Saturday, January 31, 2015

Prelude ---- to a Snowbird Nest

so pure...
    so white,
          the most beautiful creation,

words cannot describe
the delicacy of one tiny little flake
falling to the ground...
so fragile~ 

one of the few redeeming 
qualities of winter is
the true and absolute beauty 
of snow~

there is nothing
so magical as looking out your window
and watching those first flurries
falling to the ground~
(this beautiful snow owl vase was created by my friend Julie Whitmore)

 when the snow builds up 
outside our houses,
we are enveloped inside our own warm
little nests~~

it is the time for
fuzzy slippers, a cozy blanket,
and a cup of
steaming hot cocoa~

 the snowfall is silent, 
so slow--
with a delicate whisper,
it settles upon
 the earth~

white and weightless,
the snow makes no noise~

it falls on the fields gently,
blanketing everything with its
 pure and silent

 "I wonder if snow loves the trees and fields...
it covers them up snug, you know
with a white quilt;
 and perhaps it says,
Go to sleep, darlings,
till the summer comes again"
-Lewis Carroll  


sleeping softly through the day,
 never making a sound,
only waking up
when the sun goes down,
that is when little Snowbirds
come out to play~

she opens her eyes
ready to fly,
wings at the ready
on the edge of her nest...

 she flies from the forest 
into the night
her path lit by the light of the moon~

Coming next January
just in time for the winter snows...
an exciting new addition
to my Designer nest series--

 Soon to come--
the beautiful, icy, glittery, white
Snowbird nest.
each little nest will come with it's own
beautiful glass
you may reserve yours now if you wish
(there will be 30 to share)

Just keeping it real~~ 

I would have to pick one of the coldest days of the year
for this photo shoot!  
Took me all day to take these photos
as I could only stay outside about 10 minutes at a time!!
I think I wore 3 layers of clothes!

Are you ready for spring yet? I am so ready! --- between the cold, the icy roads, the threat of icy roads, the gray days, ---- I am desperate for sunny and warm. Sigh~

 I've been busy working on the little Woodland nests all winter, -- those of you on the list, should have heard from me by now.  Soon, I will be starting the Shabby Chic nests -- so if you are on that list -- you will hear from me soon. 

Thank you to everyone who turned out for my third "Grow Your Blog" party.  We are off and running and it has been a wonderful experience already for so many new bloggers.  There are over 300 blogs participating.  If you would like to make some new blogging friends, you are invited to visit the party list and travel the world of blogging! (the link to the party is on my sidebar).
Thank you especially to all my volunteers who helped me this year -- almost 40 people were needed to help me monitor this year's party!  So many of you have emailed me to say that your readership has grown already and some of you have actually doubled your followers!  I am so happy for the success of your blogs and that you are beginning to enjoy the rewards of blogging.
For the next few weeks, I am taking a little blog break --   This has been a very, very, busy winter -- with nesting, long hours spent on the blog party, and... I've had some awful something that has hung on forever ---
I'm going to take some time to feel better, to begin to work on the photos for our virtual travels to the Gaspese, and to find the sunshine...
 If you need me -- I am always here--


  1. Can't wait to see your snowbird nest! I am loving the beautiful flakes and the way it silences the city sounds but I am not so fond of the icy roads!

    I am loving the Grow Your Blog event - thank you for the chance to meet more creators!

  2. Hello dear Vicki, I'm sorry to hear you feel bad. Take care and rest well. Your blog post is so beautiful and poetic, I loved reading it and watching the beautiful photos. Sending you hugs, Wendy of Apple and Apricot (and you're so welcome, I loved helping with the party!)

  3. Thanks so much for the lovely Grow Your Blog Party that you organized this year. I know it was a lot of work to organize this event and I thank you for that. I totally enjoyed it and met some nice bloggers. Take care and enjoy your blogging break.
    Julie at Julie's Lifestyle

  4. My dear friend,
    firstly your photographs are stunning and you look amazing too. I can't wait to see what the nest will look like, I am sure it will again be magical!
    Many hugs,
    Karen B. ~ Todolwen

  5. Have a good rest and get well soon. There have been some nasty winter virus's here in the UK. I felt as though the stuffing had been knocked out of me for ages.
    Your winter nests will be super.

  6. Your Snowbird nests are going to be so beautiful Vicki! I love the assemblage of yarn and embellishments...winter wonderland magic. Please do take care of yourself as kind to yourself as you are to others Rest well!

  7. It's going to be gorgeous, I can't wait!

  8. oh vicki - these are beautiful pictures. I can't wait to see these nests. I have been sketching for a "Spring Dance" idea for one for me. Thank you for sharing your beauty with us. Be safe.

  9. Enjoy your time off!Thanks for your Grow Your Blog Party!AriadnefromGreece!

  10. Absolutely stunning...and not only were YOU cold, but was your Gardener out there taking pictures of you taking pictures? Stay warm, my friend! XOXO

  11. Absolutely stunning...and not only were YOU cold, but was your Gardener out there taking pictures of you taking pictures? Stay warm, my friend! XOXO

  12. Ooooh! I bet the wintery, white nests will be beautiful! Can't wait to see them. Have fun creating! :-)

  13. Oh my ... such beauty!!!!!!!! I can't wait to see finished products on this one. Just stunning. There's something about white and silver that takes my breath away.

    Great job on the photography, too.

  14. Your winter nests photos are just beautiful Vicki. Sorry you're not feeling well.
    Take time to rest from Blogger and get better.


  15. A beautiful post Vicki! As someone who lives in the sub tropics, a snowy landscape is so alien but fascinating to me. Once again thank you for organising the GYB party; I've met some lovely new bloggers as a result. Will continue to check out blogs on the list,

  16. Vicki, I am in love with your winter nests. So beautiful. Winter is my favorite season, it is so beautiful, I guess that is why I live in the Utah mountains.
    Thank you again for the addition to my blog. It is growing a little at a time, and I am meeting some awesome friends which to me is the most important part.
    I have been ill for the past 6 weeks and the doctors said it is just a virus and that I needed much rest, you do the same and rest know that you are loved. Special hugs from far away. You will be in my prayers. Jo

  17. Such a wonderful presentation, and know this will be a very special edition!

  18. A few flakes of snow is nice to see. A few inches of snow can be lovely. Two months of that not so charming white stuff is a bummer.

  19. I think these will be my favorite nests of yours of all could they not be! Snowbird makes me think of my parents though, whom live 5 mos. of the year in Az. as snowbirds! I look forward to seeing these delicate, snow inspired nests of yours. Beautiful post. xxo

  20. So beautiful! Enjoy your blog break after all your wonderful hard work promoting blogging! xx

  21. This design will be stunning...such beautiful colors and what a great name. Hope you are feeling better soon!

  22. That white nest be beautiful, as all you have done.
    I've been walking around the blogs and I discovered wonders.
    Mine has not grown much, I guess for the language, but just wonderful people have leaned.
    You command a bit of summer heat here. I will not until the autumn or winter. Here there is no snow but lots of rain and cold.
    A hug dear Vicki, beware.

  23. Do take the time to take care of you - we'll be here when you return. btw - only you can make snow and winter look pretty (sez I, who hates everything to do with winter!!).

  24. Your photos are magical. Have a wonderful rest; I look forward to see your new nest!

  25. I am ready for spring! I love all the seasons, but winter has been in full force for a while. I think freshly fallen snow is beautiful. The vase is so pretty. Good luck with the nest! :)

  26. Hello dearest Vicki
    I felt I was in a snow white winter wonderland when I was reading this.
    The post is so beautiful and so are your poetic words. I can only experience the feeling of snow by coming to places like this as we never see it here!

    Those yarns and glass beads and pearls will be transformed into the most amazing snowbird nests sparking and shiny! I can see them in my mind's eye!

    Bless you girl but please rest and take some of the advice you give to us. We want you to functioning at 100 percent in every way!

    You are so loved!

  27. What a lovely post, Vicki! I, too, love the winters snow, and your nests are exquisite! I shall have to go back and visit your Grow Your Blog Party blog hop. You seem to take on amazingly large projects! I'm still shaking my head over the breast cancer scarf project you did couple of years ago! Enjoy your well-deserved break!

  28. Oh my goodness..this is lovely! Amazing pictures! SO pretty!

    (I found you on a link on From Page to Table)


  29. I hope you feel better soon - it's been a very difficult winter. Thank you (and the volunteers!) for all of the hard work hosting the party!

  30. Your snowbird nest materials are BEAUTIFUL!! I look forward to seeing them complete!!
    Rest up and get well!! Spring IS just around the corner!!!

  31. Hi Vicky,
    What a wonderful post. You are such a poetic, artistic sweet lady. Very, very talented !! Thank you so much for hosting this great Grow Your Blog Party. I met some very nice ladies and grew my blog.
    Hope you will feel better very soon.
    Take care !!

    Blessings to you dear Vicky.
    Wilma. Shabby Royale

  32. Nice words to go with the photo's. Well done with perservearing with the shoot. When It gets that cold I tend to give up but at least it looked sunny which was a bonus

  33. Sooo beautiful! Your lovely blog has just given me the courage to face this one last blast of winter in Wisconsin, keeping in mind how lovely it can be. Thanks for the inspiration!


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