believe you found time to make that cobbler, with all you have on your "other" plate.

    Love the cookie flowers and, of course, your awesome knitting.

    If, by chance I should win, please leave a comment on my blog and I'll contact you. I learned the hard (and expensive way) to NOT give out my e-mail in a public forum for security reasons.

  32. Dear Vicki,

    Thanks for the recipes and I am sitting on pins and needles waiting for the sneak peak of the pink nests. Can't wait to get mine.

    Have a great pinky day,
    Pam L.

  33. Oh Dear, more calories! Well, WW says fruit doesn't count soooooo :D
    Umm, how on earth did I miss that you make wraps?! I mean was I stumbling down a mountain side or distracted momentarily by a bumble bee... how did I miss that juicy bit of information? LOL!
    Hugs my dear friend and enjoy the weekend,
    Beth P

  34. All the recipes are wonderfully tempting! My mom made cobblers like that so I'm happy to have a recipe! The cookies are beautiful.

    Sherry in Little Rock

  35. Thank You for sharing your lovely recipes. I do so love a good coffee cake. Hmm breakfast time here, wonder if I have the ingredients to whip one of these up....
    How sweet of you to have a giveaway too. Keep smiling and creating

  36. That looks delicious - I'll bet your kitchen just smells wonderful when you bake this! And the idea of vanilla ice cream melting on top...yum :)

  37. Yummy recipes to try out, can't wait and I'm sure they are delicious the cookies are just the cutest but, so is everything on your blog!!


  38. Hello Vicki
    Just stumbled onto your sight and am loving everything i see. As a novice knitter, yarn, ribbon, lace, bead and antique button collector i have just been served a feast for my eyes. Looking forward to all your future posts and knitting ideas.
    PS Your giveaways are such a generous idea. MiMi

  39. Hola querida. Ese pastel se ve delicioso. Mmm, qué ganas de comérmelo.
    Mi hija estuvo de visita e hicimos cupcakes. Están en mi blog.
    Tú siempre haciendo cosas lindas, tu tejido está hermoso.
    Un beso a la distancia

  40. I must make these...look so good1 Thank you!

  41. The cobbler looks delish -- love making them as the summer days have a touch of fall within. Our raspberries are about done, but we have several containers in the freezer -- yum! Thanks for all your hard work with the Pink Scarf Project -- you are a blessing:)

  42. Just checked out the new nest..HEAVENLY BEAUTIFUL..

  43. love your blog and the cookies look absolutely wonderful.
    I would be so delighted to be the winner.
    Carole Renzullo

  44. I write notes and never understand if you see them. Well just to let the world know the cobbler and zucchini bread are delicious. LU Jan

  45. I write notes and never understand if you see them. Well just to let the world know the cobbler and zucchini bread are delicious. LU Jan

  46. I made the zucchini bread today ... awesome! Thank you for the recipe. I'm going to make several more loaves to freeze. I made mini loaves to share with a few people. I'm going to add nuts to the next batch. I didn't have raisins so I used craisins. They did well and add a nice flavor to it. I think the pears are what make this recipe so good. I'm looking forward to making the cobbler in the next few days.


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