Thursday, November 8, 2012

Calling all ETSY shop owners!!! (and more PINK scarf photos!!)

Shopping on ETSY is one of my favorite things to do!  ETSY artists are some of the most talented and creative designers in the world.  Christmas shopping time is almost here and I thought it would be fun to share some of my favorite ETSY shops with all of you~~~ 

This Christmas, I would like to do something special for my devoted Followers who are also ETSY shop owners~~ I'd like to share links to YOUR ETSY shops with all of my  blog readers.  (perhaps this might help to jump start your Christmas season of sales!)

Here are some guidelines~~

 1. Your shop needs to be ready for Christmas shopping visitors.  Make it look beautiful for your guests!

2. Please leave a comment with a LIVE link to your ETSY shop. (meaning -- when I click on the link it takes me directly to your shop).

3. You might want to consider offering some shopping incentives for your visiting guests. (perhaps a discount code or free shipping). If you plan to do so -- please let me know in your comment. Also please include a one sentence description of your ETSY shop. I will provide the links to your shops -- let folks know if there are any shopping incentives - and write your shop description along with the link.

4. All links need to be left here in my comments NO later than November 25.  I will publish the post on November 28.
 ***(If this little ETSY party is successful -- maybe we can make it an annual event. I love ETSY!)***

Some of my friends who are ETSY shop owners have offered items as gifts for you all.  SO -- when I publish the post on the 28th -- there will also be some WONDERFUL giveaway surprises for you at that time! 

I hope you all will try to be here on the 28th to visit some of the shops that will be listed and to start your own Christmas shopping!  If you are not a frequent visitor to the ETSY website -- you will be amazed by the talents of the folks who create and design there.  If you want to give a special gift this Christmas --this is your opportunity to find it among the artists who are participating!!  So get ready for some great shopping!!!!

Some updates--

The response to my Grow Your Blog Party has been absolutely amazing!  In just a few short weeks we have over 80 participants and that number grows every day!! Thank you to everyone who is helping to spread the word!  If you are new to this idea -- you can click the link above for all the info.  The more blogs that participate - the greater the chance of increasing your readers and followers.  If you have not done so -- please consider sharing this info with your blog readers by doing a special post, placing the event Badge on your sidebar -- and tell all of your blogging friends!!!  

The Pink Scarf donations are starting to arrive and I am overwhelmed by the generosity of my readers.  The latest scarfs to arrive are here--

Created by Sylvia and Vilma -- this beautiful scarf is both unique and beautiful. 
Please visit their incredible blog Two Elephants
to see the creative artistry of these generous ladies!
You will be amazed at their creations!!

Sweet Jenny has donated this incredible soft and iridescent scarf.
You can visit Jenny at her blog - The Modest Peacock. 
Jenny is a creative designer who makes precious stuffed elephants.  
She is currently hosting a contest to give away one of these adorable creations on her 
alternate blog -- Lucy Jane's Writing Desk.   

  Two beautiful scarfs were donated by my friend Tanya.
This variegated yarn is so SOFT!!
I love that she made two different patterns from the same yarn~
You can visit Tanya at her blog Bead and Needle.

Donated by Jill from the blog, Untie the Ribbons 
 this purchased scarf is sensational!
With colors so vibrant and bright - this beautiful gift is sure to
bring a smile to the face of someone special!! 

Paisley makes my heart beat faster!!!
This gorgeous purchased scarf was donated by
Jackie from the blog One Creative Cat.
Long enough to wrap around your neck and shoulders --
this scarf is truly exquisite!
Visit Jackie at her blog and ETSY shop to see her unique jewelry creations!

Beautifully crochet with sequined yarn-
Karen's scarf is simply to die for!
You can visit sweet Karen at her blog Todolwen. 
A nest lover like ME, Karen shares her beautiful creations
on her beautiful blog.
Thank you all (from the bottom of my heart) for your generous donations to my Pink Scarf Project. 
For those of you who are not familiar with the project -- you can click the above link.
There is a link on my sidebar as well.  
The Project will run for a year and all of the scarfs will
be donated to women who are fighting their own battles against Breast Cancer.
Everyone who donates a purchased or handmade scarf will
be entered into a contest to win 
this wrap made by me-- 

So-- there is a lot going on here right now!! Lots of opportunities for you all to get involved~~ Grow Your Blogs, donate a scarf, perhaps even  make some Christmas sales from your ETSY shop!!


Tanya said... 1

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH - you're getting some BEAUTIFUL scarves in - I LOVE this project, and thank you for taking it on! (BTW - Jackie is my dearest friend here in NV - glad she didn't show me the paisley scarf, or I may have grabbed it!).

A few things in my etsy shop, still..."Incentive" is that they are WAY discounted, in time for the holidays...always something extra that seems to find it's way into purchase boxes, too. I LOVE a good mix of old and new - (actual tintypes; antique buttons; beads, fabrics, etc.)

For all you do, YOU ROCK!!! Thanks, Vicki - Happy Thursday...XOXO

SummersStudio said... 2

These are really incredible scarves. I must say I feel slightly intimidated making a scarf given my modest knitting skills. But I will soldier on! Such generosity makes warms my heart.

And speaking of generosity...aren't the sweetest for offering up a blog post of Etsy shop links.

Two Elephants said... 3

Hi Vicki!

So glad you got our scarf! People are sending in some beautiful scarves and it's an honor to be in their company! We have already started a new one to send you!

<3 Sylvia & Vilma

Jackie said... 4

Oh the scarves are just stunning, I only wish I could make one instead of buy, i am working on it and hope to have a knitted one turned in by the end of the year!!

My etsy store is I will be adding new items and putting some on sale! Thank you for sharing our links, I love shopping/selling on etsy!!

Regina said... 5

OK I am drooling over all those beautiful scarves!! I do a lot of things but knitting has been one thing that I just can not do.

You are the sweetest person to promote and share our links. I'm currently working on designs for 2 Christmas events here in my area but so need to make some things for my Etsy shop.

I will be adding more goodies and a special 10% off for your fans. Have them use Coupon code: 2BAGSFULL


Dorthe said... 6

Hello dear sweet Vicki,
the shawls coming in are truly so very beautiful all,they are very talented knitters!
And my Etsy, well it is for the time being very empty....and I guess will be also for christmas,- I need the goods here in my shop!
You are a sweetie, with all the efforts you do for all and everyone, my friend.
Hugs and love,Dorthe

val said... 7


Thistle Cove Farm said... 8

The scarves are totally beautiful; love how people are responding, Vicki. When I get home, my sister has to send my yarn and needles to me; left them at her house when I was there for my brother's wedding two weeks ago.
Dang. Wanted to bring the yarn adn needles on holiday with me...didn't happen.

Createology said... 9

Lovely pink scarves you are receiving. I am working on one to send to you. Etsy is a wonderful venue. Blessings Dear...

Suztats said... 10

Wow! Those scarves are so beautiful!
I shall look forward to your Etsy party with all your friends. Have a wonderful weekend.

Anonymous said... 11

Thank you for this great Etsy Party!

Use the code 2BagsFull for 20% off

I sell a variety of skirts and jewelry

Esme said... 12

what a fantastic idea you have I cannot wait to visit these shops

Elderberry-Rob said... 13

What a wonderful idea the scarf project is. Highlighting other bloggers' Etsy shop is a great plan too - unfortunately I don't have a shop on there - like many UK based artists mine is on - would that count? Either way I will look forward to seeing all the links in the future post and hope to do some Christmas shopping! Bettythewoodfairy

Elderberry-Rob said... 14

What a wonderful idea the scarf project is. Highlighting other bloggers' Etsy shop is a great plan too - unfortunately I don't have a shop on there - like many UK based artists mine is on - would that count? Either way I will look forward to seeing all the links in the future post and hope to do some Christmas shopping! Bettythewoodfairy

Bogomilla Hopp said... 15

Wonderful scarves! Will I be able to do something like that? Thank you also for your suggestions about Etsy. I'd like to open a e-shop but I think it's better to become more known between bloggers and then open a shop. Don't you think so?

Tanna said... 16

Vicki, you amaze me with your energy!! Love all of the things you are doing. Excellent. blessings ~ tanna

SuZeQ said... 17

Ahhhhhhhhh - those scarves are absolutely magnificant. There are going to be lots of women wrapped in beauty because of generous and talented souls. Wish I had an Etsy shop so that it could be listed here. Maybe some day!!! You are the best, my dear friend, and I love you!

DreamChallenge said... 18

Beautiful gifts of love are such heartwarming confirmation that our lives are full of some generous people. Thank you Vicki for sharing these creations. Jan

yaya said... 19

So many much fun! Can't wait to visit the shops..and no fighting big crowds! You are always doing so many nice things for bloggers. Thanks so much! I just got the word that a local knitting group will be doing scarves for us! I can't wait to get them so I can send in the pics! Have a great weekend!

Elderberry-Rob said... 20

My link to folksy shop is: I have just opened it recently and make silk paintings. Looking forward to the event.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said... 21

Vicki, you are always coming up with ways to give back, share and help others along the way. It's a lovely thing! All the scarves you've received are so beautiful! I know that my friend Val at YarniGras has already crocheted several for the cause. If I lived in the States, I would definitely be shopping Etsy, but on this side of the world, the mail system is so unpredictable -- I would hate for anything to get lost. Wishing you a wonderful rest of the weekend. Hugs, Tammy

Elizabeth Johnson said... 22

My shop is WindandHoney I sell prints of my original pencil art and some digital art as well. I will give free shipping and a 10% discount to everyone that adds 2Bags Full to the comment/message section with their purchase. The discount will be added once I've received the order.
Thank you for this event.

myriamkreativ said... 23

My sweet friend,
your ideas are simply the best. Thank you for sharing...and for your lovely comment on my layouts. But It seems you didn`t need another addiction *twinkle*.... like me I have almost too much *lol*. I hope everything is just perfect at your home and with your loved ones. Here the time is running like mad...
I hope my post to participate in your wonderful blog-party has worked now... I did it three thimes and nothing happend ... dam.... pc.
Love you

Holly said... 24

What an absolutely lovely idea, Vicki! Thank you for this opportunity, I'm looking forward to checking out all the wonderful etsy shops.

My shop is: Turquoise Owl fibers.

We carry hand dyed fiber, handcrafted drop spindles, hand painted & kettle dyed roving. & yarn.
I will also be putting up special listings of ready made items, perfect for Holiday gift shopping!

For a 10% discount during the month of December please use coupon code 2BAGSFULL2012.

Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings... said... 25

Hey girlfriend...
Just stopping by to say Hi` and see what your up too!
Scarves are gorgeous and your BUSY!
Busy hands are happy hands...
Keep on keeping on.

Two Elephants said... 26

Hi Vicki!

Thanks for this great opportunity!

Our Etsy shop is

We design and create a variety of handmade items such as pillows, kitchen towels, tote bags, keychains, hoop art, knit cowls, memory bears & pillows and christmas ornaments!

All items in our shop will ship for free from Black Friday (11/23) to Cyber Monday (11/26)!

Sylvia & Vilma

A garden just outside Venice said... 27

You do have such a big big heart Vicky!
Thank you for your sweet comments on my blog!

Michela x

Maggie said... 28

Hi there sweet lady,
I love all that you're doing to help your etsy friends, your blogger friends and our survivor friends. My scarf is about half finished, should be with you soon.

Lucy Jane said... 29

Sweet Vicki!!!
Thank you so, so much for including me and hosting this Etsy party! You are AMAZING!

My Etsy shop link: Lucy Jane Pennybright

While I am working hard to add more varieties of product (costumes, jewelry, etc.), at the moment the shop is mostly inhabited by plush animals (including special holiday themed elephants!) and tiny fairies! :)

For your readers, I'm offering FREE SHIPPING, even for international orders, through the end of the year! The code is 2BAGSFULL.

You are a love and thank you again for your huge heart!

Linda said... 30

Thanks Vicki!

I have been putting items in my shop almost everyday! Some new cameos will be added tomorrow and more new decals the first week of December. I have a 15% off sale- in my Etsy shop the code is listed and also on my blog.
Your scarves are gorgeous too!
Hugs from m!
Linda said... 31

I love your knitted nests! They are amazing. Thanks for the opportunity to share links to Etsy shops. Here's mine

Thanks again.

Mila said... 32

Ciao Vicky how are you? I hope is all ok with you!
You are altruistic person!! sooo sweet!
Mila :)

~*~ saskia ~*~ said... 33

Oooooh, everything is as darling as can be!
Happy creating dear Vicki x

myletterstoemily said... 34

i came over from cheryl's 'nest'
and am so glad i did. this is a
special place.

Bumpkin Hill said... 35

You really are the kindest person Vicki. I would be thrilled to share my Etsy Shop with your blog friends. (I sent the 10% discount code to you)

"A whimsical, nostalgic world of animal Illustrations, Personalised Prints, Embroidery Patterns, Sew your own Bunny Kits & lots of adorable gifts in between! All created by British Artist, Catherine Young, join me down the country lane!"

Thanks so much, Hugs, Catherine x

Julie Marie said... 36

Hello dear Vicki... it is awfully hard for me to do without crying, but my heart tells me I must crochet a pink scarf to donate to your project... I will do it in honor of and memory of my beautiful sister Jo... all of the scarves donated look so pretty... I know they will bring smiles on many extra~special ladies faces next year... Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family with love, xoxo Julie Marie

Jill OLeary said... 37

Thank you for making this planet a lot more beautiful. It has been my pleasure to work with you, enjoy your blog and drool over your amazing nests. With you pink scarf project, you bring even more warmth and loveliness to all. Thanks for your generous and creative spirit! I can't wait to see your Etsy project and your newest creations!

suziqu's thread works said... 38

Oh Dear Vicki
I love all of the Pink Scarves that you have received. People have been so very generous in offering these for your most inspiring project.
Mine is finished and ready to send. Just have to make the time and wrap and send to the address provided - with your name on it also?

My etsy address is
I have for sale quilts, shabby chic hearts, shabby chic fabric journals, cards, collages and other fabric artworks.

Thank you so much dear friend and pop over to include yourself in my GIVEAWAY and post it on your sidebar if you feel inclined!

Enjoy your weekend,
Special warm hugs,

Di@Cottage-Wishes said... 39

Lovey scarfs... thank you for the chance to showcase our Etsy Shops.

I love sharing my finds @

Lorraine said... 40

A stunning array of scarves!
My etsy is
LES Designs. I sell hand dyed threads for embroidery, crochet, quilting and needlearts in general. There is a little something special included with all sales. Thank you for this Vicki. Lorraine

The Painted Garden said... 41

Hi Vicki,
Stopping by to say hi and how wonderful your pink scarf project is - I do not sew or knit, but may be able to paint one with fabric paint.
I just signed up for your blog party in January and will put your banner on my blog.
Have a lovely day.

Mosaic Magpie said... 42

Thank you for giving me a kick in the pants to get my etsy shop up and running. I will be adding items in the next couple of days.

Cheeky Rose Boutique said... 43

My link is What a grand and generous idea! I've also signed on for the pink scarf project. Blessings! Jan

Fuzzy Slippers said... 44

Ooooooo! Such pretty scarves!!!! What an awesome Etsian idea! Thanks for doing this. :)

Here's my link:

All your readers will get a 10% discount when they use the coupon code: 2BAGSFULL--- even for custom creations :)

Fuzzy Slippers said... 45

Ooooooo! Such pretty scarves!!!! What an awesome Etsian idea! Thanks for doing this. :)

Here's my link:

All your readers will get a 10% discount when they use the coupon code: 2BAGSFULL--- even for custom creations :)

A Scattering said... 46

Vicki, this is an awesome idea. Looking forward to checking out your post on the 28th.

And yes, my friend, it is cold and just a wee bit white here in the great white north. I put my winter planter together on the veranda tonight. Must take a photo to post.

Cheer, my friend!

Lili said... 47

All those pink scarves are so inspiring! Thanks for this opportunity Vicki...I finally think I know what I am going to make...just need to find the right yarn! xoxo