Sunday, July 1, 2012

An Early Harvest

The summer solstice is behind us and even though we are enjoying those lazy, hazy days of summer --  inching ever closer, by minutes every day, are the colorful and vibrant hues of autumn days~~

The planning stages for my Designer nests begin well in advance of the actual production.  This nest was well into thought over a year ago.  Knowing that I wanted to make the nest this year and have it ready for you all this fall -- the photo shoot for the yarns actually took place early last fall!!  

Over a year ago -- Mary and I spent one entire afternoon staging these yarns and taking photographs for this Harvest Nest prelude.  From the one little sneak peek photo that I showed you on my blog last year -- came an overwhelming interest in this soon to be released Designer nest.  The newest in my series~~

 No nest has ever generated SO much interest. Your overwhelming desire for this nest led me to make changes in my plans for the production.  Because I did not want to disappoint any of you who sent such wonderful emails - I decided to take one entire year to design and create  this nest.  Hence -  THE list -- anyone who wanted to go on the waiting list was assured of having a nest.

 Now here we are -- almost an entire year later and 40 of you are patiently waiting~~

 This nest will have a greater variety of yarns than ever before.  Well over 200 hundred yarns have been selected and collected for the production of this nest. I've been searching for beautiful and exquisite yarns for over 2 years - especially for this very special nest. 

(Wouldn't you love to know what I'm thinking about and purchasing yarns for NOW?  Trust me - there is an idea floating around in my head and in my sketch book.  But you won't see it for at least a year -- because -- these things take time!!)  But for now -- it is all about the Harvest Nest!!

The embellishments for this nest are absolutely stunning (think gorgeous beaded strands, beautiful straw flowers, beaded flowers,  beautiful dangles and the perfect touch of fall greenery).

Good things come to those who wait~~~ this nest will definitely be worth your patience and waiting!!

Tucked inside the nest will be 3 beautiful beaded acorns
(of varying colors) -- imagine Mary and me scurrying the woods last fall, like little wood nymphs -- collecting perfect acorn caps for this nest. 

We've been putting in a lot of long days and late nights~~

 Although it is only  July -- the autumn days will soon be here-- they are getting ever closer!! 

When the first leaves of autumn begin to fall from the trees -- your nest will be ready for you to enjoy~ 

 And as a special surprise for you all~~
we are making 5 extra nests.  So if you are NOT on the list now -- but want to be ---please email me.  5 more names may be added to  the Harvest Nest list -- for a total of 45 very lucky people. 

(This is the most labor intensive nest that I have ever created -- and doing 45 of them is totally all consuming.  So please understand - that most nests in my Designer series will be limited to a very small production - usually 15-20.  This is a very, very special nest~~) 

Just keeping it real-- 
Mary and I laboring all day over the photo shoot! 

You have to be 2 steps away from crazy
to go to this much trouble just to take pictures of

And-- making this the most wonderful experience ~~
my very first time to be featured in a national publication!!
I can hardly contain my excitement over this wonderful opportunity!!

My sincere thanks to the sweetest lady -- Mary Forsell, editor of the most beautiful Romantic Country magazine.  Thank you Mary for this privilege -- this has been the opportunity of a lifetime and I am both humbled and grateful.  Seriously -  how do you truly thank someone for making one of your dreams come true?         

   You can find me on page 13 of the new fall issue of Romantic Country magazine-- on sale at news stands now!! 

Coming soon~~~
the newest in my Designer series -- the Harvest Nest!


ps- I will be participating in Karen's "Where Bloggers Create" event.  Please join me here for an  up close and personal tour of the Sacred Yarn room.  You can find info about this fabulous blogging event by clicking the photo on my sidebar. I can hardly wait to show you all my stuff!!


  1. Oooh Vicki... I am soo excited for my Harvest nest, I can hardly stand it!!! I love seeing all of the beautiful yarns and embellishments going into it!... Autumn is my VERY favorite time of year... I love the colors, the crisp days and cool nights... everything about it, and my nest will be the highlight of Autumn for me this year... can you tell how excited I am???... and congratulations on being featured in Romantic County... I was so excited for you when I got my copy and saw you on Page 13, my lucky number!... much love to you, xoxo Julie Marie and the sissie nests

  2. No, no Vicki, as lovely as your pictures are and your enthusiasm for creativity is inspiring, I do not want to think "fall" yet. Summer has just started and I want to breathe it all in.

  3. I would really love to have one of your harvest much are they? I hate to ask, but must be sensible once in a while.....
    I lust after beautiful yarns too....

  4. How beautiful! I love your creative process and how you have ideas way in advance of actual production. I can see just what a labour of love these nests are for you. I'm so excited that you are in the magazine. I love that magazine and will be looking for you ;-)

  5. I'm drooling over all your gorgeous yarns. I understand about giving up food to buy yarn. You'll be knitting in rich colors this summer and fall. Have fun! xo Jenny

  6. carissima Vicky, just wonderful all the golden colours and thousand yarnsin your sublime nest creations!

    Summertime, but I do think truly your creativity does never take a vacation; gorgeously beautiful!!

    Have a wonderful summertime and thank you so much for your lovely summergreetings!

    I'll be back soon on my loved blog!
    ciao ciao your tuscan friend elvira

  7. The Harvest Nest looks amazing, dear Vicki, the two of you must be working like demons to get them ready for all those lucky people.
    I will be at the where bloggers create party, too. See you there! So Looking forward to peeking inside the Sacred Yarn atelier

  8. It's sure easy to understand why most people love the fall..look at the colors! You've captured that feeling perfectly with those yarns and accents. So beautiful. I'm now thinking of cooler days and orange leaves! I'm going to pick up that magazine today! Congrats! I feel like I know a celebrity!

  9. Where do I start Vicki...they're breathtaking.
    The yarn colours and textures are're designs so unique and special.
    You're truly gifted my friend.
    To put so much dedication and devotion into your nests make them a precious treasure.
    Congratulations on realising your dream but it's nothing short of what you deserve.
    Enjoy your success xoxo

  10. Wow! My fingers were itching to feel the texture of the gorgeous yarns! Great photo shoot!
    Your nests will be wonderful, and I wish I could be one of those lucky 45!

  11. Out of this world gorgeous. I think you know by now how much I adore your amazing nests. They are totally unique, exquisite creations.
    Congratulations on being published in such a prestigious magazine as well, wow, that really is awesome.

  12. Vicki - I think I'm on your list - I think I remember when you first mentioned a harvest nest...but if not, I'd like to be. Oh and speaking of beaded acorns, could you email me at please? I have something I'd like to send to you - who knows, you may be able to use them in a future nest. Hugs!

  13. Dear Sweet Vicki
    "I can see your true colours come shining through" in more ways than one! Just so love those Autumnal shades and can't wait to see the nests you create from these. They will be truly awesome - just like you dear friend!
    And it is no surprise to see you published in that gorgeous issue of
    Romantic Country!
    See you at the party too!
    Love and blessings to a wonderful person!

  14. These look so exciting, and such a lot of work but with those gorgeous yarns I think you will have lots of fun making them. Congratulations on being in a national magazine. Unfortunately we don't get it in England though but I shall certainly have a look at where bloggers create.

  15. Vicki, what amazing and gorgeous colors in these Harvest Nests, my goodness you are so full of inspiration and talent. I love, love love these ones!!!!!
    I am awaiting my second surgery so I am embroidering birdies.......when will it end, lol.
    How wonderful to be published, I can't wait to get my copy!!! Yeah for you!!!!
    Margaret B

  16. These nests are going to be GORGEOUS, Vicki! Cannot wait! I tried to find the magazine a couple of weeks ago with no luck. I will try at B & N tomorrow. Congratulations on the article.
    The photos were worth all the time you took. I absolutely love looking at them.
    ♥ audrey

  17. Vicki,

    those colors are just gorgeous-but shame on you mentioning autumn. Summer has just arrived. I want to see shades of blue and green. You have some serious talent girlfriend. I cannot wait to go get my copy of the magazine. You should be proud.

  18. Hello dear Vicki,
    what a feast for my eyes to visit your blog today, a most beautiful, and stunning feast,dear friend.
    Your yarns are SOOO warm and special in fibers and colours, so amazing, and so will the nests be,too for sure.
    What gorgeous little "jewels" you will add, like berries in late summer.
    Wishing you a beautiful week, with HUGS from me.

  19. Hi my sweet friend,
    ... wonderful these colours... but I can tell you - I woulöd like to wait a bit, til I see them. Our summer is simply wrotten up to know. It is raining since 5 weeks and there had been 4 or 5 almost summer days til know.... you see send over all the heat and I will send you half of our rain *lol*. The kids are still in school and not a bit mad about that because they couldn`t go to the swimming pool anyway. It is nearly to cold to have an ice... isn`t that awfull.... 24 month til I had a proper trip to my beloved beauch in spain and in Germany the summer is a desaster upt o know. But what can we do.... at least it can`t be worse!
    Hope everybody at your home is fine and you enjoy your summer... have a big ice tea for me too...... hugs & kisses Myriam

  20. i love these photos - they make me think of fall which i look forward to, no matter how present i am in the summer ;)

  21. Oh Vicki, congratulations on the publication, how wonderful! The nests are over the top beautiful; your heart is on display.
    Two steps away from crazy...I think not -smile-.

  22. Vicki, Fall is my favorite time of year and the colors you've chosen for your very special nests just scream 'beautiful.' I was especially proud to see you in Romantic of many new adventures, I bet. As always, wishing you and the Gardener lovely days ahead! pat

  23. Hi Vicki,

    Oh goodness this is so fabulous and your Fall photographs are stunning, amazing and beautiful. It makes me want to get out my Fall decorations!!! Your nests are works of art and so beautiful. I can see why so many people want one.
    Karen Valentine just designed a beautiful new blog banner for me using my art. Stop by if you have a minute.


  24. Hello Vicki,

    I popped over to visit your blog after receiving a recommendation from Esme of Chocolate and Croissants. You have selected some gorgeous colors to represent your autumn nests. They are beautiful! Congratulations on being featured in Romantic Country...I can certainly see why! You have a very lovely blog.

    I have added you to my blog roll and just became a
    follower. Sometime, I hope you will pop over for a visit to my blog.

    Congratulation on the birth of your new granddaughter, how thrilling!

  25. Congratulations my friend for the magazine feature! The harvest nests will be lovely and they have me yearning for some crisp fall evenings and football! Love the blingie acorns!

  26. You're making my heart race with these beautiful images. It's an amazing amount of thought, time and effort you put into these nests...and I am sooo grateful that I'M ON THE LIST!!!
    I saw your mention in my Romantic Country and almost spilled the beans.. I was going to mention it but when I saw you were going to announce it.. assuming that was the publication.. I kept mum!!!!
    Congratulations...I'm sure you'll have lots more fans of your blog once they've discovered you.

  27. Vicki, you are so creative and talented.

    Your photos are lovely as always, those yarn colours are fabulous and I love the little jewel acorns. These are certainly going to keep you busy.

    I have just started another Giveaway and hope that you and your lovely followers can join us to take part.

    Bon weekend.


  28. First, congrats on your darling new baby from your last post!!!!
    Second, congrats on being in the one deserves it more as your nests are most unique and wonderful...I'm sitting here by mine now and love it so. The fall nests look just incredible as I knew they would! The bird you are putting in them is just fanciful!! And the yard is!
    Third, thank you so much for your encouragement through my journey and the card you send it like all your special! THANK YOU!!!!

  29. P.S. Your photos are just amazing too!!!!!!

  30. Gorgeous offerings! Congratulations on the publication ~

  31. I just adorned your photos, they are so beautiful, I love the colours and textures and I just want to reach out and touch those balls of wools. How exciting to appear in a magazine, you are such a talented lady:)))))

  32. Oooh...I bet these nests are going to be gorgeous! I love fall colors and those acorns are AWESOME! I love 'em! :-)

  33. You deserve it. Your work and photography is just nothing short of amazing. those yarns are scrum-dilly-icious! Made me wish I could knit~!

  34. Congratulations Vicki for being published. You and Mary are quite the duo...gathering and staging and preparing for the arduous task of creating your stunning Harvest Nests. Blessings to you dear...

  35. Your love of life and excitement for all things beautiful is such a blessing. This post is totally the best. The art of the pictures is such an amazement to see. Exciting and lovely all together in one post. You are an amazing woman. I am so blessed to know you.

  36. Wow, Vicki. I can barely plan for tomorrow and you are dreaming up unique and beautiful nests a whole year in advance. You are such a creative, talented lady. The Fall images and yarn are lovely! And those little acorns so very pretty. Congrats on your magazine mention. Well-deserved! Have a great week. Tammy

  37. Ciao Vicki! What amazing autumnal colors for your wonderful nests!
    Congrats for being published on the magazine :))!!!
    Many hugs 4u!
    Mila :)

  38. Oh my stars! Vicki I'm on pins and needles looking at the goods. Congratulations on your pub! You totally deserve this with all the hard work you put into these stunning nests. :) I can't wait to get mine!!!

  39. So VERY excited to be in on THE List!!! I can't believe how much time has flown this year, already, since I got on there...and to think I was thinking it would be SOOOOOO long! Beautiful post photos, as always - XOXO

  40. PS! AND, a special thank you to MADDY GIRL, for drawing my name for the beach towel! Thank you for your generosity, Vicki - I LOVE this blog, and wouldn't miss a page, though I missed quite a bit while on my own vacation...sorry it took so long to respond - it was a computer-free 4 weeks! You ROCK! XOXOXO Tanya


Your comments make my heart sing!