Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Summer on the Back Deck (and updates on my Grow Your Blog event!!)

This has been a summer of extremes-- record high temperatures,weeks of drought followed by days and days of monsoon rains,and thunderstorms that literally rocked the house!  Somehow through it all, my flowers have managed to thrive.  (I'm really not sure why!!) 

 my favorite new planter this summer--
found this wash tub at the flea market and could not wait
to give it a new life on my back deck!

 we've been enjoying my new deck furniture.
a gift from my sisters for my birthday!

straw flowers are one of my favorites

potted Hydrangea

black- eyed Susan vine

this hot pink impatiens has been gorgeous this year

I can't remember the name of this plant!
any body know?
Update --Scaevola
answer provided by my London sweetie -- Paul
(seriously -- you need to visit his blog!!)

Mom and I bought a set of these wrought iron chairs at the flea market
we painted the chairs and turned them into planters
my Verbena loves it here!


black-eyed Susan vine


bought this wheel barrow at the flea market this spring
love this bright red geranium here!

white bleeding heart vine
I've had this plant for YEARS- 
my Dad bought this vine for me and it continues to thrive
year after year.

these are planted in a wheel barrow also

purple and white double impatiens

I love my rusty old wheel barrow

purple double impatiens

white double petunia

miniature rose bush
(this rose bush is at least 15 years old !)

every summer my "heirloom" sweet peas bloom so beautifully
the plants belonged to my Mother - who got them from her Grandmother -- 
who got them from her Mother

A legacy of blooming--  

Some notes about care of my flowers this summer--
During periods of drought, I watered twice a day -- early morning and in the early evening.
I fed my flowers every 2 weeks -- using the local KMart brand of plant food  - KGro

 A few weeks ago - I won a contest on my friend Shell's blog, Bungalow Bling.   (Are you kidding me?  I NEVER win!!!)  The main prize was this adorable little decorated bird box -- it is the cutest thing you have ever seen!  When the box arrived in the mail -- I was so surprised to find that sweet Shell had filled the box with amazing gifts - beautiful ribbon, vintage millinery flowers, a gorgeous brooch made with fabric flowers, a  little decorated matchbox filled with miniature pearls and shells, and vintage dictionary cards - one of them spelling out the word "garden"!    Shell is amazingly talented, and her blog is a beautiful testament to her talents.  Thank you Shell for all of these wonderful treasures!!  (Click the photo for an enlarged view of all of the treasures!!)

Some updates on my "Grow Your Blog" event---
We have a date!!! Mark your calenders for January 19, 2013.  Later this year -- in October -- I will share a badge for the event that my friend Karen Valentine is creating.   In the meantime -- keep spreading the word -- the enthusiasm for the blog event is great -- it's going to be an amazing opportunity for all who participate to grow their blog readership and gain new followers.  This event is open to all bloggers -- regardless of  how many followers you have -- we all want  more - right??? While the main premise is to help young and novice bloggers to gain a readership and to inspire them in this blogging adventure -- it can be a great stimulus for everyone -- so plan to be here!!

If you want some help in "spiffing" up the look of your blog -- (getting ready for company in the January event)-- NOW would be a great time to contact sweet Karen for a little "redo"!  Honestly -- it will not cost very much at all to get a new blog header or help in organizing the look of your blog. We all want beautiful blogs -- right?
I hope you are making the most of these last days of summer ---- fall is in the air!  The Harvest nests are coming soon!!  (I have to get them out of the house!!! Imagine 45 nests -- everywhere!! My house looks like "The Invasion of the Harvest nests" sci fi movie!!



  1. Hi Vicki,

    You have the most beautiful flowers. I don't believe I've seen such a gorgeous arrangement of flowers. You certainly have a green thumb. Anyone who can keep their flowers alive with the way this weather has been is doing something right.

    I will keep the date in January open for Growing Your Blog...sounds like fun! :)

    It has been between 105-108 degrees for over a week and we haven't had any significant rainfall in so long I can't remember the last time. I don't even go outside unless I have too! HA

  2. HI,Vicki!

    Your plants are gorgeous! Now I know why mine don't do so well. First, I'm terrible at watering them, and second, I never feed them. My poor flowers and plants are neglected. I really need to correct that.

    I am excited about your Grow Your Blog event! I will definitely do a post about it. I am going to the BlogHer conference Friday in NY. I hope to make some new blogging friends. I will put the post up after the conference so, hopefully, lots of new people will see it.

    I am still trying to figure out how you do it all - blog, travel, garden, knit, work. Have you given up sleeping and eating?

    Have a wonderful day!

  3. Hi Vicki! Amazing flowers. They look very healthy after a hot summer! Love the new bucket purchase in the first photo. And I've never heard of black eyed Susan VINE. Very interesting! Everything is beautiful, and I took my time looking and looking at all your plants. Thanks for the lovely post.

  4. Gosh Vicki, your garden is absolutely gorgeous! Sadly, no amount of watering or fertilizing could keep anything blooming in my corner of the world. Just keeping alive the plants I have on both balconies is a task, and not all survive the summer heat. Congrats on winning that lovely little giveaway. Well-deserved since you are always on the giving end. Happy August! Tammy

  5. I love your new flower planter!

    Your pictures are lovely and your flowers are beautiful. If my back yard/patio looked that way, I'd never leave it! So lovely. :)

  6. OK, er, excuse me but are you harbouring some kind of secret formula that you feed your lush, healthy and ultra floriferous plants. If so spill the beans Lady, what's your secret it can't just be Kmart surely!
    I am uber impressed by your green thumb.
    The purple plant is a Lobelia, which kind I do not know though.

  7. Your flowers and deck and furniture are glorious. It is easy to picture you sitting out here knitting your beautiful nests. Lots of memories shared with your plants and blossoms. Summer Sunshine Smiles...

  8. To see such beautiful green, blooming, thriving plants is wonderful.....Arkansas has not been kind to plants or gardens this year. The 100+ winds have literally burned everything up!

    I would sit for hours on your deck and just enjoy the beauty.

  9. Gosh what a wonderful garden full of interesting pots of beautiful flowers!

  10. Hi Vicki,
    Love, Iove, love your garden. It must smell wonderful.
    It truly is amazing how you and the Gardner have created such a magical outdoor space to hang out with family and friends. Truly beautiful.

  11. You have created a wonderful floral display there Vicki,
    I can imagine how special it is to just sit awhile and appreciate all of the beautiful blooms whilst sipping a glass of something cool ;D

  12. What a wonderful backyard and so many beautiful flowers! Congratulations on winning that adorable birdhouse and the box full of goodies. How fun! I'll keep watching your blog for info on your blog event. :-)

  13. P.S. I meant to mention that I have a washtub just like that. I found it on one of our trips to Utah and Zion. I love it! We've used it for parties...filled it with ice and drinks. Yours looks great filled with flowers! :-)

  14. My goodness sweet Vicki!!! You have such a green thumb...your deck looks like THE SECRET GARDEN!!! Love that old washtub, what a great find and I just love how you've transformed it ~ just gorgeous!!! I love it all dear friend, thank you so much for sharing your beauty with us, hugs and love, Dawn

  15. Your flowers are "BEAUTIFUL'. Can tell you spend many hours taking care of them. Love the yarn you have on the side bar on your blog.

  16. Vicki, you deck is to die for! Love all the blooms and the containers are so great. I think you do have a magic touch! Congrats on winning. I know how it feels because of you! I get so many compliments on my beautiful bag I won from you..thanks again! I'm thinking about the "grow your blog event"..I'm a little scared to do it because I don't know if I could keep up with visiting, etc...but I'll keep thinking about it! Have a nice relaxing end to summer (hahaha! As if you ever "relax"!) and enjoy that beautiful deck!

  17. I LOVE your deck!!!...But of course you know why, right?!...I have a thing about flowers! So pretty! ^_^

  18. Your flowers are amazing! We've had lots of over 100 temps in Iowa this summer, and I gave up before I barely started. Your yard really reflects the love and care you give everything. I am so excited to be on the list for one of your nests!

  19. Dear Vicki, your garden is blooming like Paradise.
    So many wonderful flowers, and your deck looks wonderfully ,and a great place to relax between all the nature beauty.
    Sweet friend, you have made that spot so gorgeous , I love the old chairs you painted with your mom- a lovely detail
    Hugs and love,Dorthe

  20. Embarassingly I have to admit my mistake in identifying your plant yesterday which upon reflection I think may actually be a Scaevola. You may deduct 10 house points from my score board:)

  21. Your garden is so beautiful! I could spend many happy hours there. Love your creative planters, too.

  22. Wow, gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. The planter is to die for. However, I do not think those flowers are Lobelia. They look like Fan Flowers (Scaevola) to me. Lobelia is a very delicate flower that seldom makes it past July as the sun and heat burn it off. I did quite a few planters with Scaevola this year but was disappointed with some of the results. Quite a few did not produce like they usually do and I think it has to do with the vendor I got them from. Besides the usual blue (purple) and white, I got some yellow and pink. Those last two colors are very leggy and I will not get them again. I cut them back in opens that will improve their blooms. There is still about two and a half months to go for flower season and I am hoping for the best.

  23. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh I would just love to sit on your deck and take in the sights. It is simply breathtaking. You've got mighty generous sisters, I gotta say that much. And great giveaway win. Way to go ...

  24. Oh Vicki, I'm in serious love of all your plantings, in wheel barrows and wash tubs, just how cute!!

    And, I can't wait for my harvest nest!!

    P.S. - I did forget to update you - my mom loved the nest - serious love!! XO

  25. May I come live on your deck??? It looks like heaven..all the beautiful colors from all those heavenly flowers. What a wonderful place for relaxing (assuming you get to do that once in awhile!) Re: previous post.. how sweet is that dress on that sweet little girl. Of course she twirled, what little girl wouldn't?
    I'm soooo glad I'm on the list for the Harvest nest, it will be yummy.

  26. Hi Vicki, Your flowers are beautiful and your deck looks inviting. I have a washtub sitting in my basement. It belonged to my hubby's grandmother. I have people offer to buy it, but there is sentimental attachment to it. I love the beaded dress in the previous post and your little one looked so adorable. I will definitely keep January 19th on my calendar. I haven't blog a lot lately as I am working on a commission. I just took a break tonight to do some catch up reading and seeing what my friends have been doing. Have a great weekend. Hugs Your Missouri Friend.

  27. Wow, Vicki, you green fingered magician! What an absolutely stunning display of gorgeous flowers. I am in awe.

  28. How do you over-winter your bleeding heart vine? It is beautiful.

  29. Hi sweet Vicki,

    I feel bad about not writing to you more regularly!!
    I have been going to the Dr's 3 to 4 times a week for my back, hip and leg pain!! I have awesome Dr's that are trying to put me back together again!! I will be busy with them till sometime in September!!
    You are in my thoughts a lot...wish we lived closer!!
    I am celebrating my birthday next week on the 8th. and feel every bit and more my age now!! Lol

    Love your beautiful garden!! The flowers are gorgeous!! I would love to sit with you there and have some lemonade!!

    Love and God bless you and yours,


  30. Vicki your flowers are truly stunning and I love all the unusual vintage planters that you've created. Clever girl!

  31. All your summer flowers are beautiful! Especially love your ideas for planters - the tub and the wheel barrow and chair!!
    The over 100 degree heat has hurt my back yard patio!! Love your lantana!

  32. Hi Vicki,

    Wow your plants are gorgeous! I can't keep mine going and the ones that have managed to survive have been eaten by deer :(

    Your deck is heavenly.

  33. It is cold here so not much colour in my garden, so it was such a pleasure looking at all your beautiful colour. It makes me eager for spring/summer to arrive.

    I also enjoyed looking at your list if books you are reading, I think I will check these out.

  34. Hi Vicki,

    Oh goodness - your flowers are beautiful - I really think container flowers do well in th heat if you water them a lot - like you do. Everything is lovely and your new furniture is perfect for your great deck.

    I am looking forward to the new badge that Karen is designing - isn't she amazing? Count on me to participate and display the new badge.
    Have a wonderful week.

  35. Vicki - that first planter is what I use to wash and dye fleeces and yarn. It's a double tub on a stand...very useful!
    Exciting news about your blog event and the flowers are lovely; they show your TLC.

  36. Hi my sweet friend,
    .... long to sit there with you amongst all the wonderful flowers having a cup of coffeee ... or even better a huge glass of ice tea *lol*. Hope you will have a wonderful week.
    Love you

  37. So beautiful, we have had a very wet and not so warm summer, alot of flowers have flourished with all the rain. Loved the dress you knitted, so cute! Hugs, catherine x

  38. Oh Vicki I have wanted to come back to come back to this post for days. I just can't get over how great everything looks with the weather we've had. I'm glad you mentioned it takes all lot of water!!!! and feed. SO many just don't get that. They think they will get great results with just watering when they feel like it. I still have people say "don't you burn the plants if you water during the day?" are you kidding? errr
    sorry for the rant:)
    The fleamarket planters really add some fun to the plants. Shows your creativity.

    A ++++++


  39. Such a riot of colour on your deck - happy plants and flowers make happy people!!!
    Love all your wonderful planters - the chairs are gorjus - oh how you inspire us dear Vicki!!
    I've added the Scaevola to my list for Spring - so pretty!

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE my tea towel thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    warm hugs
    Shane xox

  40. Vicki, Sitting on your deck has to be Heaven on Earth! pat

  41. Your garden is a little bit of paradise on earth. You are such a creative person and it shows in your beautiful garden. I still wear that darling necklace you sent to me and get compliments every time. Again your garden is a dream.

  42. Oh Vicki, your yard and flowers are just so beautiful! I love all the whimsical things you use to display your plants. How lovely it must be to sit outside and knit surrounded by all that glorious color!...and what lovely gifts shell sent you!...I can't wait to see your Autumn nests. I know they'll be totally exquisite! xoxo :)

  43. How do you do it all Vicki?!! (My daughter in OH said it was so hot and dry that she just gave up on her flowers this year.) I loved learning about the legacy of your sweet peas. You are so blessed to have them and now I see the motivation behind all that care and nurturing! xoxo ~Lili


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