Monday, June 6, 2016

Virginia's Shabby Treasure Nest...

Treasured keepsakes...
tiny fragments of our past that we keep because they are connected to precious memories...

 so often,
we tuck these keepsakes
into a special place, thinking all the while,
that one day we will
"do something" 
with that tiny treasure...
more often, than not..
we forget...


this beautiful treasure nest 
was created for
using her own personal and treasured
She has graciously allowed me to share
with you the story behind the pieces
that she chose for her 
"Shabby Treasure nest"...
Virginia's story..
"I have had a love affair with vintage jewelry
since I was about 14 years old.  
I  still have the first piece of vintage jewelry
that my grandfather gave to me.."

"Autumn is my favorite season. 
I love to see the leaves change their colors. 
I also love it in the spring when the leaves are just starting to grow.
 So I was really happy that you used the beautiful leaf brooch in the nest."
 "I have had a love of birds ever since
I can remember.
I was so happy to see that you were able to use
the vintage bird piece, it goes so well with the nest. 
I have bird nests, bird houses, bird baths, and feeders
throughout my whole yard.
I was so happy that you used the nest charm too..." 
 "I love flowers and all that goes with them.
I like to take long walks and look at people's
yards and flower gardens. 
The vintage pink flower brooch is one of my favorites...

"I love fibers and ribbons, laces and trims. 
So many different colors, textures, styles. 
And you can never have enough...
I was so happy that you used strips of my wedding dress.
 I am making a lace book with it and a few lap quilts for my children
 using pieces of my dress..."
 "I love anything that sparkles.
Since I was a child, one of my favorite things to do
when it snowed,
was to wait for the moon to come out
and see the snow glitter and shine in the darkness...
I could watch it forever.."  

"I didn't see the little doily you used behind the bird brooch until later.
 I swear, every time I pick up the nest I find something new that I missed.
I love doilies in every style and shape.
I love to make books and flowers out of them..."
 "I choose the word BEAUTY...
because I try to surround myself with beauty every day.
And I knew before you finished my nest....
that it would be a beauty..."

"I also love to collect feathers and use them in my crafts.
 I have birds thru out my home and my craft room.
To me they are so beautiful and soothing.." 

I am always so humbled when I have the opportunity
to make a treasure nest for someone.
To create a nest using precious keepsakes that
belong to others,
is truly a special privilege. 
Thank you Virginia, 
for allowing me to share the story
of the building of your nest..

We are just back from travels...
the person who cruise travels
 back and forth to the Caribbean at least once
a year...
has just packed up her winter clothes 
and long johns and taken a cruise to

 We flew to England and toured the Cotswold region
and the Cornish coast before boarding our cruise ship
for Guernsey, Iceland, and Ireland.
It was incredible. 
I'm going to take you all along
on our travels -- 
you won't even have to leave your favorite chair. 
Stay tuned for photos...
lots of photos...

ps-- the first of the packages and donations have started to arrive for the Kindness Quilt Project.  If you would like to be involved in this amazing charitable venture -- please see my post here


Joyful said...

Beautiful nest you've created. I'm sure it will be loved for years to come.

The trip sounds wonderful too. It's hard to imagine you going some place cold, te he. Looking forward to your photos.

Karen B. said...

Dear Vicki,
the nest is just beautiful.I have some old pieces from my Mom and maybe one day I will get you to make me a treasure nest too. (I am sure it will happen)
Love your photographs from all the wonderful places you have visited.
Many hugs,
Karen B. ~ Todolwen

kathyinozarks said...

The nest is so lovely, what a wonderful way to keep and enjoy all of her treasures. Look forward to your trip post I especially love them since we don't go anywhere

gracie said...

Beautiful treasure and I can not wait to travel along with you!

Amy at love made my home said...

Glad you had a wonderful time!!! I look forward to hearing all about it. This nest is beautiful, I am in awe!! It is no surprise to me - or I am sure anyone else - that the new owners always adore them!!

Sue Kosec said...

Virginia LOVES her nest. Why wouldn't she? It's BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy travels.

Anne's Attic - Design said...

Hi Vicki, the nest is so beautiful. Very unique. I can't wait to hear and see more of your trip. Glad that you are back safely. Xx Jo

Lady of the Manor said...

Your nest is beautiful! I can't wait to see you cruise pictures, it sounds like a neat trip.

Meredith said...

Your nest is beautiful Vicki, can't wait to hear more about your travels.

Julie said...

Delightful nest of treasures.
The Cotswolds are fabulous, quintessentially British ....

~VIRGINIA~ said...

Oh I didn't get the notification that you had done a post! I so love my nest... You did an amazing job on this.I love to take it and the other one from the shelf and look at them. I was so happy to hear that my youtube friend Donna had also ordered one. I just saw her video. Its beautiful. But I don't think you could make it look any less. I heard her say that she got on the list for the woodland nest. I will contact yu about that one. Can't wait to see and read about your travels. Feels like you take us along. Hugs V

Anonymous said...

I have so much love for that nest.

Esme said...

SO that is where you have been. I cannot wait to see and hear about your trip This nest is beautiful. I love the little gold bird. Vintage jewelry is so special. You wonder where it has been and what it has seen.

Gabriela said...

Such a beautiful nest! Mine sits on my mantel in my studio and always think of you! Been gone for a while, but I'm back! Great to see you are doing well!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Oh my goodness - this is such an amazing nest! I loved reading Virginia's words too. Wonderful job Vicki - you've created another heirloom treasure.

gigi knits said...

Hope you are safe from the flooding in West Virginia .

Animal Print Cases said...

nice post.. thanks for sharing