Monday, June 18, 2012

Want More Followers for your blog? My "Grow Your Blog" party!

****Update -- 11/15/12
If you wish to sign up to participate in the "Grow your Blog" party--
please go HERE to the official sign up post to leave your comment and blog address.  Its going to be a great party -- already over 100 blogs are participating!!

Blogging is only fun if you have someone to talk to~~

So many of you have written to me asking for advice on how you can increase the readership of your blogs.  Honestly - there is no easy answer -- it takes time, and a lot of work to grow your blog into one that has a large following.

It hasn't been that long ago that I started my blog -- just a couple of years.  And -- I still remember what it was like to have 3 followers (my 2 sisters and my best friend Mary!!)  

 I would NOT be where I am today had it not been for some wonderful bloggers who were kind enough to help me when I was first getting started.  Without their help, I do not think I would have all of you out there to support me in this blogging adventure.  
So - once again - I want to say a heartfelt thank you to Dawn,  Karen, Sabine, and Lynn (formerly of the Sea Angels blog -- Lynn is on a little respite right now.)  (Big hugs to you all!)

In an effort to continue the tradition of giving back to the blogging community -- I want to tell you about my crazy  
(super-brilliant!!) idea to coordinate a blogging party for the purpose of meeting and greeting other bloggers and--- hopefully growing your followers.

I would like to propose a blogging party to take place on a specified date - sometime this winter -- (I was thinking sometime  in January.)

I will serve as the host blog and all of  you who wish to participate will send me a link to your blog and on the specified date - I will post them all.  

You can create a post - telling everyone a little something about yourself and why you want to blog.  To add to the fun, I would propose that each person who participates would host a little giveaway on their blog -- 

The idea would be to visit each others blogs and to hopefully follow them - in turn - folks who visit will want to follow you.  This is all about meeting, greeting, and FOLLOWING.  The purpose of this event is specifically to increase your blog followers and readers.  

I specifically want to target blogs who have less than 200 followers.  If you are a new blogger, if you are someone who has 20 or 30 or 50 followers, OR if you just want to increase the number of people who will love you and support you and will be the reason for you to want to continue to do this blogging thing ~~

 then this blogging party is for YOU!  

On the host page (my blog) I would list all of your blogs in 2 columns.  Those of you who have less than 200 followers will be in the first column -- and those of you who have over 200 followers will be in the second column. 

While you are welcome and encouraged to visit ANY and ALL of the blogs -- my hope is that those of  you with less than 200 followers will start your blog visits by going to other blogs in the same category as yourself --- meeting those folks and hopefully following their blogs. (With all of those blogs listed in one column - it will be easier for those of  you who have less followers to visit like minded blogs and form your own support groups by signing up to follow each other.  Does that make sense?)  

 Lets be honest -- we all want to have someone to read our blogs, leave comments, and to be regular visitors. It's no fun if there is "no one out there" to support us and make our blogging experiences worthwhile.  I love my followers -- love them more than I can ever say.  Knowing that they are here for me gives me reason to want to write about my life - my travels - my adventures.  In some situations - I have truly bared my soul to my readers and followers.  The support and encouragement that I get from them is priceless.  I want that for all of you~~     

Some of you already have a large following -- so this might just be an opportunity for you to meet new bloggers, participate and have some fun.  

But for those of you who do NOT have a large blogging support group - THIS could be the one event that might change your blogging life.  

So - here is what I am asking you all to do-- 
1. Talk about this on YOUR blogs.  
2. Link to this post on my blog.  We have to spread the word.
3.  If you think that this is an activity that you would like to participate in--- then please leave me a comment here on this post telling me so.  
4. Ask your friends who read and visit your blogs to come here and leave me a comment if they wish to participate. 
5.  In your comments - please tell me how many followers you currently have. This will let me know if there are very many of you out there in the "less than 200 followers group" who are wanting to participate in this activity.  

 In order to make this happen and for it to specifically be successful for those blogs who do not have a large readership right now -- I would like to have about 100 blogs with less than 200 followers to participate.  So please spread the word - and leave in your comments - your current follower numbers. 

Those of you who have large followings and successful blogs - would be doing your readers a huge favor if you would post about this.  Many of your readers will fall into the category of those who have less than 200 followers.  This could be huge for them.  This could be YOUR way to give back to your readers and followers.  

I truly believe that this can be a great blogging event.

I believe that those of you who have a limited readership can GROW your blog following through participation in this event.

I believe that there are lots of bloggers out there who would love an opportunity that is dedicated to helping them to grow.

I believe that this is a wonderful opportunity for ME to give back to the blogging community - something that I have wanted to do for a long time.

I believe that this post is already getting to be way to long  :)

   So - to sum it up - spread the word.  Leave comments here and ask your friends and readers to leave comments as well.  Those of you who have less than 200 followers - have the most to gain in this event.  So it is very important for you to spread the word.  If it looks like there is enough interest -- then it will be a go.  My friend Karen Valentine has graciously consented to help me with this endeavor and will design a badge for us to represent the "Grow Your Blog" event.   I will post more details as we go along.  So as they say- stay tuned~~~  and spread the word!!!


ps -- My friend Karen Valentine is getting ready to host her annual "Where Bloggers Create Party".  This is a wonderful opportunity to meet other bloggers and also to allow other bloggers to meet you!  You can visit Karen's beautiful blog to find out all of the details! 

coming up next the photo shoot for the Harvest nest yarns--
these photos are so beautiful that one of them was recently featured in a national magazine -- (I'll tell you about that too!)



The Feathered Nest said...

Oh Vicki...this is such a BEAUTIFUL idea!!!!! Absolutely wonderful...I love it ~ I've always loved helping other's grow their blogs and to get involved in a party like this is a terrific way to do that! When the time draws near, remind me about it and I will post about your party and encourage everyone to join in, hugs and love to you sweet friend, Dawn

Retired Knitter said...

What a wonderful idea!!! Count me in. I will definitely participate. Right now I think I have 124 followers.

I think January is the perfect time to do this. It is after the holidays and is kind of the quiet time of the year.

I will definitely schedule a post to support this - in fact, as the details firm up, I think several posts may be necessary as we near the start date.

Let me know how I can help.

Jenny said...

I'm with Dawn!! I've been away from regularly posting on my blog due to a lot of horrible personal issues, but I'm about ready to get back into it (with only positive posts that have nothing whatever to do with the unpleasantness I'm dealing with!) and this would be PERFECT.

Sometime this week I will be hosting a giveaway, because in April/May I celebrated hitting the 100 followers mark, the 50,000 views mark, AND my 4 year blogaversary! :D

I will keep up with you and this event and spread the word!!!!

NormaJ said...

This sounds wonderful Vicki. I have 20 viewers who have been with me for a while, but it would be nice to meet other bloggers as well. I'm not sure how to link up, as I am not that computer savvy, but my blogsite address is:

Eileen said...

What a wonderful idea! I have one blog with over 300 followers but my newer blog only has about 125, so I would love to participate. :)

Dreams and Decor said...

Are you kidding?---I would LOVE to participate! I LOVE your blog!!---reading your travel posts & seeing photos of those oh-so-gorgeous nests gives me over-the-top inspiration! Your blog party will be such FUN! Thank you for hosting! I think I have about 80 followers (& treasure each one of them!). Patti in Texas

Acorn to Oak said...

It's wonderful to know that other bloggers feels the same way...that it's just not as much fun to blog if you feel like hardly anyone is out there reading what we post. I've been blogging for years and only have 24 official/public followers. I would love to have more. And, I would love to be involved in this blog party. What a wonderful idea! Thank you so much for hosting it. I will look forward to more details. :-)

Mosaic Magpie said...

This is such a thoughtful thing to do! You are right about connecting with other bloggers, following and leaving comments, making the whole thing fun. If I could get my followers button to work&*%$#(, I would know how many I have! Sounds like a great event and I will be there!

Unknown said...

I think this is a great idea! I have a good amount of followers but hardly anyone makes comments anymore. Gets a little discouraging. I used to try to blog once a week. Then there was a time where life interfered and that didn't happen. You lose followers comments really quickly when your blog isn't fresh. I just need to get my brain in gear and keep going - at some point hopefully I'll get more comments. Maybe my blogs just aren't too interesting these days LOLOLOL

YokkoBears Bears with a HEART said...

I really would like to participate.
But my translate button does not work yet, so my blog is in Dutch only at the moment, but you can see the photo's :-) and enjoy my sweet Bears and more.

I have 21 followers.

Susan said...

What a great idea!!! I am around 125 so count me in for sure. And don't we all need "something" in January..perfect time. Have a great Tuesday.

SuZeQ said...

Oh vicki, what a great idea for all the bloggers out there. You have such a large heart - always thinking of others. No wonder everybody loves you! I can't wait to make more friends, too!

Nancy said...

Vicki, you are WAY cool! Sign me up! At your encouragement, I enabled my followers button...cringe...having 4 followers is definitely humbling, regardless of how new my site is!

I think I need to become president of your fan club.
Nancy =)

The Painted Garden said...

Hi Vicki,
What a great idea - I can't tell you how many e-mails I get asking how to get more followers. I remember well when I had one follower and how excited I was when I made it to 100.
Thank you for helping out so many in our wonderful world of blog".

Jamie said...

This would be great for me! I have 72 followers after a few years of blogging... I am in the process of re-styling my blog and starting my Etsy store. Looking forward to participating! Jamie V in MT

Maggie said...

Vicki, fab idea, count me in!
Normandy Life has over 300 followers at present and I cherish them all. Who doesn't like to make new friends?
I look forward to seeing the new nest soon and to learning which magazine it was featured in.
Maggie xo

Donna Heber said...

Hi Vicki,

This is such a wonderful idea! I would love to participate and January would be a great time for your party.

Anonymous said...

I need a blog :( lol working on it. Is there a place to sign up for your blog via email? Its nice when bloggers give lots of opptions how to receive a blog.


Writing for the Web @Iowa Lakes said...

This sounds like a great idea. Has it already happened?

I am new to Blogging and would love to meet other Bloggers and grow my following and help them as well. I only have 10 followers so far.

Writing for the Web @Iowa Lakes said...

This sounds great! I'm new to blogging and would love to meet other bloggers. I just started and have 10 great followers, but would love to connect with more people.

Candy said...

Yes, I am definitely interested. I started my blog in February and have now grown to 52 Linky followers and 256 Google Connect followers. Please count me in.


knitalatte said...

Of course I want to join your party! Count me in.
It is so wonderful when fellow bloggers stop by and leave comments. It makes it so much fun to then pop over and see what they are blogging about too. Great connections...
I'm over the 100 mark with followers and counting.

SJ Scott said...

What a lovely idea! I would definitely like to participate! As of today, I have 55 official followers (and I appreciate them!). I love to visit other blogs and hope more folks will visit mine :)

SueH said...

I like the sound of this!
One of my blogs has very few followers and now I'm spending more time on it I hope I can grow things on a bit!
And as others have said - what a lovely way to brighten the post-Christmas slump of January! :-)

rozemie said...

hello Vicki, love this party idea and would very much like to participate. I only have a small blog, but i am always so happy when one of my followers posts a comment. I am going to post a link to this page, and tell all my 61 followers to read it ! I'll start thinking what my give-away will be...

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love this idea Vicki and I am definitely interested in participating.
I write a blog about being the father of 3 daughters but my youngest has an undiagnosed condition. I am also an insomnia sufferer, have mobility problems and suffer from a chronic pain condition so it can get a bit hectic at times but I love to blog to get my stories out into the world.

I currently have 8 followers and some who read the links I put on Facebook after each time I write a new post. I really could use the help!

my blog is at

Maureen said...

Great idea Vicki! I would love to join in as well, and hopefully add a few Followers to the 14 I have now at Victorian Studio. I shall make sure I mention this in my next post. I am also participating in Karens hop for the very first time!

Mum said...

OOoooh, I would love so so so much to join in to. I love finding new blogs to read, and it is so cool to be part of a larger community and have a support network. I would love to build more but have no clue where or what to do. I'm a complete novice. This sounds like an amazing opportunity and adventure. Please count me in.

Unknown said...

I just started blooging last week and it took me 2 days to figure out how to post a photo! Any and all help is greatly appreciated..


cathy @ma vie trouvee said...

Hi Vicki, I wandered over from Karen's site.....and I think this is a fun idea and a great way to give back to the blogging community. I would love to participate and I am one with less than 200 followers even though I have been writing my blog for many years. I also love to read others blogs. Thanks!

Cache-Mire said...

Hi Vicki, I am so new to blogging that I hardly know what a follower is no less how to get one, so this sounds perfect for me! ~Terri

Julie Whitmore Pottery said...

This is so generous of you!

Jim said...

What a great idea Vicki! I have 205 followers as of today June 28th. You can count me in too!
Congrats on the mag photo!!!

Linda in FL said...

What a great idea! I've been blogging for around 8 years and only have about 25 followers. Just the same lovely people who are either loving my family, or loving my crafting. I guess I have no idea how to get new followers even though I follow over a hundred plus blogs myself. I think this opportunity would be a great help!

Linda in FL said...

What a great idea! I've been blogging for around 8 years and only have about 25 followers. Just the same lovely people who are either loving my family, or loving my crafting. I guess I have no idea how to get new followers even though I follow over a hundred plus blogs myself. I think this opportunity would be a great help!

nanny said...

Count me in!! I think this is a wonderful idea. Thank you for hosting the event.

I have 122 followers now. You know the follower count doesn't really bother me but I love finding new buddies and great blogs to read. I also love, love comments!!

January sounds perfect....summer is way too busy!!!!

Kadee Willow said...

It certainly paid to pick up the latest issue of Romantic Country and see you in their column, Th
e Blog Spot! I have been blogging since last October and have 28 followers... all of whom mean the world to me! To increase those numbers would send me over the moon! I, too, know Karen and am currently in the process of having her revamp the look of my blog... she is such a gem to work with! By the time you are ready to get the blog party going, my blog will look brand spanking NEW! So , yes!! Please keep me posted on the progress...and thanks a bunch!!!!

Shirley said...

Hi Vicki You can count me in. I have a 126 followers. Karen is going to be giving my blog a face lift. I can't wait to see what she does to it. Your Missouri Friend.

Laura Quaglia (Fun With This and That) said...

Hi Vickie I saw you in the magazine. It was very nice .I know you are pround of your self.Would love to be in in your blog party and will post about it. Laura Q

Laura Quaglia (Fun With This and That) said...

count me in your party I have 128 .I could use some help.I will put it on my post.Would also I like to be on you nest list again last time I missed cause we had a big flood and I needed to help the nests.

suziqu's thread works said...

Hi Again Dear Vicki
I think it is such a wonderful idea as I remember what it was like when I began blogging a couple of years ago and any encouragement is just awesome.
I just can't believe how wonderfully it has grown!
Like Dawn let me know closer to the time and I shall blog about it - even be nice to have a button about it on our sidebars too.
Love, hugs and blessings,

Sandi said...

I would love to be involved. I have 119 followers. I really want to start blogging more often. I always wonder if people are reading. I don't get lots of comments! By the way, love your blog.

kareninkenai said...

Hi Vicki - I would love to join in on the "Grow Your Blog." I have 55 followers. Suzy Q sent me your way. I absolutely appreciate your idea and love your Blog. Will post something this week in the hopes of generating a few more toward your 100 minimum. And, will begin thinking of something for a "give away" - maybe something Alaskan. Hugs. Karen (kareninkenai)

dreamchallenge said...

Look forward to meeting new bloggers. Thanks for the opportunity.

Tanya said...

FUN! Count me in...I love finding new blogs!

Terry said...


Yes! Yes! Yes! I want to be a part of this wonderful party. I have been blogging for a couple of years, and I only have 22 followers. Thank you for this gift!

I will do my part of spreading the word and helping other bloggers.


Linens Lace and Lattes said...

please please please let me participate! I have 163 followers and have been blogging for a few years. I just can't seem to get momentum so would really appreciate participating! thanks so much. I will add the badge to my sidebar.
linens lace and lattes

Chrislyn said...

Hi Vicki! This is a wonderful idea. I would love to participate. I started my blog one year ago and was starting to get a few (about 25) followers and then lost my Google Friends because I am on Typepad. I have thought about switching to Blogger, put that is an ordeal, so I am not sure of the best way to encourage followers now. Plus it would be wonderful to have more comments--I love those! This would be a great help. Thank you so much!


Louise@ElsieMayandBertha said...

That is a lovely idea. I only have twenty-eight followers so it would be lovely to have a few more.
I'll mention it, and link to your post soon and I'll set myself a reminder to do a post in January. Thank you for doing this.

Marrianna said...

Hi Vicki...Thank you for planning this blog party. By January, I will be ready because by then, I'll have more posts on my new blog that Karen Valentine designed. I currently have 3 followers on the blogger blog,, and 2 on my Typepad blog that will be discontinued in August. I'll have the one gorgeous blog to play with.

I'm also going to send you an email about the shabby chic baskets.

Derrith said...

Vicki: What a sweet and generous thing to do! I only have 13 followers. I have been blogging for a year and get quite a few visits everyday largly due to the "parties" I have participated in. I would love to be a part of this. I will spread the word and check back often for more info. Thank you! -Derrith S.

Betty said...

I would love to join you. A great idea.

Bbundren said...

This is a great idea! Presently, I have 10 followers and would love to read new blogs!

She Found Her Crown said...

this is such a neat idea for us newbies!
I've been blogging for only one month and have 15 followers; grateful for every one of them! but I would love to be a part of this party

Linda said...

Vicki, What a wonderful idea ! I just got started posting again on my blogs. So I really would like to have some followers. I found your blog a year or so and have enjoyed it so much. I feel like I'm on adventures to places I know I'll never be able to travel too. And your nest are just too cute !
Thanks ! and

Marlynne said...

Yes Vicki, I would like to be apart of your Grow Your Blog Party. My blog "Marlynne Creates Daily" has 23 followers. I started psting on it March 15, 2011 and just did my 200th post. Pople seem to like my blog when they find it. Also I am in the process of starting my 2nd blog "Pecious Cottage" with Karen Valentine's help. I would love to have this one on your list too if we can do that. It has 0 followers right now!

Jenny said...

Vicki, Please put me on your list. I have 95 blogger friends following my Two Tumbleweeds. Is one of your buttons to attach now? I'll go back and see. You are a sweetheart to do this. xo Jenny

Angela Reeves said...

Hi Vicki, I just found your blog through My Desert Cottage and am so glad I did! I would love to participate in this event and will put the button on my blog as well as create a post about it.

My blog is fairly new with 30 followers. I so look forward to discovering the blogs of others who might participate. Thanks so much for doing this!


Jill said...

Hi Vicki!
Thanks for this help. I only have 4 followers, but lots of views. I really could use some help!
Thanks again for shopping in my Etsy shop. Glad you love your pear! You inspire me!

Kim Stevens said...

Hi Vicki, I would love to participate too. Not sure how I missed this the first time, except that I think I was on vaca in June. I currently have 171 followers.

Charlotte Wilson said...

I found you on "Tree Hugger". I would love to participate. Please count me in.


Unknown said...

sounds great!
im on 1 follower. i just started so hopefully some more will come soon but this is really great!

Elise Ann Wormuth said...

Coming late to this post, but I would love to participate. I will support it in any way I can, too. Count me as a follower!

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Hi Vicki - lovely idea and how "Vicki"! You're one of the kindest, most generous women and it's all joy knowing you.
Please know Thistle Cove Farm is included and I've blogged about this on Sept 4, 2012; I want to help spread the word!

M.K. said...

Hi there! My little blog, "Through a Glass, Darkly," has only 28 followers, but I love it and have had a lot of fun blogging since 2007. I'd love to participate in this party :) Thanks so much -- I don't really want to monetize, but I have no idea how to increase the FUN of having more commenters and just more dialogue. Thanks again!
MK at

Michelle said...

I learned about this from Sandra at Thistle Cove Farm blog, and I'd like to be a part of it. I have two blogs, one with 41 follows and one with 170. Yet I am always surprised at how few visits and even fewer comments I get. Even though I blog because I love to write and share photos, getting comments makes it SO much more fun!

I'll be posting this on my older (bigger) blog, which is of more general interest. My smaller blog is basically an online training journal for my dressage (horse) projects....

Donna said...

I would love to participate! I am currently stuck at 199 followers and my blog is 4-1/2 years old. It would be great if it could get more exposure. This is a wonderful idea - KUDOS!

KathyB. said...

Great post, I'm in! I too have appreciated those who supported me when I first began blogging, and would love to support others who share the same vision & goals I do, or share their creativity in encouraging ways.The blogging community has been instrumental in helping me in so many ways, and making my heart happy.

Down On The Farm said...

Count me in!!! I have been blogging for about 3 years and I have 99 followers. I blog about my kids, blog about my life, and blog about my faith In Jesus Christ. Let me know what I can do to help make this a success!!! Blessings to you!

Fat Dormouse said...

I'd like to join in too, please! I've got two blogs on two different providers. One of them (Fat Dormouse Getting Thinner at has 34 followers...lovely, faithful followers...but not many comment. My other blog (View from the Teapot at doesn't count followers, so I don't know how many people read that - but not many comment, so I would guess it's very few.

Thank you to Sandra at Thistlecove Farm, who put me on to this great idea.

Silke Powers said...

What a great idea, Vicki! It just shows your generous spirit - it's people like you who made my blogging experience a wonderful one! I have too many followers already to participate, but I'll be thrilled to visit as many blogs on your list as I can! Hugs, Silke

Sylvia Anderson said...

What a great idea, would you count me in please x
I have 118 followers, i love to meet new crafters x

Sylvia Anderson said...

Your photographs are stunning x

Toni said...

Hi Vicki... this is an awesome idea. I receive sooooo much inspiration from blogs I follow and love it when friends stop by mine. So please count me in. Im at 92 followers and here is my

Creatively yours

Unknown said...

This is a fabulous idea! Please include my blog in this! I would love to have people to actually talk to on here about books and such.

I have 1 follower, who is my friend in real life so its pretty quiet. :)

gilly said...

What a great idea! Please count me in, it sounds like a fabulous winter project. I'm fairly new to blogging and have just 48 followers. And I'd love to hop around and visit other crafty blogs written by like-minded souls :-)

Laura said...

Please count me in, this is a great idea and I have 1 follower!

Tanya Sehgal said...

Hello Vicki!
I am Tanya a newbie blogger & I simply loved the idea:) This would really help bloggers get a good amount of visitors & maybe followers.I would be delighted to be a part of this cool blog party. Count Me In:) Take care dear

With Love

Anonymous said...


I love this idea I'm Jordan Sky and blogging is something I love to do. Right now I have 36 followers I'd really love more,especially since I'm blogging about my weight loss journey, to have an online support system would really help.

DreamChallenge said...

Ms Vicki, as of today I am blessed to have 21 followers That qualifies me to be on the bottom ring of the ladder BUT it is a wonderful adventure. I look forward to meeting and sharing with others through this fabulous idea you have. Count me in. Caregiving and knitting are passions of mine. Nutrition and healthy school environments are my work interest. Jan @DreamChallenge

Tanya Sehgal said...

I have a total of 60 followers till now. Would love to be a part of the lovely blogging community. The idea is just awesome.

With Regards & hugs!

Greenpatches said...

Sounds a great idea! Is there still time to sign up? I've 8 loyal followers at the moment, but there's always room for more.

Greenpatches said...

What a great idea. If it's not too late, I'd love to sign up for this one. I've 8 loyal and very lovely followers at the moment, but would love some more to keep them company.

Anonymous said...

...And I'd love to be part of this too! I've been blogging less than a year and have 7 followers... Like the others who have left comments I am grateful for them all and feel so excited when I see I have a comment. I enjoy blogging but have much to learn and it would be lovely to "meet" others. So thank you for the invitation (and thanks to Greenpatches above for passing it on).

Marlynne said...

Yes Vicki this is what I was looking for! Yeah! My 1st blog mcreatesdaily.blogspot has 26 followers and my new blog has 6 followers so you see I need help.I would love to be included in the Blog Party!

Unknown said...

Hi Vicki,
I have 25 followers on my blog and would like to reach more people and have more followers. I love the idea of the Blog Party, my only down fall, I dont have anything to give away. I dont have any kind of big supporters that would donate anything. I hope that it would still be okay to participate. Thank you!!!!

Veronica Roth said...

Hello Vicki, I just found your lovely blog searching for the blog Sea Angels. I'm looking forward to discovering who you are, but was wondering if you have any news about Lynn and he blog. I used to love coming by to have a look. I also blog from Vancouver Canada 1/2 the year and Oxfordshire England for the other 1/2. I can crochet but am completely hopeless at knitting :)

naturemummy said...

Just came across your blog - love this idea. I would love to be a part of your party. I have been blogging for five months...lots of family read it and comment, but no followers at all. Its so incredibly discouraging, yet I've never felt such a creative flow before.

Unknown said...

Hello Vicki,

a prayer answered! I have so often wondered that I should quit blogging, but I like it so much. And then every time I want to stop I notice that I gained "one" more follower... So...

What a great idea...
I have 46 followers and my Pinterest account seems to go way faster in lesser time! weird

Yes, I am in... I would love to make my blog grow... and I do not mind to have a give away of some sort when the time comes.

Thank you so much for your encouraging post.
It was exactly what I needed today.

I am now your newest follower.


myletterstoemily said...

and look how happy everyone is! i will
come back to meet some new bloggers,
who are my favorites. well, i really
shouldn't say that, because i have made
some wonderful old friends!

Unknown said...

I would like to participate and see my blog grow. Count me and please keep me posted.

Lynda said...

What a wonderful idea, please count me in too. I am a new blogger and have 4 followers. Thank you for hosting this party!

Lynda said...

I think this is a fantastic idea, please count me in! I am a new blogger and have 4 followers so far. Thank you for hosting this party!

Marlane said...

That would be wonderful to get some blog exposure

Marlane said...

Voni said...

I would love to join your blog party.
I have less than 10 followers right now. My blog focuses on our small farm happenings, soaps available and other products I'm working on. Thanks for this opportunity have a greater audience base.

Tina T-P said...

I think you have a great idea and just reading the comments I have seen some blogs I'd like to look into.

I've been blogging for about 7 years but only have 21 followers - there seems to be a lot of visits to my blog, but alas, not many comments. So I look forward to your "party"

Thanks to Michelle from Boulderneigh for recommending this. T.

Emma said...

Brilliant Idea, I would love to join in the party,I'm new to blogging only been at it a couple of months I really love it but need advice off other bloggers, also I only have 3 followers :-(
I will help spread the word too

kamicami said...

That's an awesome idea. :) I just started blogging last month. You can follow me if you want. I'm entertaining all the followers I can get and it makes me happy when I get comments on my blogs. :)

kamicami said...

Oh and since I just started last month, I only have 2 followers. --.-- If you can help me get more readers then that would be great. I usually talk about the organic products and places that can be found in my country.

Claire Melanie Ogg said...

What a fabulous idea..yes, I need help please, I only have 4 followers, i am very new to this.

Here is my blogspot :)

Unknown said...

What a great idea! I would love more followers as well! I have had my blog up for about 4 years and have 9 followers.... I started my blog initially just to keep my parents(who lived out of state) in the loop on what was going on in our family. But have since expanded it to blogging about just about anything really; recipes, crafts, Pinterest crafts I've tried, My art, products I love, my kids/family, and anything else I have on my mind.
Please visit me at:


I am a new follower on your lovely blog. :) Love it!!! I am new to blogging and i only have 6 followers. :( I started blogging this past november and since then only 6 followers.:( I am doing now my first GIVEAWAY but i have no entries:(. Hopefully you and your readers will take a look at my blog where i share honest product reviews, giveaways, talk about my online baby and children's boutique , recipes,tips... Ths is such a great idea btw. :)
Thank you

The Lat Long said...

Pick me, pick me! I have a blog and a whole lot of ambition...but not so many followers ;) Currently sixteen. I blog style, family and photography in Brisbane, Australia- previously I worked as a fashion columnist for a local paper. I would LOVE to meet other new bloggers and be of mutual support, I will definitely return any follower love! xx

Unknown said...

this is a wonderful idea! i have 26 followers at the moment. i blog about, mostly, scrapbooking, art journaling, and mixed media.

Roxi H said...

Just found this, it's a fabulous idea. I have less than 50 and several friends in the same boat.

Debbie Jones said...

Just re-read your post and realized I had not toldl you how many followers I have...I have 85 follows today. Had only 3 last April so I am growing...please delete my second blog
from participate as it is basically inactive right now. The blog I want to participate with is:
Just wanted to clarify. Thank you so much!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Incredible idea I past the 200 mark this year it was a long and winding road ( I know that is a song but it works):) I think you doing this for those smaller bloggers is a wonderful thing. You are awesome. Good luck on it but I know it is going to be a total sucess. B

Amber said...

Hi Vicki! I just found your blog for the very first time through a link on Thistle Cove Farm. I have 136 followers so I'd love to participate. Thanks so much for doing this!

The Velvet Closet said...

This is an amazing idea Vicky! Thank you so much!!

My friend and I are also new Bloggers and this is exactly what we needed at this point!

You can check our post for this on our blog here:

We will try to expand it as much as we can!!

The Velvet Closet said...

In our comment before I forgot to say how many followers we have! We have 15 followers and 72 people like our page by now!
Thanx again!