Emily Dickinson
Every time I walk on the beach, I find that with each step I shed the frustrations of my oft too busy life~~trading them instead for the childish pleasures of scavenging through seaweeds and scattered shells~~as though finding a treasure ~~~ "a gift from the sea" - is my all important pursuit in life.
(a very special thank you to my dear friend Bob
for his amazing photographs
of the shorebirds
and the surf.)

A peak inside our condo~
When my Mother was terminally ill and bed fast, she passed her days working on these cross stitch pictures for the condo. Knowing that her days were numbered she fervently worked to complete this collection of pictures for me. My parents loved the condo and the beach as much as I. For them - this was a special place like no other. They spent many, many happy days and weeks here. This was to be her legacy to me - a lasting memory to the place that she loved so very much.
To thank you all for your devotion to me and my blog - I am donating one week at our condo in Satellite Beach, Florida (east coast just below Cocoa Beach) to one of my lucky readers/followers. (Yes - this is for real - I really am doing this!) I am giving the week of October 16-23 to the lucky winner of this contest.
October at the beach is a glorious time ~~ my very favorite time to be at the beach. (In fact I will be there the next week - so perhaps we will have a chance to meet!) If the winner of this contest is one of my public followers, I will also donate some discount dining coupons to some of our favorite restaurants.
I have been told that I am CRAZY to be doing this - but I don't think so. My blogging friends are some of the nicest people in the world. That I can share this special gift with one lucky winner - is actually, a dream come true for me. I sincerely hope that this works out well - I would so love to be able to do this each year.
I understand that some of my readers and followers live on the other side of the world and that it is not practical for them to be able to enter this contest. Can I just say that I love each of you and I am sorry that this contest is not one that you can easily participate in - for so many reasons. I promise that there will be more contests coming up soon - and always, always, I will always send the winnings any where in the world - where ever you may live.
1. the contest is for the week of October 16-23 only
2. the stay is for 2 persons only - no children please. (significant other? girl trip!!)
3. if the winner has a blog - I would request that they take LOTS of photos and then blog about their trip upon their return.
4. if the winner does not have a blog - then they can send me the photos and I will blog about it.
5. this is absolutely a "no smoking" condo
6. the only fees associated with wining this weeks stay is an $85 cleaning fee to be paid upon check in. All transportation fees, entertainment, etc - are at the cost of the winner.
7. I will provide all necessary directions, and check in information to the winner. Really there is not much to tell - you win - you go - you have a great time!
Please leave a comment telling me if you wish to be entered in this contest and why you would like to win this vacation to the beach. Also please tell me who you would like to take with you on this special vacation. (This has nothing to do at all with how the winner will be chosen - I would just like to know~~
If you wish to blog about this- please tell me that you have done so in a separate comment. I will throw your name in the hat another handful of times.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 211 Newer› Newest»I just showed my husband the photos and he said pick us.
chocolate and croissants at yahoo . com
Two entries a day-this place looks like a slice of heaven.
your chocolate and croissant loving reader
chocolate and croissants at yahoo . com
This is quite generous.
Oh! You don't know how much hubby and I need this vacation, but alas, my physical disability won't allow mw to go, and hubby is my only care-giver right now, so he can't go either...I just wanted to tell Bob what a great job he did with these photos!!!! I feel like I DID just go to the beach! :-) And I'm feeling a kinship with your dear mom, with her cross-stiched pictures. I've done some cross-stitching and know how much concentration it takes. (Although crocheting is my main thing nowadays). I hope whoever wins this trip really has a good time. I'll certainly be thinking of them!
Oh Vicki, you are such an absolute angel. This is a wonderful giveaway.
Most unlike me, I will not be visiting and commenting daily for a chance to win. And, should this lonely comment win, please have that adorable little Maddy throw my name out and choose another person as we will be unable to make the trip this year.
I just want to tell you what a generous and kind-hearted and giving soul you are. You will make two people very very happy to spend a week in your lovely condo. I'd love to be there just to see all those needlepoint pieces in person. They are gifts of love!
Would love this prize. Would love to take my hubby with me. We just don't ever seem to have enough time together.
Bobs photos have showcased your beautiful piece of heaven perfectly!
Such a generous heart you have...
You must be a joy for your husband to live with.
Your Moms x-stitch is precious...
I have many that I have completed over the years and respect all the work she put into them...love the ones with the little ones.
Have fun with this give-away my friend...
such a generous offer.
Hugs...Kathy @
Sweet Up-North Mornings.
Oh Vicki, when I first started reading your post it made me long so much for a trip back to the beach. I moved from NC where a trip to the beach was just a few hours drive to being land-locked in North Texas. My hubby and I were just talking about possibly making a trip to the beach somewhere in FL....much closer than NC. You are so very generous to offer this as a giveaway and I have my fingers crossed that my hubby and I might have the chance to win!! Please stop by my blog to enter in my giveaway!
Vicki-I love all your photos from when you are here. You always look so relaxed from the photos-so for me it would just be wonderful to see a little piece of your life and be somewhere so relaxing yet creative-I can already imagine all the photographs that there are to be taken in this area.
Thank you so much for this.
This just goes to show what a giving person you are.. Would love to be the winner of this dream come true vacation!
Always feel like I'm writing to my best friend .
A truly beautiful place and and even an incredibly generous gift to your friends! You are a true gem!
You are such a generous soul, good luck to all those near enough to be part of the contest. For me I'll just enjoy the photos. How very very special that your Mum finished those cross stiches for you. I'm having a giveaway with revealing my secret project over on my Blog if you want to hop along :) Hugs, Catherine x
Vicki ~ what an unbelievable giveaway! I'd pick my husband if Maddy drew my name. Thank you so much for such a generous offer!
Vicki ~ I've never been to Florida ever! I just looked up Map Quest to see how far your beach is from me...13 hrs. My sister lives halfway there for an overnight with her on the way. I'd LOVE to win!
Your condo looks beautiful! You know how much I love the ocean and how much I need a getaway! Don't know if I would go by myself or take someone, all depends on my state of mind when and if I win.
The cross-stitched pictures are a beautiful legacy. I never had the patience to do that!
WONDERFUL......everything is just GORGEOUS and soooooo Idyllic...!!
Ohhhhhhh; I love your magnificient Idea; it is fantastic!!!!
I am already a winner: I found your incredibly inspiring and beautiful blog and enjoy it so much!!!!!
How about YOU and Your Gardener coming and visiting ME in MY TUSCANY....??????
Have a wonderful time!!!!
ciao ciao elvira
Thanks for sharing the "Beach Walk". It brought back so many memories of our life in Florida. How I long to return! You truly have the best of both worlds. Your Mom was a very talented lady, also. I loved her cross stitch pictures. You will always cherish those. Thanks again for sharing.
Wow beautiful Florida and a lovely blog.
Visiting from Elvira.
Cheers. Happy weekend.
WOW! LOVE your Florida pictures, and you are so right, October is a perfect time to visit the beaches there. Thanks so much for finding me and my blog. So fun to meet another beach girl -
Have not been to Florida in several years, what an awesome treat this would be to win! PS Am a new follower - can't wait to see more of your posts!
My husband would like to go as he has never been to Florida-and being the strange man that he is loving the cold and despising the humidity-he is convinced there will be no humidity in October.
For me I am always happy smelling the scent of the ocean.
Vicki - what a gorgeous place and so close to the ocean! I know the perfect person to bring along - my friend Sue. She was born & raised in CA and being transplanted to the middle of OH has been a challenge for her. She is a water girl and misses the ocean. Thanks again for the inspiration & peace.
Vicki you are such a generous and giving soul. Those cross-stitch pictures are wonderful. Thanks for sharing the pictures - I grew up on the beach. Please don't count my comment in your contest - I have ten women coming for two classes that weekend so wouldn't be able to go. But it's such a generous gesture!
This would be the perfect getaway for us would be so happy to be picked...
ps: no smoking here!
Vicki, This just has to be the most generous giveaway that I have ever seen anyone do. You can tell that is a very special place, not only by those breathtaking pictures that your friend took, but by how you described how it makes you feel there, and by those treasures that your Mother was determined to finish for you. Oh Vicki that was so touching to read about. You and the gardener are so special to offer this up, and although we would not be able to make the trip this year, I can only imagine how exciting this will be for the lucky winners who are meant to win! Enjoy your upcoming trip, and call if you end up being rerouted our way dear! xoxo ~Lili
Oh, how I wish we were closer so I could enter. Your condo is so wonderful and you are a dear woman for giving this time away. I know the person you choose will thoroughly appreciate the escape. Maybe some day I'll get to Florida and be able to rent a week from you. I can never decide- condo on the beach or a boat. Some day! Your photos are wonderful. What a special treasure from your mom. It is nice to see how much you appreciate her effort. Thank you for your post today.
This is the most generous giveaway I have ever seen. At first I thought I could never go since we never take vacations( I know pathetic) but it is when we are closed so if I could convince the hubby I'd love to go.
If not I have a girl friend that would jump at the chance.
Your place is like a little piece of heaven!
WOW what a wonderful giveaway. i just happen to be on vacation from work that exact week. I wish I could say that I would give this to my grandparents for all they have done for me and I think they deserve a vacation as my way of showing my love, but unfortunately my grandpa passed in January 2009 and I never got to show him just how much he meant to me and how much I appreciated all he did for us. So I would take my grandmother. She has done so much for my family and this would be my way of giving back to her.
Have I told you lately how much I love you? Vicki, your heart is SO FULL!
I So love the cross stitching that your mom did...What a treasure to have them all! I miss my mom too...
I can't take part in your absolutely wonderful giveaway, because that is the weekend of my first show....
But I thank you SO for the offer ,,,too generous! I DO see a time in the not so far future that YOU and I WILL connect!
Thank you for being my OH SO Special friend. You mean the world to me! And thank you for your last, kind, caring thoughts the last couple of days when I was hurting!
I hope whoever wins knows and appreciates how special YOU are and what a gift this is! But your friendship is the biggest gift of all! Okay,,,,I'm going to finish cooking my Salmon now!
Hugs and Ohhhhh so much Love and a Bus on the Cheek!
(too funny, took me a couple of tries to put my password in because there is a cat's tail on my keyboard!)
It would make a wonderful 47th wedding anniversary for me and my hubby. Our wedding anniversary is the 19th of October. The pictures are awesome and it would be so peaceful just to watch the water. We were in Florida a long time ago when our children were tiny and we always said that we would love to go back. Just to walk along the beach would be fun. Your Missouri Friend.
Vicki-I would love for you to enter me in your giveaway but I will be away myself that week. I just wanted to let you know I thought this post was just wonderful! The beach pictures just made my blood pressure go down and all the stress I feel with my job everyday go away!! I want to thank you for that. You are a very generous person, don't ever change!! Have a great weekend!
This is amazingly beyond generous! We can't travel that far for awhile, so please pass my entry to some sweet blogger. But I just had to comment on the pelican line... I could watch them all day. Your condo is so welcoming, and the water looks heavenly. And your Mother's labors of love... there's a memory of her family embedded in each stitch, no doubt.
What a big heart you have. I don't think you're crazy at all. I think you're all about JOY. May the joy your gift will bring to someone's life come back to you tenfold!
You are a very generous & giving person - what a great getaway!
DREAM GETAWAY!!!! this is just what we have been dreaming of for so long.
thanks for all your help. i think i got it. all it took was the refresh thing.
as you know i have been working 2 jobs. and i can"t think of no better way to close out the summer than going to your condo for a week. i would like for jeff and i to go down for a week we haven"t had a vac. together for 5 years.
Holy cow. Karma will come back and kiss you ten-fold. Don't pick me -- I have a craft show that weekend. I just wanted to stop by and tell you that you are a sweet, generous soul. And one heck of a photographer.
btw, did you get to Beautiful Bermuda?
You haven't posted it yet, but I think I asked if you'd been to Bermuda yet... I meant to type have you been before?
What beautiful memories you must have of your mom with all the needlepoint...
ARE YOU KIDDING, OF COURSE I want to be entered. A dream, an absolute dream to walk that long, wide, white beach. Heavenly.
I love the pieces your mother did for you. And she worked so hard to finish them. What a gift from the heart.
All joys to you,
Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island
The photos are phenomenal. Having just spent half a day trying to photograph birds, well, it is an art and an act of love.
Sharon Lovejoy WRites from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island
I would love to be entered, but...I don't know of anyone who could actually go with me. Plus I wouldn't have anyone to take care of Tate since Dave has to work. Oh well, thankfully I live in Florida. What a great prize for someone!!! I hope it works out very well for you!
Your mothers beautiful crosstitch has made me want to get out some of my unfinished projects!
I just love those photos of the beach at sunset - that would be my favour time at the seaside.
Those are lovely cross-stitch, they must be very precious to you, knowing that your mother worked on them.
I am sure you will get a lot of interesting in this prize!!! I will dream about it instead.
There were tears streaming down my face as I saw these pictures. Pictures of the beach that I loved so very much. Pictures of a place I shared with my Grandmother. A Grandmother that means the world to me. I would love to say I would take her with me, if I were lucky enough to win this generous giveaway of yours, but she could not stand the 12-14 hour drive from Kentucky and would not fly. I guess I would take my Mother, for she as well as I has fond memories of this beach and the area. This is really a VERY GENEROUS giveaway Vicki, and who ever is lucky enough to win, must take lots of photos for all of us to see. Thank you again for the memories and for offering us this opportunity to win.
What an amazing giveaway. You know part of my heart will always be on this very beach. The beach where I spent many a happy day visiting my Grandmother. I showed her the other pictures you posted and it brought back many great memories for both of us. One of those "Remember When" conversations. I Would love to say I would take my 95 year old Grandmother, but she could not stand the 12-14 hour drive from Kentucky or she would not fly. I guess I would take my Mother for she has many great memories there as well. What a lovely condo and the cross stitch pictures are a real treasure. Thank you for the opportunity to win.
Vicki-everything about your place looks so relaxing-I can just imagine sitting on the beach reading book after book after book-it is understandable why you enjoy visiting.
I hope your Labor Day is just as you planned.
Wow, Vicki! As I started to read your post I instantly knew what I was going to comment - 'when can I come and stay?' and blow me down you are being so generous! I'll keep my fingers crossed although I'm not really the lucky kind. Even so, your little oasis looks absolutely wonderful!
hi vickie just checking in
hope you are having a wonderful vac. nicole,nate,and i spent the day at mary and jeffs. had a great time.
Hi Vicki ~ I forgot to stop by yesterday with my two entries...maybe that won't matter, and little Maddy will draw this entry. :) I'd love to experience your piece of heaven.
Hi Vicki ~ I've switched who i would take with me if my name was drawn....mainly because I was telling my 82-yr old mom about your giveaway (she lives with us), and she immediately said she'd love to go to the beach with me. Uhh....okay. I'll have to tell my husband he can't go. :)
Hi Vikki~ Your mother's cross stitched pictures are just beautiful. xo ... The photos of your slice of that gorgeous beach and condo are so dreamy! ... I almost couldn't believe it when I read what you are offering! In fact, I had to read it twice to make sure I wasn't imagining what I thought I had read the first time!!! OMG, what a generous gift! Don't throw my name into your pretty sun hat though, because sadly I wouldn't be able to come if I was lucky enough to be chosen, but I will certainly stick this in my sidebar ... for sure! OH MY GOSH...THIS IS JUST SOMETHING ELSE!!! Have a great night, Vicki...I'm sure you put the sound of breaking waves and the smell of sun tan lotion in everyone's dreams tonight! xo Paulette
Vicki-another reason I would enjoy spending time here-is this is where I think you get some of your knitting ideas-I would love to bring my knitting along and just sit outside and knit away.
xo Esme.
Would love to win this dream getaway !!
Happy Labor Day, Vicki~ we're enjoying a super chilly day here in Virginia. It made me think about October on your beach, and I wondered if it would be warm or just a touch of a chill in the air. Just wondering just in case Maddy drew my name. :)
I love the x-stitch pictures, too. I'm a x-stitcher from years back. What perfect pictures for a perfect ocean hideaway.
Hi my dear friend,
back at home at least.... uuuah it was a wonderful, exciting, relaxing absolutely needed time out. We had a fabolous vacation and enjoyed Anlalucia every single dax: the sun, the sea, the surf, the spanish way of life and the unbelievable light that enlights your soul. I check these latte sins for you.. but don`t worry only 106 cal/p.P. so that is not too much, dont you thik so?
The header photo is just the place in Andalucia where we have been a wonderful town between Malage and Marbella. I often missed you for a latte or two in one of these shady busy wonderful little cafes down the roadl...
Your condo looks beautiful and I think the winner of your contest will spend an unforgettable week there.... well my suitcases are not unpacked yet... ups no holidays left shriek. But nevertheless a wonderful idea of a wonderful person. I enjoyed passing buy and sent you all my sunny thoughts and a big hug Love Myriam
I would so enjoy just spending time alone with my husband, somewhere relaxing where there is no telephone ringing.
thanks Vicki
OMG. What a lovely and generous gift you are offering your followers/readers. My mother, like yours, adored the shore. Mom also passed on much to early from cancer and before she passed she furiously was making sequined t-shirts for AIDS walks. I still have one of her route 66 shirts in my closet that I bring out often just to smile at. No need to say how much I adore the shore...it is my heart and my home...my honey and I would love to be the recipent of such a generous gift. Pick the sea witch please.
still trying to win. i have checked with mary that if i win and have to take nicole she is going to keep nate ha ha just kidding. i did ask though.
me again my second request to win trip
Hi Vicki ~ I've been to the beach only twice in my life...the first time was on our honeymoon to Chincoteague 30 years ago. My husband and I wrote notes in the wet sand and took pictures of our shadows holding hands over the "I Love You" message in the sand. I'd love to re-live those memories at your beach.
Hi Vicki! The 2nd and only other time I visited the beach was a chilly afternoon and evening at Sandbridge Beach near the Virginia Beach area. The beach house belonged to family friends, and we stayed there with them, along with all our kids--her 10 and our 4. I do remember hearing the waves that night as i was going to sleep...very relaxing.
Hi dearest Vicki,
so awsome fhotoes, the most beautifull nature, a wonderfull spot on earth.
And you are "given that away"
you are such a dear and sweet person, Vicki,
and someone will be very lucky , living in your wonderfull place for some dayes, between all your treasures.
You are realy a special, loving woman, dear friend.
Love and hugs, Dorthe
Can hear the waves & smell the salt air ... this would be the best vacation ever and it couldn't come at a better time in my life..
You have no idea how much I enjoy your blog. I alway feel like I'm taking with a dear friend.
Your condo is ABSOLUTELY beautiful!!!! Would love to go there and compare your side of the coast to my side!! Mona
Hope you're having a great time in Bermuda!! Count this as my second entry!! Mona
Wow.......what a gift to offer your blogging friends. Very generous of you! Jeff (my husband of 37 years) and I would love to go and relax there. Loved all the work your mom did, what a memory. Thanks and have a good week. Susan
Vicki-the cross-stitches that your mum did are lovely-especially the one with the children-I always enjoy that pose whether it be in a cross-stitch or painting, especially when the children are wearing hats.
Enjoy your trip.
This is such a heartfelt and beautiful post.
Thank you for reminding me that I should be putting my feet on the sand more often.
I live no more than 15 minutes away and get so caught up in my life that I just don't get there, so thank you.
x Felicity
you are sooo generous! i want to thank you for the others for the fantastic giveaway, i dont want to me in it , actually cant be in it as i live in a different continent, but thaks for sharing the treasures of your photos and memories.. regards..Px
Would love to win this dream vacation..
Good Morning, Vicki ~ It's that time again to hear from me with a comment saying I'd love to "scrapbook a week at the beach." Yes, I'm a scrapbooker, too, in addition to a x-stitcher. It's just that I have to find time to get it all done!
Let's see....what would I do at the beach if Maddy drew my name?
1. Sit and watch the waves
2. Knit
3. Read
4. Sit and watch the waves
5. Take lots of pictures
6. Take notes for blogging about the adventure
7. Sleep and listen to the waves
hello vickie and mary. since you are doing these posting for the next few days. my comments are for prize drawing only. PICK ME!
hi vickie hope you are having a great time. take lots of pictures. see you next week.
I spend 7 hours a day with MIDDLE-SCHOOL CHILDREN!!! Need I say more?? I would love to relax and enjoy a glass of wine on your lovely balcony....... Mona
Did I mention the air conditioning isn't working in my classroom/office? You don't put a 50-something woman in a room with NO AIR or WINDOWS!!!!.........I can feel a cool breeze just looking at the beautiful pictures of your condo.........Mona (2nd entry)
Vicki-I would love to wake up early in the morning and take long walks along the beach picking up seashells.
thanks E.
Just sitting on the beach enjoying an ice cream or a glass of wine as the sun sets is the perfect way to end a day.
hi vickie hope you guys are having a great time.
pick me
would love to be picked for this get way,, love to walk the beach looking for shells..
pick me please!
oh my! I have totally forgotten to comment for days! pick me!
I thought I better come back and throw my hat it for another opportunity to win. I can already see myself sitting on that beach, with the wind in my hair. I have learned a trick about walking on the beach. Walk into the wind as you set out. When you decide to turn around you will then have the wind to your back and the walking is easier. I went for a walk on the beach one day and walked and walked. I decided I was tired and turned around to return to the condo. The wind was in my face and by the time I got back, I was almost in tears. My husband said when I was gone so long he knew I had walked too far.
I would love to go to your condo because I haven't had "sex on the beach" in awhile...........I always did LOVE that drink!!!! Mona
Satellite Beach looks like the perfect place to spend a lazy day reading at the beach...........Mona
(2nd comment)
Whoa! There are a lot more entries since I commented yesterday morning. Everyone wants to enjoy your beautiful beach, Vicki! Me included! :)
Hi Vicki ~ That's so interesting that you will be at your beach condo the very next week after the one you're giving away. i think the winner will not only be blessed to be there but to possibly get to meet you!
Just laying in bed reading a book and listening to the waves crashes is the most peaceful way to fall asleep or wake up to.
hi vickie still trying to win a vac.
second for the day talk to you tommorrow
Hi Vicki ~ It's Friday evening heading into the weekend. Tomorrow I'm meeting someone who reads my blog (I don't know her at all), as she's never commented, just emailed a couple of times. Meeting blogging friends IRL (in real life) is something that I love to do! Maybe I'll meet you one day...whether Maddy draws my name or not! Fun!
Hi Vicki ~ today I knitted on a new scarf...for myself! If i win your beach vacation, I'll take some knitting with me. (I'm NOT a knitter like you though!) But it will be fun knitting in a new location!
There is something about the beach that is so peaceful-just feeling the sand beneath your feet, smelling the scent of the ocean and hearing the birds clacking away.
Once again sitting in bed with my laptop and surrounded by books-does not get much better for a Friday night. Especially after a wake.
Have a lovely weekend.
Winning this getaway at this time would mean so so much to me right now.
Love the wreath you have this all different shells & sea glass hanging on it.. what away to save memories.. If I should win .
hi vickie just checking in. got to stay on top of things to be a winner. hope everything is going great. see you next week.
second of the day. again tommorrow.
Ok here I am again, waiting on Maddy to pick my name!
I can just smell the ocean breezes, and feed the sand between my toes!
Happy Saturday, Vicki ~ I hope you are having a wonderful weekend. I had the chance to meet for the 1st time this morning someone who reads my blog. It was great! She was so fun and friendly. We took pictures, and hopefully I can post about our meeting next week! I'd love to win your beach trip!
Tomorrow is a new day...and a new chance to leave you a comment. Are you enjoying all your comment love? I hope so because it's been fun for me, too!
You are knitting designer nests, I am sure. Now that is has cooled off a little bit the knitting bug is biting me as well. Love looking at the pictures of the relaxing beach. Would love even more to see them in person, again.
This vacation would be a wonderful, relaxing get away for me.
Beyond generous! Thanks Vicki
Just me again dreaming of winning this getaway...
Loving the wreath you have here with shells & sea glass thinking if I win this I could collect shells & try to make myself one!
Hope you're having a good time..
Hi Vicki ~ it's late Sunday evening and guess what? I was all snuggled in bed tonight with the cool air blowing in the windows and ready for sleep. But, of course, things flitter through my mind before I can just drop off to dreamland. And what flittered through my mind but remembering I hadn't commented today. Yes, you guessed it...I got up and here I am. Hope your Sunday was restful.
Put another name in the hat for me. Now...I'm for sure going back to bed! Nite, nite, Vicki!
It's a crisp Monday morning here in VA with temps warming up to 82 today. It's a good day to wash windows...and that's what I'll be doing. I thought I'd drop you a comment before i got started. Have a happy day!
Hi Vicki ~ here I am signing up for a beach trip in October! It's hard to believe that the weather will be warm then, but I've never been to Florida. The temps all season there must be great!
Just me wishing to be picked..
pick me
hi vickie hope all went well on your trip. bring pictures see you sunday.
trying to keep ahead of Wanda! lol! pick me!
pick me!!! I would love it!
Vicki, this is really generous of you, how I would love to win!!! I was just enjoying the cross stitch pictures your Mom made, I can see why everything is so special to you here. It must be the love and care that went into everything you did!!! Love the photos, such a beautiful place to reflect and spend time.
Margaret B
p.s. If I won I would surprise my husband with a real honeymoon holiday!!!
Thanks for entering my name. If I was lucky enough to win, I would treat your beach home like it was my own! What a generous thing for you to do. Love your blog and your amazing talent. I love to knit, crochet, sew, and English smock. Work full time as a Student Activities Director at a small community college in Virginia. Have four grown children and four adorable grandchildren. My husband and I have traveled to Italy, Ireland, and South Africa. Viewing other cultures has definitely increased our desire for further travels. Thanks for entering my name. Robbie (:
Hi Vickie ~ Florida in mid-October...I'd love to experience it at your beach house!
Hi Vicki ~ Do you know what? The week before your beach trip giveaway I'll be in NY and PA! What a temperature change for this old bod if Maddy actually drew my name to spend the next week in balmy Florida!! It would definitely be a welcomed change! :)
Hi Vicki ~ this is a "before breakfast" comment today. I'll be gone for most of the day and wanted to let you know first thing that I'm dreaming of a beach vacation. :)
Vicki ~ I'm really enjoying my bird nest that you crafted for me in the spring. It's sitting on my nook table with a stand-up bird and a yellow ceramic birdhouse. I do think of you every time I see that knitted nest! I would so enjoy seeing all the decorations in your beach house. Have a wonderful day today...I'll be back tomorrow!
hi vickie hope you are enjoying your time back home. love all your pictures. keep them coming
hope all is well. still trying to win.
Just me checking in again.. Would love to have my name puted for this dream gateway..
this would be #2 for today..
Good Morning Vicki ~ I was wondering if little Maddy has her own email address. I think I need to correspond with her about which name to pick out of the hat! :)
Pick me, Maddy!
hello again still trying hope its pays off if not thats ok to.
hello again still trying hope its pays off if not thats ok to.
pick me
Hi Vicki,
How lovely to give someone a lovely vacation! Your Beach home is fantastic!!!
I would love to sign up but I know my husband would not be able to take off from work presently...it would have been heaven though..sigh.
I think of you dear lady everyday and wish you love, peace and joy.
Ok, Wanda is now so way ahead of me! I have been busy and forgot to post again! Pick me!!!
pick me please!
Wow, Sorry I won't be able to participate in this wonderful giveaway, but I tell you the photographs are wonderful. It must be a truly magical place to be.
There is a mention of ya on my blog:)
i sure could use a vacation. seems like my days just keep getting longer and longer. the closer it gets to the end of the season the more i need a day off.
pick me
Really do need to getaway..
this would be the perfect time for a vacation..
It's F-R-I-D-A-Y !!! Looking forward to a wonderful weekend as hubby and I are meeting with friends for lunch tomorrow. I hope your weekend is a good one, too, Vicki! Take care and enter my name again if you would! Thanks so much!
Hi Vicki ~ Your beach drawing is only a week or so away! Wow! It's coming FAST!
Wow--how do you have time to read all the comments, I do not want entered but wanted to say what a gracious, giving person you truly are. We are leaving tomorrow for our annual trek to the ocean, and I can't wait. There is nothing as peacful as the ocean. Missed it last year d/t the cancer and am grateful this year to be in remission and going to my favorite place to visit.
Ok, Vicki, I think I am official. I hope Miss Maddie will pick my name. We had such wonderful time at the condo with the brood. I think we would love to go alone...haha. Sara
Oh does 2 entries a day me I comment twice a day? I loved the glass. We brought some home with us when we were on Fiji. I didn't know about the blue, but I do have some.
it's me again, pick me, pick me!!!
Ah...my favorite place on earth. The beach in Floriday. I'd take good care of everything!! Pick me, pick me!!!!!!
two entries you say, okey dokey. Here's entry number two. I'd love to win. Love your nests btw. They are just too cute! Kathy
This would be dream vacation if my name was to be picked..
loved the pictures of the sea glass. i can just see you there now. washing and looking at your treasures. love the pictures.
loved the pictures of the sea glass. i can just see you there now. washing and looking at your treasures. love the pictures.
we looked for sea glass all week at the beach and did"t find any can"t believe all the glass you were walking on. would love to see that place someday but for now will have to be happy seeing it through your pictures.
Hi Vicki ~ it's the end of a wonderful Saturday. I hope your day was a good one. We joined friends for lunch in Richmond, two hours from us and had a delightful time. I meant to tell my friend about your beach giveaway....and I forgot. And I almost forgot to comment tonight, too! Gracious me! I'm glad I remembered!
Enter me twice for today! It's late, and my tired brain is running out of creative ways to say PICK ME!!! :)
I enjoyed walking on the beach at night and seeing the turtles come ashore to lay their eggs. Hugh will go back with me anytime.
This is my second entry today. I really enjoyed all of the pictures.
Just sitting here thinking how nice it would be, to be sitting on the beach.
I still can't get over all that sea glass you found......oh the things I would do with that sea galss. I once thought of making a stained glass window with sea glass. Entry 2 for today.
I really would like to go! Pick me please!
pick me, please!
Lazy beautiful Sunday afternoon...I'm thinking of the perfect beach to relax on...yours!
Hi Vicki ~ these warm days and cool nights are some of my favorites. I love this time of year and look forward to October when the leaves swirl down as we walk outside. This year I'm dreaming of a different kind of fall ... a week spent in Florida! Give sweet Maddy a kiss for me and whisper sweet Debs in her ear. :)
pick me
second time today
Amazing opportunity for some lucky person. Jan
back today! pick me, please!
pick me, pick me, pretty please, little miss maddy!
Hi Miss Maddy ~ I usually write to your Aunti Vicki, but today I'll write to you. Did you know that you're a very important little girl who will make someone very happy when you draw a name out of Aunti Vicki's hat? Tell Aunti Vicki that you hope Miss Debs is the name that's picked! :)
Maybe it's today's Monday comment that will be the special one that gets drawn. There's something about Mondays that I love anyway. Take care, Vicki ~ see you tomorrow.
Waiting anxiously for "Shorebird Nests"...Oct.would a beautiful time to be in Florida!!!
blessing from your friend wanda. looking forward to these final days of the count down to that wonderful vac. giveway
pick me
I wanna go!
Pick me! please!!
site mess up, not sure if my comment went through, pick me please!
Oh how I come use this vacation at this time ...Just need to have faith everything will be okay..
Happy Tuesday, Vicki! I've been sewing today on three table runners. Now just the binding needs to be done. Sitting at the beach doing some hand sewing sounds fun!
This week is a hot one here in VA...and the next three days temps will be in the 90s...almost like summer is back in town! I'm ready for fall and for feet in the sand at the beach! Here's to dreaming! :)
Hi Vicki,
What beautiful pictures of one of my favorite places in Florida! I would take my husband if I won the contest. We love the east coast of Florida.
And now the amazing pictures from the sea glass beach in Bermuda! It would be a wonderful place to visit!
Please enter my name in your contest.
wednesday morning still hoping for a chance on the trip. i will be happy for whoever wins.
second for the day. trying again tomorrow.
second for the day. trying again tomorrow.
Hi Vicki ~ It's Happy Hump Day and closer to the weekend! I'm spending some time at the library today using fast speed. Then I'm getting a perm! Curls! Have a special day!
Hi Vicki ~ Are you looking forward to your week at the beach? I hope you have a wonderful time and also the winner of your giveaway, too. I wish whoever wins the very best vacation!
pick me please!
Pick me, pick me!
pick me
late start today having trouble getting computer started
2 more days and we find out who the lucky winner is!!!!!!
Entry #2 for the day!
Hi Vicki ~ my sister called last night and asked, "Are you still entering that beach giveaway?"
Hi Vicki ~ wouldn't it have been perfectly beautiful if the Harvest Moon was shining over the ocean the exact week the winner was at your beach house? I missed the big moon last night that everyone is talking about today, but maybe it will still be big tonight.
Good Morning! Please pick me!
I love the glass beach pictures, why don't you send me there? lol Ok, I will settle for Florida!
Hi Vicki ~ It's Friday..the end of a busy week. I always look forward to this day because it means my honey will be home from work tomorrow! Please enter me again! :)
Hi Vicki ~ Today is a cleaning day at my house! Tomorrow we have guests visiting in the afternoon before they head off and another family arriving for supper. My day will be spent making the big dish of San Francisco Chicken and sides I will serve them. My daughter will make the Autumn Apple Cheesecake! Wanna come, too?! :)
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