Saturday, April 9, 2016

A Welcome to April...

 that blustery month that brings beautiful days, whispery warm breezes, sunshine and SNOW, gale force winds that blow the tops out of trees, beautiful blooms, and busy bees...

 Already in the few short
days that April has been upon us,
we have had every kind of
weather imaginable...

one day
 I am out in the sunshine
picking flowers from our yard,
and the next day 
I am watching the tree tops
blow across the field in front of our house...

our yard and gardens
are filled with the most beautiful
some bloom early, while others bloom late...
with over a dozen varieties,
they are always in a state
of blooming... 
 I've been posting 
some of my photos on my
2 BagsFull
Instagram page...
this is one of my
taken a few days ago at the
historic Lexington Arboretum and Cemetery

 the Lexington Cemetery
is a spectacular showcase of
blooms in early Spring...

this is one of my favorite places
to visit in the Spring,
I could spend hours driving and walking
around taking photos of the trees

the blooms from the 
Weeping Cherry trees
fall all the way to the water's edge
at the ponds there...

the beautiful colors
only last a few days though,
so I rush to get there right after the trees
begin to bloom..

this photo,
(also posted on my Instagram page,)
was taken last week at the 
Museum of Appalachia
in Clinton, TN

we love this beautiful place...
while traveling south 
a few days ago,
we stopped here for lunch
and I snapped a few photos...
Isn't this just the most perfect
little "fixer upper" ever!!

my newest friend
at the Museum of Appalachia...
(also edited and posted on my Instagram account)
(If you have an IG account-- I would love
for you to join me there...)
 and of course...
the most sure sign of Spring--
 there is already lots of nest building
going on outside in our yard... 
(and inside my craft room too!)
Notes from me...
I was so in hopes that Spring was finally here!  Have organized my shoes making my cutesy little sandals front and center, put away my winter coats,and then.... this morning I drove to work in an ALL out snowstorm!! My 30 minute commute took over an hour. Then-- about 3 hours later, the sun came out and melted off all of the snow. Geez!! I'm telling myself that this was the last little bit of winter blowing it's way out!
I'm taking a few weeks to create my next blog post -- I will be back then with a wonderful charitable opportunity for you all and... of course a giveaway to coincide with this amazing new way for you to share your love...


Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Wow! Those trees are amazing! I am following you on IG though because of the time difference I don't always see your posts pop up. I hope winter has worn itself out and Spring will settle in. Best wishes, Tammy

Julie said...

You've captured some amazing scenes during the Springtime, mother nature is certainly giving us food for thought this season.

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

I hope that your joy in Spring is a sign that your heart is healing from the pain you have suffered. Your pictures are just lovely.

Unknown said...

Some beautiful photos as usual. I am right next to Bernheim Forest and yet the wind has been too busy and still chilly here. Not go for photo finding. My father is buried in a cemetery in Lexington, forgotten the name. Things will be warmer soon.

Julia said...

I love your April Photography. Spring is taking turn with winter, warm one day , snow another. I wish they would stop this little game and get on with Spring. I think I'm most impatient in the spring, lol.
Have a great week. I'm sure you'll have a great post to show for.

Tanya said...

Another beautiful post, my friend. STUNNING photos!!! I do hope you have rounded the bend and are heading straightaway into warmer weather! XOXO

Dorthe said...

My dear friend, it is such stunning photos showing the blooming trees, trees I have never seen here, -it looks so very amazing with all the flowers, and the trees mirroring in the lovely water, I could dream of walking there , seeing all the wildlife and your special place.
Vicki ,it must be so wonderful , seeing it every spring, and also the sweet buildings from your other tour are looking beautiful.
Here we still have cold weather, the flowers not near as far in blooming as yours, but luckily,also no snow for a long time now,-but April is only started, and we have had snow close to May, before !!
Hugs from Dorthe

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos. Yes, Iowa is experiencing the same Spring weather. I've such an array of clothes out. But the newest SUNSHINE and NO wind has made for a cheery cold day. Have a wonderful SUNDAY

Meredith said...

Those trees are stunning Vicki. Have a lovely few weeks to get things sorted out.

Wendy D. said...

Hi Vicki, thank you for sharing your beautiful views of spring -- I always enjoy your photography! Would you share the title and author of the charming included in these most recent photos, please? I'd like to find a copy. Many thanks! xo

Little Wandering Wren said...

Vicki I did have a chuckle (after admiring your stunning Spring blossoms) with your wardrobe as I did exactly the same with mine, except I put away all my summer dresses only to find a late burst of heat which left me rosy-cheeked in my winter togs! I will follow you on instagram to ensure I don't miss you there!
Have a happy week
Wren x

kathyinozarks said...

Hi Vicki, our spring has been pretty crazy here too-no snow but dips at night in the 20s or low 30s so my seeds are not wanting to sprout. and lots of strong winds too-those photos are sooo lovely thanks for sharing.

gigi knits said...

Beautiful pictures !! I'm busy crocheting face cloths in pink to give everyone who is walking with granddaughter
In memory of her mom ( my sweet daughter-in- law ) in May "Walk for A Cure ".

ellen b said...

So gorgeous. I see why you like this place...

Just this... Alice said...

Thanks for sharing the beauty of your part of the country. Everything looks so beautiful. My favorite season is Spring and I can't seem to get enough of the beautiful flowering trees and flowers. The music of all the birds lifts my spirits as well. I sit on my porch and take it all in and am thankful that I can see and hear it all taking place. Happy Spring!

Julie Marie said...

Lovely as always dear Vicki... your blooms are so pretty, as are your photos of your trip... sending happy wishes that Spring is here to stay!... xoxo... Julie Marie

Wildflowerhouse said...

Don't you just love Spring a time of renwal and a fresh new start. I love your post with all your beautiful pictures and wonderful thoughts.

yaya said...

April has been a crazy weather spot for us too! I have managed to pick daffodils but on Sat. we had 8in. of snow that probably did in my crabapples blossoms and magnolias..only time will tell. It's all melted away as we had tons of rain today. The warmer days and sun are promised for this week so hopefully Spring will make a real, lasting appearance! Hope you have a good week and your photos are really beautiful!

Sarah said...

Your posts are always so full of beauty and charm - I love visiting!

Sue Kosec said...

Mother Nature certainly has been fickle this year for you! Hoping you can soon wear those cute sandals every day now!

Of course, anxious to hear all about your new endeavor!


Magpie's Mumblings said...

Those trees are beyond spectacular! We're a long way from anything blooming here - had snow flurries again today. It's supposed to warm up for the weekend and maybe, just maybe, it will stay that way. Looking forward to hearing about your new charity plan!!

jeanniemc said...

Those trees are stunning...loved every picture...thanks for sharing!

Gail Griner Golden at Gail-Friends said...

Just beautiful. Your photos brought me JOY!

BluMoon said...

Vivki, your wonderful pictures really lifted my heart and my spirits today thank you for sharing them with us.

Maggie said...

Stunning photos as always, I hope that you've seen the last of the snow and that spring is making life brighter.

Eugenia Maru said...

Hermosas fotos, bienvenida primavera.
Acá con el otoño agresivo y lluvioso, frío y gris.
Espero saber pronto de ti.
Un beso

lynn cockrell said...

What gorgeous, gorgeous pictures, sweet Vicki! Thanks for sharing!