Friday, March 8, 2019

Hello from my heart....(and some nesting updates)

Hello everyone...
 I'm sure that you did not expect to hear from me... 
but I wanted to let you know that we are all doing well and...
life goes on...

For the longest time I did not have the spirit to touch my yarns or to tackle a project...but now, I am stronger. A lot has happened since I last posted (over 2 years ago.) My son and the little girls are doing well. They have moved closer and are living in the same town as me, only a few minutes away. God has blessed him with a new love and the little girls have a family with two new sisters and a wonderful "Mommy". They have a new life, a new home, and new reasons to laugh and love. (The little girls are staying overnight at my house as I am writing this... and their giggles and laughter rings all through my home...

The promise of Spring has brought me the desire to begin new projects. I am working on new Woodland nests for spring and will list them in my ETSY shop by early April. I hope to have 12 nests to share with you. If you are interested in a Woodland nest you may email me at or to reserve one. I am updating the Woodland nest design and these nests will have some beautiful bling to carry them into Spring.

Regarding the  Freebird Patriotic nest.... it WILL happen this summer. That nest is already in production at this moment. The first one is already finished and it is beyond beautiful.  Those of you who initially ...(so very long ago) requested to reserve one of these nests... will receive an email from me in the next few days asking if you are still interested. If anyone else is interested in reserving one of these nests... simply drop me an email. There will be about 30 nests total to share and approximately 20 of them are already reserved....(or at least they were.) I am sure that many of those will open back up and will be available as it has been so very long since I last made contact with you all.

There is a part of me that can't help but wonder if you have all gone away. I continue to receive emails regarding the nests, however,... I truly don't have a guess as to the interest that might be out there. So--- I am going to make these nests... and then we will see from there. 

Regarding the Kindness Quilt Project...
I will say this and then we will speak of it no more....
I could not do it. It was like a giant elephant in the room and I could not move past it. Seeing the huge collection made my heart hurt so bad. It reminded me of all the hopes that we had for Alicia and then the heartbreak that we had to face when we lost her. 

For the longest time they sat here and I kept telling myself that I would get strong enough to finish this project. It is so unlike me to not finish something that I start -- especially since so many of you were so generous. But I couldn't... and it was weighing me down. So...
Just a few weeks ago, I gathered up all of your beautiful donations and I sent them to a friend who has a lovely knitting group in her retirement village. That group of ladies put every one of your beautiful squares into a collection of 6 lap quilts. They embellished them and filled them with love and prayers. They were all given to people who truly were in need of a gift of love and kindness. That was the original intent of course.... it was just done by someone else...
and that in itself... was a gift from God. 

Now that the quilts have been made and given away...
I feel that I am free of that project. Honestly, I had no idea that it was weighing me down so much. My heart is lighter and I now have the energy and spirit to move forward with my knitting and nesting projects. The prizes that were promised for the Kindness Project are going into the mail next week... so I can now put this project to rest. Thank you for understanding... 

You won't find me here at my blog on a regular basis --- only when I have nesting or knitting project news. (It's been so long since I did a blog post, that I almost had forgotten how!!)
I do post regularly on Instagram....almost everyday!! It's so much easier to post there. You can follow me there if you wish on my 2BagsFull page. 

I'll be back in a few weeks with photos of the newly designed Woodland nests. I'm so excited for you to see them...
I still love you all...



  1. THIS is why I don't purge inactive blogs from my blogroll! I hope that the blogger is okay, and will come back to tell her followers what is going on in her life, and you did! So much change in two years....

  2. It's so nice hearing from you Vicki and that you are well and that are continuing doing what you love to do. I totally understand not being able to finish off your project. Healing takes time.
    Wishing you well in all that you do.
    Hugs, Julia

  3. Welcome back! It's good to hear from you. :)

  4. I'm so proud of you for passing on the quilting project and making sure it was completed and blessing others! And I'm happy for the family news. I know it's bee a difficult time. Can't wait to see your beautiful nests! They are a blessing for anyone that has one! Sweet hugs, Diane

  5. Nice to see you here too! Instagram is a lot easier, like you said, but once in awhile only a blog will do!


  6. Good morning, It was soooo good to hear from you. I know it has been a difficult time for you and your family. that was wise to pass the quilting project on-hugs
    we don't have or want smartphones-and I discovered that instagram is only for sharing photos from a smart phone-not a computer so I had to delete my account. Otherwise I would love to follow you there.
    hugs from the ozarks-we are moving soon out of the woods and on to the lake-getting excited about it-a huge huge move for us

  7. Absolutely still here and opened the link to your post as soon as I saw the email alert. I’m so glad that you are able to work on your beautiful creations which as inspirational. I hope to have one of your creations one day, so keep posting even if it is just once in a while. We will wait for you and will be here when you are ready or need us.

  8. Welcome back, missed you. I will continue to pray for your family as you live under the new “normal”. Gail

  9. Hi Vicki (waving madly from up here in cold snowy Canada!). So glad to hear that you are doing well and that your son and his little ones are moving on and that there is someone special in their lives. As for passing the heaviness of that project on to bless others - I would say you did the right thing. I'm sure much love when into their new use and that the recipients will feel blessed to be wrapped in them. As for Instagram - afraid I won't see you there - I just don't go there. Blogging is enough for me, along with a very limited presence on Facebook. So glad you're back!!

  10. Oh Vicki! I am so thrilled to see a post from you here. I am not on IG much so did not realize you were posting there daily. I love that you have moved forward after the loss of Alicia. Life is so hard sometimes. I have often said it is a good thing that we can't see into the future or we would never have the strength to move forward.

    I am glad that your son has moved closer and found a new "love" in his life--one that will also love his children. I know you can never replace someone but you can learn to love again and the heart expands to include new love while putting the other one in a compartment that is in you but somehow sealed from the pain of daily loss.

    I hope you have a blessed week and I will be looking forward to seeing your sweet nests. xo Diana

  11. Oh Vicky, there you are. Welcome back if only for a short update. I will follow you on Instagram now but so good to know you are still around. As you know I left blogging when my brother died. I did not have the heart for it. Since then my father also passed. One day I’ll get back to it. My beautiful nest still sits on a pedestal dish in my sewing room and makes me smile. The youngest granddaughter loves it but it is not going anywhere. It’s a blowy Spring day here in the UK but the narcissus and hyacinth bulbs are all flowering in our garden promising better times to come.

  12. Wonderful to see a post from you here and to learn that you are all healing after your loss and finding love and happiness as you move forward along life's pathway.

  13. Hi Vicki!

    I was so happy to see your blog in my in-box this morning! You made my day! I do follow you on Facebook and Instagram but reading blogs is still my favorite. I believe I was on the list for a summer nest. I still want one! I am happy that the Kindness Quilt squares went off to bless and serve, and that you are able to move forward. So very happy your son and your granddaughters are filling their lives with lots of love.

    Happy knitting!

  14. Hi, Vicki! It's wonderful to see you pop up in my email...absolutely made my day. Be gentle with yourself. Life does go on. But it moves in tiny increments.

    My knitting has gotten me through some really difficult times. It's gotten down to me knitting a stitch and telling myself (aloud) "just keep knitting"...and completing another stitch...and another. Just keep knitting. I hope that you will come to draw comfort again from the simple act of finishing row after row....until, suddenly you have a marvelous creation that bursts with new energy and peace. I wish for you a sense of completion. You've met the challenge. Just keep knitting. It's a process of healing.

    I so admire your strength and grace.

    P.S. I've followed your travels over our wonderful planet and lived vicariously through your amazing photos. Many thanks for sharing them with all of us.

  15. Nice to see you post again if only this one. Will check you out on Instagram. I have crocheted for years and am new to knitting, and I'm loving it. Your yarn does look so soft. Hopefully, you will still share some of your lovely work on your blog in time. I so like the blogs better than Instagram, but I know others have moved on as well. Have a great week.

    Peabea from Peabea Scribbles

  16. Hi Vicki,
    Lovely to see your post. I've just been for a snoop around your instagram feed and I recognised the Celebrity Cruise ship pictures, we did a lovely cruise with them many years ago. You are making me want to take another!
    Glad to hear that you were able to pass on all the love with the kindness quilt and that others will be able to get comfort from it. Really pleased to hear that your son and grandchildren are doing ok.
    Enjoy all our crafty projects. Loads of love!

  17. Vicki, so glad to see you on the pages of your blog here! I was at your blog some days ago, triing to find out what's happened to you - for so long time there was no any post....

    Best wishes from Russia,

  18. Hello, hello yes as you can tell some of us are still here and all of us are delighted to find you here. I'm glad you re slowly getting your mojo back. How wonderful to hear the news of your son. Well done for sorting out the elephant quilting project in your room, in such an utterly beautiful way, as with everything you touch. Have fun with your creative nests!
    See ya on Insta!
    Love Wren x

  19. I'm so glad to hear that you are feeling creative energy stirring, Vicki! I've often thought of you and your family, and hoped you would one day feel like posting again. Sending lots of love from the still-frosty northeast :)

  20. Welcome back my dear sweet friend. I've missed you tons and looking forward to reading your news when you have some. Your family is in a good place now and hearts are lighter.

    Looking forward to seeing your beautiful nests!!!


  21. Se te echaba de menos por aquí querida, pero sé de ti y de tus maravillosos viajes por Instagram.
    Me alegro mucho de que tu hijo tenga otra oportunidad de tener una mujer y familia amorosa. Espero que sean muy felices.
    Te dejo un gran abrazo y esperaré para ver tus hermosos nidos.

  22. Well that was a surprise. I too prefer instagram. AriadnefromGreece1

  23. Yes, we are still here!
    Nice to hear from you :)

  24. Hi Vicki
    Blessings to you on your healing journey! I still enjoy my nest so much!
    Glad to see and hear from you!


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