"Where is your tail little Cowardly Lion?"
Here it is!
(I forgot that I was wearing my glasses -
the very latest in the "school marm" look!)
Those ears about to hit the ground again!
Here we go again - she does this EVERY time! (and then we have to pick up all the papers again and put them back in the basket!)
We have to take a little break here and run into the house~~~ and climb a stepladder and look into the kitchen cabinet and take EVERYTHING out and put it all back in and finally after looking for 20 minutes because we know it is there someplace ~ we finally find the edible writing pen so that we can write the winner's name on the CAKE because we promised the Cowardly Lion that she could have cake after she picked a winner!!! WHEW!!!
~~~For those of you who played to win - entered every single day without fail - I can only say that I love you and I read EVERY SINGLE comment. I so regret that only one can win - but do not fear. If I remain so blessed - (and the storms do not blow the condo into the ocean!) we will do this again in the near future.
Here she goes - into the icing. The "DEB" part is about to go away!
How about a little bit of baby love? Want to see some new photos of our sweet little grandbaby? Kerri Beth is about 4 months old in these photos. (She is almost 6 months old now - so I am a little slow about posting these!) Will definitely try to do better!


This photo makes me laugh!! She is just learning to laugh out loud and smiles all the time. Admit it - she is adorable!



We can hardly stand to be away from our sweet grandchildren. For those of you who live away from your grandbabies - you understand, I know. Our precious little Mason lives in Atlanta - 8 hours away. This little grand baby is a little closer - an hour and a half away - but even that is still too far.
How about a little craft project for Halloween? This blog post has it all doesn't it! A Cowardly Lion - a beautiful grandbaby - and now a "way cool" little craft project that you are going to LOVE!!!
If you make this - your friends are going to think you are "super cool and crafty!" (and they will all want one!)
Just trying to enjoy the last days of summer here. The leaves are falling like crazy and it just seems like summer is going to end soon. (sigh -so sad!) So--- let's give a welcome to Fall with a new giveaway! Something so perfectly "autumn". Join me on October 1 for a "Harvest" surprise~~~