Thursday, November 28, 2013

Dance like nobody's watching~

When you are 3 years old, everything is magical. Like Christmas trees, and lights, and ornaments, and mirrors.  We took our little granddaughter to Anthropologie to see the Christmas decorations there and this is what happened~

~in her own little world

she thought no one was watching~
(if you are reading this from an Apple mobile device,
the video won't load- that's just crazy!)

and then she found the Christmas tree~

Did I tell you that she is a Princess?
Oh yes, and--- a Diva.
Her Mommy made her little rag tag tutu,
which she insisted on wearing when we left the house-
along with her new cowboy boots.  
Oh, and she wanted to wear her tiera too --
but somehow we managed to get out of the house
without it!

~there's something so very special
about watching a child discover all that is

it's nice to have your Papaw
help you reach the really tall ones~

Proof that she really IS a princess.
(Keri Beth and her baby sister Kadence.)
ALL of our babes
are growing and changing SO fast.
This past year has been a blur for me
and I've been remiss on my
"grandma" picture postings.
So just wait!
(lots more to come!)

My holiday wish for you all~

As this magical new holiday season begins,
I hope that you can all enjoy these special times
through the eyes of those you love,
 and appreciate the truest beauty
of the season. 

To all of you who so kindly emailed me to say thanks for the photographs of your pink scarves, I think I have finally answered all of your beautiful emails.  Your words and thoughtfulness have meant so very much to me.  You know, I could start to get gushy here~~

A favor for a friend~

My friend Karen whose blog is Todolwen, has asked me to share some updates for her~~ while attempting to change the URL of her blog, she accidentally deleted it!  If you were a follower of Karen's blog and have noticed that she is gone -- you can now find her here at her new blog location!

AND finally~~

if you still have Christmas shopping to do~
(or maybe something special for Yourself!)
My latest design in something warm and snuggly.
(I've been knitting all summer long!)
coming up in my next post~


  1. That rag tutu and the little princess are just ADORABLE! It brought tears to my eyes ... I don't have any little ones in my life.

    Cheers to a wonderful holiday season and see you in January for your Grow Your Blog hop!

  2. You are making magical memories for that little dancer :)
    I'll be looking forward to your project - I love the last picture. It makes me think of a garden full of summer flowers, despite the dusting of snow on the ground!

  3. She is a Princess and an adorable one too! Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. I really enjoyed your post today. What a cute little video. It just warms the heart. We need to be more like little kids and dance like no one is looking.

    All the pictures are precious like your little granddaughter. She definitely is a princess. He little sister will soon follow in her foot steps.

    I'm glad that your friend Karen B. found someone to help her set up her blog again. I'm sure that it happens more time than we know.

    I had ran into similar problem but had not deleted my blog but was was denied access it as they said that there was some illegal activities on my blog. can you imagine? My daughter got it back for me.

    Happy Thanksgiving,

  5. I always enjoy the happiness and the warmth that I feel when I stop by to visit through your blog. You're a very special lady indeed. What beautiful little babies. We are so blessed.

  6. Oooh Vicki!... Kerri Beth and Kadence are so adorable... you are blessed my friend!... I do believe Kerri Beth is a free spirit, like her grandma Vicki... and a Princess and Diva besides!... (so are you!)... I am kind of a self~appointed Princess of sorts... and I always dance (and sing!) like no one's watching... just don't look as cute as she does!... love the little "hula" like part... Happy Thanksgiving my friend... wishing you and your family a most beautiful and blessed day... love you!... xoxo Julie Marie

  7. Sweet Vicki,
    your grandbabies are so cute! Thank you for sharing about Todolwen ~ you are so kind!
    Wishing you a lovely day my dear friend.
    Many hugs and much love,
    Karen B. ~ Todolwen

  8. Oh Dearest Vicki this whole post is magical! Kerri Beth looked like she was doing a cross between ballet and belly dancing and my DH says she would definitely left the house with her tiara and flower in her hair just like a princess!
    Oh this post of Kerri Beth and Kadence are definitely a reflection of their most beautiful grand mama!
    Sweet loving blessings to you dear friend for Thanksgiving!
    Thank you so much for your beautiful and supportive emails and comments of recent times
    Love and hugs,

  9. Such a little cutie! It is great to share in the excitement of little ones this time of year. Hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving today and I'm looking forward to meeting you on Saturday!

  10. Absolutely adorable. Special times indeed with those we love and love us.

  11. oh the magic and the wonder of it see it through a child's beautiful! thank you for sharing this ! how precious!!! (love the rag tutu!!!)

  12. Oh how I enjoyed watching her dance. She is such a cutie and I am sure she has both of you wrapped around her little finger. The year has been a blur and you wonder where it has really gone. I have enjoyed the journeys that you have taken us on with all of the beautiful pink scarves. Have a wonderful day and I hope you had a Happy thanksgiving. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend.

  13. What sweet pictures, but I can't believe you made her leave her tiara at home... shame!!! My granddaughter was the little princess just like that at age 3 and 4. She had tutus and princess dresses and of course a tiara. Now that's she's more princess. I miss that, so I got to share your princess.
    The two girls are just adorable.
    Glad to hear (already through Dawn) that Karen is back in business and checked her new blog out yesterday. Thanks from me for helping her. I miss her when she's not posting.

  14. Precious little ones really do keep the magic of Christmas alive for us adults. Love the rag tag tutu. Could I make one in my size and wear it to dance with abandon? Happy Holidays Dear...

  15. Vicki, thank you so much for sharing your little Princess with all of us. She's adorable! I'm writing this, with a huge smile on my face---I've watched the video twice! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. May your holidays be as bright and shiny as Keri Beth...and as full of love and human kindness as her grandma! Sara

  16. There is nothing in this world more insolence than looking at Christmas though a child..
    They make us believe in Santa Claus..

  17. Seeing the world through the eyes of a child is beautiful. Thanks

  18. Pure and simple, I LOVE THIS!!!!! THANK YOU - Love you, too! XOXOXOXO

  19. Oh, don't you love that store!!!! The tiara would have been the perfect accessory for her sweet outfit! We all need to dance as though no one is watching more often.

  20. Vickie she is precious. I miss my little grands. They are all adults now. Of course that is the way it should be but I miss them so. A beautiful post.

  21. Don't you just love children, especially our grandchildren!! They are so special and seeing them discover Christmas is just a wonderful thing and wonderful memories! What a lovely granddaughter you have (her sister is pretty cute too)!!

  22. Dearest Vicki, you captured your little girl so beautifully, while she dansed and had fun looking at herself in her wonderful tutu!!
    She is so sweet and number 2 , also a cutie .
    And sweet Vicki with you as grandmother they are truly blessed !!
    Love and hugs, Dorthe

  23. She is the cutest thing in the world! I so look forward to having grandbabies. I love all of yours and their names are so beautiful. xo

  24. I love her little tutu. So cute! No wonder she was twirling about. Kids love to watch themselves in the mirror at that age. Looks like she wants to be a ballerina. After she's finished being a princess, of course. I love Anthro -- sure wish we had one here. Precious little ones always see the beauty of the season without all the hype. Happy holidays, Tammy

  25. Preciosas las niñas, y nada mejor que ver a un niño maravillándose ante un árbol navideño.
    Me encantó la falda de tu niña. Muy bonito post.

  26. So precious! She is the most adorable little princess, especially with her tutu and cowboy boots!! xoxo

  27. Oh my goodness! She is so adorable. This video reminded me of a one I had of my wee 3 year old dancing as if nothing else mattered. It really does go by so fast. That 3 year old is 11 now, and rating boys on a scale of 1 to 10. Yikes!


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