Monday, August 26, 2013

Summer's last blooms~

Autumn is in the air.
I can feel it. I can smell it. 
I can sense it on the breeze that blows and scatters the leaves
                              that fall from my summer blooms~

Before the blooms all drop off,
before they scatter in the winds of Fall~
I want to share with you the beautiful
flowers that we have enjoyed 
all summer

Summer has seemed so very short this year!
(I'm SO not ready to give it up yet!)

no story to tell here -
just enjoy my beautiful

Yeller Feller in his favorite spot!

Yeller Feller and Sissy cat

Our back deck is my little project -- although I can't take all the credit-- (the Gardener helps keep my flowers watered on the days
 I have to work.) How is that my little flowers know that Autumn is just around the corner? Makes me sad~~

Everyday more pink scarves arrive in the mail!  We have officially hit the 300 mark!  I am so very humbled to accept your generous donations and add them to this ever growing collection of gifts from your hearts and hands. Very soon -- I'm off on yet another photo opportunity with your scarves.  (I'm so excited!!)

But -- up next are your scarves photographed against the backdrop of the Blue Ridge Mountains and the Biltmore Estate.   Marsha and I had a wonderful time taking the pictures in these amazing locations -- they are truly stunning! 

Remember that you have until October 5 to send your donation if you wish me to photograph your scarf.  Otherwise, I will be accepting donations until the end of October.  For the full updated info on the Pink Scarf Project - click here. 
Thank you for the never ending love and support that you all send my way.  I am so touched by your comments, your emails, and the touching stories that you share with me.  I just want to say this again -- and again---
I love you all.



  1. Oh, Vicki, your deck and flowers are so beautiful and so ARTFUL!! I'd expect nothing less from you! Who tends your flowers while you travel? I have all but given up my flowers since the arrival of the Little Men... seems I never came home to living flowers. =(

    LOVE the design of your deck!!!

    And, the post of your and Marsha's Mt. Mitchell adventure is most touching. {{hugs}} and blessings ~ tanna

  2. What a beautiful wonderland of flowers you have! Your yard and garden are spectacular!

  3. Hello Yeller Feller and Sissy Cat!... and hello Vicki!... your flowers are just beautiful!... I love all of your vintage treasures tucked in with them... and love love love your old wheelbarrow full of blooms... Autumn is my very favorite Season of all... my Autumn nest is out and looks stunning!... I just don't like the cold winter that follows!... enjoy your beautiful surroundings... I would just lay out there all day too, daydreaming like Yeller Feller... xoxo Julie Marie

  4. Vicki- Your gardens are just amazing. I love all your flowers and am so jealous. I never even got around to real gardening this summer. You really have an eye for plantings.
    LOVE your deck, too.
    I am so glad that the pink scarves have gone over so well. Is it too late to send one? xo Diana

  5. You have a Barn it! Always wanted a barn quilt AND the barn to go with it, of course. Lovely flowers.

  6. Vicki, you KNOW I love flowers, and yours are just lovely, and I enjoyed seeing all the photos. I think this was the first time I spotted your barn quilt on your blog. Love that, too, of course! Enjoy the rest of your summer!

  7. My life would be unfulfilled without flowers. I love how you so artfully display your container garden. Beautiful, beautiful food for the eyes and the soul.

    Wow, wow, your pink scarf project sure has reach a grandiose statistic. You are the catalyst that has set this in motion with help from your blogging friends. My scarf is coming along for Yaya's pink scarf project. I've been a bit on the busy side this summer and had to put it aside until my company leave. Sharp knitting needles is not safe around a 2 1/2 year old little boy.

    I hope that you enjoy the last week of August.

  8. FABULOUS way to start a stormy Monday, here in Vegas...and those kitties couldn't BE any more relaxed! Beautiful, my friend - green thumbs up to The Gardener, too. Box of scarves heading your way later this week...NO NEED to photograph this last group - just glad to get them in. Love to you, my friend - Tanya

  9. Simply beautiful. No other words ...

  10. Absolutely beautiful! Wow! And, your kitties are soooo cute! They look so happy sleeping among the flowers. :-)

  11. LOL!It's so funny how our perspectives vary depending on what part of the country we are in!!! You aren't ready to give Summer up yet... and I am sooo looking forward to it ending! We he have at least 2 more months of heat before we see a cool down!

    I am always so envious when I come and see pics of your lovely garden. I imagine how wonderful it would be sit in your gazebo sipping a cool drink and chatting with you Vicki!!!

    I hope your wishes of an extended Summer come true for you. :)

  12. Beautiful flowers! Adorable cats!

  13. Your flowers are amazing!!!! I love all of your arrangements and your primitive decorating makes my heart swoon. My gardens have been so neglected this year... I haven't been a good plant Mommy at things are looking more than a little ragged in this August heat. I vow to be more diligent next year :)

  14. Wow, I kept scrolling and scrolling and oohing and aahing. Such gorgeous blooms. xo

  15. gorgeous! I love how you bundled your terracotta pieces. Looks like Yeller Feller has a pretty great spot!

  16. So lovely Vicki, I can see why you hate for fall to arrive! I love your use of vintage and unusual containers...really beautiful!

    xo Kat

  17. Oh my oh my I love love your yard. You are a multi-talented lady.
    I sent a pink scarf off today from California.
    You cat is precious. We also have a love of a orange tabby cat. In fact we are on our third orange tabby!
    Have some lovely days and enjoy your garden. Fall is in the air but you still have time to relax and smile in your yard.
    Hugs, Cory/Dogwood

  18. Hi Vicki! Your flowers are gorgeous! And I loved the photo of Yellow Feller and Sissy Cat! I'm still knitting! I hadn't knitted in over 30 years, so I'm on scarf # 3. I'm going to mail you the best of the three. (#1 is kind of scary, because I was rusty! I think that one will be for me. LOL!) Take care!

  19. Hi Vicki, Your flowers are so beautiful. I know fall is getting closer, but I just want the heat to go away and let us enjoy the flowers a little while longer. I know all of your pinks are going to be absolutely beautiful. The mountains trip in your previous post gave me a new adventure which I really enjoyed. Thank you for your visit. Have a wonderful day. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend.

  20. Vicki, what a beautiful yard you have!!! All those pretty flowers everywhere...and that deck is gorgeous! You must enjoy endless hours back there with your very helpful "Gardener" and those adorable little kitty cats! I really love all the different pots and things you've filled with blooms. So much fun to look at! Lots of love to you too Sweetie! xoxo

  21. You will enjoy several more weeks of those beautiful flowers before the cold comes. My favorites are the black eye Susans and purple coneflowers. Your barn quilt adds a wonderful touch. Fall has its own beauty, and I am sure that you will capture it for us!

  22. I truly think those are the most beautiful flowers I have ever seen. Your thumb is GREEN GREEN GREEN! Thank you so much for sharing photos of your beautiful garden! I enjoyed it!! Blessings!

  23. Vicki that is one stunning deck and those flowers! Sheesh! I can't believe everything is grown in containers as well... now why didn't I think of that? It must be so wonderful to be out on that deck enjoying all that beauty.
    Beth P

  24. You are so fortunate to be surrounded by such beauty. I have to travel to see that many flowers in one place. :) Summer lasts far too long in my part of the world. Have a wonderful week. Tammy

  25. Vicki, it's already been cool/cold enough here to wear flannel night gowns...and I have. I think winter is going to be terribly hard this year and am preparing as best I can. I go to town tomorrow to mail a box to you...I'm sure you'll find folks that need what's inside. I Love your heart, Woman!

  26. Such an abundance of beauty, my dear Vicki.
    Your deck is totally filled with stunning flowers blooming so wonderful, and so is your garden,-- you have so many which could only live inside here with me, in this country!! What a big job, to take care of all of them, sweetie , so good your Gradener seems to have fun doing some watering, too!!
    Hugs and love from your, Dorthe

  27. My goodness...the Gardener must get a big paycheck every week! You are better at keeping everything watered than I am. All my flowers are starting to turn brown and wither up. Nice you are surrounded by such beauty. Think about giving the Gardener a raise!!!

  28. My goodness your flowers are beautiful1 congratulations to you both!

  29. Oh the colors! I would love to sit out there with a cozy cup of tea and admire each and every flower.
    Your cats look awfully happy lazing around awaiting you to give them a pet. Enjoy the last days of our lovely summer weather.

  30. Just lovely, Vicki. The shots of the Coneflowers and contented-looking cats made me smile.

  31. Hello Vicki, The photos of your late Summer blooms are all lovely. Enjoy seeing the photos of your hiking trip with your friend too. Hugs Judy

  32. Beautiful flowers Vicki.:) Enjoy your time in your garden among these wonderful flowers.:)


  33. Summer was too short! But it will live on in these wonderful photos!

  34. What a gorgeous stroll ...your blooms are beautiful.

  35. Hello my dear sweet Vicki
    I can really understand how you don't want to give up the lasting beauty from every one of your pots on the deck and also from your garden.
    It is worth all the extra care and watering that you and your Gardiner give to them. They continue to keep smiling back at you!
    Isn't it wonderful that you have reached the 300 mark with donations of pink scarves.
    Oh Vicki that is simply amazing - only through the most amazing organization by you and your loving and committed heart!
    Sending you lots of pink hugs and kisses,

  36. Vicki your beautiful flowers are just breath taking-I so enjoyed them-thank you so much for sharing them with us. hugs Kathy

  37. I am blown away at the amount of gorgeous containers you have on your deck. You and hubby sure know what you're doing. I know it must be hard to see the season end but at least you have photos to look back upon in the winter while you plan next years garden.
    Congrats also on the great turn out of pink scarf drive.
    Also thanks for the lovely visit.....I have missed you and so many other great friends



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