Sunday, April 15, 2012

Spring Celebration -- (my nest giveaway!)

The little nests are off on their own around the world tours~~

I'm doing the happy dance here in my Sacred Yarn Room (or at least I would if I could do so without tripping over something!) My winter nesting is finally finished and 40 little nests have been delivered to happy little homes all over the world. 

During the past 4 months - I've made 40 woodland nests, 6 photo prop nests, and 3 tabletop nests.  I've strung yarns all over this room - somewhere in here, I think I've buried my sketchbook.  (yes - I've seemed to have lost it again!)

I've also created 2 new nest designs that I am anxious to show you!  One of the designs was created especially for the One World Our Art blogging event that is to be held later this year.  The other one - I will be showing you sometime soon~~

 So I've been busy - to say the least!

To CELEBRATE all of this and the fact that I am finished (!!)~~
I've saved the very last nest for YOU!

If you would like to enter this giveaway - please just leave a comment here on this post.  

The winner will be announced here at the bottom of this post on May 27- so be sure to check back. If you do not have a blog of your own - PLEASE make sure that you leave your email address so that  I can contact you if you win. Maddy girl is in charge of all contests.  (At 3 years old - I am sure she can be bribed!)

~~I have disabled my code system for comments so that it is easier for you all to leave comments on my blog.  That code system is just totally crazy and WAY too hard. I'm trying to make it better and easier for you to leave your comments. I do now get some spam comments - but I just delete them - it's worth the trouble for me if it keeps you from having to type that silly code.~~

Next year's Woodland Nest list is forming NOW!!  If you are interested in securing a spot on the list - please email me for info.  The nesting will begin this fall - most likely late November. 

If you would like to share this contest with friends on your own blog - please leave me another comment here on this post telling me that you have done so.   (I'd be so grateful~)

 Everyone who shares this contest on their own blog will be entered in a separate contest to win this beautiful Anthropologie tea towel. 

 The embroidery work on these towels is always so beautiful! I am totally in love with them and I choose one of my very favorites to share with you!
About the photo shoot~~

 My sisters gave me this shiny new Radio Flyer wagon for Christmas!  It totally rocks and is the best gift ever!  When I do a photo shoot - it is an all day production!  I haul tons of crap, stuff,  very important props (LOL! ) all over our yard to set up for the photos.  (The neighbors all think that I am crazy!)

I love to use some of my favorite treasures in the pictures.  This beautiful garden doll was made by my friend Dorthe.  I absolutely treasure her!  She has a very special place of honor in my Sacred Yarn Room. 

The beautiful "nest" necklace was a gift to me from my dear friend Jan.  Wearing this necklace has become my own special way to welcome the long awaited spring. I love it so much~

The photos were taken a few weeks ago just as the spring daffodils were coming in to bloom.  There is a section in the back of our yard, close to the woods, where the gardener has planted hundreds of these beautiful flowers.  Over the years they have naturalized and in the early spring we are greeted with a field of bright yellow blooms- our first hint that spring is coming!
There is a "changing of the yarns" here in the Sacred Yarn Room~  The various shades of greens are being gently set aside - and in their place are the mingled hues of golds, browns,reds. yellow, magenta, and orange.  You know what that means ~~ and so it begins! Work on the Harvest Nest has begun!
Next up-
The last of our island vacation photos.  I'll take you to wonderful beaches in Aruba and Curacao.  We'll also visit the floating market in Curacao - one of my favorite places to photograph.


ps - I am working on a charity fundraiser that is near and dear to my heart. I can only say that this project has taken on a life of it's own and is becoming more amazing everyday. I'm not sure why God has chosen me for this incredible experience.  More to come about this later~

***This Contest is Now Closed ***

#36 Retired Knitter is the winner of the nest
#62 Roses, Lace, and Brocante is the winner of the Anthropologie Tea Towel.  
Thanks to everyone who visited and entered - I am totally overwhelmed by your love of my little nests.  I love you all~~ 


Elisabeth Palzkill said... 1

Liebe Vicky,

ich versuche mein Glück:

Viel Freude wünscht dir

Deb said... 2

Dear Vicki ~ You're amazing! Your nests are stunningly beautiful! And I don't know how you do all that you do! Unbelievable! I've purchased three of your nests and have so enjoyed my two of them, and I'm sure the bird lover I gifted the other one to loves hers.

I would love to be entered to win this one to give to another friend. I'm whispering some sweet nothings in Maddy Girl's ear, too, in case that works! :) Thanks for this chance!

Karen B. said... 3

Dear Vicki,
this is such an beautiful giveaway!Your nests are amazing the least to say. Please enter my name. And by the way, God knows why he choose you ~ because you were the right angel to help him!
Karen B. ~ Todolwen

Sherri said... 4

Vickie, I love your nests so count me in for your giveaway!! I hope I win!! You are a really special person to giveaway one of your wonderful creations! HUGS!!

Debby said... 5

Wow, you are busy. Love the wagon and how handy they are. I use my son's as well.....he is 26.
I am in love with your nests. So beautiful.

Suzan said... 6

Ohhh Vickie,
Please put my name in the basket for your nest!! I love your colors and it would make such a lovely center piece every spring!! Nice set of wheels you have there!! Have fun with your charity drive!

Julie Marie said... 7

Oh Vicki... so much to say... you know how much I love the nests, please enter me in your generous giveaway... the Sissy Nests would love to have another of their family join them!... also, I think I am already on your list for a Harvest nest? Please let me know, if not, please put me there!... I LOVE your garden doll, I was going to ask if you had made her then I read your friend did... I have a little birdnest with eggs necklace too that I am wearing now also as I welcome Spring... and I actually have my old red wagon, my Radio Flyer from when I was a little girl (you can imagine how old it is!)... they really do come in sooo handy in the garden!... your gardens are just stunning!... I am also interested in your charity project as I love to help whenever I can... I hope I have not left anything out, so much to see, I must go back and read it all once more... oooh how I would love to visit you in your sacred yard room (are visitors like your hubby ever allowed or is that your very own sanctuary?)... wishing you another beautiful April day... xoxo Julie Marie

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said... 8

I'm not entering just stopping by to say how gorgeous your nest is. And how amazing you are. Ever so busy but always giving back. Have a blessed day! :) Tammy

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said... 9

My, my, you are such a busy lady. Do you also knit in your sleep? Today I cracked an egg and now I am going to rest. The excitement may have been too much for me.

Shell said... 10

Gorgeous new Nests Vicki! I love the wagon settings!

I'm always delighted to share your Giveaways on my blog.

Thank you for all of your prayers and Concerns as of late, it means a lot!

Love and Hugs,

Julie Marie said... 11

Hi again Vicki... I just posted your giveaway on my sidebar with a link back to your blog and this post... I snatched a photo of the nest to use, hope that's ok!... xoxo Julie Marie

Tanya said... 12

Happy Spring Morning, Vicki...I am SOOOOOO excited to be on the list for the new nesting - you don't even know how happy - yeah, you probably do! Your work is exquisite, and this nest ROCKS! So VERY happy to be able to help out with your generous giveaway - link posted to the top of my sidebar, and I know I will blog about it this week for you.

And, I will never complain about setting up to take pictures again, after seeing your photo shoot pictures...have a WONDERFUL week - I am hoping to spend some time outdoors. Tanya are the guys at Just Be Farm? Just's been so long since a post - hope all is well!

yaya said... 13

Love the nests and I would love to be entered in the contest! You have been a busy girl! Thanks for sharing one of your treasures!

Art From The heart said... 14

Hi Vicki, Just love all your photo's.
Please don't enter me as I already have a nest you made and LOVE it!
But I did post about your give-away on my blog because I want everyone to see what you do and of course your blog is awesome too! Hugs, Amy Jo

Suztats said... 15

Wow, Vicki, your nests (as always) are so gorgeous! They must be a labor of love.

Cindy said... 16

Your nest are beautiful. I love all of the different yarns. I want to thank you. I was inspired to learn to knit after I found your wonderful blog.

SuZeQ said... 17

O M G ... you don't need our bluebonnets. You have your own glorious welcome spring flowers and they are delightful!

LOVE the red wagon - such a worthwhile gift and I know you'll get oodles and oodles use out of iti ... so much so that you'll probably wear out those wheels.

I just love how you tease your readers, too! Can't wait to see what you share with them about the "you-know-what-nests" ... gonna be devine, I just know it!

I better get cracking on those harvest nests now, huh?

Keep knitting, my friend. I love you!

Bonnie said... 18

I adore your nests...I've made a few felted nests but yours are works of art!!! I would love a chance to win!

Meredith said... 19

Hooray, count me in. I think your nests are so special, everyone so unique and beautiful. Maybe I should take a lot more time with my photo shoots, I don't even edit my pictures, I think I am a lost cause.
Hugs to you,

Neesie said... 20

Wow a little daunting being the first to comment but what exquisite nests. I have never seen anything like these original.
The detail is incredible.
Apologies because it sounds like I'm grovelling to win one...well I suppose I am really so yes please I'd adore owning my own.
I also have a friend that collects disused nests and her collection are quite extensive...just wait till I show her these. She's going to go ballistic.
What would it take to bribe Maddy? Candy, a year supply of toys, a trip to Disneyland? ;D
I also really enjoyed seeing you set up the photo shoot. I thought I was the only one that neighbours give a tut with their eyebrows raised!
I'm keeping my fingers, toes, legs, arms and eyes crossed in the hope of being lucky Vicki ;D
Have a great week ~ Enjoy xox

Cache-Mire said... 21

I am thrilled to be the first to leave a comment! This is just lovely!! I've ordered the harvest nest but would love to be chosen by your adorable little one to win this one now:-)
Blessings~ Terri

Jane S. said... 22

Oh I love that pretty nest! Thank you for the chance to win it. :)

Twyla and Lindsey said... 23

I So admire your nests And your sacred yarn room:) Thank you so much for the opportunity to win one of your creations. Have a nice week! Twyla

Gert said... 24

Oh Vickie..I love all your nests. You are so gifted and I'd love to win!


Jan Thomason said... 25

first, do i really need to tell you to put me on your next nest list?? that really should be a given. :)

I would love to win this gift and if it's a nest I already have I can re-gift it to someone that needs something nice to happen to them in the worst way.
In your honor.

Can't wait to talk to you.
love, jan

Jan Thomason said... 26

first, do i really need to tell you to put me on your next nest list?? that really should be a given. :)

I would love to win this gift and if it's a nest I already have I can re-gift it to someone that needs something nice to happen to them in the worst way.
In your honor.

Can't wait to talk to you.
love, jan

Caprice said... 27

You and your nests amaze me! I just can't figure out where you get the time to do all you do. If you would like to share that secret with me I would appreciate it!

Christina said... 28

Your nests are so beautiful and it would be so lovely to be the owner of one of your creations! Your trip blogs are so wonderfully descriptive, they make us feel like we were along.

Createology said... 29

Vicki dear now that I have one of your beautiful Woodland nests for myself I would love to win one for my dearest sister. You are very generous to give this a new home. Blessings to you dear...

Pretty Ragged Threads said... 30

Beautiful nest, I would love a chance to win.
Hugs Jackie

Foxhollow Studio said... 31

Vicki, this is my first time to visit your blog and have so enjoyed reading it. Your nest are stunning. I would love a chance to win one. Please count me in!
Hugs, Teresa

Foxhollow Studio said... 32

This is my first visit to your blog. Your nest are absolutely stunning and I would love a chance to win one.
Hugs, Teresa

Dorthe said... 33

Hi my sweet Vicki, how very bussy you have been, amazing how much you accomplish ,when also working every day. The nest looks so very beautiful, in all the green shades, love it-and thankyou my friend for making my doll take part in this special giveaway occation :-)
I know she have enjoyed your wonderful spring garden, and the photo shoot,lol.
Wish you a beautiful week ahead, sweetie.

darla said... 34

Beautiful colors...hope my name is chosen. I enjoy your blog.

Becky said... 35

Hi I just came from Julie Marie's blog.These are just sooooo lovely and exquisite.I have admired them for so long.Im a bird nut and I would so much love it if you would enter me in the drawing.I just cant say enough about how adorable these are.


Retired Knitter said... 36

I have no hopes of winning this beautiful nest, because I never win anything !! My mom is the "lucky" person in our family who seems to win stuff no matter how many there are in the contest. LOL

BUT, I want you to know that I so so so admire your talent and your eye for color. It is a gift. I am just happy to see these on your web site. That and your wonderful travel pictures.

Pam Gardner said... 37

your nests are beautiful and I love your blog-please enter me

Pam Gardner said... 38

I love your nests and your blog-please let me travel in your suitcase! and win the nest too!
Pam G.

Plush Possum Studio said... 39

I can hardly believe my good fortune in finding out about your beautiful creations today. I am stunned. They are so gloriously different and rich in color, texture and design--very breathtaking. Please include me in your contest, as it would truly be an honor to have one of these lovely creations.
Thank You so very much
Rose McGuinn

Anonymous said... 40

My friend Amy sent me over....and when I got here I realized you & I have not been in contact because Blogger somehow messed with my Followers and dropped many of them ~ including you.
Long story short, now I'm back on your Follower list so I can keep up with your travels AND NESTS! I won some awesome chocolates once from one of your trips so I'll try again to see about winning one of your wonderful Nests. You are one ambitious and talented babe!
And the wagon to haul your 'stuff' is the perfect gift. You are using it well!
Good to see you again....I won't be a stranger. Please stop by to say hi, too!

maggiegracecreates said... 41

Vicki - I love your nests. I love the travel posts too. I cannot wait to tell my friends about this giveaway - I do hope it is ok to use a picture from your site to acompany the spreading of the word.....

Kathy -MIQuilter said... 42

I just found your blog and love your nests. Please include me in your contest. I'm a quilter that works with wool and uses natural dyes for my fabric. I can certainly appreciate all the time you devote to each nest, they are beautiful works of art.

Anonymous said... 43

Vicki, I really enjoy your blog and have shared the site with a couple of friends I knew would like it. Pat at

Unknown said... 44

I purchased one of the nests for my mother on Sat. and wish I had purchased one for myself too! They are beautiful! Please enter me for a chance to win this one.

Plumrose Lane said... 45

Popped on over thanks to Amy of artistamyjo and so happy I did ~ what a treasure trove of eye candy you have here, from your travels to delightful creations, everything is just lovely!

Tanna said... 46

Oh, Vicki, your work is so beautiful. Both your nests and your photography. You are indeed blessed with a creative soul! Thank you so much for the eye candy!! blessings ~ Tanna

Anonymous said... 47

I have so admired these gorgeous nests! Thank you so for the opportunity to maybe win one!

suziqu's thread works said... 48

Hello Dear Vicki,
Your garden display is so beautifully natural and so inviting. I can see magic has been happening here. Love the pots and beautiful gifted Garden Angel.
Your magic has been spilling out also from you sacred wool room inviting us in to share something so very special made from those beautifully creative hands and heart.
I would be thrilled to be included for a chance to win a bit of that also.
Your nests are beyond beautiful and adorable - your clever woman - bless you!
Sending much love and many hugs,
PS I would be honoured to have it on my blog and will do so right now!

suziqu's thread works said... 49

Dear Vicki
Your Giveaway is on my sidebar now!
Have a wonderful day!

Unknown said... 50

vicki i love your nests and would be honoured to have one in my home hope maddy is doing a good job picking the winner whoever wins will enjoy

Sandi said... 51

Please put my name in the "nest" for a chance to win such a beautiful piece of art.

Lafayette, La

Andrea Ostapovitch said... 52

Who wouldn't want to win one of those gorgeous creations of yours! And when you have some time, check out my blog, as I am happy to promote your giveaway. The beautiful photos will make it easy!


Andrea Ostapovitch said... 53

Posted your giveaway on my blog! I hope I can bring more traffic your way.


Jann said... 54

Wow--you are Super Woman! Your nests, as always, are absolutely beautiful . . . I've always been crazy about wild birds, and we are blessed to have a lovely Scrub Jay couple tending a nest with a couple of babies that just hatched, right in our backyard! Can't wait to see them grow . . . we keep a respectful distance and don't disturb them, but the male loves to fly down and get a peanut from my hand when I offer it. Enjoy the beautiful Spring flowers and weather!

Anonymous said... 55

What a beautiful nest. The colors remind me of a peacock. I would be honored to win it and would a gift for my mother for her birthday.


Lululiz said... 56

Oooh, how wonderful, I finally got internet connection at our cottage in France just in time for your deliriously gorgeous giveaway!!! I would so love to win your nest, it would look just fabulous in our little cottage. Fingers crossed. xx

Silke Powers said... 57

Yes, yes, yes! Pick me!! I cannot get enough of your nests - they are so gorgeous!!! :) I'm sharing on my blog today... Love, Silke

jerilanders said... 58

There are going to be a LOT of entries for this stunning bit of gorgeous color and fluff. Throw my name into the nest!

Mosaic Magpie said... 59

I will be adding your giveaway to my sidebar. What a lovely way to celebrate spring. I have one or your nests and I always receive compliments on it. I love how you included Dorthe's doll in the photo shoot, I thought she looked familiar. Doing a happy dance would be nice, but I am afraid I would trip over my mess too!!

Erica said... 60

Another batch of beauty! I'd love to win one of your nests.

Shane Pollard said... 61

Dear Vicki
Your nests are magical creations, woven with such beautiful threads of inspiration from your heart.
This is a truly generous giveaway.

I have kept an empty space on my side board, in the hope of winning your exquisite Spring nest!!

Keeping my finger and toes crossed.

Shane Pollard said... 62

Dear Vicki
I'm proud to have your exquisite Giveaway image on my blog!

Thistle Cove Farm said... 63

Now, Vicki, how can you do all this and be in SXM at the same time?
Hope you're having a fab time and love the giveway.

Junibears said... 64

How amazing, that you have made all those beautiful nests! Your photography is just superb and I have loved to read your blog post.
I would love a chance to win your gorgeous nest. I've only just found you!
Higs and have a happy weekend.
June xx

JoAnne said... 65

I'm a longtime admirer of your gorgeous nests. Would be thrilled to own one Vicki!

marda said... 66

Your photos are always beautiful..envious of all that yard space. LUV your little red wagon...I had one years ago. It had once been my boys' but I used it for hauling things too, especially my laundry basket when I hung our laundry on my wonderfully huge clotheslines. (Now neighborhood convenants would never allow such a thing!!! Admittedly the clothes dryer is way easier!)
The pictures in your previous post are just gorgeous, and so is that sweet little girl. Yes they grow up to fast, my "little" granddaughter is "7" today!!

Linda Kunsman said... 67

Hi! I'm a first time visitor here and arrived via Shane's blog, who I also met recently as a very new blogger myself. Your photos are so beautiful(I am such a nature lover) and your giveaway nest is, well, it's just breathtaking!!!Thank you for the chance to win! If I knew how to add to my sidebar I would-I need my son's help yet...:)

lakenreich said... 68

Your nests are fabulous! Amazing and I would Love one. Leslie

Rhissanna said... 69

First time visitor and now a follower, partly because you, too, hate the clumsy comment code.

And I'd love a nest! What a gloriously soft and fluffy thing.

Diane said... 70

I have always been in awe of these nests...the fibers are just gorgeous....I don't enter alot of giveaways as I am not very lucky...really I can go to a casino, drop $20 in no time and someone walks up next to me and wins everytime...needless to say I don't gamble these are so gorgeous I am going to give it a all the have been busy...send me some of your energy please...thanks for the chance!!

Diane said... 71

I posted about your nest give away and will also post it on my sidebar, so as not to get lost...thanks again!!

Esme said... 72

What a great post-Your nests are so pretty-I have mine on my front entrance way table and think of you everytime I walk past it.

Do not enter me. You have been too generous already. now that tea towel is another story.

xo Penelope and Magellan.

Something Special said... 73

Oh, your nest is spectacular. I would love to have it! I am a follower of a while back and I will put this on my sidebar

Something Special said... 74

Oh, your nest is spectacular. I would love to have it! I am a follower of a while back and I will put this on my sidebar

Donna said... 75

Well, now we know your haul with a radio flyer!! All the props make for phenomenal photos.
I LOVE the spring nest!!! The aqua is so vibrant and pretty! It's my favorite yet, I think.
I looked back at your last post and the trees are just amazing. The pic of you and your granddaughter is awfully cute too!! :-)
Thankyou so much for your kind comments and the wonderful card that you sent me! I am awed that you drew the nest and by all your inspiring words...I can never say what that support means to me! xo~Donna

Sharon Lovejoy said... 76

Vicki dear,

Please count me out since I HAVE ONE OF YOUR FABULOUS NESTS, which I love, love, love. But, I can see you dancing and tripping throughout your magical studio.

Love seeing all your creations.

Joys to you,


Anonymous said... 77

Hello! I have stumbled here by way of Idyll Hours, and I stumbled there by way of Chillin' With Jill. Love your photos and your blog, and would absolutely love to win that gorgeous nest!

Have a good day -

Susan said... 78

Oh that tea towel is awesome. I love anthropology and even started making my own tea towels after seeing them at the store. I have been doing embroidery lately. I did finish Sophia's crocheted rug. Thanks always for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I think of you each time I pass the bird nest you made me. I love it......Susan

Cat Stegall said... 79

I absolutely hope I win this year!! but no worries if not one day I am going to get an order in!! HUGS

Jim said... 80

Vicki, thanks for dropping by today, it's always good to 'see' you! These nests are beautiful and the one you are giving away is a beauty. I can see it now on this special table we have.
Have a great week!

Vintage Sandy said... 81 usual this nest is exquisite and I'd love to be the new owner and I am going to post about it right now so I'll be back in a second...

Vintage Sandy said... 82

I just posted about your giveway!

Magpie's Mumblings said... 83

Oh my - I just popped over via Shane at Roses, Lace & Brocante and I am absolutely charmed by your nests! They are stunning. Right now I'm typing while also watching a nest full of baby crows just outside my window. So much fun!

sjmcdowell said... 84

Hello my friend,

I have been away for awhile relaxing in AZ with my lovely in-laws.
Please place my name with the rest to have a chance to win this sweet nest. I will give this to my 92 yr old mommy for her bedroom!!
Love and Blessings always,


Yvonne said... 85

Mary Anne told me about your giveaway. I was so happy to find your blog, as it is beautiful. The nests are something that I have never seen before and I am just blown away by their beauty. I paint birds and collect nests when I find them on the ground. Please enter me in the give away. Thank you.

liniecat said... 86

How on earth have I not seen your magical nests before!
(Thankyou Peggy of Maggie's Mumblings!)
They are simply wonderful ~

liniecat said... 87

Oh bother.....Why did I put Peggy! Its Mary Annes blog.....your nests blew me away lol
Am mentioning them on my blog too!
They are so clever

Magpie's Mumblings said... 88

I almost forgot to tell you I posted about you on my blog too!

Tami @ Lemon Tree Tales said... 89

Your nests are so gorgeous and very magical. I love all the different colors and textures of yarns that you weave into them. Simply gorgeous!!

Barbara S. said... 90

Vicki...I have just found your blog thanks to a link on Liniecat@large. Your nests are beautiful and make my heart sing...great colors. I also collect nests...and egg shaped stones.
There is something so magical about them. Thanks for this giveaway.

Peggy R. said... 91

I love your knitted nests ... and I love reading about your travel adventures on your blog. thanks for the wonderful and generous giveaway!

She Uses Her Words said... 92

What a precious nest! I would love to win! You are so generous. Thank you for having such a wonderful give-a-way!

Patty C. said... 93

It would be a dream come true - Love your nests - they are just beautiful & so is your blog !!!!! Thank you so much ;)

Marilyn said... 94

What an unique blog. I always enjoy seeing what ideas are inside someone's mind.... Keep being creative and sharing. I love your ideas. I would love to be the owner of one of your treasures.

Linda Carole Bloom said... 95

I love these nests and I would love to win one. What a beautiful thing - so intricate, I could just keep looking at it!

Blue Creek Home said... 96

Yes, Yes, Yes, please add my name to the hat!! I love your creations!
Thanks Rhonda

Blue Creek Home said... 97

I shared the news on facebook!

Joan C said... 98

You have such a talent and eye for color. These nests are amazing. I would love to win one and I would treasure it always!

Anonymous said... 99

(Dabbing drool from chin!) Your nests are to die for. Thank you for your generosity in this giveaway. I follow your blog and have hopes for a nest. Thank you!!

nancarts said... 100

Hi Vicki..thanks for stopping by my blog. I love your nests! They are awesome. I am also a knitter, but this looks like a lot of hard work, altho, fun and creative.
Would love to win this! You are too generous...thanks.

Peace and Blessings,

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said... 101

Hi Vicki, so happy to have found your wonderful blog through Julie Marie. I love everything bird related and your nest is truly a unique piece of art. I would love to be entered in your sweet give away. Little Maddy please pull out the name of Jann. lol! I am now happy to be a new follower.

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said... 102

Hi, just wanted to let you know that I am posting about your sweet give away on my sidebar. Thanks again!

Kim Budash said... 103

Please enter me in the giveaway as I would LOVE to have a nest. Thanks for the chance, absolutely LOVE your blog!!!

Anonymous said... 104

Oh my! What a lovely way to use all those beautiful fibers! Your nest is dreamy and I would love to find out more about the next Woodland Nest list!

beverly e said... 105

Love, love, LOVE your nests! I'm an avid birdwatcher and would happily add this to my grand daughter's room decor. Thanks for the chance to win!!

Wendy Taylor said... 106

OH how I would LOVE to win one of your gorgeous nests!!! :-)
Wendy in Arizona

Cynde Skelly said... 107

Bluebird, bluebird, on my window. Bluebird, bluebird, on my window.
This was the beginning to a song when I was a little girl and never forgot the tune. Perhaps you can teach it to Maddy. I have taught it to my little grandchild Maggie. Crossing my fingers to win!!!!

Faith Hope and Cherrytea said... 108

i love that you shared the FuN of the photo shoot! what a great day and your location and timing were perfect!
wonderful treats ~ TY for sharing :)
and your generosity !...

Faith Hope and Cherrytea said... 109

giveaway added at sidebar of Faith Hope Cherrytea ~ Welcome!

Draffin Bears said... 110

Hi Vicki,

Was lovely to discover your beautiful blog and meet you, via Shane.
The nests are gorgeous and also love your sweet doll from the lovely Dorthe and your shiny red wagon.

Happy new week

BigBoxDesignLove said... 111

What wonderful things you create with yarn! Please enter my name in the nest drawing. I collect birds and would live to show off some of my favorites n this GORGEOUS creation. Have a fabulous day!

Mary Helen