Wednesday, November 2, 2011

November Nesting has begun!!! (and---important updates on the Harvest nest!!)

Nesting -
       the art of spreading and tangling yarns all over your craft room until it looks like some kind of yarn bomb explosion.  And~~ then somehow turning those yarns into something that some people are willing to wait almost a year for.  Only crazy people do it~~ (that spreading, tangling, exploding, love to touch those gorgeous yarns thing~~~)

Is it November already? (scream!!!)

Seriously - I have spent the last year adding to my nesting yarn collection and I am absolutely giddy with excitement over the beautiful yarns that I will be using for my November nesting.

  If you are on my November nesting list (and 35 of you are!!)-- you will be hearing from me over the next couple of months.  You are welcome to email me at any time to see where you are on my list-- but rest assured that I will be emailing you when it is your turn for a beautiful nest.  

These green nests are only made once a year - you won't ever find them in my ETSY shop for sale unless they are a reserved listing for folks on my "Nesting" list.  

I am expecting this year's Nesting to take me about 4 months to complete.  To those of you who have been patiently waiting - (some of you for almost a year)- I promise you that your nest will be absolutely exquisite.  

This year's nests will once again be traveling all over the world~~

My little nests will travel all over the United States, as well as Canada, England, France, Scotland, Germany, and the Netherlands.  (Seriously - can you even believe this!!)

I just spent an entire day organizing boxes, tissue papers, tags,  and YARN~~ this is serious business!  

Can you ever have too much beautiful Nesting yarn?

Each nest is completely handmade by me - and contains well over 200 different yarns in a variety of textures.  Additionally, they contain bits of paper,lace,vintage ribbons, glass leaves, and string.  (I incorporate those green string tags from Vera Bradley purses into each of my nests!) So - if you are a Vera Bradley collector - don't throw those green strings away!! Send them to me!!

Next year's Nesting will also begin in November (2012) -and that list starts ~~ NOW!  If anyone is interested in going on the list for NEXT year - please email me for the info.  My email address is on my sidebar. 

Now for some Nesting updates~~

Next year (2012) is THE year for the Harvest Nest.  There have been so many requests for this nest that I am devoting an entire year to the creating and making of this exquisite design.  

Here is a little preview of the yarns from the photo shoot that Mary and I did just a few days ago.  You won't see these again until late next summer~~

The email response to the Harvest nest has been absolutely unbelievable.  So many people have inquired and expressed desires to own one of these nests that I have been unsure as to how to handle this.  Honestly - I have lost sleep over what to do to ensure that everyone can have one~ (I don't want anyone to be disappointed!)  So~~ I am going to work very hard to make sure that everyone who seriously wants to own one of these nests~ will be able to do so - and- hopefully a few extra to sell.    That's why I am devoting an entire year to this nest~~

 If you have your heart set on owning one of the Harvest nests - please email me so that I can add you to the list now.  I need a fair estimate as to how many to make~~

 And finally ~~ your last little sneak peak of that gorgeous Partridge nest that is coming up soon.  Mark your calenders for November 21 (around 11 am EST) for the debut of this beautiful new designer nest.   (18 of these little nests want a new home for Christmas~)

The response to this nest has totally taken me by surprise. Already I have received so many emails.  I am just overwhelmed with all of the admiration that I am getting for my little nests. (I feel so unworthy~)
It's just been totally crazy here in the Sacred Yarn room.  Now you know why~~


marda said... 1

Vicki you need to clone yourself!!
Every picture is something to drool over...all the nests in the making are just stunning. I can only imagine the amount of work and time that goes into each creation. It's obvious why so many people want one, and not surprising they are now traveling all over the world. What a wonderful gift of talent you've been blessed with. I honestly feel fortunate to have found you and your nests.

Acorn to Oak said... 2

They're so always! The harvest nests are going to be gorgeous! I love those little glass acorns in one of the photos. Your nests look like a lot of fun to plan for and create. It's obvious that they are created with love. :-)

Dorthe said... 3

Hello dear Vicki, Thankyou for all those fantastic beautiful photoes-it is so magic seing both your nest and all the yarn. The photo with you standing at the table just make me feel so happy, that there are really such beautiful colors in this world-and that you will "nest" them together for the most gorgeous pieces.( OWNING 2 FABOLOUS nests I KNOW !!!! )
Love and hugs,Dorthe

Tanna said... 4

Vickie, they are so very beautiful!! I would be overwhelmed with all those orders to fill!!! YIKES! I love that you create in the Sacred Yarn room. Love it!! I am saying a prayer for you that your passion to create these beautiful nests will remain a joy and not turn to a stress.

Caught a glimpse of your Mason on the sidebar playing with his trains and thought for a nano-second it was Alex, my sweet grandson. Aren't they the best??? Blessings to you ~ Tanna

SuZeQ said... 5

Your creativity just blows my mind. Just when I think "there's nothing else she can do" you go ahead and do it ... and do it beautifully. But what a tease you are - making us wait so long for the unveiling. That's okay though - good things come to those of us who wait. Happy knitting, my dear friend.

Unknown said... 6

Oh my I hope I'm on your Harvest nest list! I think I am but I've lost track LOL Just so much eye candy today on your post - thanks for sharing those beautiful yarns. Hugs!

Silke Powers said... 7

OMG, Vicki, I'm drooling over all the beautiful yarns you are using for your nesting! They are so wonderful. I love the two nests I have and stare at them every day - they are in our living room where everyone gets to admire them... What you do is magical! Hugs, Silke

Gabriela said... 8

These are so beautiful!!!!You have such an eye for color and texture!!!
I don't know if I am ona list or not...but sure would love to be!!

I wish I could be there to see all the beautiful yarns...maybe I could help? LOl

audrey said... 9

Vicki, your nests are gorgeous works of art that just keep getting more beautiful as time goes on ~ I was smitten with the Green Nests and now you've created the Baby Nest, the Partridge Nest and plans for the Harvest Nest. So much work for one tiny person. I think it is good that you only make a certain amount of them or you would never find time to travel.
The photographs are beautiful and I know the Harvest Nests will be stunning. I must email you!!!!
Happy November, Vicki!
♥ audrey

Sherri said... 10

Vicki, all those nests are so beautiful!! Enjoying making them all!

Lululiz said... 11

OMG, those nests, they are just unbelievable. They are the most splendid creations I have seen in a long time. Well, since I saw photos of the last ones you created, lol.

myriamkreativ said... 12

Hi my dear friend,
... as usual it is overwhelming... your wonderful nests - I love each! And I am so happy with my one! But I acutally do think I will need a secoond one, won`t I?????? I only have to decide if I would like to go right onto your harvest list, look for the christmas one or better hang on till the next green ones will arrive .... hard decision - I will let you know, when I find out....
Hugs und kisses Myriam

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said... 13

Wow oh wow Vicki. Your nests are beyond beautiful, beyond words. The partridge in a pear tree, brilliant. All your photos are gorgeous -- the yarn is already beautiful and then you go and turn it into something magnificent. Wonderful work! Hope your day is great. Tammy

suziqu's thread works said... 14

Oh Vicki I have come to your blog more recently and I am so stunned at your creativity, your ability to work these fibres into such magnificent nests - now that is a gift indeed being a spinner of wool way back even though I still use our Angora goats mohair into my creations at times.
Your sense of combing colour threads is a gift as I feel I know a bit about this myself.
I would so love to visit your sacred wool room and even more watch you thread these into such beautiful creations. I especially love those Autumn shades.
How will you ever reach the bottom of the waiting list my dear friend?
Love and hugs,

gigi knits said... 15

What beautiful yarns.
There is nothing like feeling and picking out yarns can spend hours just looking & feeling them.

Unknown said... 16

omg...these are all going to be soooo stunning! and are sooo "worthy!" never doubt it!

Esme said... 17

Vicki, these are absolutely gorgeous. I am stunned by your amazing talent. Whoever receives these is going to be more than fortunate.

Susan McClaskey said... 18

Those yarns are totally gorgeous! You are going to have such a wonderful time creating your nests. I think just going into your "Sacred Yarn Room" and seeing what you have must be satisfying all by itself. THEN, you get to create with it! Have fun!

susan jenkins said... 19

Vicki you are amazing!! The photos are just beautiful!!Beautiful colors and the yarns, luxurious!
What a palette and a feast for all eyes!!
xx Susan

Mosaic Magpie said... 20

What beautiful photos of these nests. I can just picture a "queenly bird" perching on the side of one. You have out done yourself with these. 200 different yarns! And I thought I had a good stash. The Sacred Yarn Room must be good and cozy with all that yarn around. The perfect place to spend a winter day. I have one complaint...only a tiny glimpse of the Partridge nest!

Deb said... 21

Hi sweet Vicki ~ I would LOVE to be a little bird in the Sacred Yarn Room watching you work on your nests! Oooh, I'd love being among all those beautiful yarns! You are amazing. I love the Christmas nest, but I already have two others of my own and have given another one away. They are all just gorgeous! I hope you love working on them because I know all the recipients love receiving them!

Anonymous said... 22

Oh my! You bring the most beautiful fibers together in your nests, Vicki! No wonder they are in demand!!!
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on blogging over at my little blog!
Wishing you a lovely week,

Finding Joy said... 23

These are so beautiful, I always love the photos you take, they'd re so gorgeous.

And thankyoubfor for dropping by and leaving your beautiful comments, you are always so kind.

Have a wonderful week.



Art From The heart said... 24

I am delighted to be a new follower.
Sent an email about your beautiful nests and finally saw the follower spot. I was so busy looking at all the beauty I skipped by it.

Jane@Cottage at the Crossroads said... 25

Hello Vicki,
Thanks for visiting me. I'm so glad you did because I am so blown away by your beautiful nests now that I've come to your blog! And you have some beautiful grands of your own! I can't wait until you debut your Christmas nest.

Jane@Cottage at the Crossroads said... 26

Hello Vicki,
Thanks for visiting me. I'm so glad you did because I am so blown away by your beautiful nests now that I've come to your blog! And you have some beautiful grands of your own! I can't wait until you debut your Christmas nest.

Lili said... 27

Everything you do is so very lovely Vicki! I just love the thought of all that gorgeous yarn beautifully nestled in your Sacred Yarn Room! And I didn't know about the green string tags on the Vera Bradley purses, that is so cool that you incorporate them into the nests. xoxo ~Lili

Elizabeth Johnson said... 28

Vicki, I am so happy that you visited my blog because it gave me the opportunity to come over here and find you. What a wonderful blog you have. I want to come back very soon and spend a bunch of time just looking around.

*jean* said... 29

all your projects are simply stunning! love your nests!!!

Maureen said... 30

Hi Vicki this is my first visit to your blog which I found as I was blog hopping. Your blog is an inspiration, and makes me feel (rightly so ) very lazy. I can do many crafts and have lot's of craft intersts as well as a love of gardening. BUT I don't apply myself to anything with such gusto as you do. everything is beautiful and as I said an inspiration.
best wishes

Alicia said... 31


Linda Carole Bloom said... 32

I love these nests - never seen anything like them! The colors are wonderful. Have you ever thought of doing a tutorial? It would probably be impossible with so many yarns and things in each nest. Really wonderful!

maureen said... 33

Hi Vicki, I came back to have another browse on your blog. The nests are wonderful bye the way, I forgot to say when I left my last comment.
I have just looked at your photo's from the 'Shaker Village' they are so lovely. My husbands niece lives in Boston (USA) and when we visited some years ago we went to a Shaker Village in Salisbury and it was so beautiful. I still treasure the cherrywood swallow-tailed oval box that we bought there.
M x

Bumpkin Hill said... 34

ooo so much excitement! I don't know how you can make so many, you are a star and so creative! Catherine x

fromsophiesview said... 35

Vicki...your creations are pieces of art and taking time to create them is OK in everyone's deep breath and away you go to begin/continue/finish another gorgeous nest.

elvira pajarola said... 36

Carissima Vicki....Your photography of your excuisit art was always incredibly charming & beautiful....but with these extraordinary photos of your jewels you made an extra art work...!
They are soooooooooo beautiful with the pages of the bird book....what an incredible gorgeous idea...I LOVE IT.....!!!!
These sweet bird-designs make your wonderful birdnests come alive......just BRILLLLIANT...., cara!!!!!!

The yarn-compositions are outstanding....( if MISSONI sees your CREATIONS....I bet he would be sooooo jeallous...!!!!!)

Take care!
Un abbraccio & ciao ciao elvira

A garden just outside Venice said... 37

Vicky, you're so talented! Your nests are just amazing!
Thank you for your comment on my blog some weeks ago, sorry for not getting back to you immediately, but I'm just back from a very long break.
Have a good week!
Michela x

Seawashed said... 38

So so beautiful Vicki...I don't know how you do it while working full time and traveling all over the country. The aqua blues are my favorite!

Sara's Sweet Surprise said... 39

Hello Vicki~I'm b-a-c-k to makin' my visits (finally)! I just wanted to take a minute at this season of renewed hope and gratitude to personally thank you for your visit and kind words, especially with the loss of my kitty Angel. I wish I could convey to you how much your note meant to me. You're so generous to share a big part of your hearts passion through your wonderful posts. I look forward to visiting again and getting more acquainted. I've no doubt there's more fun in store for us on this blogging journey.
I hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving surrounded with family and friends in celebration of all life's blessings.

Sweet Wishes,

Sue said... 40

Vicki these are so beautiful, so much to delight in every one. Nobody could ever tire of looking at one of your beautiful nests, they are a real labour of love.

LisaS said... 41

So beautiful! What a wonderful thing to do with all those little xtra bits of this and that ;)

Sherrie {Bird Lady} said... 42

OMG! You do nests too? They are so unique and just really beautiful. What masterpieces they all are.

Unknown said... 43

Vicki, your Yarn Room is beautiful. I love it. All those treasures you have found on all your journeys are just beautiful. That's what makes all your creations so unique. Everything you have made is just beautiful. I just can't figure out how you find the time to do all these beautiful things!!! The nests are beautiful and the hats, scarfs, and all the childrens clothes. I'd say your grandbabies have one of each!! You are so talented and you do all this for such a special cause. God Bless you. Every piece you do have a little piece of you in them, I can see it.