Monday, December 9, 2013

Hats ON!

Nothing says winter like a beautiful knitted slouch hat -- so I made ten! Each of them unique -- some with sequins, cables, embellishments, and even a knitted suede hat.

"When you wear a hat, it is like medicine for the soul. 
 The hat is the expression of who you are as a women in every moment~"

When you wear a hat-
you are making a wintery fashion statement.
Everyone notices a girl in a hat! 

Introducing my winter slouch hat collection~
(all of these hats are "one size fits all"
they are super slouchy
and can be adjusted to fit in many ways.) 

the Eleanor hat
seriously slouchy-
made from a soft acrylic yarn 
that is accented with sequins.
The entire band around the hat is
an over sized wide cable.
the brim can be rolled up or down
to adjust to your own style.
no two people will wear this hat alike
there are SO many possibilities.

the Marilyn hat
washable suede
this hat is super light weight and stretchy
but incredible WARM!

this is the hat that I wore in these photos
shown earlier as part of the Pink Scarf Project.
My email box literally filled up
with folks asking about this hat!  
Maria and I took off that morning to
frigid temps--
I popped this hat on at the last minute.
Its so light weight -- and yet
it is warm as can be.
Every time I wear this hat -
someone asks about it.  I actually
made three for this showing,
but already sold 2 here locally. 
so now there is only
one left! 

the Lesly hat
made from the most exquisite mohair yarns-
this hat is slouchy, stretchy, soft, and WARM.
I knitted this hat sitting on the beach in St. Martin 
last spring-
it turned out so beautiful that I had
to make one for myself. 
This hat is drop dead gorgeous
with that perfect slouchy drop!
(this hat style is the same pattern
as the suede hat above-
the mohair makes this hat also very lightweight
but wonderfully warm and slouchy!) 

a little story~

while I was knitting this hat-
an elderly gentleman came up to me and asked
if he could touch my yarn.
He told me that his wife had recently passed away
and that she had loved to knit.
He told me that she always used the most beautiful
yarns and that I reminded him of her.
He said that he was an "expert on beautiful yarns
 because of his wife.".
Every time I wear this hat, 
I think of that sweet man.
He said her name was Lesly
so I named this hat in her honor.

 the Madelyne hat
a simple bucket style
with the most incredible slouchy drop.
a brim that can be rolled  up or down-
this hat is super WARM!

I love this style of hat
and I own it in three colors!

me and my favorite slouch hat
at Lake Louise, Canada

the Vicki hat
I love to make hats
and I love to WEAR hats in the winter!
This is the tan sequin hat 
that I am wearing in the above photo.
I named it after me.
(I can do that - right?)

the Christine hat
another one of my favorite hats,
and I own this hat as well.
Similar in design to the Eleanor hat
 (except without sequins)-
this hat is made from the most exquisite yarn.
Marled hues of denim blues,
with a tiny metallic silver thread 

this is the perfect hat
to wear with your blue jeans and boots!
(I made 2 because I LOVE this yarn!)

the Angela hat
this beautiful hat is the same style
as the one named for me--
I used a multi textured
"thick and thin" yarn
with silver metallic threads
and because I can't 
"leave things alone!"
I added beaded flower and leaf
yes --
it's gorgeous!

the Clarissa hat
this beautiful hat is the same style
as the Christine and Eleanor hats
pictured above.
~the sequins
in this hat just glisten
so beautifully in the light.

want to make a statement?
this is definitely the hat for you!
(I don't own this hat yet --
but I will before the winter is over!)

the Margaret hat
BLACK- that iconic color that is always perfect.
The sequins make it even more special.
this is also the same style as the 
Clarissa, Christine, and Eleanor hats
shown above.

wear this hat with your best black winter coat
or your blue jeans and leather jacket-
black never goes out of style.

a little story~
I knitted this hat while we were on
a cruise earlier this year.
Sitting on the deck beside me were two
little German ladies (who did NOT speak English).
They were asking me to tell them what I was knitting.
Finally, when I finished the hat,
I put it on my head and modeled it for them.
They were both so excited that
they jumped up and down clapping their hands!
(try to imagine how super cool
I looked wearing this hat on the top deck
of a cruise ship along with my bathing suit!)  
You can find all of these hats 
listed now in my
For those of you who are on the Woodland nest waiting list --- nesting has officially begun here in the Sacred Yarn room!  I have already begun contacting those at the start of the list -- so if you are on the list, you will be hearing from me in the next few weeks! 

a little reminder that you are all invited to the next party starting on January 25.  If you wish to participate you will need to go here and sign up!  If you are already signed up to party with us -- be sure to tell all your friends!  

Stay warm and snuggled in--right now out my window it is pouring the snow! The perfect day to be thinking about hats! (I'll be wearing one when I head out in a bit!)

~coming  up next--
I've got so many things to tell you and to show you.  I've grouped them all together in a little "just keepin' it real post"--


  1. Your hats are lovely and perfect for this winter weather of snow and ice we are experiencing. December Delights Dear...

  2. Gorgeous hats Vicki! I love the blue hat most....but they are all glorious!

  3. Gorgeous hats Vicki! I love the blue hat most....but they are all glorious!

  4. I love these hats, especially "Lesly" because of your touching (literally) story. Using sequins is a great idea as well.

  5. Love all of your hats,flowers,sparkles and all!
    I usually don't wear hats.....hats and me don't go but, when its' cold I do!

  6. I love all your hats, each in its own individual way. Alas.. I LOOK RIDICULOUS wearing a hat. You look so cute wearing yours, but I just don't have a hat face or a hat head or something!!!!!!
    I'll envy all those lucky ladies who will wear your hats so beautifully!!!!

  7. Dear Vicki,
    Your hats are looking wonderful, I love the pattern in the Eleanore hats, but also the one you are wearing in the first photo, looks so wonderful on your sweet head ,-
    They are all wonderfully warm to see, and OH the one with flowers, I believe that one is my favorite!!You have been so productive, dear friend.
    Hugs from Dorthe

  8. I love the hats and my favorite is the "Elenor" know I love the name...I sometimes call Eloise that name! LOL!
    I must say THESE yarns are beautiful, unlike those we saw yesterday.
    Still eating candy!

  9. Oooh Vicki!... these hats just take my breath away!... I so love each and every one of them... I put the "Clarissa" in my wish list... they are all so exquisite but I think she is my favorite one... I can just picture you sitting on the cruise ship with your hat on and those two darling ladies trying to ask you what you are knitting... and the story of the dear little man whose wife passed away brought tears to my eyes... my mama was a knitter too... and when she passed away, she had a stash of yarn probably (maybe) as big as yours... my sister Jo (who as you know is in Heaven now too) knitted all of us afghans and other beautiful things out of mama's yarn, as none of us could bear to part with any of it... so, I know just how that precious little man feels... and how kind of you to spend time chatting with him... you are such an incredibly kind and caring lady... and talented beyond words... I am so loving my Desert wrap... I just don't want to take it off!... your yarns really are the softest and finest in the world... love you sweet lady!... xoxo Julie Marie

  10. awesome!! i love the snowy Canadian shot. ( :

  11. My sweet friend,
    I love all your hats but the model is my most favourite of all!Your Lake Louise photo is so beautiful. I have never been there in the Winter, maybe one day. I should take up knitting more often it seems to be a type of therapy maybe I will end up getting good at it just like you.
    Much love and many hugs,
    Karen B. ~ Todolwen

  12. All these hats are beautiful! It would be difficult to choose just one, Vicki!
    There is and always has been something so relaxing and peaceful either knitting something yourself or watching someone knitting. My grandmother and mother always looked 'their best' when they were their own little world.

  13. these hats are wonderful, and your gorgeous knitted wraps just take my breath away! Do please take a minute to let your blog followers know where to find the fuzzy acrylic yarns that you used in the beautiful shawls!!!You inspire us to get busy during these dreary winter months...bless you for sharing your talents and information!

  14. Gosh, I sure wish I was a hat-kinda-gal. Just ain't happening though. These are beautiful, Vicki. And ... you couldn't have chosen a better backdrop than that beautiful red barn!!!

  15. Your hats are just awesome but since I'm so small, I would get lost in a slouchy hat but I think that a Vicki hat would be about what I would wear.

    I love the story of you wearing the slouchy hat in your bathing suit on the deck of the cruise ship. Very eye catching. Some of those hats looks complicated to knit.

    Take care,

  16. That mental image of you with a hat and a bathing suit will make me smile through the end of the week - am SO excited to be the owner of the gorgeous blue one - actually, EACH ONE is ROCK, my friend! XOXO

  17. All gorgeous hats!! Love the cable slouchy hats the best ... and the sequins ... and the yarn .. and ... Wendy x

  18. Vicki, These are beautiful. I love all of them. I would like to have one of everyone you have made!!! You look so cute in them too. I need one for a bad hair day!! These are incredible. Keep those fingers warm to keep knitting!!!

  19. Vicki, I want one of each!!! They are absolutely incredible. I love them all. You are so creative and you look so cute in all them. I need one for a bad hair day which would be a lot through the winter!!! Just saying they are beautiful just like you.

  20. Vicki - they are just gorgeous!!! I think that's what I need, a good slouchy hat. Considering the fact that we haven't been over 19 degrees in the last week and a half! Karen

  21. Love the hats!!! Would you ever be willing to share the recipe :-)


  22. Vicki, you are so darn talented! Knitting and I don't seem to be getting along very well so far this year... everything I've started has had to be ripped out because of so many mistakes... Eeeek! Just can't seem to focus and keep track of the stitches... Geez Louise! LOL! I sure love all of those hats, especially the Eleanor just because I love white and who could resist those sparkly sequins?! :D
    Looking forward to January 25th!!!
    Beth P

  23. All of them are so pretty Vicki. I love hats but every time I put one on I look so odd that I just don't wear them. Maybe I should just wear them and not care how they look LOLOLOL My grandmother loved hats and I have two of hers that she used to wear all the time. Hugs to you and Merry Christmas!

  24. Your hats are so beautiful and warm looking! I can only wish I could knit and make something so wonderful.

  25. oh these are so pretty! and i chuckled SO much reading the story about your "German Lady" friends and their reaction to your hats. too cute! ;)

  26. Hi Vicki I just love it that you gave your gorgeous hats each a name-that makes them all extra special. I love the mohair and denim one the most oh and the suede one too and
    Please stop by when you have a chance-and enter my Merry Christmas Basket Giveaway

  27. Vicki, your work is absolutely gorgeous :-)
    Keep warm and Take Care

  28. Fantastic hats - love the various designs, wools, sequins, beads etc. Love the Lake Louise photo....

  29. These are beautiful Vicki! You are a talented hat maker and story teller. :-)

  30. Such beautiful hats! Last year I knitted my very first hat, with a fine yarn so it took ages and then it was way too big and just wouldn't stay on..! I'll have to try again, love your slouchy designs. Merry Christmas to you and your family, catherine x

  31. I just found you.....all I can say is your WORK is stunning.



  32. Love the hats, they are amazing. They remind me of mom cause she always wore a hat. Hugs...Lu

  33. I love the picture with the a harvest of hats! With all the snow and bitter cold here, I haven't stepped outside without a hat in weeks; usually my ancient polarfleece earflap hat bought ages ago in a children's department. It's still a great chore hat, even though a young Piper once stole it from the drying rack and managed to shred the inside band before being caught in the act. Since then, I just have to tuck the band back into place every time I put the hat on. Now you've got me thinking...could it be time for a NEW earflap hat? ;)

  34. Hello sweetest Vicki
    What a gorgeous post! I love every hat here but just 'cause I can't go past mohair I think I have to say the Lesley hat is my most favourite but, being Summer here, it is a bit hard to get my head around wearing one at the moment but I just think they look absolutely fantastic.
    Hope all your Christmas preparations
    are coming together well sweet friend,
    Sending you many big warm and cuddly Christmas hugs - hat or no hat!

  35. Your hats are so beautiful. Love them !!

    Wish you a Merry Christmas Vicki !!

    Hugs and Blessings,

    Wilma, Shabby Royale.

  36. Hi Vicki, Your hats are so charming and perfect for the cold weather. P.S. You look fabulous wearing one!
    Wishing you and your family Christmas Blessings, Erin

  37. Gosh Vicki. I just don't know where you find the energy for all that you do, all that you create. Most days, I just feel like I am spinning my wheels. Not enough time for everything I want and need to do. My question is, do you ever sleep? :) HA! The hats are all so gorgeous. As are your photos. Best wishes and happy holidays, Tammy

  38. Why of course you should have one named after you...I love that you did that! And goodness when I read the story of the Lesly hat it brought tears to my eyes. So glad you followed up with a lighter story of you posing with the hat in your it! xoxo

  39. Vicki, love the hats and yes, you can name it after yourself! I wear hats all year ' my hats and sometimes have scarves and fingerless gloves to match.
    Merry Christmas!

  40. What a beautiful hats! I would like to get one of these... :)

  41. Oh my goodness! These are all just yummy! How sweet the "Leslie" hat is....made my day to read that story. :)

  42. Love all these pretty hats! Sure makes me wish I knew how to knit!

  43. Hi Vicki, I have found your blog thru Evalina Maria's post about the blog party this weekend :) I will have to join the party next year, sounds like great fun! Love your knitting, especially all these hats, one is prettier than the next!! Have a fun weekend blog hopping!

    Just Stitching Along


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