Thursday, April 7, 2011

Barbados ~ Swimming with Sea Turtles

We spent our special time on the beautiful island of Barbados - on the water! We made our own plans for the day and sailed away on a beautiful catamaran. The turquoise waters of this exotic island were crystal clear and the Gardener was able to take some stunning photographs of the sea turtles as we played and swam together~~ Our day was spent with the wonderful folks at Silver Moon Cruises in Barbados. We privately booked their full day cruise excursion that allowed time for snorkeling and swimming with the sea turtles. The Gardener and I had done this same excursion last winter and we could NOT wait to go back again this year and take our friends with us. This is absolutely the best catamaran cruise excursion that we have ever done. (we love it so much- that we are already booking it again for next year!) There were only 12 passengers in addition to the crew on this excursion - one of the things that we love best about this wonderful experience! We practically had the boat to ourselves!
lots of sunshine and smiles!

(it was miserable cold and snowing back home!)

do these folks look happy or what? Jan takes her knitting everywhere she goes! (me too!)

the weather was perfect for our sail~

I'm telling you - this was a fabulous day!

(no photos of the Gardener on this post -

he spent most of his time

UNDER water-

keep watching and you will see why! )

these guys were THE absolute best crew!

not only did they sail the boat, but they waited on us like we were royalty

AND served us a fabulous buffet lunch

that was prepared by

Christian's Mom.

(he's the cutie in the middle)

Pina Colada in paradise

Oh yea!



love this beautiful church!

what an idyllic setting next to this shimmery blue water

(I wanted to swim over so that I could walk around and take photos -

but couldn't figure out how to get my camera safely over there -

DUH! - why didn't I borrow the Gardener's underwater camera?!!!)

NEXT TIME for sure!


Are you ready for some serious underwater beauty?

Enjoy these photos that the Gardener took with his new camera~


(that's my leg in the top of the photo

the turtles swam right between my legs!)

the crew fed the turtles

they were swimming around us like crazy!

(I love sea turtles!)

they are so graceful and beautiful in the water~



Beautiful - huh?

The Gardener is so thrilled with his new camera!


(UPDATE - I have had SO many people to email me and ask about the type of camera that the Gardener used - so here is the info and some links to Amazon.)

AND the Gardener's favorite thing to use with the camera - the Orange life preserver strap that I bought him to go with the camera! - Olympus strap float

Thought you might want to see a few photos taken on the ship~~ we clean up pretty good sometimes~ (doesn't the Gardener look dapper?)


(my beautiful necklace was handmade for me by my best friend Mary. She makes absolutely stunning jewelry. This necklace means the world to me and I love, love, love wearing it. When I wear this necklace - people truly walk across the room to ask me about it!) (You will be able to enjoy some of Mary's spectacular bead handiwork on a very special designer nest coming up SOON!)

My favorite ice cream that I have enjoyed on past cruises is honey apple. Unfortunately, it is no longer on the menu~~ so my sweet waiter requested to have it made for me by the chef! He surprised me with this on the second night of our cruise. The chef made enough ice cream that I enjoyed it for the entire 2 week cruise! (That is why I am NOW on a big DIET!!)


Our group - hanging out in my favorite wine bar. My evening dress was knitted by ME! I loved making the dress and want to make another one. And you thought that I could only knit nests! (the slit in the dress is actually on the side - I did not realize that it was twisted to the middle when we took the photo.)


(love you guys!)

Bob's favorite desert is bananas foster - so the chef made it special for him several nights while on the cruise~~ sometimes he even had more than one serving!

The traditional last night of the cruise~ Baked Alaska. We had the most wonderful waiters - these folks worked so hard to make our cruise special - I always want to take them home with us. Those of you who have been on cruises know how important that the staff and crew are to the enjoyment of the cruise experience. These guys were fabulous!


Are you tired of cruise photos yet? I hope not because I have saved the very best for last - gorgeous Bonaire and beautiful, colorful Curaco. BUT before we visit there in pictures - I am going to take a little spring break~~

Coming up next - a springtime CELEBRATION!! A giveaway to celebrate the completion of my latest "nesting" session! You know what's coming up now don't you! See you here in about a week~~



  1. What wonderful images of your cruise. I, too, take my knitting and crochet to sea. ;) The dress you knitted is gorgeous! Very, very nice! Thanks for sharing your pictures.


  2. What can I say? Your photos are absolutely stunning. Dresses, food, smiles, turtles, water.....I am drooling.
    THANK YOU for sharing these. You sure know how to have a good time!
    Did I say stunning?
    BTW, the chocolate is gone but the memories remain! And I did a couple of extra runs, too!
    Have I mentioned stunning?


  3. Oh my gosh, I'm overwhelmed by so many things. Firstly, I just returned home from giving my final lecture for the next couple of months. I was bushed. Went to the locked mailbox and you KNOW what I found. Utter beauty, utter delight, utter creativity-and I am shocked and so grateful. You'll never know what this meant to me...and talk about timely.

    Also, you clean up pretty good too. Those underwater shots knocked my socks off. I love them and think that the Gardener is now the new Jacques Cousteau. Fabulous.

    Vicki, let's go on a diet together. I NEED to...too much traveling, too many people being kind and feeding us great food. Jeff doesn't gain an ounce, I gain all the weight for him. Yikes.

    I am so happy and grateful and can't thank you enough. PERFECT.

    Sending love,


  4. Oh that doesn't look like a fantastic trip. The underwater photos of the sea turtles are fantastic. Honey apple ice cream and bananas foster and wine -- yummo to all three! :) I can't believe you wore a dress you knitted. It is beautiful! Sure wish I could enjoy sunny weather -- after 40 my body said no more sun for you. Now I just break out in an itchy rash. Ugh! Hope the weather is good in your neck of the woods now. Take care! Best wishes, Tammy

  5. Those underwater shots are great, the water is just so clear. What a wonderful trip - looked like paradise! Being enjoying looking a all your holiday photos, its like traveling from the comfort of my armchair!!

  6. Gulp!
    So much beauty in one post!
    The turtles are great,the jewels,the ice cream, the company, the sea..........ah I feel so refreshed!
    Thank you for sharing.

    Sandie xx

  7. Oh Vicki! This post was just so beautiful!! I love the sea turtle pictures-just spectacular (your hubby did a great job)! Your trip looks like it was a trip of a life time! So glad you enjoyed it. Welcome home!!

  8. GORGEOUS POST!!!!! Absolutely fabulous! About time we saw some pics of what a beautiful couple you and Dan are!!!!! ...And...Bob and Jan! Just made my day!
    (turtles weren't bad either!)

  9. WOW! What a beautiful trip you had! It just keeps getting better!...The sea turtle photos are just gorgeous...and so is the Gardner! :-) I can't wait to see the next photos! I hope you don't mind if I share and link this post and photos!

  10. Beautiful underwater pictures so enjoyed seeing all of them but, made me want to really be there myself thanks for letting me live vicariously through you keep them coming!

  11. Beautiful, beautiful, and more beautiful! Each area you take us to is more beautiful than the last. You were in paradise, Vicki. Why can't the ocean water be that color everywhere??? What a joy that would be.
    Your knitted dress is stunning. The underwater photos are fabulous.
    ♥ audrey

  12. Beautiful pictures Vicki! You and Gardner are beautiful too! I LOVE your dress, amazing and your necklace! The awesome sea turtle pictures,fabulous desserts,Loved it all!!
    xo Susan

  13. Your photos are STUNNING! I love sea turtles, too. What kind of camera did he get? We bought a waterproof case to take our camera underwater, but the photos didn't turn out this spectacular.

  14. Vicki I smiled stupidly the whole time I looked at the pictures of the turtles. Thank you for so many beautiful shots........
    you guys are a very handsome and happy looking pair , must be the honey ice cream?;}}

  15. OMG Vicki! That is the Paradise!
    The underwater peeks are gorgeous!I'm dreaming now...
    Thanks for sharing!
    Hugs & Smiles,
    Mila :)

  16. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so very much for sharing such spectacular photos. And that knitted dress is TO DIE FOR. And those desserts are TO DIET FOR, right? Are those beautiful Spring flowers on your property?

  17. Vicki,, thank you so much for posting the pics of mom and dad with yours :) I love the ones of the turtles.. simply amazing and will definitely show my class. I LOVE the one of mom knitting on the boat :) ehheheh makes me giggle when I see her knitting in a bathing suit. Hugs and thanks again,, Tell "the gardener" his camera and camera skills are wonderful!

  18. Vicki..this is absolutely stunning and the underwater pics by The on...perfect...I can see why you love sea turtles...grace personified and the markings and colours...mmm! The staff on your cruise really are special people and have to love their job and what they can offer you and your friends. Looking frwd to the rest of your stops. Your daffs are so far ahead of ours...just poking through today as I meander through the garden. Cheers to you and yours!

  19. OMG, Vicki, those photos make me want to leave on our cruise immediately!! Stunning!! I love the underwater photos. And that dress you knitted. Do you have a pattern for it? And what yarn did you use - it looks fabulous!! I am looking forward to your next post on Curacao - we are going there in December... Much love, dear friend!!! Silke

  20. Really fabulous pictures, Vicki!!! I feel like I have been's just marvelous to look at your wonderful pictures! The crystal waters are! You all look so tan and terrific! Bet you feel relaxed just looking at these!

  21. I love the pictures of the turtles!!! It is so cool to see in the wild what a person usually only sees in aquariums or zoos. You live a magical life, Vicki! I'm glad that you enjoy it so!

  22. what a beautiful memory you have in those pictures :) im so glad you got to get away to your dream vacation.
    you and your friends look so beautiful also... your beauty shines through
    thanks for sharing.. and yes.. those turtles are striking in that blue water and sun sparkling on them
    big ladybug hugs

  23. Oh my goodnes dear Vicki, you live almost like the royal family- what a fantastic tour, -wonderful-wonderful- fhotoes from your gardener- and you two looks both very beautiful/handsome-and so brown you are dear friend.I love you in the white knitted dress- you looks gorgeus, sweetie. The meals looks yummy- and the drinks,too :)
    And the turtles are such a beautifull creature to watch- in this clear ,clear water.
    Wishing you a lovely sunday, dear--aren`t you having spring yet?Here the sun shines today.
    Love and hugs,Dorthe

  24. Hi Vicki,

    Oh my goodness- your photographs of your cruise are fabulous - as usual - the turtles are so special and "The Gardener's" photographs are amazing - the water is incredible.
    Thank you for sharing. Have a wonderful Spring Break.
    P.S. You both clean up very nicely and I adore your necklace.

  25. Oh Vicki, oh oh oh what a dream vacation.The camera photo's are fantastic, especially the underwater ones. Thank you for sharing your wonderful trip with us. I just love my necklace and have worn it several times, with compliments every time. Thank you again and keep those pictures coming. Hugs, Sharon
    PS love your knitted dress!!

  26. Totally beautiful pictures and spoken word. Sharing life with you two and this very big world is a joy. Jan

  27. Thank you for sharing your trip. I have always wanted to go Barbados. Love sea turtles- what fun to swim with them. Thanks again, Jane

  28. Vicki,
    To swim with sea turtles is like a dream come true for me!! Your photos are glorious! Please tell The Gardener that he did a most splendid job capturing their gentle spirit and beauty.

    You look so at ease, happy, and peaceful on your vacation! Just goes to prove what a little RNR does for the soul, no?

    Your knitted dress is LOVELY! And yes, you all look top notch in your evening attire! :) All that delicious cuisine has me longing for a cruise myself! I would desperately love some pampering!

  29. Such stunning photos! That looks like a heavenly experience. Thanks for sharing, I feel like I was on a mini vaction looking all of this. The waitstaff sounds like they were true gems. I can't wait to see the rest. :)

  30. Kudos to the Gardener, those underwater shots are amazing! Thanks for the glimpse into the evenings on the ship - you guys look SO glam.

  31. Hi Vicki ~ I read this post originally back when you wrote it and thought I had commented, but I see I never did. I LOVE all the turtles!! And everything is just wonderful--your knitted dress and necklaces are amazing! Looks like you all had a wonderful time!

  32. What amazing pictures! I love sea turtles too, how can you not? They are gorgeous and so graceful. You look like you're having such a wonderful time. Thanks so much for sharing!

  33. Oh my gosh Vicki, you and the Gardener look absolutely stunning in those pictures!! And that dress that you knit, oh my goodness WOW! Love the underwater pics and that camera! Such an amazing post! xoxo ~Lili

  34. Love your dress, love the pictures of the cruise. Thanks for sharing.


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