Sunday, March 15, 2020

New Spring Nests are coming...

It's been the longest winter...

 gray skies have finally given way 
to sunshine..

 Our days are longer now,
birdsong and chatter fill the air...

 Retirement is a wonderful thing...
I'm finding time for me...

We've been enjoying some wonderful travels
and I've been able to find more
leisurely time 
for my knitting projects.

The "soon to be" arrival of Spring
means that it is
 "nesting" time...

The new "Woodland" nests
will be ready for their homes 

This is my first nesting creation
since my retirement. 
I'll be honoring that in a big way...
pulling out all the stops
to make this year's "Woodland nest"
EXTRA special!

I've collected some lovely vintage millinery
as well as other vintage treasures
that I've been saving 
for this very special 
celebration nest...
in honor of my retirement.
(43 years of Neonatal Nursing)

 This year's nest will be a showstopper
for sure!

 As always... there is a waiting list
for this nest.
Because this nest is going to be
 so very special...
I am extending the opportunity
to join the waiting list.
A few additional spots have been added
for those who are

If you wish to be added
to the "retirement version"
list for the 
"Woodland nest"...
just email me.

Even though I'm not often here at my blog...
my promise continues to always post here first
regarding my nests and knitted wraps.
Because you ALL are my first love...
I will always post here before
posting availability on my 
Instagram account. 

 As a reminder...
this year's Designer nest will be a new
Breast Cancer Awareness Nest.
By now you know that the making of this nest
is a deeply emotional investment for me....
my way to honor our beautiful
The "Alicia" nest will be beyond
You may email me if you are interested.
There are a very few spots left
on the waiting list...

I love and miss you all,
(If you have established yourself
an Instagram account..
please follow me there..
2 Bags Full.)
Our travel photos are there...
photos of my chickens.. lol,
some favorite recipes,
and my life in general.
Just me...

 I'll be back soon,
with photos of the new
(and very special)
"Woodland nest"... 



  1. You're so right - retirement is a wonderful thing! I just noticed that you say that comments make your heart sing - well, I have to tell you that seeing this wonderful colourful full-of-spring post made MY heart sing. Stay well, stay safe.

  2. Hello Vicki! I am working on a new wool needlecase and it made me think of your and our wonderful collaboration. Your pictures always take me to a happy place! Congrats on your retirement. I'm sure you are twice as busy creating now. Take care, stay healthy and thank you for the beauty you share with all of us!
    Jill from Fiberluscious

  3. Hi Vicki, the nests sound marvelous and looking forward to seeing them. I finally figured out I can subscribe so I won't miss any new posts...yay me! lol


Your comments make my heart sing!