Tuesday, January 7, 2014

My "Coat of Many Colors"

My New Year's resolution this year was not-- TO NOT buy any more yarn.  If it had been, I would have already failed--right now, right here on day 7 of this bright new year.  
(spoken by the person who just carried in a new package of yarn from the mailbox last evening!)   

I will however, admit that I'm a little jealous of all the wonderful knitters out there who have been sharing their
 "stash busting" projects.
  Truly, I would love to belong to that club--
 but sadly, I don't think I meet the basic requirements~ 
namely a desire and intent to reduce one's yarn stash. 
 It's safe to say that I am totally 

I'm trying though, desperately trying- truly I am!! 
My one and only recent attempt to seriously reduce my stash has resulted in this~
my "coat of many colors". 

I fell in love with THIS crochet jacket pattern,
 but-- I don't crochet. 
 Can't even hold the needle - can't learn- 
apparently can't even be taught--
(this said after numerous attempts by my sister and friends who have tried to teach me!) 
But-- my friend Kathy is a champion crochet extraordinaire!
 you may need to sign in or create an account to view this pattern 
on the Lion Brand website

Instead of buying the suggested yarns for the coat,
I boxed up a HUGE assortment of my variegated yarns~~ 
spending an entire afternoon sorting through all of my collections. 
 A huge production, actually--
 but a truly wonderful way to spend the afternoon~
 reacquainting myself with some of my favorite yarns.
I found myself saying over and over again~
(oh yes, I remember that yarn!)

  No rhyme or reason--
I simply just choose color variations
that I thought might "be pretty". 
What began as a box of
"this and that"
has now become

I envisioned a few alterations in the pattern~
change the sleeves to three-quarter length-
change the coat from hip length to knee length.
Kathy accommodated my requests beautifully
and I couldn't be more pleased
with the results.

Regarding the colors,
and the best way to organize the order of the yarns~
I suggested to Kathy that she use my
scientific method of color 
Just close your eyes and pick!
(works every time!!)

My box full of stash yarn
is now my beautiful
"coat of many colors".
so~ does this mean that I might could
become an official member of the
"stash busting club"?

Is it a problem
that I still have enough yarn
to make this coat for 47 of my closest friends???
(don't answer that!)

some updates~
I'm busy, busy, busy loading your blogs into the draft post for the Grow Your Blog party.  Remember that you have until January 15 to sign up to participate. Please don't be late to register if you want to attend-- I need those last few days to finalize the post and check that all of your blogs are loaded in correctly. 

I'm so very excited to say that we have almost 300 blogs participating in the event. I'm seeing LOTS of new faces this year - wonderful blogs that I know you will want to visit. 

I'll return on the 25th with the official party post.  You still have time to invite your friends -- it's going to be a super great party!

To those of you who so kindly volunteered to help me check the blogs the day of the party --- thank you, I will be emailing you your assignments a few days before the event -- so watch for your emails please!!

~~ while I'm being so busy here, I am also recovering from my second cataract surgery-- thank you to everyone who sent love and prayers my way. Im just so very happy to have this all behind me now~



Maureen said...

Incredible!!! That coat is amazing; I just LOVE it; the colours, the length, oh it looks so cozy! What a fantastic job she did; and it looks wonderful on you.

Can't wait for the party. Glad to hear your surgery is over and that you are fully mended very soon!

Sandy said...

The coat is beautiful and so are you!

Silke Powers said...

OMG! OMG!! I have serious coat envy! Truly magnificent!! What a gorgeous coat and it looks fantastic on you! Beautiful! Lots of love, Silke

Di@Cottage-Wishes said...

I am glad you are doing great after your surgery! Keep progressing, Di

Jim said...

Nice job Vicki! And it looks great on you too. Not many people could pull that off. I like the 'adjustments you made....fits perfectly and I bet is nice and warm this winter!
Happy to hear you are recovering well and are on the mend.
Have a wonderful week.

knitalatte said...

Hi Vicki,
You look so adorable in the new coat, love the colors!
I hope you are recovering nicely from your surgery.

Jeanne said...

Love your beautiful shots of this great coat of many colors, and cannot even guess what sort of yarn stash you might have. Waiting on those wonderful gloves that I saw in your blog and can't wait for them to come. Glad your cataract surgery went well. Anxiously awaiting your blog party, and think i got 4 new folks to sign up today.

Low Tide High Style said...

Such a lovely use for your beautiful stash of colorful yarn! Wishing you all the best that 2014 has to offer!!!

xo Kat

Julie Marie said...

Hello Vicki... first off, I am happy to hear your second surgery is over... hope all is well... now then, your coat of many colors (by the way, I LOVE that Dolly Parton song too)... is just stunning!... I do not knit, but I do crochet... don't think I will attempt that one though!... sooo much work into it, and it is just gorgeous!... I don't see any reason you need to "de~stash"... all of your beautiful yarns make you happy... I have been organizing, straightening my crafts room today, and cannot seem to part with anything... but then I ask myself why do I need to part with things?... I have the room for all of it, and now it is all organized... seems like I am always making something out of my "stash"... nope, I am not joining any de~stash clubs!... love you!... xoxo Julie Marie

Julia said...

Your coat o many colors is looking great on you. It suites you so nicely. Your complexion and that smile... beautiful...
I have a stash of hooking wool fabric so I know what you mean about keeping your wool yarn stash intact.

Happy New Year Vicki may all your wishes come true.

yaya said...

The coat is beautiful and it looks really lovely on you! Great idea! Glad your surgery is over and I'm assuming all is bright and clear! Have a wonderful week and stay warm if the temps near you are as cold as they are up here!

Kaisievic said...

I love your coat - you look so gorgeous in it. Thanks for hosting the blog party - I am really looking forward to participating again this year. So glad that your cataract surgery is done and dusted!

Catherine said...

I am completely smitten with that coat!! Sure wish I was one of those 47 closest friends ~ I'd be placing my order right now! Lol!

Andrea Ostapovitch said...

That is a FABULOUS coat! I'm currently working on reducing my stash by creating various shapes and sizes of granny squares that will one day become a 'blanket' of many colors.

suzeeez said...

Beautiful coat ....I want one !

Quinn said...

Wowza! That coat is amazing, as is your friend! Talk about a handknit garment as being "wrapped in a hug"...wow!

Createology said...

Your coat of many colors is stunning. You look beautiful wearing it. I am reminded of my beloved Grandma who made one very similar many years ago using lots of bits of different yarns. Healing Energy and Blessings Dear...

marda said...

Your coat is stunning...what a wonderful friend you have. OK.. now I would have thought anyone who can knit, could crochet too!! I do neither, my mother crocheted, beautifully, but I think she must have figured I'd be a lost cause and never even tried to teach me! And I think she was right! My daughter in law knits and crochets (tho still learning knitting.)
Glad your surgery went well. My eye doctor wants to see me in a year (versus 2 years) to check up on cataracts. Keeping my fingers crossed it will be a long time before I'd need surgery!! Happy New Year sweetheart.

Marlynne said...

Oh Gosh! Your Coat of Many Clothes Is super beautiful! And you look SO
beautiful in it too!

Susan said...

As soon as I saw the first photograph I exclaimed at the beautiful colours. I'm not a good knitter but I can crochet. I might surprise myself and do it, or surprise my best friend who makes me beautiful quilts.

Taci simmons said...

Wow that is a wonderful jacket.. And your scientific color coordinating technic works just perfect... It's gorgeous!

sheerserendipity said...

Your coat of many colors is gorgeous and you look beautiful in it!

Jackie said...

What a beautiful coat and a wonderful idea for stashbusting :O)x

Veronica Roth said...

That coat looks amazing! I'm not a knitter at all, but can't help myself when I see some lovely skeins of yarn at tag sales or thrift shops, I buy it and think about it later...lol. I really will have to learn how to knit or crochet one of these days! Really looking forward to the GYB party again this year and have just thought that I started a blog for my 21yr old daughter, (who has absolutely no followers) I wonder if she'd like to join. I'll ask her. She's wonderfully creative and has a lot to offer. :)

Sandies' Patch said...

Love your coat!xxx

PoetessWug said...

What a great idea for a coat!!...and just in time, I might add, for the freezing cold weather everyone is having! Your coat looks so warm!!! :-) ... And I'm glad you made it through the second cataract surgery too! Sending good thoughts, and hoping for a speedy recovery for you...so you can get to work on some more of that yarn stash!! LOL By the way, I think you could easily convert this pattern to a knitting project! ^_^

Mosaic Magpie said...

OMG that coat is gorgeous!!!! What a great job she did the colors all look planned and well spaced out...that closing your eyes and picking, totally works! I like the shorter sleeves, as they are always in the way. The pockets are a must have as well. I like how the stitch pattern gives a nice vertical line as well.
Stash busting at it's finest!

Mosaic Magpie said...

I forgot to ask...is that a skein winder? LOVE IT!!!

Sue Kosec said...

You look like a professional model - and I'm not just saying that!!!

Choosing the right colors was just the beginning. The beautiful job Kathy did is just amazing.

Stunning - kudos to both of you.


thewovenspoke said...

That is a beautiful coat, I love all the colors. I am like you except I can crochet never really caught on to knitting. I am so looking forward to the Grow Your Blog Party.

Shirley said...

Good Morning Vicki, Your coat is beautiful and I love the colors. Kathy did an amazing job. I am so glad that your second surgery went well. Have you notice the difference it makes? I know that mine sure did make a big difference. Love all of your pictures. Take care and hopefully it is warm there. We are at 20 degrees, but have had some bitter cold. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend.

gigi knits said...

Love the coat.. I also love yarns looking , feeling and dreaming of the next project. So of course I have to have that yarn .

Anonymous said...

How sweet of her to crochet the coat for you! Its gorgeous! I've been working on a coat of sorts and yours has fabulously inspired me to finish. Looking forward to the party!

Dorthe said...

It is just FABOLOUS Vicki,-
and You look so gorgeous wearing it... ( without, too ) ... it suits you perfectly, and you chose such wonderful colours, which all together, makes your coat, something so very amazing .
Your friend, made a more than fantastic job dear friend,-
And about your loved yarn...don`t destach it ,you need it near you, I`m sure ,it makes you feel happy !!
Warm hugs and love from Dorthe

Curtains in My Tree said...

Oh I love it and since you have more yarn for me a coat I'll send my measurements
It is very charming looks great on you

Meredith said...

It is a work of art.

So Beautiful.


Seawashed said...

Beautiful beautiful! What a wonderful way to decrease your stash. I love the length. So glad to hear your surgeries went well. Xxo

Barbara Lilian in France said...

I'm a new follower of your blog, and would just like to let you know how I love the coat your friend made for you. You look lovely in it. After reading your post about how much wool you have I need to do some reading of your older posts, so that I can see all the wonderful things you must have created to have so much wool.

Joyful said...

THAT is a beautiful coat. Your colour selections work perfectly together and you look great in it.

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

Your coat, of course, is beautiful.

My talented, and very artistic 12 year old granddaughter is in love with knitting (learned on You Tube). Many got scarves and hats from her for Christmas and now she is knitting me more for the clients I help at the Community Center. It has become her passion, which is the same passion my mom had. It gives me a very "warm" feeling.

Yarn is a beautiful thing.

Carol said...

I do so love the jacket and all of the changes you had made in it. I saw this pattern too a while back and thought it was good but I like your version of it better. You look great in it:)

Esme said...

The coat is lovely-the colours are just beautiful. Maybe it is just you that is beautiful and bring out the best in the coat.

Karen B. said...

Sweet Vicki,
absolutely stunning! Love it!
You have such a great talent.
It suits you so well and you look beautiful with or without your lovely coat.
Much love and many hugs,
Karen B. Todolwen

Tiffany said...

Love the coat it's beautiful and can't wait to take part in the blog party.

Tina said...

This coat is absolutely gorgeous. The colours are perfect together and you look great in it!
I do think that you actually belong to the stash busting club. It must be heavy...
Looking forward to the party and preparing my blog for it ;-)
Keep recovering from your eye surgery.
Tina in Germany

kathyinozarks said...

I love your coat-just looks so comfy-I would probably use it for a bath robe too-lol
I love it when we have friends that will do that for us. I don't knit or crochet so I asked a long time blog friend who recently learned how to knit if she would make me some hand warmers from wool I had dyed with osage orange-can't wait to get them-

Tanna said...

LOVE this, Vicki!! So funny, I have just started a crochet project, too! LOL! Great minds. ;) LOL! Your Coat of Many Colors is wonderful! blessings ~ tanna

Unknown said...

I just found you through the Grow Your Own Blog button on a friend's blog - and how happy I am! Your blog is beautiful, the nests have enchanted me...and your coat! I'm a happy hookster and I would love to make one using some stash yarn! (And remember, the best reason for stashbusting is because it makes more room for new yarn!) Best, Chrissie x

Anonymous said...

Vicki, I do hope your surgeries have gone well, and are now a thing of the past!!! I had lazer eye surgery in 2006 for a tear in my left retina... very scary stuff indeed!
I am completely in love with your new coat of many colors! I would make myself one but I don't tend to look gorgeous in long sweater coats as I'm short... 5'4" in flats. I do love the way yours turned out however!
Hugs and stay warm my sweet blogging sister!
Beth P

Bird said...

Hi Vicki, I hope you recover quickly from your cataract surgery. Love and healing thoughts to you.

I love the coat! It's gorgeous. I can't even imagine being able to do something like that. My hands would be in knots... and so would all that yarn. It looks beautiful on you.

My Mom is a knitter and she always says she's going to cut down on her yarn, but I was just visiting with her and she was surrounded by baskets knitting away. I don't think she'll ever give it up. In fact, she's talking about adding quilting to her hobbies. I think I may have to join in on that one.

Hope you have a beautiful weekend,

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Vicki, it's a fabulous coat and looks wonderful on you. Looking forward to the party...a bright spot in January!

Leanne said...

OH MY I LOVE ADORE your coat of many colours. I sure wish I was one of your 47 friends and could help you stash bust for that coat.Love Leanne

Ana BC said...

I just love your coat! It is a work of art :-)

Anya said...

Wonderful! Your friend had golden hands! I'm looking forward of partecipating at your party!
I hope you've received my confirmation!
A big hug,

Bernadett said...

You made a wonderful coat my dear Vicki.:) Resolutions are Murphy Law.:)))
I have a new blog
I will join the party with my new blog.:)
I am thinking about the giveaway...:)
Happy New Year.


Cache-Mire said...

I had to laugh when I read your new year's resolution. I only made it to the 4th before adding to my stash! And ordered more today!! Is there a 12 step program for yarn addiction?

BTW...love the coat!

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Oh my, Vicki! That coat is absolutely incredibly gorgeous! Wow! Such a good use of all that extra yarn. Like you, I could never destash completely and I can never stay away from yarn stores. I love your photos! And the coat looks fantastic on you! What a talented friend. (Can I be one of the 47 that gets the next one? Ha!) I can't learn to knit. My cousin tried to teach me, and my other cousin's wife, too, but I was just all thumbs. Crochet to me is so much easier. Wishing you a wonderful day. Tammy

hula-la said...

I absolutely love your coat of many colors. It looks so cozy, too! Yes, I understand the "not gonna buy any more yarn" controversy. It's just NOT possible! So enjoy your every increasing stash! Aloha

beth said...

Love your coat of many yarns! Lovely.

prince snow farm said...

Your coat of many colors is gorgeous! I am so excited to find your block through Beth P and hope I will be taking part in your excitingGrow Your Blog!!!! Hope you are recovering well, and speedily!

Carol Swift said...

Such a gorgeous coat! I'm looking forward to Grow Your Blog and appreciate all you're doing to get it up and running. Thanks and I hope you have a quick recovery!

Shane Pollard said...

Hello dear Vicki
Your "coat of many colour" is exquisite!
Vicki, I thought I was the only dyslexic crocheter, I'm so happy to find out I'm not alone!
I've tried and tried to learn via books and Youtube - I can do the first round but God alone knows what I do after that - it's indescribable!!

I think we're all little magpies in our own way - for me it's lace, ribbons and white buttons.
There's no way I could bring myself to stash bust those - I totally understand your dilemma!

I'm look forward to your 2014 Grow Your Blog Party - THANK YOU for always thinking of others in this world.
You are such a beautiful human being - we need more of YOU.

BIG WARM HUGS and love
Shane XOX

Shanna said...

I had to laugh because I am like that with yarn and I don't even knit anymore! Well I have dipped my toe in the water a little bit here and there on a scarf I have been working on since before time! I really love the coat of many colors, I would totally wear that!!

Noelle the dreamer said...

Nice coat and Happy 2014!
A covered bridge? Beautiful! 47 more coats to go...Dear me, you are courageous!
All the best for a speedy recovery,

Neesie said...

That's amazing!
I don't think I could possibly say anything that hasn't been said in the 64 comments above me ;D
Wow it does looks cosy...as I sit here shivering!
I hope your surgery was successful and you're well on your way to creating the next beautiful coat. You'll have 47 done in now time hehe
Take care xoxo

J9sHappiness said...

Wow!! That is sooo gorgeous! I am the same re knitting - I've learnt to crochet but no matter how hard people try, I just can't knit!! Thank you for including me - so very kind - and I'm your newest follower! I look forward to reading more amazing makes! J9 x

Treasures by Louise said...

I love your crochet coat, I'd love to make an afghan out of that pattern. Great way to stash bust! I'm sad and mad at myself for missing the sign up window for your Grow Your Blog hop. I was so thinking about that...Be assured that I will follow along if there is a list to visit. But over 500, Wow!

Wildflowerhouse said...

I adore this post. I am trying to downsize (I hate that word) and everything I pick up I remember some thing about it. I must go to school and learn to be ruthless. That is the only way I'll get through this.

Wildflowerhouse said...

PS. Love the coat!!!!!!

Sew Hungryhippie said...

I'm in full swoon mode here--that coat is stunning! I cannot stop looking... I forgot to email you, but if you need more volunteers for the blog party do let me know. hungryhippie(at)live.com Happy to help. Hope you are feeling well and recovering quickly from the surgery. :) -Natalie

Patty Antle said...

Oh Vicki, the coat of many colors is just gorgeous as is the model!

cathy @ ma vie trouvee said...

gorgeous coat! love the color combination. looking forward to the party! Glad your surgery went well.

Art and Sand said...

What a great way to use up yarn. Your coast is gorgeous. With the way our weather is going, I don't see me needing a coat like yours this year.

I love to knit and crochet, but don't have a stash at all. My stash is art supplies and I have been slowly making little packages up and sending them to blogging friends.

Hope your eyes are all healed.

AppleApricot Wen said...

Your beautiful coat looks so comfy Vicki, and love love your "scientific" approach :-) Happy to hear you're recovering from your surgery. Take care dear! And it's only a few more hours till party time, big yay! xx Wendy

Heirloom treasures said...

this is the most amazingly beautiful piece of crochet I have ever seen. It's just stunning,love love love it. I am visiting from Donnas designs and I am not disappointed. Also you are so attractive in that lovely coat and the setting for the photo's is just so nice.

Amira@littlemushroomcap said...

hope you recovering fast! that coat look so comfy to wear in winter! cool colours too

kareninkenai said...

Wow - great use of the stash yarn, Vicki - and, it is absolutely beautiful AND beautiful on you! Smiles. (I moved five days ago, am head deep in boxes, but will have my Grow Your Blog ready! LOL - will be knitting and making books again very soon after a month trip to Canada.) Visit soon. Karen

E. said...

Hello I came over from Nicole's Garden Diaries and I'm glad I did! Great blog! :)

sweetpea family said...

Your coat is amazing I am so jealous x

SowingStitches said...

Vicki I'm in a mild panic...my blog will not let me 'in' to finalize the post for the blog tour! Hoping this is just a glitch...not sure what to do.....all of my gmail accounts are messed up. sowingstitches [at]yahoo [dot] com
I will keep working on this...not pleased with google at the moment.

~Damita's Pretty Wrap~ said...

Oh wow, that is just beautiful!!! Wonderful work! Wishing you a lovely weekend! xo Holly

M.K. said...

Gorgeous coat!! I'm a wee bit jealous :) It looks so warm. I'm excited for tomorrow's party :) Thanks so much for working so hard for all of us.

Rebecca said...

That is such a fantastic idea! What a terrific way to use up yarn! It turned out beautiful!

Jo said...

I missed the blog registration deadline but will be tuning in anyway. That coat is amazing!!!!

Linda said...

Hello, I found you via the 'Grow your blog' post today and decided to join, it wasn't until I started to browse your previous post that I missed the deadline. I have linked on my page already so I will leave my post up and never mind if I don't get on your list here as I can still visit the list you have posted.
Now that coat, absolutely stunning. A free coat too as you already had all the yarn. Your friend Kathy has done a stunning job and if you do get 47 more coats made can I have one please lol

laura bruno lilly said...

Such a blessing to have a crochet-friend who would make this for you!! I'm guessing you knit items for her that she can't translate into crochet patterns???
Enjoy your colorful-comfort-coat against the cold!

Unknown said...

Great coat!

Lili said...

So glad your eye surgery is behind you sweet lady! And WOW, that is one beautiful creation. It looks so good on you with your boots and jeans...love the very last picture on here of you sitting down modeling it! Sending healing thoughts and love your way dear Vicki! xoxo

Astri said...

The coat is incredible. It looks so warm and the colors. WOW! definitely counts for stashbusting!