Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Traveling Gaspese --- Day 2 (Rimouski)

We are continuing our travel/photo journey of the
 Gaspe Peninsula--

Our first night on the road brought us to a charming little Auberge run by the cutest little French couple...
they spoke NO English-- in fact when I made the reservation the little lady just sent me an email that said --"OK, just come."  
I told my husband that he needed to keep an open mind as we sat about our travels, because there would surely be "adventures"!!

our planned travel distance of "2 hours" driving
took us almost 8 hours on this first day...
we arrived at our first destination
 in the late evening~

this had to be 
the cutest little room ever!
A little kitchenette, 
and an awesome screened in porch
with killer sunset views
over the tidal marsh --
we were only staying for one night
but I already wanted to stay
for a week!

 just outside our room
was this lovely sitting area
facing the tidal marsh~

steps led to the tidal flats~

 we took a walk along the tidal flats
just before sunset~

sunset over the tidal flats~

stunning sunset views

dinner that evening
was at a quaint little restaurant
recommended by our Auberge hosts~

the food was incredible..
(pictures are my orders--)
split pea soup and grilled salmon

the sun was shining in our windows early,early
the next morning...
we went for a walk along the tidal flats
before we continued our travels~

the wind was blowing
on this early September morning,
the air was crisp and clear...
and it was COLD!!

our walk was amazing
on this beautiful morning~
I have never seen so much driftwood
in my life!
I collected a few special pieces,
but I really wanted to
stuff my car full!

I loved it here...
our cute little room,
the sweet little French couple who were our hosts,
these beautiful tidal flats--
I wanted to stay~
but all too soon it was time 
to be on our way...
we had "two hours" of driving to do today,
and little did I know--
but it would take us almost 10 hours 
to get there!
 Canadian route 132
is not just the main road that
circles the Peninsula...
it is the only road!

it wasn't long before we came to 
our first stop...

this beautiful historic mill
sitting beside fast flowing stream..
(of course we stopped to walk
around and take photos!)

across the highway from the mill
was the outlet for the stream..
the place where the stream flowed into the
mighty St.Lawrence river~

not even 30 minutes up the road --
and already we were making our second stop!

 Luc Leclerc is an extraordinary craftsman.
His talents are legendary,
passed down through generations...
His father, and his father's father
were masters at the craft of making
 wooden boats.

stepping into this beautiful shop
was an amazing experience...

the details on these boats
defies description...
Luc's boats aren't just loved
by the locals...
his boats are shipped all over
the world.

 we visited for the longest time,
talking about his family
and their history of boat making.
He was the nicest guy ever
and his passion for his craft was
evident in all that he spoke..

he shared with us an incredible story
of how when he was a child,
President Roosevelt stopped by the shop 
to purchase a boat from his Grandfather,
and then was invited to dinner 
at his Father's house~

he graciously allowed me
to step into his workshop
and to take photos~

I was in total awe of
his works in progress...

just a few more photos
from this incredible place
before we have to be on our way!
(we haven't even had our breakfast yet!)

by now it's almost 10 am 
and we are heading on up the road
working our way towards Rimoski...

 when we finally stop for the night,
 this will be our view...
(we are only driving a distance of about 2 hours,
but it will take us over 8 hours to get there!
this seems to be already the tradition
for this trip!)
In the next post of this series
we will visit more scenic roadside stops,
(think more beautiful historic churches!!)
and the incredible Reford Gardens...
we will have many amazing adventures before
our heads hit the pillow this night...

Some updates~
well, I'm sorry to have been gone so long.  It was not my intention to be gone almost 3 weeks before finishing this part of the series.  Life happens....I've been busy planting flowers, making jams, and what seems like a million other things.  Summer is already incredibly busy!!

 (summer blooms on my back deck)

  I took a little trip --- actually an amazing girl trip.  My friend Marsha and I traveled to Tazewell, Va. to visit my friend Sandra on her beautiful Thistle Cove Farm.  You can click on the link and visit Sandra and her post about our visit.  I will post lots and lots of photos from that trip soon. Spending time with Sandra on her beautiful historic farm was one of the best things that I ever did for my self --- a special little treat for me and Marsha.  Being there was pure heaven...

BUT next---- I will be sharing the first of my summer giveaway's with you. And, I promise that it won't be another 3 weeks before I return with that post --- watch for this little giveaway post to be coming up soon....

~~~A little update for those of you who are following my Josephine's Children project--- we are getting ever so close.  We have had notice that the boxes have been cleared by the immigration authorities on June 12 and are now on the land portion of the trip making their way towards the children.  This land portion of the travels could take up to 2 weeks -- so please keep your prayers going up that all goes well and your gifts of love will reach the children soon....

Love, love,


  1. What interesting days you spent - even the two hour trips look like they were so worth the extra time. Your deck is just lovely.

  2. Your photos prompt me to happily remember my trip with my youngest son to PEI this past fall, Vicki...good memories! Your photos of the craftsmanship of the boat maker are wonderful. My husband's uncle made a foot long wooden model of a sailing ship from mahogany wood, but used copper sheets for the little sails. Now the copper is dull, but somehow still able to catch the wind of my imagination and appreciation for his uncle's artistry and my romantic love of the sea and sailing on calm waters :) I am a relatively new follower of your blog and am going to reread about the Josephine Project...but am so pleased to note that the gift's for the children will soon arrive! Thanks for posting! xx

    PS I am so pleased you were able to visit your friend on her farm and bless her in many ways in the process!!!

  3. You have wonderful photos and remembrances of your trip to Quebec. I love that cute little place you stayed at in Rimouski. I am sure you enjoyed your food along the way for the French are wonderful cooks. I absolutely love your garden deck too. It is simply beautiful and a wonderful place to relax.

  4. What a wonderful place to say. SO beautiful and peaceful. Not sure I'd want to come home

  5. your photos are beautiful..the food looks delicious. thank you for sharing your lovely experience!

    Tamara <3

  6. Dear Vicki, it's so wonderful following you on this trip and I can see how a 2 hour drive took you so long. So much to take in in such a short trip. Wow, the miniature boats are just awesome and the owner is such a sweet guy. I feel refreshed from such a relaxing atmosphere. You really know how to make a trip special because you take time to enjoy everything.

    It was wonderful to see Button's comment on your friend blog of Thisle Farm. Button is a blog friend of mine.
    Very sweet of you and your friend to weed her garden and somehow I'm not surprised because you are really a nice and generous person.

    Thank you so much for the update on Josephine's Children. I'm so glad that the boxes are on their final land trip to the children. It really warm my heart. I'll be praying for a safe arrival to the destination. I can't wait to see pictures of the children receiving the boxes.

    All the best to you dear Vicki. Have a safe and joyful summer. Your deck looks so inviting.


  7. A trip on faith is a wonderful adventure. My best friend took her husband on a month's tour of Italy. Neither speak the language. She tells wonderful stories of strangers getting in their rented car to get them to their next destination.

  8. Vicki is know wonder that it took you 8 hours to get to your destination with all of the beauty around you. Loved it all. Have an amazing day. Jo

  9. Wonderful to see more of your amazing travels!!! xx

  10. You are so wonderful to take us on your trips. So lovely. I especially liked the pictures of the old sailing ships. We had a small sail boat and loved sailing. It really brought us closer together. So I have a special place in my heart for those boats.

  11. It was Sandra's blog that brought me here and what a treat for the eyes you are. I am now a follower and looking forward to more.

  12. Dear Vicki,
    I remember some from this trip from fb, I think and am again amazed over such adventures you and your husbond,have when away on vacations. Your way of always only staying for a day or two ,before moving on, makes for so many fantastic experiences and so many beautiful places to see.The little hotel looks so romantic in it`s own cute way, and the stop at the boat makers house and workroom, must have been a totally special experience,-thank you for showing so many gorgeous pictures from there, too, as well as from the nature,walks. I`m happy for you, you could bring home some driftwood,dear friend.
    Sending you warmest hugs.

  13. Your drive reminds me of my trip to Cape Breton. My friend and I were constantly turning off the road to find some special treasure. Those boats are fantastic!

  14. Such wonderful trips you two take. Thank you so much for all the photos and the wonderful narrations.

    Can you even !!BELIEVE!! that those boxes are finally in Africa and almost on the doorstep of the children? Oh my goodness. I wish both of us could be there when they unpack their goodies.

    Happy day!

  15. wonderful photos and such beautiful places you've visited! love the boats. your summer flowers look so lovely! Happy summer days.

  16. You always take amazing adventures. Most people just want to get where they are going but you enjoy each and every moment and opportunity along the way. Wonderful views and beautiful sight. The detail and love put into those handmade boats is just incredible. I just saw Sandra's post about your visit. How wonderful! So glad you were able to spend time with her. Best wishes, Tammy

  17. Oh thank you so much Vicki for sharing this amazing post about your latest trip and those incredibly built handmade boats. Simply awesome my friend,
    Sending big warm hugs,

  18. Your photos are, as usual, amazing. What a wonderful trip this must have been! A night spent by those marshes must have been nothing if not heavenly. I love the smell of the marsh so this would have been a draw for me. Your room looks perfect. Those bateaux miniature are amazing, to say the least. What a talented artist the gentleman who built them is! I enjoyed your post so very much, Vicki!

  19. The best kind of travel always includes adventure! Love this travelogue and thanks for taking us along. Loved having you and Marsha visit...things are moving along...slowly...I'm getting together a little package to send. LOVE the "stuff" got to Africa...LOVE IT!
    Vicki, you're a blessing, a beautiful blessing!
    Okay, just come...again.

  20. You always take the most amazing photos on your trips!!! You are so smart to go "NORTH" instead of south during the summer!!! What a lovely area to travel!! I've only been to Canada once - must explore more!!!


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