Saturday, July 12, 2014

Where Bloggers Create -- Welcome to my Sacred Yarn Room

Welcome to my creative place.  A bit of a mess most of the time -- well actually, a truly big mess most of the time -- but it's MY mess!  This  room is a special haven for me -- a place where my creativity blooms~

my special place
 holds a conglomeration of all my crafting collections~
my button collections
yarns (LOTS of yarn)
knitting supplies
fabric collections
vintage laces and embellishment
knitting books and patterns (LOTS!!)

it's a small room actually
in the upstairs of our house
next to the attic
(and I confess to having overflow items stored 
out there as well!)
mornings in this room
are my most favorite
I love the way the morning sunlight
streams in through the window
and listening to the birds sing their
morning songs

 welcome to my
"Sacred Yarn Room"

I'm guilty of having yarn stashes
tucked away all over this room
for my various projects
~ these
are some of the yarns 
that are used in the making of my
little nests

one of my little nests
basking in the rays of the morning sun

another little nest reflected in the morning light
~this one
made from vintage laces and threads

this is about as organized as it gets~
truly though -- I do know where everything is!
I love this window-
just having the window open
makes me so happy~

my Mother's button collection
is very special to me
even though I have added to it many times,
I still consider it to be 
her collection

a little collection of buttons
in one of my vintage
 seashell plates

 a few more of my favorite
button collections

this jar is filled with 
beautiful embellishments
that I use on my nest creations

I am passionate about
all things relating to
"birds and nests"
bird decorations
are found all over my
"Sacred Yarn Room"

this collection of glass jars
is used to hold
my collection of vintage fabric strips
these glass jars and their metal stand
are one of my all time favorite
flea market purchases

this vintage Samsonite suitcase
once belonged to my Mother~
she used it when she went
on her honeymoon.
the original train station
tag from that trip is still attached to the suitcase
today, this suitcase houses 
my yarn scraps--
 every knot and tangle,
every stray strand,
every cast off
every piece I can't bear to throw away
(I throw them into the suitcase!)
some of my button collections are also
kept here in favorite
bourbon whiskey bottles. 
(my home state of Kentucky has a strong heritage related to the making of whiskey--
I collect these bottles to house some of my collections.)

 a little vignette collection~
pieces for use in some of my projects

 hanging on the wall is a wooden crutch
 that once belonged to
 my grandfather
today some of my yarns are displayed 
hanging from that

tiny little beads
waiting for a new home on one
of my projects

this bowl once belonged to my Grandmother
~ now, it holds 
more of my scrap yarn collections

I'm almost embarrassed to show this photo to you!
I know it looks rather messy--
but, honestly--
this is pretty organized for me!

a tree branch
holds more of my novelty
"nature" collection

a favorite little berry basket
from "Anthropologie"
holds my business cards
 a vintage bowl houses 
some of my ribbons and beaded trims

 a collection of glass jars
also holds ribbons and trims

this pretty little bird dish
once belonged to my grandmother--
she always told me that it was one of her
most favorite pieces

some of my yarns and laces
used in making my knitted

more of my "nesting" yarns

 my collection
of vintage flower and bird

 these vintage laces
are actually part of my Mother's collection.
I love that I have found a way to use 
them so beautifully
in my "Shabby Chic"

thank you so very much for visiting me here
in my creative space.
I'm so grateful for your visits and comments.
If you have left a comment here,
I will be by to visit you 
in a short bit.
if you would like to contact me
you can do so here~

a little different perspective
on some of my

Dearest Karen --
thank you once again for hosting this incredible event, providing us all with the opportunity to become inspired by each others creativity, and to make new friends.  Your dedication as a resource person and friend to all of us who write blogs is so very appreciated~

 If you are visiting my blog for the first time -- I am participating in the "Where Blogger's Create" event, hosted by my dear friend Karen Valentine.  You can see the complete list of all those participating by visiting Karen here~

My heartfelt thanks to each of you 
who took the time to visit me
 here today~



suziqu's thread works said... 1

Dearest Vicki I wouldn't have missed this visit for the world! I would so love to sit in that early morning sunshine with you and view all your treasures there.
Missing my lovely blog friends at present while I sit and heal!
Much love,

Bohemian said... 2

It was such Fun to come for a visit, be Invited into your Inner Sanctuary where the Creative Magic of your Beautiful Art Form comes to Life, and have the Grand Tour! Loving the Visuals of your Collections and Storage of Art Supplies which were visually so Appealing to me... since Fabrics, Trims and Embellishments of all sorts are a Passion of mine as well. Having our Havens to Store such supplies and Create with Passion and more intent Focus is such a Blessing. I will be up half the Night visiting everyone's Spaces and being Inspired.

Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

Dorthe said... 3

Dearest Vicki,
I`m alwayes overwhelmed with joy seing pictures from your Sacred Yarn Room , so filled with happy colours of yarn and wonderful collections of pearls, and things. It must be like sitting in the middle of the most lush landscape ,with the peace from birds singing outside, and their "friends " keeping you compagny inside while relaxing with your amazing works of art knitting.
Thankyou for letting us visit you, also this year, I would have loved to sip a cup of tea with you, while experiensing all the gorgeousness in your Paradise !!
Love from Dorthe

Unknown said... 4

What a lovely place to create. I love your little nests and how you have included special pieces by your family. I am sure you enjoy creating in that space. I am Janet from Graceful Rose. I hope you will visit me soon.

Anonymous said... 5

Beautiful yarn nests, and lovely creative space.
Thx for sharing.

Sue Kosec said... 6

Yessiree ... I can almost hear those birds chirping through that opened window. Once again, friend, visiting your Sacred Yarn Room is a special treat. ONE OF THESE DAYS, I will visit it in person. And that's a promise!

kathyinozarks said... 7

I always love visiting your yarn room-and it looks beautiful and organized to me-hugs thanks for the visit

Dirty Martini Queen said... 8

I just adore the fact that you use many wonderful family things so you are reminded daily of your loved ones. And can I please come visit so I can feel all the textures that just leap off the pages.

Mosaic Magpie said... 9

Loved my visit to your corner of the world. All those treasures you have to create with! Your family heirlooms that hold your memories and heart are very special. The Sacred Yarn Room...where love nests.

Jeanne said... 10

I love your shots vickie! I have a room very similar to this one and it is such a blessing to have these spaces in our lives. By the way, do you make baby blankets? or anything baby. I am going to have a new grandchild in November and would love to have somsething hand made. Have so loved the shawls that I got from you,... let me know.

Anonymous said... 11

vicki, everything is beautiful! Who says our studios have to be neat? Creating makes little messes, that's all the creative process, although I didn't see anything I would call a mess in your adorable studio! thanks for popping over to my blog and leaving me that sweet comment! I've missed you terribly while I was on my blogging break. Well, off to visit more studios... be back soon!
Hugs always my dear friend,
Beth P

Thistle Cove Farm said... 12

Vicki, this is a beautiful room filled with such loving and creative energy. The first 3 things I'm doing when (hope springs eternal!) is set up the bed, get the kitchen so it's usable and re-establish my studio. I'm not sure how people survive with a space or room of their own. It's absolutely as necessary as the air I breath and, for the moment, the sun room space is harboring some of my projects.

Maureen said... 13

Vicki, just coming by to visit gives me the most tranquil feeling... I can just hear the birds singing as the daylight streams into your paradise. Yarn, birds, buttons, lace... what could be more beautiful? I love that you have so many pieces from family incorporated into your lovely room. It makes it so special and beautiful. Thank you for sharing it with us. You are a special blogging friend who I may never get to meet in real life, but so love to come by to visit here.

CYNTHIA CRANE said... 14

What a joy to get a peak inside your warm and lovely "special haven". It is truly a reflection of your unpretentious and beautiful soul. Of course you know I'm drooling over your grandma's birdie dish! I've made a few similar, but I'm inspired by the lovely soft green and gold lustre glaze (something I've been longing to try). Thank you for sharing this with us today! Cindy from

Sherry said... 15

So happy to visit your beautiful space. I love all of the birds and yarn and buttons and that everything looks of lovely together. It is a space that I would love to just sit and look at for a while. Thanks so much for sharing it with us. Your photos are lovely.

Julia said... 16

Vicki your treasure trove is so well organized and not only that it's well displayed. All that is sure to inspire you to create beautiful nests and other spectacular creations...
Thanks for sharing your special place with us. It was nice to visit. Your photography is always irresistible.
Have a HAPPY weekend.

Meredith said... 17

Such an amazing space filled with so many treasures.

Lululiz said... 18

What a truly inspiring room, Vicki, I love it, and I can so understand why you are so happy in it. I just wanted to touch everything in there, everything looks so tempting. I have to admit that my favourite crafty thing in there is the storage unit with the glass jars filled with vintage fabric strips. Thats fabulous.

Marlynne said... 19

Dear Vicki; I can smell the fresh morning air and hear the birds from your delightful studio window! You create the most beautiful nests there, I can see why! Thanks for sharing!

Gloria S said... 20

Oh what a peaceful, cozy sanctuary you have created. I could just spend hours sitting there looking at treasures. Namaste.

gracie said... 21

I enjoyed rummaging through your creative space...thanks for inviting me.

gigi knits said... 22

What a beautiful Room. Can see why you call it Your Sacred Yarn Room. Just looking at your pictures is relaxing . Can't imagine sitting in there and taking it all in.

Fundy Blue said... 23

Hi Vicki! Thank you for sharing your sacred space. What I feel when I look at it is love ~ all those unique and manful things that connect you to powerful people in your past. I see the joy in creativity and the passion that passes from from one generation to the next. I see your personal NEST! Have a happy weekend!

Wendy D. said... 24

:). I spy. . . snippets of vintage lace, soft printed fabric, yummy yarns and embellishments that match those in my woodland and vintage spring nests! I've imported some of your Sacred Yarn room to enjoy on my antique piano. What a joy to visit your cozy and beautiful creative space -- thank you! xxoo

Suzan said... 25

Your Sacred room is amazing!! You have so many wonderful, colorful, textured embellishments - I would just spin in circles, not knowing where to start and with what!! I could go in to your room and never come out!! What an awesome room for all of your creations!! LOVE your yarns!!

liniecat said... 26

What a feast of lusciousness and a room to take inspiration from!

Fil said... 27

Oh what a wonderful room Vicki - I could reach in and touch all those lovely yarns and trimmings and treasures - thank you for inviting us in.:) Many blessings from Ireland. Fil

Sea Angels said... 28

Ha! you have your own nest, all cosy and very creative, I have loved to read all the beautiful comment made here by your followers and friends.
They are so beautiful it has lifted my heart and made me smile..such joy is a gift .

Thank you for the beautiful comment you left for me thank you lovely Vicki.
Hugs Lynn xxx

Anonymous said... 29

Thanks for letting us visit your Sacred Yarn Room. It is such a fun, fun place! I think it is quite organized since you know where everything is, and each and every thing is so delightfully displayed.
Farm Gal in VA

GranthamLynn said... 30

Beautiful fun space. I love your use of repurposing items to store display your great supplies. Thanks for sharing. I loved visiting. I posted my tiny sewing room closet. It's not as pretty but it works! Come see me.

Karen Valentine said... 31

Vicki your sacred yarn room is always a joy to visit!!! But I, like you am totally smitten with your jars of fabric strips complete with stand!! Love it!! Great find!! Thank you so much for sharing the place that brings you and others so much joy!!!

Wildflowerhouse said... 32

Hi Vicki, I love your special place. You say you like hearing the birds singing. I hope you realize they are singing to you in hopes of getting one of your beautiful nests!! What a wonderful post. I too have my mothers and her twin sisters button collection and treasure it as you do yours. We are having extremely hot weather (90's and up) so the birds sing early in the morning and rest when the heat comes.

Kerry said... 33

Simply beautiful !!! Such an elegant space Vicki. There's no wonder such gorgeous creations come forth from there.
Take Care

Anonymous said... 34

Wonderful creative studio Vicki. So many great pieces to look at. Thanks for the tour. Karen.x

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said... 35

Such a pleasure to visit your beautiful space again this year, Vicki! Every time I do, I get the urge to email you to be put on the list for another nest. : ) It was funny that I was up to your post this morning; yesterday I was telling my soon-to-be 4 year old granddaughter that the nest I did get from you was not to be played with. I had to find an old store bought {scratchy} one for her to play with instead. She was into nests, birds and eggs yesterday. : )

peggy gatto said... 36

I so enjoyed my visit this morning. Your nests are so unique, love the idea!
Loved the treasures that surround you and make your "nest" special!

Carmen said... 37

Hi, Vicki.

I really enjoyed your creative space tour. I especially liked all your family mementos you've kept. Your space looks really warm and cozy.


Maureen Hayes said... 38


Not sure if you will remember me, but it am lucky enough to own one of your beautiful shabby chic nests, and it is displayed proudly in my craft room! You make the most beautiful creations, and it was so much fun to see where you do it! Thanks for sharing with all of us, and thanks again for my beautiful nest. I will always treasure it.


Unknown said... 39

Wow! You have so many Wonderful treasures and a fab place to create in ;)

elvira pajarola said... 40

Your little Paradise full of colours, forms , shapes, materials to create thousand new wonderful art pieces, Vicki, what magic ambience...:) Wonderful, I could spend a day in your wonderworld :) I am sending you lots of tuscan sunshine & on my loved blog is a little sweet 7 surprises ;) ..

ciaociao dear Vicki

Cathy said... 41

I can see why you'd be inspired here! Lovely creative space, so much to see in your photos.

jeanniemc said... 42

Love, Love, Love the Sacred Yarn Room...I would never want to leave that room with all the beauty and peacefulness that is in the room...what great memories of your mom and Grandmothers laces & buttons..Thank you for sharing...hugs..

Rita Barakat said... 43

Oooh I love all of your collections, especially all your jars full of beautiful goodies! I dont see it as messy, it is organized goodness! Love it!

Di@Cottage-Wishes said... 44

So beautiful!! I love the yarns. Such great colors, the white are calming. You have a wonderful room! Di@Cottage-Wishes

Lori said... 45

Vicki, I visited your studio last year and loved it! Your nests are just gorgeous. Love all the little treasures around your room. What a beautiful place to create.

CatieAn said... 46

Hi Vicki I always love visiting your blog and now your scared yarn room. I love all the vignettes of your treasures.
Thank you for sharing.

ricketyjo said... 47

Oh my goodness! There's such a lot going on here! I wish I had a crafty space so that I didn't have to tidy everything away all the time. Thanks for sharing the photos, it all looks wonderful!

~Damita's Pretty Wrap~ said... 48

Really enjoyed the tour! Such a lovely place to create!! Love all your sweet touches and pretties around the room! Have a lovely week! xo Holly

Suztats said... 49

I have had a delightful visit in your sacred yarn room, and didn't want to leave as I was so enjoying all the textures and treasures. Thank you.

Tammy...ClothandPatina said... 50

I love all of your storage and your button collections!

What a lovely space to create in!

Thanks so much for sharing.

Createology said... 51

Vicki Dear I always love seeing your Sacred Yarn Room. How Joyful to use items from your Grandmother and Grandfather to showcase lovely items and collections. I could spend eternity here in your creative space. Birds and Nests Blessings and Creative Bliss...

Diana Seal said... 52

Hi Vicki, this is how fiber heaven must look like!!! So many beautiful treasures, gorgeous yarns and your fabulous nests!
Thanks for sharing!

Foxhollow Studio said... 53

I wonderful escape to your creative space...I love how you have displayed your lace and ribbon so that they are eye candy on the plates and in the glass jars. Your nest are one of the most beautiful creations. Thank you for sharing.

Tracy M. said... 54

What a lovely collection of birds, buttons and yarn! I also love collecting birds. Thanks for sharing your pretty space.

Julie said... 55

I've enjoyed my tour of your magical crafting space very much thanks for the journey. Lots of spectacular and wonderful sights to see.

Delan'sDesign said... 56

It was mere happenstance I came upon your way of BlueCreekHome I believe. I've been in quite a state of creative enertia lately. Looking at all of your beautiful laces, yarns (and buttons of course) has set me right today. The way you display everything is inspiration alone! I am a collector of beautiful treasures also (beautiful=personal momentos from loved ones). When I use things that belonged to my grandmother and mother and I feel as if I'm infusing part of my soul into it, but my creative juces have been running dry.

Thank you so much for the lovely inspiration you share. So many of your treasures and stories of things belonging to your grandmother and mother brought tears to my eyes, in a good way. I remember fondly the aprons, doilies and findings that belonged to my grandmother which I adored as a child and appreciate even more now.

You have given me the inspiration to tidy up my studio, have my mother over and just sit and create with all of our beautiful vintage treasures.

Oodles of appreciation and blessings your way, a new found kindred friend, Delan.

Unknown said... 57

Oh my goodness Vicki! Can I come over and play (create) with you? xoxoxo Jen

Jen said... 58

Such a pretty sacred space you have so motivating and creative. Your collections are beautifully displayed and to be able to enjoy the birds and sunshine while creating.

Tea in the Library said... 59

Love all your bits and pieces. Love knowing the story behind some of your special things like your mom's honeymoon suitcase. What a cozy place to create in. Angels toyou!

Monica said... 60

I love, love, LOVE that room. I could have fun playing in there! Thanks for sharing!!

Tanya said... 61


Louise@ElsieMayandBertha said... 62

It's taken me a while to get here but I'm glad I have. You have a beautiful room, any visitors in person would be entranced with all of the beautiful things in it. I love to have my supplies on show too, as a reminder of what I have, but also because they're beautiful to look at. I'm glad to know I'm not the only person who keeps snippets of wool. I have a jar for that as well as one for fabric and lace snippets.

Thank you for sharing your room Vicki. Like your creations, it's truly beautiful♡

Tamara said... 63

What a fun tour in such a lovely place. How special to have so many of your Mother's wonderful things and some of your Grandmother's, too! I just adore your nests that you make. I also love birds. Thank you for sharing.

Threadpainter said... 64

Hi Vicki ... thought I would visit your 'Grow Your Blog post for last year ... such a lovely room ! Saw lots of familiar stuff there ! I cherish the buttons and laces that I inherited from my mother, but must make an effort to show them off !
You are very inspiring !

Kathy Avery said... 65

Love your room Vicki, you have some real treasures in your sacred room. Thank you for inspiring me to keep on show my beloved bits and bobs rather than hide away in boxes. I will be able to enjoy them daily. I'm retiring at the end of this month and look forward to joining you all in the blogging world. Thank you for sharing your beautiful things and special working space, what a joyful half hour I've had looking and reading our post, thank you!

~VIRGINIA~ said... 66

I can see why its your favorite place to create! And to be surrounded by your families belongings... For you to share this has made my day. I know my craft space is my favorite place to be.. Thank you for sharing this with us... Hugs V

Stephanie said... 67

I am almost positive that is the room in which angels is exquisite!!! Thanks for sharing and my home state is Kentucky also....blessings, Stephie