***January 15, 2013 - UPDATE
If you are looking for the Grow Your Party list of participants for this years HUGE party -- you will find it here!
The day I started blogging is etched in my mind forever. After working for what seemed like hours on my very first post, I held my breath while cautiously (and nervously) -- touching my fingers to the publish button. One second later, I was a blogger. At that time, I had no idea how this experience called "blogging" would change my life~~
If you are looking for the Grow Your Party list of participants for this years HUGE party -- you will find it here!
The day I started blogging is etched in my mind forever. After working for what seemed like hours on my very first post, I held my breath while cautiously (and nervously) -- touching my fingers to the publish button. One second later, I was a blogger. At that time, I had no idea how this experience called "blogging" would change my life~~

Without ever packing a bag I'm able to visit with some amazing people from all over the world. Over the past couple of years I've developed wonderful relationships with folks on the other side of the world -- friends that I truly cherish~~
Dorthe lives in Denmark- she makes mermaids and dolls and beautiful crafts from objects that she finds along the beach near her home. ~~ Jenny and her husband Enno live in Holland and have the most beautiful garden you have ever seen. ~~Suzy lives in Australia and works her magic with lace -- an unbelievable talent. ~~ My friend Jo also lives in Australia -- she introduces me to great art, wonderful recipes -- she is an amazing cook, wonderful books and keeps me always thinking with her inquisitive posts. One more friend in Australia - sweet Neesie, shares her gorgeous artwork on her blog while writing the most intriquing posts about her interests and life in general. ~~ Jim,Ron,(and Sophie Doodle) live in Nova Scotia- they showcase their amazing scenery on their blog and live life to its fullest -- all through the eyes of their adorable doodle dog - Sophie. ~~
My dear friend Elaine lives in Canada- we share similar interests in books, movies and PBS series. She has given me some wonderful recommendations! She is also an amazing photographer. ~~ Rod - my knitting extraordinaire friend - lives in Iceland (and I am going to visit him next summer!!) This experience most certainly would not be happeneing if it were not for blogging!! ~~ Liz lives in France and makes gorgeous crafts using some This experience most certainly would not have happened had it not been for wonderful items that she buys at the flea markets over there (lucky dog!) ~~ Paul lives in England-- he is an expert on plants and flowers and all things gardening related. He has taken me to some amazingly beautiful places in England through the pages of his blog.~~ Myriam lives in Germany and is truly a wonderful friend. She is so kind and always remembers me on my birthday :) ~~
Tammy lives in Kuwait and has introduced me to a whole new culture. She is a talented crafter, a world traveler, and shares some amazing recipes on her beautiful blog. ~~ Delilah lives in Finland, but is moving to England -- a recent graduate of a Master Gardening degree -- she is moving to take a position in one of the great historical gardens in the English countryside. She makes beautiful jewelry. ~~ Mila lives in Italy in the place of my dreams, Cinque Tere - she is a painter and her designs are exquisite. ~~
Elvira lives in (sigh)--- Tuscany. Her photography is simply breathtaking. She shares photos of the Tuscan countryside that are beautiful beyond words- and she has a wild boar that she rescued as a baby -- she keeps her as a pet! ~~ Catherine lives in Belgium -- she is a children's illustrator and makes beautiful bears. Her party themed designs are precious.~~ And Maggie -- lives in France - in a beautiful historic Presbytere. She shares stunning photos from around her home and takes us along on her travels.
My dear friend Elaine lives in Canada- we share similar interests in books, movies and PBS series. She has given me some wonderful recommendations! She is also an amazing photographer. ~~ Rod - my knitting extraordinaire friend - lives in Iceland (and I am going to visit him next summer!!) This experience most certainly would not be happeneing if it were not for blogging!! ~~ Liz lives in France and makes gorgeous crafts using some This experience most certainly would not have happened had it not been for wonderful items that she buys at the flea markets over there (lucky dog!) ~~ Paul lives in England-- he is an expert on plants and flowers and all things gardening related. He has taken me to some amazingly beautiful places in England through the pages of his blog.~~ Myriam lives in Germany and is truly a wonderful friend. She is so kind and always remembers me on my birthday :) ~~
Tammy lives in Kuwait and has introduced me to a whole new culture. She is a talented crafter, a world traveler, and shares some amazing recipes on her beautiful blog. ~~ Delilah lives in Finland, but is moving to England -- a recent graduate of a Master Gardening degree -- she is moving to take a position in one of the great historical gardens in the English countryside. She makes beautiful jewelry. ~~ Mila lives in Italy in the place of my dreams, Cinque Tere - she is a painter and her designs are exquisite. ~~
Elvira lives in (sigh)--- Tuscany. Her photography is simply breathtaking. She shares photos of the Tuscan countryside that are beautiful beyond words- and she has a wild boar that she rescued as a baby -- she keeps her as a pet! ~~ Catherine lives in Belgium -- she is a children's illustrator and makes beautiful bears. Her party themed designs are precious.~~ And Maggie -- lives in France - in a beautiful historic Presbytere. She shares stunning photos from around her home and takes us along on her travels.
These aren't just people that I know -- these are people that I love. We have become true friends through this experience called blogging~~
Whether you have been blogging for years or months or just days -- we all want the experience of making new friends and just knowing that there are people "out there" who care about and are interested in our blogs. We want to be "heard". We want people to visit - and leave comments -- and come back again and again to read what we write. We want FOLLOWERS!!
My "Grow Your Blog" event is designed to bring more readers and FOLLOWERS to your blogs. The premise is simple -- visit as many blogs as you can and follow those that interest you. In turn, those folks will be doing the same thing -- and hopefully everyone will grow a bigger blog!
We need some guidelines - so here they are~~
1. ***Everyone who has a blog is invited!! Please note - the deadline for entry is January 15!!!***
This is the official SIGN UP Post. If you want to participate - please leave a comment here on this post. Make sure you have a valid link to your blog and also tell me how many Followers you have. ***I am going to place everyone into categories based on the number of followers that you currently have. While you can certainly visit any blogs and as many blogs as you wish -- those of you with only a few followers may wish to begin your quest by visiting blogs that are similar to yours - so that you can support each other and more quickly add to your follower list.***
This is the official SIGN UP Post. If you want to participate - please leave a comment here on this post. Make sure you have a valid link to your blog and also tell me how many Followers you have. ***I am going to place everyone into categories based on the number of followers that you currently have. While you can certainly visit any blogs and as many blogs as you wish -- those of you with only a few followers may wish to begin your quest by visiting blogs that are similar to yours - so that you can support each other and more quickly add to your follower list.***
2. PLEASE share the beautiful party badge (created by friend Karen) on your own blogs. The more people that know about this event -- the better. We need lots of people to participate so that you have a better chance of "growing your blog!" Share this information with your blog friends, with your readers and followers -- perhaps do a special post about the event. Spread the word!!
3. Just in case you don't get what you want for Christmas (LOL!!) -- lets give away some prizes to our participants! If you wish (it's NOT a requirement) you may give away a prize. (Anything you want.) The rules need to be simple -- anyone can enter, anyone can win - regardless of where they live. There is NO requirement that a person has to be a follower of your blog to win. ***The winner does not have to have a blog -- please make sure that you make that evident on your post -- anyone can enter -- anyone can win.*** Blogging has NO boundaries and you need to be willing to mail your gift anywhere in the world. Let's all do the same thing and give our prizes away on February 1, 2013. You can announce the winner of your giveaway on Your blog.
4. **** Please publish your blog post late in the evening of January 18th. I will publish my post as the host blog -- around midnight on the morning of the 19th. I'll participate just as you all do - and will have a little give away of my own as well.
4. **** Please publish your blog post late in the evening of January 18th. I will publish my post as the host blog -- around midnight on the morning of the 19th. I'll participate just as you all do - and will have a little give away of my own as well.
Some suggestions for making this a better and more fun experience for all of us--
1. Introduce yourself on your blog. Tell about who you are and why you started your blog. If your blog pertains to a particular interest - tell about that also. In short - let folks know what your blog is about.
2. Make sure that you go to your blog profile and add your email address to your profile. There is NOTHING more dreaded than the No-Reply Blogger status on your comment. People want to be able to reply back to you and if they can't because you have not included your address in your profile -- they may get frustrated.
3. Comment Moderation spam filter ---We all hate it. Please consider turning it OFF for this event. Folks just do not want to sit and have to type in those silly numbers and letters every time they leave a comment. If you visit 50 or 60 blogs - that might get old really fast. It is totally your choice to turn it off or leave it on -- I am just suggesting that you turn it off.
4. VERY IMPORTANT -- Be sure that you have your Follower button installed on your sidebar!!! (It's located in the gadget section of your design page- just click to add it to your sidebar.)
5. You might want to consider adding your email address to your sidebar someplace where folks will see it. (you can add that by using the text gadget)
6. Put your first name someplace near your blogger profile and share a photo of yourself if you would like. People want to identify with you and to call you by your first name when they leave their comments.
7. Please -- we are NOT selling things here. That is not what this event is about. The purpose of this event is to Meet-Greet- and Grow your blogs! So please don't take advantage of that. If you have an ETSY shop or website -- just have it listed on your sidebar. If folks are interested - they will go there.
8. If you want to give your blog a new "do" in time for the party --- you might want to contact Karen - she will make your blog look beautiful!
This is my way of giving back to the blogging community that has given SO very much to me. I feel in my heart that this event has such great potential to help your blogs to GROW and to change your blogging life -- especially if you are a new or novice blogger. I'm so very excited to have the opportunity to host this event and to invite you all to participate. My fingers are crossed already -- and we still have to wait 2 months!!! Lets use that time to spread the word among our fellow bloggers. Please - Please-- share the information with all of your friends. Lets make this an unbelievable event!! (and then we can do it again next year!!)
ps -- coming up next -- a little motivation for some pre-Christmas shopping and a little reward for my devoted followers! An I LOVE ETSY Party!! . I will link to some of my favorite ETSY shops and--- I will link to yours. If you are one of my devoted followers and your etsy shop is ready for Christmas shoppers -- then I would love to help to bring folks to your etsy shop. I will have all the info in a post that is coming up soon - so be watching!!
And so it begins~~ the first donation for my "Pink Scarf Project" has arrived. Donated by the generous souls at the Lady of Fatima Church in Huntington, West Va-- it is beyond beautiful and so very special. The flower embellishments were added by my friend Janet Yost. This scarf will bring a smile and a warm hug to someone who is recieving treatments for Breast cancer.
Please consider participating in this special project. You may make or purchase a pink scarf for your donation. The scarf you donate could make a difference -- You can find more info on my sidebar-- or here.
And so it begins~~ the first donation for my "Pink Scarf Project" has arrived. Donated by the generous souls at the Lady of Fatima Church in Huntington, West Va-- it is beyond beautiful and so very special. The flower embellishments were added by my friend Janet Yost. This scarf will bring a smile and a warm hug to someone who is recieving treatments for Breast cancer.
Please consider participating in this special project. You may make or purchase a pink scarf for your donation. The scarf you donate could make a difference -- You can find more info on my sidebar-- or here.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 454 Newer› Newest»I'm in...I have met some of the nicest people through blogging, you included! 139 followers to date - http://www.beadandneedle.blogspot.com/
Hope your trip was wonderful - Happy Hump Day - XOXO Tanya
You know I'm in! Love you to pieces! 342 Followers http://Bungalowbling.blogspot.com
Great idea!
I would like to participate but is it a requirement to turn off the spam filter? Word verification can be turned off while keeping it set to approve comments. I'd prefer to do that because of all the spam I get. Most of it's just silly but once in a while I get one that's weird or not nice. I'd like to keep those from posting so visitors won't have to deal with them seeing them...just as I'd prefer not to see them on other blogs. Please let me know. Thanks. :-)
I am so excited that you are doing this. I have been blogging for awhile now and have 124 followers to date. Would love to build my blog full of followers and folks who will comment and let me know they are out there reading and enjoying life with me. Thank you so much for offering such a neat way to meet new bloggers. God bless.
yeah! I am ready!!
I ahve 73 followers and I have met the nicest women on the blogs and I have made some new friends!
Count me in!!
XO Linda
Count me in as well, please. :) I have 127 followers.
I crochet, knit, cross stitch, needlepoint and write stories, too.
I believe life is an adventure enjoyed even more by sharing it with the people we love.
Thanks for having this...it's awesome, as are you, of course. :)
Blessings always
I am for sure would love to be a part. I blog on "Coveted Dreams" it's a place I write my heart out, my personal thoughts, fun ways to make your life beautiful & more.. I have 84 followers till now, so would love to have more readers.
Cheers Happy logging !
I'm signing up! There are so many fascinating bloggers here in the 'blogosphere'. I have no followers (but mom says she reads it...)
Happy Wednesday darlin...
Started my scarf last evening ...finally!
Was finishing up one already started and now onto yours.
Praying for the one who should receive this scarf as I'm kntting.
Blogland is amazing like you stated...such a wonderful tool, broadening our horizons all over this world of ours,
Love you,
Kathy @
Sweet Up-North Mornings..
I want to join the party! I have 10 followers.
Thank you!
Signing up, http://newgreenpatches.blogspot.co.uk or even com. 9 faithful followers to date. I'm with Acorn and Oak about the spam filter if at all poss.
Signing up my Boulderneigh farm-life blog (www.boulderneigh.blogspot.com) with 173 followers.
Vicki, what a beautiful post, I was so touched to see my name mentioned as well. Big hugs to you!
Of course I'll take part in the Grow Your Blog event, although I have many followers ( 470 ), but it will be a good opportunity to visit lots of blogs I haven't come across yet and perhaps increase the number of their followers.
My first scarf is almost finished, I'll post it when we go England on the weekend. Don't expect too much though, as I said before, I am a very basic knitter...... progress report is on the blog ;-)
So in. I love my blog followers and enjoy comments when I can get them these days. Would love to see new visitors again. So many blogs have gone dormit lately. Blogging has been personally enriching for me as I have met so many marvelous folks and shared in their talents and gift and hearts. Lover of the sea, antiques, needlarts & jewelry making and the oddities. 205 followers. musingsofaseawitch.blogspot.com
Hi Vicki, I'd love to become a member.I have 73 followers
Judy x
This sounds so wonderful. My blog is a lifestyle blog on WP. I'm not sure how many followers I have because I've never paid attention...I know...what am I like? :)
Thank you so much for hosting this Vicki; I'm so excited to meet everyone.
I'm in!!! This came at just the perfect time for me! You are the most precious thing. Ever. :) I'm signing up right now for The Modest Peacock, but Lucy Jane Pennybright will participate too. I'll have "her" leave a comment as an official sign up when I change log ins tomorrow. I can't wait to meet everyone! :)
Hello Vicki. I would love to participate! I have some work to do on my blog before then, but hope to get it done. Have some tech issues I need to find someone to help me with ~ can no longer post photos on sidebar.
I've made some great friends through blogging and would love to meet more.
I have 113 followers.
audrey ♥
Hi dear Vicki, thanks so much for including me in your list of blog friends. Every time I read one of your posts, I feel like I can conquer and do anything. I am always so inspired by all that you do! And by all of your beautiful creations. Somehow I missed your previous post -- life gets busy. But I've now added both gadgets to my sidebar - for the pink scarf project and grow your blog -- and will very soon share about both. I hope you are having a wonderful week. Hugs and blessings, Tammy
Ciao Vicki!!
You have always wonderful idea my friend ! Count me in pls!
Now I'm going to work :/ but as I will come back I'll share the badge and the rest!
I have 715 followers and my blog is:
Hugs & thanks!
Mila :)
Vicki, I'm just getting back to my computer. I'm ready for my nest and will email you. Cout me in on the party. I have 101 followers. xo Jenny
What a great idea! I so agree about the no-reply and the word verification. You are going to be one busy girl with all of this!
So very lovely your sweet invitation to all of us, carissima Vicky; so very charming and such a sympatic way of making new connections all over the world...!
I love it ...!!!!!!!!
As my working-life has been and is in such an intense busy period I had so little time to be in my loved blogging world; though catching up will be fun..!
I noticed too your most beautiful blog-makeover; it's just sublime; & your new, fabulous header in your very special pink-theme is absolutely outstanding.....& the new portrait in pink of YOU is so chic and beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!
un abbraccio
your tuscan friend
ciao ciao elvira
Yay! I am so glad to see this is a go... can't wait to join in the fun! I would love to have more followers (72 now), and I especially love the opportunity to FIND more amazing blogs to read!
Thank you so much Vicki - you are a dear to put this all together! Off to add the badge to my blog now and begin thinking about a giveaway prize...
My dearest sweet friend,
Oh Vicki, I feel so loved ,seing my name here on your list of friends,- and so touched,too-
You are such a beautiful soul, and I am so happy you truly think about me as a dear friend, as you are that to me,- Thankyou my lovely Vicki.
As to take part in your wonderful Party, I have to say, that for the rest of the year it is not possible for me, because I`m so bussy creating, decorating,doing shows, and creating again.
I have to fill the shelves in my shop, and to have enough besides that, to take with me on 2 christmas shows,-and that leaves me no time for other than a bit of blogging with friends and posting a little in between.
I so hope you understand that, dear friend. If I can be a member in January, I will love to be in your wonderful Party.
Love and hugs,Dorthe
Count me in for this too! I have 507 followers.
Stephanie Suzanne
I would love to be a part of this :) I have a humble 4 followers
- Jeanette
I am in. I only have 147 followers but after 4 years of blogging, I just NOW turned on the gadget. Also, I will be happy to host a giveaway!
oops...BTW, I will do my post later, today I am in blog hop...pop over and enter for a Halloween trick!
Thank you - I would love to join your party. I was thinking of leaving my blog all together but I think I will give it a try once more.
I have 25 followers and here is my link:
I found you through Tammy's post. I would love to participate! I have 546 followers. Thanks so much for hosting this. You seem like quite a remarkable person. I am your newest follower!
Oh my so exciting to have several scarves for the pink scarf poster. Look forward to to meeting mew bloggers. Jan
Great idea, I need this, so count me in!
I just started a brand new blog called The Pink Geranium, so only have 12 followers. My theme is all things vintage, thrift-ed, or re-purposed...
My first blog Jan's Place was started in 2008, but I stopped blogging for 2 years while my mom's health was deteriorating, it has 142 followers. The blog world has changed since my first blog started, and I was in time off.
Now I am redirecting that blog to my new one,
The Pink Geranium
Great idea, I need this, so count me in!
I just started a brand new blog called The Pink Geranium, so only have 12 followers. My theme is all things vintage, thrift-ed, or re-purposed...
My first blog "Jan's Place" was started in 2008, but I stopped blogging for 2 years while my mom's health was deteriorating, it has 142 followers. The blog world has changed since my first blog started, and I was in time off.
Now I am redirecting that blog to my new blog..
The Pink Geranium
Thank you!!
looks like my link above is damaged. I'm Jennifer and I would love to sign up - naturemummy.blogspot.ca . No followers to date but having lots of fun!
Great idea Vicki - not sure which 18th you mean since your post was the 24th but I'll add your button to my blog and post about it tomorrow. I have 130 followers. Big hugs!
Would like this
Hope I get some new friends
I have 140 the follow me
Wow, its coming up quick. It should be a lot of fun visiting all those like minded souls out there in blogland. Thanks for hosting such an amazing event.
I've grabbed a button for my sidebar!
Count me in as well, I have 58 followers, what a wonderful and heartfelt chance to meet new bloggers..I am here because I am a blogger friend of Tammy's..I agree with you, these bloggers have become my friends, with a touch of a mouse, we are connected on so many difference levels,
My blog is Studio D
http:// fromdagmarsdesk.blogspot.com
On my way! Come by and say hi, I am having a give away!❤
Yes please! I'd like to join in too. I love reading new blogs and finding out about different people's every day lives. Like other people here, I've made some good friends over the internet - I've never met them, but I'm sure we'd get on really well if I did! Your list of those friends you
I have made is really touching!
I have two blogs:
http://fatdormouse.blogspot.fr/ is about my efforts to lose weight, my menu plans and general food related ramblings. I've got 38 followers on this blog (yay! for them)
My other
http://dormouse.wibsite.com/ is more general, about my life in France and sometimes about my craft efforts. Wibsite doesn't show followers, but I have about 10/15 people who comment regularly.
I will be very hppy to join in with this. Thank you for organising it, my dear.
Hi came to your blog through Tammy's blog. I would love to be in this. I have 34 followers .I crochet knit quilt and also blog about our life in Kuwait.This is a wonderful way to meet new people .Thanks for doing this :)
I want to be in, too. I have 84 followers. I love to leave comments on other blogs and I also love to get comments.
Have a nice weekend.
Well, I would certainly love to participate. I have 19 followers and I have about 6 faithful commenters. While I think following is great I really think that commenting is really where the connection lies. Without that two way communication it sometimes just feels like you are "talking" to the air.
Looking forward to meeting some great people and thank you for hosting this get together!
What a wonderful idea! I will put the badge on my blog right now.
My blog has 196 followers.
Found you first through the Pink Scarf Project.
Now I am following you!
This sounds right up my street! Thank you so much for doing this.
I've only just discovered your blog today when a friend linked to this post, but I must post to say how I love the way you talk about the friends you have made through blogging, it sounds like it comes from your heart which is wonderful.
I'm going to give it a try...I have 89 followers. You are really a go getter for the blogger world! Thanks Vicki...I should have pics of the first pink scarves coming my way!
Oh, Vicki, of course I am in!! So in! Not so much for growing my own blog, but for helping new bloggers. I totally remember the feeling when I got my first follower - who wasn't family! :)
My blog address is: http://silkepowers.blogspot.com/ and I have 437 followers.
Love you, wonderful woman! Silke
Oh yay, Vicki, please count me in! Your button is on my sidebar and I'm at 440 followers, not sure how many receive the blog updates.
One great thing about blogging is meeting new folks...last year I met some Hungarian bloggers...in Hungary...way fabulous!
I'm not sure where my blog is headed but coming up on the one year anniversary of Dave's death so am turning a new corner. Taking off a week to ponder and to come up with some new ideas.
Vicki, thank you for this blog party and thank you for being such a kind, generous woman.
Oooh this sounds like fun! Like you I have met many fantastic people through blogging and I am always open to meet more ;-)
My link is: http://www.thedayafteryesterday.co.uk/
If people are up for following me, I'll definitely follow them back (please make sure they leave a link to their blog in the comments section)
P.S. Forgot to say I am following you now! Such fun ;-)
Hi. My name is Becka, aka 'The Girasole Lady'. I would love to join in on the "Grow Your Blog" party. As of this date I have 23 followers following my blog.
Thank you for this opportunity. I can hardly wait!
Count me in. I currently have 4 followers and really need more.
I left a question earlier. But, here's my official entry to participate in this exciting event. I have 31 followers (because that number is already growing, thanks to you!). Thank you for hosting this event. :-)
Wow Vicki, I just came to visit you...trying to catch up from galavanting around New Zealand and oh my you included me in this fantastic post!
I'm so touched and grinning like a Cheshire Cat ^..^ My heart is smiling too ~ thank you my friend :D
You're such a generous person taking time to do this wonderful idea. Count me in because I can't wait!
I've 117 followers to date and get very excited when I see someone new come to call for the first time...in fact apparently I clasp my hands and give a little hug according to witnesses! (maybe that's too much information :$)
I know I'm going to meet some amazing inspiring people and that's such an exciting prospect...but it's going to take some time to get to everyone. There again who need sleep? That can wait! Who needs it? ;D
Vicki: I'm anxious to be apart of this grow your blog party. May I enter both my blogs? www.mcreatesdaily.blogspot.com with 26 followers and www.preciouscottage.blogspot.com with 6 followers. Thanks! from Marlynne
Hi. i just came across your blog from bungalow bling--and love it.
I would be excited to join the grow your blog event. Thank you for such a lot of work on your part. I participated in owoh several years in a row and made some very nice friends from that.
thank you I will be back to visit often
Hi. i just came across your blog from bungalow bling--and love it.
I would be excited to join the grow your blog event. Thank you for such a lot of work on your part. I participated in owoh several years in a row and made some very nice friends from that.
thank you I will be back to visit often
Count me in too! I have 202 followers.
meeting you through blogging has been a great treasure! I would love to participate!!!
This sounds fun, thank you for sharing...count me in too..I have 154 followers to my little place, please stop by and say hello..
I enjoyed reading this post and visiting many of the blogs you listed. What fun to see blogs from around the world!
Like you, blogging has allowed me to meet some wonderful people. We share each other's joys and sadness. The world seems like a much smaller place.
I would like to participate in the "Grow Your Blog" party. I have 597 followers, but I always enjoy meeting new people. Our family has a farm and much of my blogging has to do with our life here.
Looking forward to the party!
Hello, Sandra from Thistle Cove Fram suggested your blog event, but now that I am here, I see two other bloggistes that I know! Isn't it really a such small and utterly charming world! I have 72 followers, 2 less than I had last month so I think I'll be very interested to learn what I can from these fabulous folk!
Mags x
Please count me in!!! I have exactly 100 followers! I too have "met" the most amazing bloggers! It is such a blessing to me!! Thanks so much for hosting this!!!
Am just starting on this adventure will be posting over next week or so. Looking forward to gleaning tips and ideas from those who have already tripped, staggered, strolled and promenaded on this wiggly path.
Am just starting on this adventure will be posting over next week or so. Looking forward to gleaning tips and ideas from those who have already tripped, staggered, strolled and promenaded on this wiggly path.
This is a great idea, please count me in too. I am a new blogger and have 4 followers at www.HighKnollHomestead.com
Thank you for hosting this party!
Hello Dearest Vicki
I am so happy to be part of this wonderful event and am also so honoured that you have included me amongst your list of friends.
I admire your inspiration and commitment to simply helping others in so many different ways and I am here to support you in this!
I have placed your badge on my sidebar and will help spread the word.
I have to say that blogging has really changed my life and the direction of my creativity in so many ways.
I can't tell you how it has enhanced and inspired my work opening so many new doors that I would never have believed possible.
My blog has grown to 708 followers over the time of my blogging life and I still remember being amazed at myself for creating my own blog unaided!
If you look on my current post you will see that I am now well on the way with my Pink Scarf tooo!
Sending much love to a wonderful soul!
Thanks for organizing this, please count me in! My crafty blog is www.gillymakes.blogspot.com and I currently have 67 followers.
Fab idea!
What a fabulous idea...And my name is Vicki, too!!! I only have 28 followers...but hope you will all visit me:)
This sounds like a great idea. Please count me in. I currently have 272 followers, not many "friends"
I would love to participate. My blog is windandhoney(dot)blogspot(dot)com I have 223 followers.
Thank you.
I would love to join too! My blog is thetreasurewithin.blogspot.com and I have 192 followers.
What a terrific idea, Vicki, thanks for organizing this.
My blog is called
Over the Rainebeau at http://rainebeau.blogspot.com/ and it is mainly an artsy/craftsy blog, mostly papercrafts.
I will do a giveaway and I have
226 followers. Thanks!!
~Lorraine ♥♥♥
Please count me in! I would love to find more blogging friends. My blog features my adventures in creativity. I have comments set to be moderated before posted. Is that alright? And I've always heard it was dangerous to post your email address, but have seen clever ways of disguising them from bots.
I have 19 followers and my blog is here
I'm so glad I ran across your post!
Can't wait to meet new people.
Dear Vicky, reading some of your post I've understood that you must be a wonderful person with a golden heart. I've immediately add the pink button to share the project. Unfortunately, I'm new to the blog world and I have not follower, yet.Can I make a scarf made with other materials or only with yarns?
Come and visit me.
A big hug...
Signing up. :)
As of this post, I have 18 followers.
I'm looking forward to meeting new bloggers!
I would love to join in on this "grow your blog party".
I presently have 186 followers.
I will post the button to my blog and I will be seeing you soon.
Thanks for the opportunity.
Hello Vicki -- I just became your most recent follower. I have been reading through your blog now for over an hour. You are an excellent writer, so easy to read and personable.
I need to read through the details of this blog party when my head is clear. If I'm going to commit I want to be sure I can follow through.
It has been wonderful to "meet" you Vicki!
Peggy Lee
I just found your blog through Everyday Ruralty who is participating in the Grow Your Blog Party. I will be participating as well and look forward to perusing your blog!
Me please! what a fabulous idea - I have some wonderful blog friends all over the world too and get to learn so much about the places they live and with a few we are in contact off blog too - this is what blogging is about for me - making friends in faraway places. Lovely to find your blog so have become a follower. Betty 93 followers
Yes, count me in. I have 12 followers and have been blogging for about 2 months.
Thanks, Sharon
Hello! What a wonderful idea, thank you so much for hosting this. My name is Kathy, and my blog is "You'll Shoot Your Eye Out"
I have 178 FANTASTIC followers at the moment, but would love to share my photography and words with so many more :). Looking forward to meeting everyone!
Oh so exciting. My blog is at http://cottage-wishes.blogspot.com/
I have 180 followers and 50 linky followers. I am so in!! Di@Cottage-wishes
I know I posted to say this sounds like a great idea, but I didn't add that I would love to join in and that I have 155 followers at www.messmuddleandfun.blogspot.com
Vicki, I just love you for doing this. So many people are going to be experiencing lots of new traffic because of your generous heart. If/When I start a blog, you'll be the very first to know!
Vicki, I would love to join Grow Your Blog - Just hope I can follow all the things I have to do for it.
here is my blog link www.ArtRageousquilter.blogspot.com I have 135 followers. I love all the people I have meant on blogs of all different type sites. Thank you
Hi Vicki,
.... I can tell you... almost missed your wonderful Blog-Party...
I would love to participate. My blog name is http://myriamkreativ.blogspot.com and at the moment I have 164 followers. I love the idea of blogging and I am happy that as a result of that I have contact to soo much beautiful people including you my sweet friend.
Hugs Myriam
hi, Vicky! I got to know about the Grow Your Blog event from Tammy's blog) I am in! I have 49 followers so far and my blog's link is
Thanks for organizing the event and have a nice day!
Hi, Vicki! I got to know about the Grow your blog event from Tammy's Daily Treasures blog :) I am in! I have 49 followers so far and my blog link is
Thanks for organizing this event and have a nice day! Anna
Hello Vicki,
Thank you so much for this fantastic idea! It is so sweet of you!
My blog is: http://hollymarieknits.blogspot.com/
And I have 26 followers.
I'd love to join the blog party. My blog is www.foobella.blogspot.com and I blog a lot about photography, art and design. I have 40 followers. :)
I just posted about the party in my blog! http://foobella.blogspot.com/2012/11/grow-your-blog-party.html
I can't wait to find new creative blogs to follow and hopefully gain some followers of my own. I will also have a give-away when the time comes.
Thank you for giving this Party, Vicki. I found your blog through another new blog that I just found, Thistle Cove Farm.
I'm in! I have 33 followers at LucyJane's Writing Desk , which is being updated more and more all the time with events and goings on! I can't thank you enough for hosting this and the Pink Scarf Project AND the Etsy party! You are just wonderful! :)
I guess I'll have a stab at it. Sounds like it will be fun. Thanks. 241 followers and my blog is:
Vicki,I would love to participate! I am up to 11 followers. Thanks for all the advice in your post. This gives me time to make my blog better before the big event. Thank you:-)
count me in! i am new at this with 3 followers and got real discouraged at first so many thanks for doing this, it is just what i need to get inspired and do this the right way! big mahalo to you! aloha, angi in hana
count me in! i am new at this with 3 followers and got real discouraged at first so many thanks for doing this, it is just what i need to get inspired and do this the right way! big mahalo to you! aloha, angi in hana
Hi Vicki - I am officially "IN" also... goodness; just now getting to do computer stuff after my two week plus holiday - yeah, now to start blogging my trip. Had the best time and hope to receive special yarn soon to begin the pink scarf, too... hugs and love. OH, YES - I have 60 followers. Karen
oops - PS, Vicki - will change the "Grow Your Blog" to the new button ASAP. You will see the "old" one on my sidebar for right now. K
Thanks to Karen for the link to this Grow Your Blog post! I'm in! I have 122 followers but always enjoy more visitors :).
Stay inspired!
Brain Angles - Invisible Ink
Hi there! I'll join in ~
I have 155 following through GFC. I run a mobile template so I don't have a sidebar but I do have a dedicated page for hops and events.
This sounds like so much fun! I have 308 followers. Thanks so much for doing this!
My blog is often short and sweet. Other times, I have something to say. Either way, I love it when someone takes the time to comment.
Count me in.
Sometimes my blog is short and sweet. Other times, I have more to say. Either way, I enjoy any comments and would like to join your party. It says I have 24 followers.
Just saw your blog thru Gilly Makes, so pretty. What a wonderful idea, I will be joining. THanks.
Am I too late?
High, this is such a great idea!! My blog is itgirlvibe.blogspot.com
And I only have 2 followers!! 2!!
I'll pin up the badge tomorrow, my Internet is slow somehow :) I'm following you now ms Vicky, for being so kind!
This is such a great idea! I hope I can still sign up for this "party" since I jsut found out about it. Such a great idea. I love blogging! It is so fun to meet people around the world and share a little slice of their life. My blog has 76 followers right now. Here is blog address:
What a great idea! I would love more followers as well! I have had my blog up for about 4 years and have 9 followers.... I started my blog initially just to keep my parents(who lived out of state) in the loop on what was going on in our family. But have since expanded it to blogging about just about anything really; recipes, crafts, Pinterest crafts I've tried, My art, products I love, my kids/family, and anything else I have on my mind.
Please visit me at:
Just found this and I would love to participate. I've just started a new blog so only have 3 followers, but the new blog is a consolidation of two others I had, which had about 30 followers. I love reading blogs and meeting new people. Thanks for this great idea.
Hi Vicki,
I'd like to grow my blog so would love to participate. I have 68 followers.
Thanks for organizing this. I'll make some changes to my blog to get ready.
Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving.
hi, great post for a great cause! I am signing up but with allthese comments with probably equally great blogs, i am not sure my url will even be seen! anyway, my blog address: stylebyyvie.blogspot.com (i share my fashion and beauty tips, advice and life!) I only have 2 followers currently(sad right? and i hope to gain more! xoxo, yvie
Hi Vicki,
Count me in as I would love to participate -I too have met so many wonderful people through my blog , including you sweet Vicki. I have 392 followers from all over the world.
Thank you for hosting this fabulous blog party. I will put your notice on my blog.
Blessings, Erin
Fun, fun, fun! Count me in! 155 followers as of today.
Here's my link:
I can't wait to visit lots of new (to me) blogs! :)
I am a willing and excited participant. Here's my link
Hi! My name is Tina, but I also go by the nickname of "beansie"! Please do count me in! I have 347 followers at this present time, and am happy with that!.. But if my blog has potential to GROW, then I'm happy with that too, of course! (0; My link is as follows:
This sounds like a marvelous idea. Sign me up with 10 cherished followers here at One Woman's Hands, a blog about art journaling, photography, Photoshop, and the occasional garden post. http://onewomanshands.blogspot.com/
Grow your Blog party is so exciting. DreamChallenge is an inspiration for me to share with other. Innate about 20 followers and a lot of trouble posting With that said, I totally love blogging. Looking forward to making new friends through this Grow Your Blog Party.
Oh I almost missed this...yes sign me up! I can't wait to meet some new friends Vicki, thank you for doing this!!
First of all, I want to Thank you for doing that for all of us...
My blog is a spiritual blog, Pure from all the craziness and darkness of the world..
Just now we started blogging, me and my wife. We don't have any followers and We really, really need help. !!
Our blog is:
I've been blogging for two years, and haven't been wild about adding followers - but now I would like to grow my following. I have 84, when I reach 100, I will have a giveaway. I will put the badge on my sidebar as soon as I get home to MY computer.
Thanks! Linda
Oh, I would love to participate in this blog party - it sounds wonderful! As of today I have 163 followers, and some of them have turned into friends.
What a beautiful thing to do!
What a great idea! As you well know being a new blogger can be overwhelming. I started in September of this year and have been learning as I go. I have 5 followers.
I happened to see this badge while I was blog hopping. :) I would love to participate! My blog is about a month and a half old and I have been trying hard to get it growing. I have 17 followers. My blog is preparedtoeat.com and I blog about preparing to eat ahead of time. Canning/prepping/grocery shopping/growing food, etc. Still learning where my niche is, I guess. :)
I would love to participate as mine is a brand new blog, just a few days old and i am in dire need of followers, i have only 4 :(
You can follow me here: http://bookshelvesofdreams.blogspot.ca/
thanks so much in advance!
Count me in! This sounds like an awesome idea. I have 14 followers.
I would love to participate please, this is a great idea!
I started blogging in June 2012 and currently have 42 followers. My blog address is: http://chantillefleur.blogspot.com.au/
Thank-you so much for hosting this!
Sarah xx
PS found you via "Gilly Makes"
Sounds amazing! I just started my blog in October so I have three official followers!
Hello! This is a great idea! Please count me in!
I'm a quilter and enjoy sharing my blocks and quilt progress on my blog. My readers give me suggestions, advice and encouragement and it means a lot!
I always have a giveaway going and the only requirement for entering is to leave a comment. I have 610 followers.
Cheery wave!
hi there. please count me in. i enjoy sharing the travels the hubby & i go on, camping adventures, daily going-on's, book i love reading, movies, cooking & crafting fun, a little of this & that. i've been blogging since Oct. 13th, 2011. have 144 followers so far. love meeting new folks & learning about others. the blogging world is so small. always looking for new friends from any where around the world. ( :
at my blog: E. Lizard Breath Speaks
This sounds like a great adventure I am for meeting some new people I have two blogs My first one has 317 followers
and my second blog has 21 followers
Thank you for this and I can't wait to have a look around!
awesome idea! purefashionandbeauty.blogspot.com
Hi everyone, I am new to blogging in general and the only reason I have created a blog is to share my own writing which is my great passion.
It's only been up and running for a few days and so I only have 1 follower which is sad i know:(
I'd love you guys to read my stories and poems and I hope you'll like them
Thank you for this opportunity! As a new blogger, I am excited to participate. Only a handful of followers to date.
I blog for my personal journal.
I have 19 followers.
I too enjoy meeting bloggers from all over the world! I would love to join in. Presently have 190 followers.
would love to joing I have 25 followers at present my blog is http://www.makinmyaptahome.com I thrift & dumpsterdive then repaint & reuse my finds around my place
I'm in! I blog mostly about Italy, with a focus in Tuscany. I also have a Dreamchasers feature where I interview people living their dreams. I have about 50-150 read each post, but only 10 subscribers :(
I've already checked out a bunch of you here! Love it!
Again, I'm interested! I have 43 followers, have been blogging since September, and would love to expand!
I would love to be included in your grow your blog party...I have 143 followers....I am excited as I had my first card published this month...my blog is http://nelliesnest.blogspot.com
and was a guest designer on another blog...blogging has changed my life...love it!!
thanks and will work on spreading the word the next few weeks!!!
This sounds really fun! Count me in please. I currently have 225 followers. I'll turn off the comment filtering for the event. :)
Happy Holidays!
YES!! I'm in :) I have 15 awesome followers!
I would love to join in. I have 152 followers. Patty's Pretty Things pattyspthings.blogspot.com
Thank you, Vicki
Love this idea! Please count me in. I have 36 followers and look forward to this event!
The badge is up on my blog already! YAY...
Hi Vicki,
I'd love to participate and Grow My Blog. I started blogging about 5 years ago and just recently closed that Blog and opened this one. I now have 15 Followers...wonderful followers!!
Jan ♥
I didn't leave my Blog Link in the last comment...it's:
15 Followers right now - and began my Blog about 2 months ago, after closing down my previous blog - one I'd had for 5+ years.
Jan ♥
Hi Vicki,
I guess I thought I had signed up for this but I didn't, I signed up for the wonderful scarf project and forgot this one. Count me in and I have been blogging since about the middle of 2009 with 351 Followers.
Hugs Marilou of Lulu's Lovlies.
Vicki, I'd like to do this! I adore 'meeting' new folks around the world.
My blog is http://hhcampbell.blogspot.com/. I've been blogging since March 2008. I currently have 112 followers.
Thank you for hosting this!
Hi Vicki, This is a great idea, and I think I can commit to it. I will be having surgery on 1/10, but I should be up to posting and visiting during my weeks of recovery. I've been blogging for 3 years and have 70 followers. I'm http://www.rustiquegallery.blogspot.com. Thanks!
Hi Vicki, I am late, but count me in. I have a 137 followers. my blog is http://www.shirleystitches.blogspot.com. I will be looking forward to doing it. Thank you for everything that you have done for me. Hugs and Prayers your Missouri Friend Shirley
Hi Vicki, I would like to participate in your Grow Your Blog party. I blog at http://beyondthegardengate-beth.blogspot.com
I currently have 380 followers.
Thanks for hosting this party! It sounds like fun!
Howdy I am DeeDee and I have been blogging for some time now but lost touch due to back issues so I am back and ready to get my blog hopping again...I have made so many friends blogging..please visit me at the link provided...I have 261 followers 46 email subscriptions and a few linky followers...
what a fun idea I have been following you via email for some time now.. I am adding you to my side bar today... Thanks so much for letting me join.. I see many of my friends here too.. :D
I certainly would love to give this a good try Vicki. I seem to have lost a lot of my motivation and passion for blogging and hope that this may bring some of it back and through it all I'll get to meet some more amazing online people! I currently have 150 followers. Thanks so much for hosting this amazing event. :) x
Hi Vicki! This is just what I needed to jumpstart my blog again. The timing is perfect!!! I already have my first two posts ready to go for January 18 and 19th! I love your blog and am excited to meet new people too! Thank you, thank you, thank you for hosting this event! {I have 152 followers}
Dear Vicki,
thank you so much for doing this.
I have 26 followers at the moment and am looking forward to the 19th coming year.
I'd love to join in the party! I'm always looking for new friends. I've got 197 followers and would love to get over 200 soon! Thanks for the opportunity. My link is
Thanks for hosting,
Hi Vicky. I think this is an awesome idea! Especially for people who don't have a very large following support group and just want the chance to be heard and to share their passions with other like-minded people. I only have 6 followers (including me! *sheepish grin*) and my blog is: http://www.acrazygirlnadia.blogspot.com
Nadia x
Found you through another blogger...happy to participate with my blog about gardening and life...
The blog is Gardens Eye View and I have just over 300 followers...happy to have folks visit whether they have 2 followers or 700!!
I will endeavor to follow the rules outlined...thanks!
Hello! I'm happy to join your party. I'm pretty new in this world of bloggers. I have only 9 bloggers on my site. I'm a french people but I follow all english blogs too. I live in Canada and my blog is: accroquilt.blogspot.ca
Great idea!!! Thanks
Thank you for hosting, you are so kind. Please include me, my blog address is www.lollylinens.com. Thank you!
Hi, Just discovered you via Sharon Lovejoy and want very much to be a part of your event - I NEED followers to add to my poor figure of 4!
My blog Pennywise is just a few months old and I would love to be included in this event! I focus on DIY budget friendly crafts for life's celebrations-large and small-
I'm still figuring out the "techy" stuff - and trying to build followers - so far just obliging friends and relatives subscribing via email!
Thanks to Silke's blog, I have found yours, and really want to be part of the blog party :-)
I would love to join in - especially because it will be my birthday:)
What a great idea! I'd love to participate. I have 40 followers and have been trying to increase the number for a long time. My blog is http://www.misplacedmermaid@blogspot.com
Thank you for the opportunity to participate!
I'm ready! I have been away from my blog and I most definitely want to get back to it! You are providing my motivation. Thank you!
Terry with 33 followers at
If it's not too late, I'd love to join and connect with other bloggers! I am, unfortunately, a no-reply blogger and the old fix doesn't seem to work. :( My blog is http://www.SMCbyDesign.com, my email is Shannon@SMCbyDesign.com, and I have 23 followers.
Thank you, Vicki~
If it's not too late, I'd love to join and meet new bloggers! Unfortunately, I am a no-reply blogger and the old fix doesn't seem to work. :( My blog is http://www.SMCbyDesign.com, my email is Shannon@SMCbyDesign.com, and I have 23 followers.
Thanks, Vicki~
I am in I am in!! My Blog is at approx 384 right now, Thanks for including all of us!
My blog is
Hugs and Stuff! Angi
How fun! I will be sharing my post on the big day! I currently have 30 followers through Google Connect. I have no idea how many followers by email and don't know how to find out (still learning the techy stuff)! Thank you for doing this.
Patti @ OldThingsNew
I came here via Suzy...and so glad I DID! I'd like to participate. My blog address is www.bohemiannieart.blogspot.com. I have 240 followers at this point...but LOL...they come and go! I'm a bit opinionated. :) Thanks for putting this together! And...Happy New Year!
I would love to be included in this wonderful event...I think it is fantastic! I have about 650 followers. I found you through Suzi, and I am so ready to grow!!
Mt blog is
email is
What a great idea! I have discovered that there are so many nice bloggers out there. Your site is lovely. I enjoy sewing, crafting,DIY(especially re-inventing things or re-purposing new or old things). Love to travel, especially to Disney World and the mountains!
Hi Vicki, what a lovely blog you have, I found your page via Kathy at You'll Shoot Your Eye Out, I'd love to participate - I think I have a grand total of 97 followers.
My blog is basically photography, plus ramblings about same!
Thank you for organizing this. My dear friend Suzy Quaife turned me on to your site. I have 187 followers. www.alteredmeditations.blogspot.com Socrates
Looks like fun!
Plan to join up. Thank you!
Hi Vicki! I am so excited to be a part of your party and meet new bloggers!! I have 292 followers right now. Looking forward to learning more about you! Linda
I am so excited to meet new blog peoples!!!! I am totally in.... www.sandrakayedesigns.blogspot.com I have 264 followers...but...I LOVE meeting new friends
Count me in!!! www.sandrakayedesigns.blogspot.com I have 264 followers...and am always looking to find more friends to share my art journey with :):)
What a great idea! Love it! Count me in! I have 129 followers to date. http://www.hobnobbers-sandy.blogspot.com
Sounds great-count me in! I have 79 followers. ;)
Happy New Year!
I'm in. I am not sure what I will over as my giveaway, but I will figure it out before January 18.
Thanks for hosting this opportunity.
Haven't blogged for awhile - but coming back realise that it is such a positive experience - uplifting - a chance to just make the world a little better. Sign me up - what an adventure.....
This sounds like a fun idea. I would like to join in.
Crazy question - I don't have any followers that I know of and don't know how to check.
Does that disqualify me from participating?
I am 99.9% sure I signed up in October after LuluLiz told me about the Grow Your Blog Party, I even have the button installed on my blog! But, I don't see my post here anywhere, don't know what I did to it so it didn't work! But I'd love to participate, I have been planning for it, I even know what I am going to be giving away!
I have 11 followers and would love having more. My blog link is
I came here tonight to check and see if there was any more info and I am really glad I did! I love your beautiful nests. Thanks so much!
I would love to participate.
I have 184 followers to date.
thanks so much!
I'd like to sign up. Already excited to visit some of the blogs of the ones signing up. I have been bloggin for soon to be three years and have 275 followers. I blog from my heart, personal with a little craftiness once in awhile Would love meeting others.
Hi...Count me in. Here is my blog link: http://clutterbuggz.blogspot.com/
As you will see it has no design and no followers. I tried a few years ago and stopped...My goal for 2013 is to truly blog and develop friendships across blogland while also "taming" my collection of raw material.
Hi what a delightful idea.
I have 44 followers and am happy to offer a giveaway too.......probably a selection of silk fabric pieces.
hi! i'd really like to participate in this. right now, i have 26 followers. thanks!
This is so exciting! And so very generous of you! Please add me to your list of blogs ... I am tickled pink about part of a fabulous group of bloggers!
Hi! Please count me in, it will be fun to meet new bloggers ;) I have 79 followers.
Oh, dear! I did it again! I can get so excited about something and just skim the details only to find out later that I missed something. So here goes...
is the correct address and I have 143 followers. Now to figure out how to add the button.... LOL thanks again!
This sounds like a fun thing to do and I'm in awe of the number of countries you have blogging friends in!
My blog is at http://lavendercottagegardening.blogspot.com and I have 464 followers.
Thanks for hosting a different kind of meme.
I would so love to join! I'm a busy art loving mama who blogs about everything from gardening to art and design. I currently have 24 followers but my goal is to have 100 more by the end of the year! Thank you for doing this! I am pumped! Nic
OH YES! I'm in...what a wonderful idea- thank you so much for that. Just started blogging again. 14 Followers so far...I'm sooo excited :-)
From my heart to yours...
Eusebia/ Ines
Oh no...I forgot the most important :-)
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