Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Coming soon.... the Freebird Patriotic Nest

Coming soon....
and definitely in time for your holiday celebrations...
the Patriotic themed Freebird Nest.

Listings will take place the week of June 9.
Currently there are nine nests
that remain UNRESERVED.
If you are interested in reserving
one of these for your Patriotic
holiday celebrations,
you may contact me
to do so.
These nests are the latest edition
in my charitable series.
This design will not ever 
be repeated.

I am interested in your suggestions
for where to donate the
charitable proceeds from the sale
 of this nest.
Please feel free to leave a comment
here with your suggestions.
I'll be back with the photos
of this beautiful new nest soon! 



  1. Looks great Vicki! Being in Canada, I'm not much help with suggestions regarding possible charities, but perhaps there's something that would benefit veterans? Or those suffering from PTSD?

  2. I would choose a charity that helps the families that lost their loved one in war

  3. They are just beautiful! I volunteer for Hospice of Marion County, FL and spend time at the Legacy Hospice house visiting patients. I spent 2 afternoons this week visiting. Any of the Hospice houses that are non profit appreciate donations. That way they can accept people no matter their financial status. You make such beautiful things. I'm making some ribbon flowers out of raw silk this week. It sure feels good to work with soft elements! Sweet hugs, Diane

  4. So excited to see your latest creation!


Your comments make my heart sing!