Sunday, July 22, 2012

A Little Beaded Dress

Six months of knitting and when I finally slipped it over her head-- she twirled~~

 The last row had almost 1000 stitches --- it took me over 2 weeks just to knit the bottom ruffle~

Stuff you might want to know--
Tilli Thomas Salt and Pepper yarn - you can find it here.
(try not to be shocked when you see how much it cost!)  (and please don't tell the Gardener how much it cost!!)  Just kidding --- he already knows!!

Mac and me - Silk Summer Dress pattern -- you can find it here.
 ***I made this dress in a size 2.  The pattern calls for 3 skeins of yarn for this size.  3 skeins was NOT enough to finish the ruffles on the dress -- I had to go back and buy a 4th skein --- ($$$!!!)  You will probably have enough if you make a smaller size -- but I wanted to make this dress when she was big enough to TWIRL!


 My Sacred Yarn Room looks like a Harvest nest bomb exploded inside!  The nests are going to be absolutely gorgeous!  If you are on the LIST-- you can start getting excited right about now!  

Here is your first official sneak peek of the yarns~~

 I'm over half way through this stage of the "nesting" process.  In a few more weeks -- Mary and I will begin to work our magic~~

I don't want to think it so -- but already, the summer is flying by SO quickly.  The colors of autumn will soon be here.  I hope you are all enjoying the beautiful days.  Don't mind me-- I'm just buried here in the craft room underneath all this beautiful yarn!!   



  1. Vicki, the dress is beautiful and she looks so cute twirling in it. It was worth the work. And...your nest is looking super! xo Jenny

  2. I I can see all of your hard work in that cute little twirly dress! ^_^ She looks so cute in it too!

  3. Which is cuter...the dress or the model??? You've created an heirloom! Best, Susan

  4. Your little granddaughter is so sweet and the dress suits her to a T. The cost of that yarn is a lot! It is so nice of you to splurge for the little lovely. I hope your daughter can preserve the dress once the little one is grown out of it.

  5. Her little dress is BEAUTIFUL!! Love the beads in it!! Hopefully she'll be able to wear it for a year or two - maybe even wear it as a tank top in Jr. High????
    Love seeing your fall decor of leaves and yarn! I'm ready for it to cool down - enough of this heat!!

  6. Gosh! The dress is so very pretty. And yikes! That yarn is expensive. Love all the photos. Best of wishes as you continue knitting those beautiful nests. Hugs and blessings, Tammy

  7. PERFECTION - both the beautiful little dress, and the angel wearing it - I would have twirled, too! Happy Monday, Vicki - XOXO

  8. PERFECTION - both the beautiful little dress, and the angel wearing it - I would have twirled, too! Happy Monday, Vicki - XOXO

  9. An amazingly stunning little number. I don't knit but i could sit in that little treasure trove of a room all day dreaming.

  10. The dress is a work of art, every row infused with love. 'The twirl' is the perfect accolade.

    The last picture with the fairy lights is stunning, you see the magic IS in the air!

    Where did you get those fabulous autumnal leaves Vicki?


  11. Oh Vicki isn't she just the cutest little darling? She looks so adorable in that gorgeous dress you made for her. She obviously loves it. It was worth all the effort, wasn't it?
    Oh my, the new nest is going to be as gobsmackingly beautiful as all the others.

  12. what a wonderful gift for a precious little girl! Hopefully it will become and heirloom treasure (should be considering the cost in terms of $$, hard work and love) x

  13. Both child and dress are just lovely, Vicki.

    Job well done!

  14. Ab-sol-ute perfections... both the twirler and the twirlee!! Love that little dress, Vicki. You did a beautiful job. Just beautiful. I think these kind of yarns are like crack for the yarn addicts among us. ;) Makes it a pleasure to spend the time knitting such a treasure. blessings ~ tanna

  15. Hi Vicki,
    Oh goodness - adorable - charming - precious -just a few words to describe the little girl and her new dress. You are so gifted and your work is always magical.

    The fabulous colors in the new nest almost make me wish for an early Fall. Can't wait to see your new creations.
    Hugs and Blessings,

  16. Whoa ... didn't realize yarn could be so expensive! I suggest you buy all you need now for her wedding dress(before the prices skyrocket.) You will be knitting that, correct? I can just see her twirling in that!

  17. Awww the dress is so beautiful. She looks like she really loves it, too. :)

    The nest is so colorful and lovely. :)

    Blessings always

  18. SHe is a beauty and made even more with that gorgeous dress you made. So much work but something she will treasure forever and hopefully her mommy will keep it for her to pass on to her child one day.

    loved seeing your sacred yarn room I would love to run my hands thru all that yummy stuff. sigh!

    ps so excited I have my order in!!!

  19. How precious!!!

    Sweet, sweet granddaughter styling her beautiful dress!

  20. Oh my that dress is amazing! She looks so cute. :) Well worth the time! Thanks for the sneak peek of the nests too. :)

  21. She (Keri Beth) is adorable; it (the knitted dress) is beautiful; and you (yes, YOU!) are continually amazing!

  22. So cute her dress as well your little baby !!!
    Mila :)

  23. This little knit dress is priceless with your adorable granddaughter twirling in it so proudly. Harvest Nests are looking fabulous. Summer Sunshine Smiles to you dear...

  24. The dress is gorgeous and that doll is beautiful! Makes me wish I could twirl to!
    Very hot summer here in Mi.90 again today and very humid. In a way those fall colors look pretty good.
    Hugs, Amy Jo

  25. Vicki,

    The dress turned out adorable and your granddaughter is a "cutie," she has such beautiful eyes.

    I love the colors of your autumn nests, they are going to be gorgeous and yes you are right in saying that summer is getting away from us...soon it will be fall! :)

  26. Yarn, needles, time, sweat, tears, patterns, imagination...seeing that sweet cutie in the finished product..Priceless. Love the colors of the yarn for the nests...I'm ready for fall!

  27. soo adorable...the dress AND the baby girl! sigh...can i have both?

  28. That dress was meant for twirling and how gorgeous is the little twirler wearing it??
    Takes after Nana, je pense!

  29. What a gorgeous dress, a work of art and labour of love, she looks just so cute and twirls so beautifully. Definitely an heirloom dress. The peek of harvest nests is making me very excited!

  30. Such a Sweet Girl and such a sweet Dress! Love it sweet friend!

    Just getting ready to send you a Thank YOU email!

    Love you to Pieces!!!
    Big Hugs,

  31. Such a Sweet Girl and such a sweet Dress! Love it sweet friend!

    Just getting ready to send you a Thank YOU email!

    Love you to Pieces!!!
    Big Hugs,

  32. Oh my goodness this dress is beautiful. So is the model. I love that it made her twirl. This is in deed the sign of excellence, giggle. When a dress makes a little girl want to twirl you know it has become her instant favorite. xo

  33. I would have done the same thing; who cares about the money!! You never get this time glad you captured the moment in such a beautiful way. She's absolutely smoochable in that dress. Great job!

    And those nests are TDF!!!

  34. Oh my dear Vicki,
    what a little angel, in the most beautiful and adorable dress.
    What a fantastic work, my friend. That ruffle is amazing -and so are your magic nests going to be, LOVE the colours of autumn!
    Love and hugs my sweet.
    xxx Dorthe

  35. The dress is absolutely a work of art, what a treasure!! She looks just DARLING in it!!!
    Vicki, thank you for your support in my illness. I have so appreciated the cards and your thoughtfulness.

  36. Oh Dear Vicki those last two weeks of knitting 1000 stitches have been worth every second when you get to see your divine little grand daughter wearing her new hand knitted dress. It looks just so adorable on her.
    Your Autumn nest colours are so beautiful and blend so exquisitely.
    And you have been as busy as a little bee with the studio tour which I absolutely loved.
    Hope you have a relaxing weekend giving a little bit back to yourself to recharge your batteries,
    Love and hugs,

  37. Dear Vicki!

    That dress is soo cute! You did such a great job making it..... Yes, the yarn was expensive, but it was definitely worth it!!

    Thanks for sharing such a cute post...

    Ciao Bella
    Sensible Sarah

  38. That little dress is almost as beautiful as the little darling wearing it; well done! She'll dress her daughter in it one day...far too soon.

  39. This dress is a work of art! It's so precious. You've created such a special heirloom for your granddaughter. I can sew but I have never learned how to knit. I would love to have your special talent!

  40. Every girl should fact we should never stop twirling! ;D
    Your granddaughter looks so adorable modelling all your hard work...and your photos are beautiful.
    As to those colourful exquisite yarns! I could look for hours at all the details.
    By the way spring is a whisper away here, so you're autumn will be knocking on the door soon. Enjoy those hazy days! :D

  41. Oh my gosh...that dress is adorable! And, to read that she twirled when you put it on her is so precious. I bet that made your heart sing. :-)

    Such pretty colors and yarns in the Fall nests. I bet they're going to be gorgeous! Seems like a LOT of fun to create them. :-)

  42. Hi Vicki,
    How did I miss this post? OMG, the little dress you knit is just adorable. And your granddaughter is the perfect model, great attitude, swing it sista! I just love it!

  43. The dress is adorable, the yarn to die for and your Granddaughter outshines them both in her sweet new dress. I definitely want to get on the list for one of your upcoming nests, they are amazing.
    Huggs ~Iantha~

  44. You had me at twirl!!! I'm totally smitten! She is just darlin' in it angelic! xoxo ~Lili

  45. I just ordered the pattern and they can mail it to Holland. This is my fall project after the pink scarf. xo Jenny


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