Friday, August 10, 2012

Olympic Love -- My Quest for Gold --- (Autumn Gold Hat)

I've been supporting our Olympic team and their quest for gold by parking myself in front of the TV every night-- cheering on our Team USA in their competitions, admiring our dedicated athletes and  their amazing talents, marveling at the incredible stories of the varied and complicated paths that brought each of them to the Olympics.  All the while, I've been knitting~~

 My Autumn Gold Hat

My own pattern, knitted in a cloche style -- the hat is made with a beautiful gold yarn accented with a sparkly carrier thread.  

One side of the hat is embellished with crochet flowers in a variety of Autumn colors. 
(The flowers begin in the front and encircle the hat all around one side.)  

A triple row of cables encircle the middle of the hat.
I left one side of the hat plain -- to accentuate the beautiful knitted design.

 With the brim left down, the hat becomes more of a
 "bucket" style. 
(This hat is SO warm --- you could wear it to Antarctica and your head would not get cold!!)

The sunflower is beaded -- 
and I've accented some of the flowers with vintage buttons.

I designed the hat so that you can wear the flowers in the front
or turn them to one side.

You will find a few of these listed in my Etsy shop
 right now.  

I'm so proud of the Olympic athletes-not just our Team USA, but all of the athletes and the nations that they proudly represent.  I've watched and held my breath for these dedicated champions as they gave their best for their homelands.  Some of them are leaving this competition with medals of gold, silver, and bronze.  All of them, however, are returning to their homes with the knowledge that they each gave immeasurably of their talents. Their dedication to sport manifested as they represented their individual nations so proudly.  I've loved every minute of the telecast and I'm already looking forward to Rio!  (I'll be thinking of a special knitting project for that occasion too!!) 

My friend Taylor has just written an amazing Post on his blog this morning relating to the Olympics.  (He's the son of my best friend Mary - and we are SO proud of him!!)  You can read Taylor's post HERE.  I'm sure he'd love to hear from you if you have the time to leave a comment.

Is it Fall yet?  Thank goodness- not yet--- but it is getting closer!!  I feel like Alice in Wonderland when she fell down the rabbit hole -- my life is a swirling jumble of little Harvest nests -- everywhere!  (These nests are the most beautiful yet!!)



  1. The hat is lovely, but I would have liked to see you modeling it. I am sure it looks great on you.

  2. Hi Vicki, I really like your autumn hat. I have been watching the Olympics, but not quite like you. I found myself sleeping in the chair lately. We were in the city for doctor visits two days in a row. I had to go a new route and that made it a little more exhausting and stressful. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Hugs Your Missouri Friend

  3. Hello Vicki,

    What an adorable hat! I love it! I love cloche hats anyway, I think they just about anyone can wear that style without looking weird! HAH So cute!

    I have also been keeping up with Olympics. I check every couple of days to see the medal count. Right now I believe we have a total of 94 medals...41 gold, 26 silver, and 27 bronze...Go Team USA! :) What a great group of athletes. I loved watching Gabby Douglas.

  4. Your gold hats are a great tribute to all those wonderful athletes Vicki!!
    We've all been rivetted to the television here in NZ too watching the most talented sports people in the world.

    I'm dying to see your new harvest nests, I imagine it is quite hard for you to let them go after all your hard work....

    Enjoy the last couple of days of the olympics.

    warm hugs

  5. That hat is amazingly beautiful! I can just see it on someones' head with the Sunshine on it and the wearer kicking up dry leaves!
    Probably wouldn't fit my big head though!


    Sandie xx

  6. Hi Vicki,

    Haven't the Olympics been the most fun and inspiring to watch?! Most of the time I was so captivated, my knitting was laying on my lap untouched.

    Your cloche hat is beautiful and fun and whimsical! I love all the colorful flowers on it...

    I hope you are doing well! Hugs, Silke

  7. I love your hat!!!! What a great idea to decorate one side with flowers of all kinds! You have inspired me! :-)

  8. As all of your projects are, this is beautiful as well. I think you "took the gold" on this one, too!

    You ROCK!!!!! I'm still thinking Barcelona nests.

  9. Beautiful hat Vicki! I love that sparkle! I've watched the Olympics too and have admired all the athletes and their talents. Mostly I've admired the muscles on the women runners..holy cow, I want some muscles but my 6 pack abs are actually "packed" away...way away!

  10. Gorgeous hat!!!! I have been there with you cheering all the athletes on. My son is a swimmer so that was really exciting for us to watch. The dedication these young people put into their sport is amazing. Sending you a big hug,

  11. Oooh, so unique, and very appealing!

  12. That hat is so adorable!!! I've been enjoying the Olympics too, I just love seeing the pride on the athlete's faces.


  13. Hi sweet Vicki,
    Your autumn hat is GORGEOUS, love the gold yarn, and your wonderfully knitted pattern, AND the facon-like the belle.
    Congratulations to you ,and all your fellow Americans whom won golden medals-fantastic!
    Hugs and love,Dorthe

  14. Cute hat and good job, love the flowers. I've been knitting a similar hat and had thought about putting flowers on've convinced me, Vicki.
    As to the Olympics...WELL DONE, USA! Especially Gabby...what an AAAdorable girl!

  15. Vicki, how cute!! I love it!!

  16. Oh I'm getting excited! And that hat, well, it's absolutely the cutest. We have been parked in front of the TV too, not sure what I'll do when they are over!!

  17. That hat is a golden beauty. Sure wish I could wear them. When I coached t-ball and would wear the baseball cap, my little team would say "Coach Tammy, you look funny with a hat." Ha! I watched some of the field events last night. Amazing runners, jumpers and throwers. Closing ceremonies today. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend. Tammy

  18. Tonights the night, are you ready?
    Get your hats on......get set!

  19. Good Morning Vicki!!
    I'm sorry it has taken several days to get to you!! Your box came in midweek- but I'm back at school and I didn't notice it on my desk until Sat. morning!! THANK YOU!! the butter cookies are delicious!! I've posted about my WIN on my site and I do love your knit with flowers hat!!

  20. Vicki,
    I went to your etsy shop and saw that you have this one lovely gold hat. Is it possible to do this hat in black with the same flowers? No rush - maybe by January?
    thanks much - Suzan

  21. What a beautiful blog! I came over to visit from my friend Suzan at Tree Hugger and I'm here to stay...

  22. Hi Vicki,
    You've made a gorgeous hat and pattern too.
    I have to agree with the ladies, you should be modeling for us! I too enjoyed the Olympics and knitting along during the games. Congratulations on crossing the finishing line in record time!

  23. Like you we've been glued to the TV watching athletes from around the world make London 2012 the best Olympics ever!
    The closing ceremony was just wonderful, truly amazing and made these two ex pats very, very proud.

  24. Love the hat! Okay it is a small world. Today I am working at hubby's office and I get in a big conversation on knitting, spinning....we share blog addresses and she leaves. Louise Turner, ring a bell? I visit her blog and there is a comment left by you! I mean really I wish I had found out the connection before she left the office....oh the stories we could have exchanged and your ears would have been burning!!!!

  25. Hi Vicki,

    Goodness -another beautiful creation. The gold hat is adorable and the flowers so charming. You are so gifted to be able to design your own patterns as well as knit such lovely things.
    Have a wonderful day.

  26. And you didn't even show us what it looks like on you!!! I adore cloche hats. xoxo ~Lili


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