Friday, July 13, 2012

Where THIS Blogger Creates -- My Sacred Yarn Room

Welcome to my Sacred Yarn Room.
This little space is my haven, 
the place where I am inspired to create, 
a respite for my soul~~

Early morning in the Sacred Yarn Room -- my favorite time to be here.
I love the way the light filters in through the windows~

This room is filled with treasured mementos from both family and friends.
Perhaps insignificant in material worth,
but priceless to me.
My Mother's button collections are still nestled in the same porcelain bowl that she once used.
This rocking chair was one of my Mother's most prized possessions. 
She scrimped and saved to purchase this antique chair when she was first married.  
This was the first antique piece that she refinished- and most likely was the beginning
 of her love for antiques.

Fast forward to 3 years later and 3 little girls who were in need of Easter coats.
My Mother sold this chair so that she could purchase fabric to make those coats for her little girls. 
Fate and circumstance later brought this chair back into my Mother's life and she treasured it all the more after that reunion.    

Today that chair is holding my collection of fleece 
that I will use to make tie blankets later this winter. 
 Hanging on the side of the chair
is a sweater that my Mother knitted over 40 years ago.
A vintage suitcase holds my treasured yarn scraps.  
Every little knot and tangle, every cast off scrap, every little piece of waste yarn --
I save them all.  
(It's an obsession!!)

It is my love of yarn, and texture that I feel has brought me to this thing I do-
making nests. 
   This wooden crutch was salvaged from an old barn that belonged to my Grandparents.  
(I still remember my Grandfather using this crutch after he fell off the tractor!)
My sisters thought I was crazy when I walked away with this crutch, like it was a treasure.  
I knew immediately where it would go.
In one corner of my room is a little wooden cupboard
that once belonged to my parents.  
Today it is filled with some of the embellishments
that I use in my nests. 

(You can find my nest designs pictured on the sidebar of my blog.) 

The little chalkboard was purchased at a flea market last Fall.
I plan to use it in the photo shoot for my newest Designer nest- the Harvest Nest.
The word "Fall" was already written on the board when I bought it -- 
I'm keeping it that way until I take the photos.
 Every inch of this room is filled with some sort of crafting item--
this basket holds some of the yarns that I am using in the Harvest Nest.
In actuality -- there is a LOT of yarn in this room!!
This little vintage children's chair was purchased at an antique store.  
I am planning to "yarn bomb" this chair for my little grandaughter Keri Beth.
Perhaps if you visit me again later this summer -- you can see the photos of this project.  

Another view of this corner of my Sacred Yarn Room.
(you can click on any of the photos in this post for a close up view!!)

This little purple coat belonged to me when I was about 3 years old.  
I am the oldest of 3 sisters -- and our Mother made these little Easter coats for all of us.
The little green coat belonged to my sister, Belinda.  
Regretfully, we never found the little coat that my Mother made for my youngest sister Denise.
These are the coats that my Mother made when she sold her beloved rocking chair.

The pink sweater was found at the same time as the blue one that hangs on the chair.  
When we cleaned out the attic at my parents house,
I found a large bag of old worsted yarns.
Inside were the pink and blue sweaters that my Mother knitted almost 40 years ago.
One has button holes, but no buttons
an unfinished project -- 
 The "wall of yarn"!

It's not an obsession --
its a love affair - with yarn.

A collection of my yarns and vintage doilies.  
The collection of pink yarns will embellish my knitted wrap that is in the corner of the basket.
I'm planning to make a beach wrap out of the crochet doilies.
A collection of scenes from my Sacred Yarn Room
as the early morning light filters in through the upstairs window~~

~ the view from my upstairs window ~
    When there is a gentle breeze, 
I can listen to the rustle of the leaves outside my window.

I want to walk with you around my room
sharing with you
all the things that make this space
so very special 
to me ~

A vintage quilt covers the top of my entertainment center
 the decorations change seasonally -- 
always using this area to display some of my beautiful yarns
and favorite treasures.

The broken pottery heart that hangs on the wall
was made by my friend Susan.  
This vintage Hull sunflower pottery bowl was my Mother's --
she loved that bowl, even though it has a huge chip and a little crack in one side.  
Today it holds beads and vintage jewelry that I use to embellish my nests.

The little beaded and embroidered pin cushion is a treasure to me
A gift that was made by my friend Pat.  
(I can't bring myself to actually stick a pin in it !)

The beautiful painted platter was made by my friend Julie.
I love her pottery and her whimsical paintings
 this piece is truly precious to me.   
This bluebird platter belonged to my Grandmother.  
The little porcelain berry container is one of my favorite
purchases from Anthropologie.  
It's the perfect place to store my business cards.    

The fabric roses were used in a charity project that I just completed.
I'll be posting about that later this summer.  It's going to "knock your socks off"!!

This little bisque bird dish was a treasured possession of my Grandmother's. 
My Grandfather gave it to her as a wedding gift.  
almost 75 years ago. 


 This lamp was part of a set 
and these were the first lamps that my parents owned when they got married.
I will always remember them as setting on end tables in the living room of my childhood home.  
I have NO idea what happened to the other lamp in this set.  

The glass "nest" wind chime was a purchase this spring from
my favorite -- Hobby Lobby!

Tools of the trade-
part of my vintage knitting needle collection.

I just keep adding more "stuff" to this tree branch!
Pretty soon I'm going to have to go in search of a bigger branch!!

  This vintage sideboard is an heirloom from my husband's family
and once belonged to his grandmother.
Now at home in my Sacred Yarn room, 
this beautiful antique displays my button collection 
and more of my vintage knitting needles.

The "Blue Sky" lighthouse is a retired collectible piece 
that I treasure.

The blue lamp in the corner was a lamp that my grandmother
owned when she was first married.  
The lamp was refinished so that it could be used for electric.

~ some favorites from my button collections ~

It seems that every time  I sift through the large bowl of buttons
I find a new treasure that I want to display.

This vintage shell dish holds my Mother's crochet needles.
(if only I could crochet!!)

   One of my favorite collectible pieces---
this little vintage bathing beauty dish.
She makes me smile~

The porcelain "Capodimonte" nightlight
 once belonged to my husband's grandmother.

 One of my favorite books of all time
Anne Morrow Lindburgh's
"Gift from the Sea"

This book was a gift from my best friend Mary, many years ago,
at a time in my life when there was great despair~~
I can not even put into words how I both love and treasure this book
and our friendship.

If only this vintage suitcase could talk--
This suitcase was part of the first set of luggage that my Mother owned.
Her initials are set into the top.
She carried this when she left the train station in Lexington,Ky for
her honeymoon.

She never removed that "transit" tag for all the years that she used this suitcase.
Still, it hangs there and you can just barely read the words "Lexington, Ky".

My ever growing collection of yarn scraps
 is beautifully displayed in this precious piece.

Call me obsessed -- I admit that I am.
But - I love every tangled knot and piece of yarn. 
I love to run my hands through all the colors and textures.
Sometimes I weave these little pieces into my nests.

 ~ and sometimes I do this with the pieces ~

Whiskey is part of the heritage of my home state of Kentucky.
Some of my buttons are displayed in the whiskey bottles,
representative of the various distilleries in our area.

(No - I'm not a whiskey drinker - but we do love to cook with it--
and I can make a mean bread pudding with whiskey sauce!)

Can a person ever really have too many buttons?

Don't you just want to run your hands through all these yarn scraps?

  More of my "special" buttons
I'm especially fond of the little mink covered buttons - a rare find
at the flea market!

That little nest is THE first nest that I ever made.  
As is usually the case -- especially when you make
things over and over again---
the nests have "evolved" into a different look now. 

But that one -- is special. 

My beautiful assortment of eggs that I use in my nests
and my collection of Vera Bradley string tags--
folks from all over the states have sent me their little string tags!
I weave these little strings into my green Woodland nests.

Some specialty yarns that are "HARD TO FIND!!"
I love using these in my nest designs.  
And garland --- this room is filled with garland!

I'm constantly thinking ahead to new themes for my Designer nest series.  
Believe it or not -- everything here is already planned for use.  
My sketchbook is full of designs and lists the various embellishments that I plan to use.  
Oh yes, - I have a plan!

One of the MOST beautiful magazines in publication today.

This one is very special to me -- because I'm in it!
The new fall issue -- page 13-- 
I'm so proud!

A work in progress~~
my knitted wraps contain well over 100 different yarns.  
This is just one basket of yarns that I will use for the fringe.  
(there are 2 more baskets NOT pictured here!)

This table sits behind my couch
more of my crafting supplies are displayed here~~
Another collection of my Mother's buttons in a vintage tinware bowl~
a collection of fabric yo-yo's~
a blanket that I knitted for our newest grandaughter, Avila~
and a beautiful collection of crochet embellishments 
that I will use to decorate her blanket.  

and -- in the front is a little pink coat that I am knitting for baby Avila.

It's going to be adorable isn't it?
I will be showing all the finished projects a bit later!
(I hope you will come back to see them!!) 

This little coat will be embellished with tiny little seed beads
~ it's going to be exquisite!
A special little coat for our newest little babe!

So many of you have asked for a Spring Nest~~
well- it's going to happen-
there --- I said it!!

I'm collecting a beautiful assortment of  vintage flower brooches~
you'll be seeing these again!

This porcelain bowl was part of a "pitcher and bowl" set
that belonged to my Grandmother --
and before that, her Mother. 
The pitcher did not survive the test of time--
but the bowl is used to display more of my precious yarn scraps.
I truly love this bowl.  

And that little peek at the nest--
you are looking at a nest design that I have NOT shared with you yet!!
Yes -- I can keep a secret!!

This vintage sideboard belonged to my paternal Grandmother.  
For as long as I can remember, this sideboard was in her dining room.
I love that I have it here in my Sacred Yarn Room. 

Seriously -- aren't these scraps beautiful?
Do you think I'm crazy because I love these so much?
(don't answer that--)

I just can't throw them away!  
Especially the knots and tangles-- those are my very favorites!! 

One of my newest nest designs --
the Shabby Chic Nest. 
(you can see more photos and read about this new nest
 by clicking the photo on my sidebar.) 

~ filled with vintage laces and exquisite yarns ~
My newest nest is truly beautiful.
(Some of you are even sending me your precious mementos to be woven into YOUR nest.)

 A collection of favorites--
my family of little sheep,
"Trendsetter Dune", one of my most beautiful yarns,
and a favorite Anthropologie box.

A collection of vintage laces and seam bindings
used in my nests.

A little beaded dress 
that I am making for our little grandaughter, Keri Beth.

Actually, as I am preparing this post --- the little dress is just finished!
I have photos of our little 2 year old grandaughter wearing that dress - 
and they are precious!.  

I'm saving those photos for a very special post that will be coming up next! 
 I hope that you will come back to see how adorable she looks wearing this "priceless" dress!
It really is a "priceless dress"!!!
wait till I tell you how much that yarn cost!!
(please don't tell my husband!) 

One of my knitted wraps-
and a basket of my "nesting" yarns.

This wreath hangs at the entrance to my Sacred Yarn Room.
it's made from some of my yarn scraps,
  felted wool sweaters, old zippers, and vintage jewelry pieces.
The wreath is hung from two vintage silk scarves that I joined together
 and tied into a bow. 

and lastly -- my desk
the place where I do what I love -- blog.

I'm so grateful to have this blogging experience in my life.
So grateful for the chance to meet so many wonderful
and talented people from all over the world. 
So grateful for the new friendships that I have made.
I'm so grateful that you took your precious time,
to visit me here today and tour the place that is so
very special to me--
my Sacred Yarn Room.

I'd like to thank sweet Karen for once again hosting this incredible event. 
No one is a better friend to the blogging community than Karen.
Thank you Karen for all that you do for ALL of us!
I am thrilled to have this opportunity to meet other bloggers who create
and who, like me, want to share their special space --

(I'm also happy to participate because it guarantees 
that at least once a year--
this room gets a good cleaning!!)


A little later this year, Karen is going to be creating a Badge
 for my very own 
 "Grow Your Blog" party".
My way of giving back to the blogging community 
that has been so very kind to me.
If you desire more readers and followers for  your blog -
check out the details 
on my sidebar.


Are you tired from this "extended tour" of my special place?
Would you like some refreshments?

I'd like to reward one of my visitors with a box of my NEW favorite cookies!! 
These honey fig cookies are made my friends here.  

I will draw a random winner from everyone who visits and leaves a comment.  
The winner will be announced HERE on August 1.  
I'll send a box of these (wonderful, fabulous, OMG - to die for!!) cookies
to your home - where ever you live.) 

***Update  8/1 --The winner of the cookie giveaway is Tree Hugger Susan.  ***
***this contest is now closed***

Thank you for spending some time here with me today
your visit means the world to me ~~


Vicki Dutcher said...

Just a FUN space! Love the suitcase - that branch with all those goodies..heaven! I can tell you love what you do and your space reflects that~ Thanks for sharing!

Createology said...

Thank you for sharing your Sacred Yarn Room with us. It is easy to see and read how much you love your treasures...antiques and yarns and embellishments. Your room is such an inspiration and I know how much you love to create within its walls. Surrounded by love is evident in the beautiful yarn nests you knit and create. Blissful Joy Vicki Dear...

Suzan said...

Ohhh my goodness gracious!! I love your yarn room--- would take days to explore and visit every nook and cranny!! Love your grandad's crutch with your yarns hanging, love the story about your Mom's chair and getting it back. You're so organized!!! You know where EVERYTHING is located!! Love the platter of crocheted flowers! I love all your color!! WOW!! NICE!!

Valery Klassen said...

Love your space and all your treasures. Thanks for sharing.

Helena White said...

Wow! Thanks so much for the tour of your Sacred Yarn Room. I was touched by the serendipitous story about your Mom's rocker. Love happy endings! ♥ ஆ

Susan said...

I knew your post was going to be don't disappoint Miss Vicki. Loved all the pictures, loved all that yarn and loved those crochet hooks. Come over and I will teach you how to crochet...and bring those cookies! Thanks for sharing. Susan

Kathy said...

Oh my goodness, I loved the tour and all of your stories. I feel the same way about those treasured pieces that wrap around you with their history. Thank you for sharing!

PoetessWug said...

WOW! So many pretties in your space! :-) I especially love the crocheted flower embellishments, and, of course, the BUTTONS!!! And no! You can never have too many buttons! :-] Thanks for sharing your space, Vicki!

Cyn said...

very fun space! I love the vintage suitcase with all that yarn! Thanks for sharing!!

Shirley said...

Hi Vicki, Your room reflects what you truly love to do. I have enjoyed the tour and the history of some of your antique pieces. We all have our love of vintage of one thing or another. I have the child rocking chair that was my hubby's fathers when he was a child. I collect embroidery thread like you collect yarn and keep small scraps. Have a small bag of left over thread from a project label as to what the project was. I enjoyed your tour and cant wait to see your little one in the dress that you made. Have a great weekend. Hugs Your Missouri Friend.

Snugglebug Blessings said...

I was so touched by your mom selling her hard earned antique chair so she could make coats for you girls. Then for it to come back into her life, what fate,what a blessing. She sacrificed and was blessed for it.

I would love to come explore your amazing craft room although I may never leave...and I don't knit. LOL! God bless. Cathy

Unknown said...

What a wonderful space you have so full of special treasures and especially those that hold meaningful memories, a special soul you are. You nest are fabulous and what a treasures to own one. Delighted to visit your blog and meet you. Have a wonderful time at the party. So many special people and fellow creators in Blogland. Love your story about your Mom's chair and the crutch of your Grandfather's. Great way to display it:) Hugs and Happy Creating:) Marilou

Joyful said...

What a beautiful space! It has so many things that you love. No wonder it inspires you so much.

Joyful said...

p.s. I was able to find the magazine, Romantic Country, and read about you there. Congratulations!

audrey said...

I just do not understand how you fit so much into your life ~ work, family, traveling, nests, knitting, friendship, blogging,and on and on. You are a wonder!!!
Your Sacred Yarn Room is a TREASURE and how blessed I feel that you shared it with us. I love the colors, the textures, the memories you've shared. I can only imagine how you must feel spending time in there. Thank you for sharing ~ this is a beautiful post, Vicki.
♥ audrey

Deb S said...

What a wonderful space! I love to look and look and look at all your little gems! Thanks for sharing - having fun in this hop!

The Feathered Nest said...

Sweet Vicki!!! What a wonderful, creative and heavenly space!!!!! You are so precious and your studio reflects that ~ memories are sprinkled around you, inspiring all that you do...I love it all sweet friend, and look forward to seeing your new projects and I need to go buy that magazine, CONGRATULATIONS!!! hugs and love, Dawn

Unknown said...

A beautiful room. I really enjoy how everything is out and you can see it and touch it! So much color. Thanks so much for the fun tour.

Jenny said...

I'm honored you allowed me entrance into such a sacred place filled with so much love. You should make a book of this room and all that has transpired inside it. I sense you feel a strong closeness to your mother and family here. Love grows and just look how your love and creativity do in such an environment. I am overwhelmed. Super post, Vicki. I just knitted my first baby sweater and it was really fun. I like you little knitted or crocheted flowers on your baby sweaters. xo Jenny

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Wow, Vicki! I just love that there is so much family history in your creative space. Such a beautiful story of your mother's rocking chair and the Easter coats she made. No wonder you are fueled for and passionate about creating and giving back. Love the buttons in the whiskey jars. So many lovely projects. So much inspiration! Can't wait to see all those finished designs. Have a fabulous day! Tammy (The cookies sound divine!) :)

StasaLynn said...

I can see why you are so creative... what a great space... plus your view would inspire anyone!

Thanks for sharing your space and fun treasures!


Sandra Kaye said...

Just lovely!! I love all the trays full of buttons and yumminess!! ANd the bottle too..your nest are so sweet!! thanks for sharing. Many hugs

Wateringen said...

Hay Vicky,

Ohhh...what a lovely place you have...
I love that colors and so much materials...
This world is like a dream!

Thank you so much for shaing with us...

Please take a look into my world if you like...

Love from Marijke

Maggie said...

Dear Vicki,
Loved spending time in your. Sacred yarn room, the place where the magic happens.
Love ths shabby chic nest!
Maggie xo

Sandy said...

OH the buttons and birds.. Yarn every where.. love your ideas and how pretty a space to sit, work in and enjoy!

Dorthe said...

Dear Vicki,
Another fantastic tour through your wonderful room, of beauty and creativity. OH my you have collections of yarn, to WISH for, even I don`t knit much--but they are gorgeous to look at.Love the storyes of your mother and granddad, and your precious pieces from them.And love the cosy feeling in your room
I wish I could purchase the mag. where you are in, but maybe you could show everything here ,please :-)
Sending you love and thankyous for inviting me to your room and your life.
HUGS ,Dorthe

Victoria said...

What a gorgeous space! I love all your treasures! You're so lucky to have your Mom's crochet needles. I wish I would have thought to gather up my mother's...I can't crochet either, but I have some lovely things she made for me.

Thank you for sharing your wonderful photos, I'll be coming back to look at them again!

Victoria from Brushstrokes

EllenaElizabeth said...

I get where you're coming from with every photo shared. Every square inch of you studio is laced with sentiment and meaning to you. I love your bluebird platter and the crutch on the wall...that's the sort of thing I do with sentimental pieces. thanks for sharing.

suziqu's thread works said...

My Dear Sweet Vicki
I feel like I have been engrossed in a some wonderland/fairyland book that I just didn't want to leave put down!
I can now see why your Sacred Yarn Room is so sacred.

There are so many treasured memories from your family - mother and grandparents from both sides. You are so very fortunate to have such beautiful links to your mother especially like that beautiful chair, her bowls of buttons - those darling Easter coats,
that unusual bowl full of her crochet hooks!
I would love to sit beside you and show you how easy it is to learn to crochet!

What an amazing button collection you are hoarding!
I love how you keep all of your special wool scraps as I do with my fabric and lace - I'm in tune with that totally!
I could go on and on and I will come back to read the fairy/wonderland book again.
Thank you so much for sharing all of it with us -
You have put so much into this post and we really appreciate every word!
Big hugs and love,

Denise said...

I would love to visit your room and just play all day with your goodies.I would love to run My hands through the buttons.Blessings your way Denise

Unknown said...

Wow, Vicki!What a wonderful, creative and heavenly Yarn Room!!!!!
I loved to read the stories about your famlily and I was smilling while reading, because your sister has the same name as I have. I´ve decided to follow you blog because in ever post I can feel how much you love what you do!Thanks for sharing!

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

All your treasures, so much of your family's history, a room truly filled with love.

Meredith said...

What amazing treasures, you must feel so inspired by all the beautiful things you are surrounded by.
Perfect space to create.

just me... jan said...

Vicki...LOVE your room and all that yarn!!! ROFLOL I adore that you surround yourself with cherished mementos from loved makes your space so special.
just me...STILL enjoying my "Vicki Nest"...jan

Mosaic Magpie said...

After visiting your Sacred Yarn Room, I can see why we are friends. We have so many similar thing and both enjoy having cherished family treasures around us. I so enjoyed seeing your mom's suitcase and had to chuckle about the whiskey bottles in it...wonder what she would think? So many beautiful yarns and knitting projects going on. I had some of that beaded yarn you are creating Kari Beth's dress from. Louisa Harding's yarn and I won't tell your husband, if you don't tell mine. Hope the skeins you bought have a consistant amount of beads on them.
All the buttons! Those are so much fun to sift through, a bit like sitting on the beach and looking at shells, so very relaxing.
Love the story of your mom's rocking chair. Clearly that chair was meant to be in your family.
Lots of precious treasures and love in that Sacred Yarn Room of yours!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I was surprised to see you didn't crochet. I have knitted and crocheted in a previous life, but now I'm very interested in your gorgeous nests. They speak to me. Your lovely studio is to die for, too.

Anonymous said...

Your space is so inspiring! Just love it!

Ciao Bella
Sensible Sarah

The Painted Garden said...

Hi Vicki,
Oh goodness - I loved visiting your Sacred Yarn Room and feel like I know you even better now and can see why we are blog friends as we both love the simple ordinary things in life and can't bear to part with favorite things. The crutch is perfect for your yarn and very special since it was your Grandfathers - your Mother's chair - what a beautiful story with a happy ending - it brought tears to my eyes -the buttons and beautiful bits and pieces and your Mother's bowl - and Julie's platter - I adore her style.

I can see why your room is so special and Sacred to you. Thank you for sharing your special space and for opening your heart to everyone in blogland so we can truly get to know you.
Blessings to you and your family.
Erin and Bentley

ANNE said...

Holy cow what a collection you have!! I am blown away by all your treasures. Lovely!

Suztats said...

Vicki, I want to dive into that suitcase and swim amongst your gorgeous bits of yarn! I think I could spend many happy hours exploring in your studio and admiring your treasures. It's a wonderful place filled with history, love and creativity. Thank you for the tour.

Claudia said...

What a neat studio! I have admired your nests for a long time.

LauraO said...

Wow Vicki, I'm in awe of your space. It's so lovely. I love that you cherish the things that belonged to your mother and family. I lost my Mom in 2009 and I have many of her things in my studio and home. I love the way you have used dishes and bottles to hold items too. I'll have to come back again and again to absorb it all. Thank you so much for sharing your Sacred Space with us.

Rhonda said...

Your studio is cozy and warm. I love your Easter coats, I remember those. Those little sheep are so cute and hearing the wind in the leaves outside your window took me back to a fall day.

I enjoyed visiting your space very much.

Geralyn Gray said...

Love all the buttons and how you display your all your travel pictures on your header too!!! Gift from the Sea is one of my all time favorites also........I always feel like I am in a good place after I read it! Thanks for sharing you space with us!

Keli McKinley Hansen said...

My local bead shop displays all it's beads in sweet liyyle dishes like you do! I have always loved it but never thought of doing it in my own studio! I need dishes!

Thanks for sharing your space!

Keli McKinley Hansen said...

My local bead shop displays in vintage dishes and cups and I have always loved it. I never considered doing it my own studio....but now that I've seen yours.... I need old dishes!

Thanks for sharing your space!

Tanya said...

Oooooooooh - Aaaaaaaaah - Your "love affair" is remarkable, Vicki...I think my favorite little piece has to be the green bird box of your grandmother's, though it ALL made me swoon! Thanks for the inspiration this morning - XOXO

Karen Valentine said...

Vicki that was an awesome tour!!!! I can feel the love of your space an how much all you family treasures mean to you just oozing out of the screen! I would love to come and run my hands through all those bowls of yarn!! Thank you so much for joining the tour. You area sweetie and blogland would not be the same without you.

yaya said...

What a lovely "nest" you have made for yourself! I love that you showed all the little spots and momentos that mean so much to you. It's wonderful to have family surrounding you in the form of precious things that remind you of them. It's fun to see this in blog form because I would probably miss something if I was there in person. This way, all the fun treasures are showcased. I love the bowl of buttons. Does every woman have a button box? I don't sew or knit or anything but I have a flowered tin that has hundreds of buttons that will never be used. But I do like to look at them...weird? Probably! Love your Sacred Yarn room and I think you could learn to Mom is a wonderful crocheter and she even crocheted my sister's wedding was beautiful. Have a great weekend! P.S...when Jack retires I'll know what to do with all the crutches in his office!

Julie Whitmore Pottery said...

You have such a wonderful heart, Vicki, it just shows in your writing and the way you describe all you special things in your life, and in your treasure trove of a craft room!
So special to be mentioned here~

Beedeebabee said...

What a beautiful room Vicki! So many lovely goodies and supplies, and all of your special things all about...You've created a perfectly enchanting space to create your gorgeous art in! xoxo Paulette :)

Terry said...

I love your "Sacred Yarn Room!" Thank you for sharing it with us. Your knitting work is gorgeous. Your grandchildren are very lucky.


Sandi said...

How beautiful! You have such a special way of keeping memories. I loved seeing where my nest will be produced! Thank you for sharing.

fairyrocks said...

Wow what a legacy you are honoring. The story of your Mom's chair is moving on a very deep level. I do know about a Grandfathers cane, and the memories it envokes. Love that you are telling the stories. My Magpie eye is wild about all your bits and bobs too.
Keep smiling and creating.

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

First off, I have to tell you that I still love my nest, Vicki! I think it's about 3 years now since I was lucky enough to come up on the list for one. Loved seeing your space again this year. I just love that so many of your pieces have such meaning to you. That is a wonderful story about your mother's chair. I'm so glad that she was able to get it back. I've been eying the fleece at Joann's. I've wanted to try those tie blankets myself. Love the bottles, bowls and jars filled with buttons and eggs. So pretty! Actually, so much prettiness everywhere you look!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for sharing your Sacred Yarn Room. I can see how entering this room would take you back to earlier times leaving a warm and happy feeling with sweet memories of your past. These wonderful treasures represent the memories of your mother and weave a wonderful story that is rich in the history of a begone era. I can see how entering this sanctuary would bring you a sense of peace, love and happiness.

A beautiful and heartwarming post! :)

Linens Lace and Lattes said...

I love your space and ALL of your buttons. You and I can never have too many buttons!
I am joining your upcoming event and jumping over right now to sign up!

Unknown said...

What a great yarn room. Yup, I think I would be safe in saying you love yarn.
I am inspired by the suitcase full of little bit and pieces. I have those same bits and pieces but in lace and trims, now I know what to store these little tidbits in, thanks for the inspiration.
Thanks for sharing your amazing space.

Cache-Mire said...

Vicki, your Sacred Yarn Room is amazing!!! Like a treasure chest opening at every turn. I can just imagine the textures of the yarns...oh my!

Thank you for sharing, not only the space and the stuff, but the memories that are represented. ~ Terri

Kay Ellen said...

Very nice to meet you :) Happy creative blogging day at Karen's place!

Amazing yarn goodies and studio you have!

Enjoy your artful weekend,

Kay Ellen

Chrislyn said...

Oh your room is wonderful! I just love all your trinkets-especially the buttons!And your nests are fabulous! It's nice to have so many treasures around that are so dear to your heart. I enjoyed my tour very much--Thank you for sharing!


Sandy said...

Beautiful! LOVE the nests you make, they are amazing. I could be very happy napping in that suitcase full of rich textural fibers. Thank you for sharing.

Lululiz said...

Oh my goodness Vicki, where do I start? Your studio is so full of the most amazing treasures.But do you know what I love even more than all the gorgeous yarns and bits and pieces you create with? Those totally unique and priceless pieces from your family, all those wonderful things with so many memories attached to them. xx

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Vicki,
WOW your creative space is amazing. I love every inch of it and every little yarn piece and the dear treasures. I love your buttons and the story of the chair was so touching. Your nests are incredible and what a talent you are.
So enjoyed my visit.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Hugs, Celestina Marie

Unknown said...

the sacred yarn room..."sacred", indeed, and home to THE most sentimental collector of family heirlooms I've EVER seen in one place. i justLOVE all of your treasured pieces big and small. what a legacy. I feel honored that you shared it all with us mon amie. honored! (still so glad that I get the pleasure to share a small piece of your creativity each time you request my clay eggs!) ;) Merci for the tour...delightful dear vicki! (oh and....I love me some cookies!!! ;))

Leanne said...

What a magical space . . . I don't know how I'd get anything created there - I think I'd just sit and PLAY in the GOODIES all day long, and move from one magical part of the room to another! I love the eggs, and the yarns, the beads, just everything! Thanks for sharing!

Jenny said...

Wow thank you for sharing. So many neat things to look at. I can see you like to craft alot of different things with different materials. We have the same night light - I use my in my bedroom - so pretty. Take care.


Joy said...

What a beautiful and meaningful room!!!!

gigi knits said...

Your yarn room is a dream come true. It is just to beautiful for words.

Evelyn said...

Such a beautiful space. I absolutely LOVE how you have your buttons displayed, especially using the whiskey bottles. And your vintage suitcase for your yarn scraps is wonderful. Thank you for sharing your space.

Cheryl said...

One word.... DANG! I am needing to step it up in my studio, yours is super cute lol

Anonymous said...

I have loved visiting your Sacred Yarn Room it is so much fun. I too love fiber and would gladly collect as much yarn as you have if only I could knit or crochet. Instead I have a few skeins that I use on tags and cards. Your nests are amazing and such a unique creation. Huggs ~Iantha~

Kathleen Conard said...

Your space is beautiful - no wonder you love it so with all of those special family memories surrounding you! Thanks for sharing your lovely creative space with us.

Kathleen Conard said...

No wonder you love this room so much - so many beautiful memories surrounding you. Thank you so much for sharing your lovely space with us!

GlorV1 said...

Just beautiful. Thank you.

knitalatte said...

Cookies, did you say cookies? I'm in!
Love your room, can I come over and play?
Thank you for a lovely tour of your creative space.
It truly is magical.

Cat Stegall said...

I am visually satisfied from your amazing tour!! HUGS and love your of these days I am going to order a nest!

Maureen Hayes said...


I am in tears writing my comment to you. This is my first visit to your beautiful blog, but it certainly won't be my last, as I am now a subscriber!

I LOVE that you have so many family heirlooms and items in your sacred space. I have nothing from my childhood or my my mom or family, and I think it is so beautiful that you have these treasures and not only that but use them and look at them each day as a reminder of your love for these precious people in your life!! Such an inspiring post and room, thank you so much for sharing it with all of us.

BTW congrats on the magazine article, I will pick up a copy as soon as I can find the issue!

Phyllis said...

Hi Vicki,

You have so many special treasures in that wonder you like to spend time in there.

I love your button collection but my favorite thing is the little bathing beauty dish. So cute! I enjoyed the tour!

Jane said...

What a wonderful room - your Sacred Yarn Roon! Really loved the tour & will have to visit again to take in more of the details. I especially love the way you cherish all the family pieces and make them part of your creative life.

canngil said...

Love your room and all your pretties! I would love to get on your list for a green nest next year...they are so beautiful!
thanks for sharing!
Cathy Gillette

Ellie said...

Loved sitting in your sacred studio this early Sunday morning, sipping iced tea, and enjoying our "chat." Learning about the history of your prized possessions has been so fun. What a beautiful thing your mother did to sell the chair for materials for her little girls - a true blessing that her favorite chair has come back to you. This is a heartwarming story.

Personally owning several of your charming nests, I now sense a closer connection to you, the artist I admire. Your nests exude love. Can't wait for my next nest.

Many thanks for sharing such a personal room, and wonderful memories of your loved ones.



Mr Paul said...

Oh Vicki your secret hideaway looks wonderful. Such an inspirational space to be surrounded by such fabulous goodies. It makes your nests even more enchanting that they are born in such a magical place. Every time I come to your blog I find new treasures tucked away that I hadn't noticed before, a joy! Hope you are having an incredible weekend. Paul

Louise@ElsieMayandBertha said...

Another studio/craft room I want to take up residence in! I've been spending a lot of time this weekend looking at all the lovely creative rooms the crafters of the bloggesphere that are sharing via Karen's blog.
I am the same as you when it comes to scraps, though in my case it's mainly fabric. Though lately, thanks to lucky charity shop finds I have been accumulating quite a bit of wool.
It's my first time at your blog today, and I think your nest creations are lovely. I'll definately be back. :-)

SuZeQ said...

Dear friend, Vicki ... you better move that pile of fleece off that chair, because that's where I'm going to sit when I come to visit. I am itching to go through that lovely stash of buttons. Oh - and believe it or not, I can crochet!!! Perhaps I could teach you!

Uniquely Yunikua said...

lovely room you have there.. especially the view through the window.. :)

Elizabeth Johnson said...

Color, color, everywhere! It is beautiful!!! You have a wonderful space and your nests are delightful. Did you make the little sheep? So cute.
Thank you for sharing.

Pat said...

Vicki, this morning I felt the need to visit your blog and was treated to a fabulous visit to a special place...your Sacred Yarn Room, and sacred, it truly is. You know I love the 'stories' of every little thing and the fact that you love this room so much makes the stories come alive. You have so many special things in this room, from the family collectibles, to the little bits of yarn you treasure, to the knitted items. My, you even have my bird pincushion there...what a treat for me to see where it is living. Thank you so much! And, my dear blogging friend,'ve a piece of her pottery there too. She, too, is a very special person, as you are. You would know that I would be crazy over all your little birds too. What a lovely place to visit this morning...I know you treasure your sacred room, as I do mine. I wish you many hours of bliss creating your nests and knitting your beautiful things. Do know that you and your blog are a blessing to us 'out here.' And, say hello to the Gardener! hugs, pat

PS. By the way, loved seeing you in the latest issue of Romantic Country!!

Pat said...

Vicki, this morning I felt the need to visit your blog and was treated to a fabulous visit to a special place...your Sacred Yarn Room, and sacred, it truly is. You know I love the 'stories' of every little thing and the fact that you love this room so much makes the stories come alive. You have so many special things in this room, from the family collectibles, to the little bits of yarn you treasure, to the knitted items. My, you even have my bird pincushion there...what a treat for me to see where it is living. Thank you so much! And, my dear blogging friend,'ve a piece of her pottery there too. She, too, is a very special person, as you are. You would know that I would be crazy over all your little birds too. What a lovely place to visit this morning...I know you treasure your sacred room, as I do mine. I wish you many hours of bliss creating your nests and knitting your beautiful things. Do know that you and your blog are a blessing to us 'out here.' And, say hello to the Gardener! hugs, pat

PS. By the way, loved seeing you in the latest issue of Romantic Country!!

A China Cupcake said...

Your studio views as always, are pure art in themselves.
I remember the drawings you choose to use last year to
portray your wonderful spaces and ideas . This year you have really outdone yourself again.The photos of every detail and area of your create spaces are dreamy.
I admire your clever use of all your spaces and organization style. I will be looking at your studio views
from Where boggers create from this year and last year over and over to get new ideas . Have you submitted these presentations to the magazine where woman create or artful blogging ? You will knock them out !

Shell said...

What a special Tour my friend! Your studio looks great! Love all the "Pieces of Love" from your family an friends! Doesn't that just make it Special!

Can you imagine if we put all of your stuff and my stuff together ....

I envy you all that great light, that is one thing that I fight in my studio. Love all the goodies you are working on!

Have a great day! Big hugs and Love,

Unknown said...

What a lovely room!! I don't think I would ever leave! I am not sure which of your treasures is my favorite. I am going to borrow your idea of a wreath on the door to your studio! So glad I found your blog through the bloggers create party...I joined in this year too!! Oh, and your not crazy saving scraps, I save my ribbons!!


myriamkreativ said...

Hi my dear friends,
.... simply wonderful. I think I just would leave it to pop in the pool *lol*
Hugs Myriam

Marrianna said...

Love your sacred yarn room. Thank you for sharing. In fact, one of your posts with photos of one of your yarn nexts contained the colors I wanted for my new blog design by Karen Valentine. Now that I've seen all your yarns, buttons, treasures, and projects, I am so impressed with your energy and skill.

Keep up the great work.


Susan ~ Killam Creative said...

Such a lovely yarn room! I adore your nests - especially the shorebirds nest.


Prudence said...

Your tour made me miss spending time with you even more. I look forward to the next visit to your Sacred Yarn Room.

Love and Hugs girlfriend!

Jim said...

Now I understand how you do what you do, Vicki! What a 'treasure trove' of inspirations.
This is definitely your 'garden' where you go to be yourself.

Laura Quaglia (Fun With This and That) said...

I too like yarn. And do not knit. I do not have near as much a tub full .
I use it to make tassels.
I was in France saw a tassel it was 100. Er. so said I will make one ,
Would have been better to buy the tassel. Love your blog will be back. Looking forward to my Shabby chic nest Your friend Laura

Mari Brown and Colourblob said...

What brilliant way to display your treasures, the crutch is great and its such a unexpected piece and thats why its so much fun. And I love that view out the window with all those leaves. You have a lot of great antiques and memories in there. Lovely!!!

janeangel said...

Dear Vicki,

Thank you for sharing your sacred yarn room with us. All those memories and treasures from your family and were showing us a part of your heart and I understand why you call your haven the sacred yarn room. :-)

It is beautiful.

Esme said...

This is exactly what I imagined your knitting room would look like. Your lamps are amazing. I love all your yarn.

Tanna said...

your coffers are overlowing with treasures!! i am coveting buttons and yarns and i hope you will show those precious beaded garments on your grands soon!!! amazing room for an amazing lady! blessings ~ tanna

Anonymous said...

Oh my! You have soooo much goodies! You must have so much fun in there! "Being FORCED to create in there" can't happen, everyone would love to!

Ciao Bella
Sensible Sarah

Diana said...

What a beautiful nest you have built for your gorgeous treasures. I truly enjoyed every minute of my visit. I love all the eye candy and the way you have it all displayed. YUM!!! Hugs to you.

Michellee said...

O MY!!! Love your "Sacred Yarn Room". You have such lovely ideas of display/storing your treasures. T h a nks for sharing your space.

Anonymous said...

Love you space and all your wonderful yarn! I am a very tactile person so just want to touch it all!

Love your business cards and want to see that nest!!!

bee blessed

debi said...

What a wonderful, creative space! I love the sweet family treasures that adorn your room.

Lynette Killam said...

Oh Vicki, I was in heaven going through all your treasures...such beauty you make, and surround yourself with! I do love your nests, and was charmed by all the little birds clustered around your goodies.

And the story of your mom's chair is lovely...makes me wish I had a memento of that sort from my own mother.

Thank you for a simply wonderful visit...:)

Priscilla said...

Thank you for the lovely tour of the sacred yarn room!

Anonymous said...

Your room is beautiful and obviously full of love and things you treasure! I notice you have quite a few Longaberger baskets - I am a collector and have quite a few in my craft room as well. You should pop over to my blog at to see! I'd appreciate the visit! Thank you for sharing your amazing space, it is very inspiring!

Linda Carole Bloom said...

Hi Vicki!
I love the suitcase full of treasures! I am running late, because my German Shepherd (shown on my porch) became very ill on Saturday and has been in the vet hospital ever since with hemolytic anemia, he has had 1 blood transfusion so far and is on high-dose Prednisone, Immuran and vincristine. I am tentatively hopeful today. So please send good thoughts to Marley D. That said, I really enjoyed my tour of your studio - someday I hope to afford one of your nests - after all the vet bills are paid! Love, Linda

Curtains in My Tree said...

buttons buttons buttons I loved the buttons and flower pins your are collecting

Linda K. said...

Your creative room is warm and full of love! Impressed with your bottles of buttons and suitcase of yarn. What a lovely tour!


Deb said...

Vicki, I absolutely LOVED the tour! Love all the vintage containers, the suitcases, all the colorful yarns! You have a wonderful creative space to work your magic!

Maureen said...

Vicki, what can I say when you leave me speechless? The room, your creations, your family treasures blow me away. I adore all the ways you have honored your parents, grandparents and friends by displaying their wonderful items. Incredible room, thank you so much for the guided tour - so much fun (and I shall be back to drink it all in some more!)

Sue said...

Vicki, you have a truly wonderful sacred yarn room, with so many fantastic treasures it must be so inspirational, and how kind of you to share it all with us.

RuthSMac. said...

I Love all the colors and trinkets that you have in your studio! I looks so complete and fun!

Jennifer said...

I love your room! Your grandfathers crutch is such a sweet memory! Love the button bowls.

Creative Grammie said...

Aloha Vicki,
You have a lovely Sacred yarn room! So full of gorgeous treasures. Your button and yarn collections are very impressive!
Thank you for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Your Sacred Yarn Room is just awesome. I really like how you've used so many family heirlooms in your studio. I've done this in my studio also and it just makes it feel like all your favorite people are watching over you as you create. Thanks for sharing!

Marlynne said...

My What A Lovely Tour Of your Sacred Room! All your precious bits & pieces inspire me too! Your story about your Mothers Antique Chair brought tears to my eyes!I put your blog on my favorites. I have a Bright Colors Folk Art Blog that I love and Karen is putting together my new blog next month, "Precious Cottage" So nice to get a glimpse into your world!

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Vicki - just visiting via blogland, I can feel how especially wonderful your studio is to you. It's truly sacred! The tidbits of story you wove into your post...the rocking chair, suitcase, sweaters, etc. ... are poignant and sure to bring back so many memories.
Your words "a time of despair" caught my attention. We all experience a time of despair and, God willing, come through stronger and better.
Bless you for so many things and today, for showing us your studio.

Neesie said...

Oh Vicki this post is so special...I feel so privileged that you shared your precious treasure trove with me.
It was fantastic to wander around in such a beautiful space. All the fabulous family treasures must hold wonderful memories for you.
What an inspiring place :D
Thank you so much for allowing me to take a peak ~ I truly loved my visit.

Lili said...

I am so excited for you to be featured in Romantic Country!!! Congrats to you sweetie, I KNEW it was just a matter of time. Your Sacred Yarn Room is simply magical and so inspirational having you show us a glimpse of it. Everything that you touch you make a little more lovely! xoxo ~Lili

hula-la said...

Oh my goodness...what a wonderful journey around the yarn room. I absolutely love it. So many fabulous treasures. I have many old suitcases, and I am going to do the same thing with all of my yarn scraps. I just tuck them into a boring plastic ziploc bag. Thank you so much for sharing your space. Truly remarkable!

hula-la said...

Oh my goodness...what a wonderful journey around the yarn room. I absolutely love it. So many fabulous treasures. I have many old suitcases, and I am going to do the same thing with all of my yarn scraps. I just tuck them into a boring plastic ziploc bag. Thank you so much for sharing your space. Truly remarkable!

Robyn said...

Oh my eyes are so filled with visions of sugar plums! I already have a collection of so much of what you have used to decorate! Gonna go get started!

Terri in BC said...

You are a true artist! Even your room is beautiful - mine just looks like a hot mess, although I strive to make it inspirational.

Anonymous said...

I was drooling when I read this post - literally! It's never happened to me before, but excuse me whilst I just wipe down my keyboard! Truly amazing!