When I create I make a mess, Try not to but I do~~
Forgive me~~ I am in the middle of one of my "nesting" projects right now and I'm ashamed to admit how I've let things get so cluttered. Imagine about 200 different yarns in a variety of colors strung all over my Sacred Yarn Room~~
Then add to that the embellishments, ribbons, tissue, tags, packing boxes - I am surrounded by utter chaos right now! I am truly too embarrassed to show you actual photos of what my Sacred Yarn Room looks like - so I have "disguised" them a bit~
When I finish a project - I completely clean and straighten my craft room - (sometimes it takes days to crawl out of this mess!) ~~~ and then I start again on a new project - and another new mess!!
~such is my life!~
If you are new to my blog and would like to visit my post from last year - (when my Sacred Yarn Room was so nice and neat for the party!) -please click Here. (And yes - you are allowed to say that this year I have totally wimped out:(
If you are curious about my latest big project and aren't scared off by my big mess - you can click the Twinkle, Twinkle photo at the top of my sidebar or click Here.
I am constantly adding to my yarn collection - as I am always in a state of "nesting" around here. My beautiful green yarns are displayed creatively here - it's the only neat thing in the room right now!
Do you make a great big mess when you create? Can anybody really be creative in a neat and tidy way? I'd love to hear your comments! If you make a mess, please tell me so! (It would make me feel so much better!) (all this company and I'm just not prepared - I'm so embarrassed!!)
May I offer you some delicious cookies? Will that make you feel more welcome? (and maybe forgive me for this mess!) Thank you for your visit - I really am so very happy that you stopped by to see me. Your comment will serve as your entry - and Miss Maddy girl will draw the winner. I will post the winner right HERE on this blog post on July 29. I'll have these wonderful pecan blueberry butter cream cookiesdelivered right to your door - wherever you live!
I wish you all wonderful journeys as you visit the many talented and creative women who are participating in this great event. Thank you Karenfor all the efforts that you put into making this such a special celebration of creativity among women!
I am so excited to share this news with you all - my first travel essay has just been published! I've been asked to join the talented team of writers at a new online magazine for women- Living Better at 50+.
I will be a regular travel feature writer for this exciting new women's online magazine. My first travel essay is about our trip to the Canadian Rockies. In the essay I share a little bit of history about the Banff National Park as well as my favorite suggestions to enhance your own travels there. (I even offer up suggestions for my favorite low cost souveigner gift to bring home to your friends and family)! You can access the article directlyhere~~~or just click on the travel section of themagazine here.
This new magazine promises to bring fresh and interesting topics to mature women on such subjects as beauty & fashion, health & fitness, home & food, money & business, relationships, and of course travel. There is also a special section devoted to "Words of Wisdom" - a place to find encouragement for the times when we all need support in our lives. The magazine is new - first published this February - and already it is becoming widely popular. Their facebook page has well over 800 fans already - we are hoping for a 1000! (you can come and join us if you want - just click the LIKE button on the home page of the magazine - I'd love to see some of my follower's faces there!)
I hope you will take some time to check our this new magazine -Living Better at 50+ - and also my travel feature. If you want to leave a comment for me on the feature website - I would be thrilled and probably blush in 7 colors! (seriously -it would mean the world to me if you have the time to leave a comment!) I hope you will join me in this exciting new venture~~ (every month I"ll take you someplace new and exciting~~
You are more than welcome to add my photos to your Pinterest Board -- in fact, I would be honored if you wish to do so! If you wish to use my photos for any other purposes - please kindly email me first. In most instances, I am happy to help you. Thanks for your understanding~xoxo
you are invited to visit my "Sacred Yarn room" -- just click the photo below~
Come on in...
~For information regarding my knitted bird nests or to place your name on the next waiting list -- please email me.
I'm so weak and yarn obsessed that I would give up food to buy beautiful yarns.... this gorgeous yarn is so gonna be mine!!
"Let me warn you that a genuine interest in knitting can keep you fascinated, eagerly pursuing it, and never satisfied throughout a lifetime." Rose Wilder Lane
"Those of you who feel that knitting has changed your life, welcome to the club. I can think of no better occupation to reveal your own creativity."
Kaffe Fassett
"I knit the afternoon away. I knit reasons for Elijah to come back. I knit apologies for Emma. I knit angry knots and slipped stitches for every mistake I ever made, and I knit wet, swollen stitches that look awful. I knit the sun down. ” Laurie Halse Anderson, Wintergirls
A simple ball of yarn, a couple of knitting needles, and every stitch you knit brings you closer to that clear calm space in the center of your soul~ (me)
~ An amazing charitable project that generated over 700 "pink scarf" donations from all over the world... you are invited to witness the generosity and compassion of so many... Please click the photo for the stories and photos..
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~these folks are the heart and soul of my blog. I love, love, love my beautiful followers...
~my sweet husband-- the Gardener. My best friend and my most awesome supporter in all that I do. We are so blessed to be able to travel and enjoy life as we do together...
~here I am,... sitting on a pier in Venice, waiting for the water taxi. My luggage over packed (of course!)... my usual 2 Bags Full... one for my clothes, and one for my knitting..
About me... A neonatal nurse for 43 years, recently RETIRED!! Married to Dan - a retired civil engineer - we love our life and are very blessed to have friends and family that we cherish. We live with kitties who are the "true" bosses of our house and have 7 Grandbabies who we love more than life~~~Keri Beth, Kadence Noelle, Karoline, Kennedy, Mason, Avila Jewel and Maddy. We LOVE to travel and are almost always either just getting back or just getting ready to go - someplace. Our favorite way to travel is on cruises and we've truly been around the world and back again. Our journeys have enriched our lives and made us appreciate our wonderful home, our family, and our friends. My suitcases are always in a state of readiness, one for my clothes, and one for my knitting - 2 Bags Full. xoxo