I am so excited to be able to offer a whimsical and unique experience to my new blogging friends. Through the One World One Heart Event - you all have the opportunity to literally travel around the world on a beautiful "blogging" magic carpet.

Hundreds of bloggers, (actually almost 1000 so far!) are participating in this fun and exciting event. This is your chance to make new blogging friends AND to win some great prizes. (Think "hundreds of give aways" all at one time!) To begin your travels, simply click here to be taken to the host blog. Listed there are the hundreds of blogs who are participating - including mine! (I am #751 on the list)
Here are the "official rules"---
Visit as many blogs as you want between now and February 15, 2010. Leave a comment on the Contest Posting for every blog that you visit. You can only leave one comment per blog. You must have a valid email address where you can be reached on February 15 - should you be chosen as a prize winner by any of the participants. No Anonymous comments can be accepted for this event. Check your email on February 15 to see if you have won a prize or maybe 2 or 3!

This little handmade porcelain heart brooch is my prize entry for the event. Isn't it cute! Who wouldn't want to wear this sweet little brooch on a hat or scarf or coat? Hand formed from beautiful white porcelain clay, it has had vintage lace pressed into the clay before being bisc fired. The crimson red glaze makes this a beautiful accessory piece for your wardrobe. For your chance to win ~~~ just leave a comment on this posting.

Enjoy your blogging travels --- make new friends--- and hopefully pick up a treasure or two along the way!
(This beautiful little heart brooch was created by Karen at HodgepodgeArt. She has a shop full of lovely things---)