Sunday, August 26, 2012

A Bountiful Harvest-- the Harvest nests are here!

Harvest- a celebration of nature's bounty~~ 

After a year of designing and long hours of creating -- I am thrilled to finally see this dream come to reality.  The Harvest Nests are finished!!

This special season is one of my favorites~ it is a feast for the senses as well as a state of mind.  To me, Autumn signals the turning of the year~~ a time to take stock of all that you have accomplished throughout the past months ~ a time to appreciate your bountiful blessings. Autumn is a splendid and colorful gateway to the winter season. 
This nest is truly a celebration of bounty-- in my heart it represents the outpouring of love and support that you have all given to me and my "little nests."  

 The creation of 45 Designer nests has been "all consuming" (translation --- LOTS of long, and late nights)-- but now that they are completed -- I have such a sense of satisfaction, knowing that we (Mary and I) have been able to create these for all of you.  To those of you who have waited so long -- almost a year for these nests to come to life --- my heartfelt thanks for trusting me and allowing me to do this for all of  you.  

"By all these lovely tokens,
September days are here.  
With Summer's best of weather,
and Autumn's best of cheer."
(author unknown)

Those of you who have been on the waiting list will find your nests now listed in my ETSY shop.  Please go to the Reserved Section of the shop that corresponds with the first letter of your LAST name. 
(You can find the link to my etsy shop on the top of my sidebar.)

    If you can not find your name listed in my ETSY shop
 -- please email me.  


In designing this nest -- I wanted to create a collection of yarns that would represent a sunny walk in the woods on a crisp, cool Autumn day~~

An explosion of color -- 
as vibrant as the leaves on the Autumn trees. 


Each nest contains pieces of beautiful vintage jewelry

Nestled inside each nest are 3 exquisite beaded acorns. 



Can you see the little tin heart?
Each nest contains a little heart -- a little "love"
from me-- to all of you.  


 Each of your nests will come wrapped in
beautiful tissue and wearing a gorgeous tag
made by my friend Sue.

 These nests have truly been a labor of love.  My way of giving back to you -- making 45 nests so that each of you who wanted to have a special nest -- would be able to do so.  They are a once in a lifetime creation---

But-- they have been incredibly labor intensive!  So-- from now on -- the Designer nests will go back
to being  small, limited quantities.  

 As with all of my Designer Nest Series -- the charitable profits are donated to a worthwhile charity~~

My friend Jan heads up a little knitting group at her church.  She and members of her group lovingly knit scarves throughout the year. In December - the month of true giving-- the scarves are donated to several local charities who provide services to the needy and homeless within our communities.  Most of the yarns used by the ladies in her group are donated by people of the church.  

Because this is such a special nest -- a nest that represents a celebration of bounty and of blessings abundant -- I am donating the charitable profits from these nests to Jan's knitting group. They can use the funds to purchase beautiful yarns for the ladies to use in their knitting. Those of you who have waited SO long to purchase these nests -- can take pride in the fact that your purchase is going to help keep someone warm this winter~~
  Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

 Take a good look!! Because this is something that you aren't likely to ever see again ---45 nests!!  (It took us forever to carry all of these outside -- sit up for the photo -- and then carry them (ever so gently!!) back inside again!!  That's Mary sitting up front -- looking beautiful in her turquoise.  I'm the one looking like the "great pumpkin" sitting in the back.  

 So--- what's up next?  Those of you who have an interest in joining the waiting list for the Woodland or Shabby Chic nests (as pictured on my sidebar) still have time.  There are a few more places open -- but I am going to have to close those lists very soon.  I will be making those nests this winter and they will be making their way to folks in the spring. 

There won't be any more Designer nests this year --- but I am already looking ahead to next year -- and an incredible design that is ALREADY in the works.  Be sure to be HERE for a very special post on October 1.  I'll be sharing some BIG news with you regarding the next design, and I will be kicking off a YEAR long celebration PROJECT in anticipation of the release of  next year's nest.  I'm so excited already~~

I'm going to take a little blogging break -- I'm just so tired, I know you understand.  I will be back on October 1 with news -- incredible news!  Until then -- enjoy the rest of your summer -- it is passing ever so quickly now~~


ps -- just because I'm on a blog break does not mean that I'm not here--- I check my emails every day-- I love to hear from you--


Acorn to Oak said...

They're so beautiful! And, even though they were a lot of work, I bet they were tons of fun to create. I can totally see all the love that you put into them. I'm sure all the recipients will be thrilled. Those little acorns are precious! I love them! Enjoy your month off from blogging! We'll miss you! :-)

Wildflowerhouse said...

They are absolutely beautiful. You take a nice long well deserved rest. See you in Oct.

Julie Marie said...

Oh my gosh Vicki!... the nests are incredible!!! I cannot wait to go to Etsy and find mine... I am so excited for it to arrive... I know the time and love you put into each and every one of them, and I will cherish mine always... and how like you to donate your proceeds to help charity and scarves to keep folks warm come winter... I love all of the beautiful photos, and of course you need a break now!... much love to you, I am sooo excited!!!... you are such a kind and generous lady and I adore you!... xoxo Julie Marie

Julie Marie said...

PS I love the name of your post... my little hometown I grew up in (right next to my town I live in now) is called "Bountiful"!... so we always had a "Bountiful" Harvest!... xoxo Moi

Joyful said...

Your 45 beautiful nests will be treasured by the 45 lovely people who purchased them. What a lovely sight they make. May God bless the hands that made them. Enjoy your blogging break :-)

SuZeQ said...

Your creations and your generosity make MY heart sing!

Absolutely beautiful photographs and you and Mary look fabulous as well.

audrey said...

Vicki, I am thrilled that I will have this nest to showcase in my home for the arrival of Autumn ~ my favorite season. It is STUNNING!!! And blessings to you, Vicki, for the time and love you put into these nests for charity.
I'm not sure how I missed the Shorebird Nest, Vicki. It is precious. If you ever make another Shorebird Nest, please add me to your list right from the start!
xxoo audrey

marda said...

OH MY WORD!! (as my mother used to say)..these nests are breathtaking.
I can see why you will limit your quantity.. I can't begin to imagine ALL the work you put into this project. But for those of us who will be receiving one in the mail...totally appreciate all that time and effort. I just keep saying (alas to myself) OH MY OH MY. Thanks to for letting us know where your donation will go. A worthy cause for sure. Thank you.. thank you.. thank you. The pictures are fantastic. You so do NOT look like a pumpkin!!!!

Kristie said...

Beautiful works of art Vicki. I can see how much time and effort have gone into the making of these nests. I'm sure that everyone who is waiting for them is excited and can't wait to get their hands on them. Gorgeous colors...indeed they look like autumn! :)

I don't blame you for taking a break...enjoy!

marda said...

Me again.. I just ordered my nest. I'll be on pins and needles till it arrives.

Lululiz said...

My goodness, those nests are stunning! Incredible variety of yarns, fabulous bits and pieces, bling, these nests have it all. They truly are a celebration of Fall and harvest time and the incredibly bountyful gifts of Mother Nature.

Jenny said...

Vicki, they are gorgeous as I knew they would be. I tried to save one in Etsy but couldn't sign in. Save me one until I get back to Texas, please. xo Jenny

Mr Paul said...

Incredible, such an immense project to create 45 of these little beauties. They look incredible in the garden together.

Jane K said...

Oh what beautiful nests, so colourful and reminiscent of a woodland walk. They are wonderful creations and it's lovely you are donating your profits to a charity showing the true spirit of the blessings of harvest time.

J x

The Painted Garden said...

Hi Vicki,

Oh goodness - the new nests are stunning- so colorful and filled with love and little special pieces and Fall wonders.

You and your friend who made the adorable tags are so gifted.

God bless you for donating the proceeds to the knitting group.
Have a wonderful blog break.
Blessings, Erin

Meredith said...

They are absolutely gorgeous. You need a break, we will miss you so rest up and come back soon,

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

So, so, so very beautiful! The nests and the lovely ladies who had a hand in making them. :) I do love Fall, but we don't experience it over here in desert country. :/ I would love to see how you knit the nests up. They are so absolutely incredible. I can't even imagine the work that goes into each and every one. I don't know how you manage to do all that you do with the kind of work you do at the hospital. You deserve a break! Recharge and refresh! wishing you all the best! Hugs and blessings, Tammy

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

P.S. The tags are beautiful, too!

Esme said...

Vickithese are truly lovely and perfect for fall. Anyone who has one will cherish them forever

gigi knits said...

Your nests are incredible!!! Can't wait to get mine.

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Vicki, they are breath taking; well done!
Enjoy your blog break.

knitalatte said...

Hi VIcki,
Enjoy your well deserved break. You out did yourself with the beautiful harvest nests. The photos of them all together are stunning. I adore the mix of beads and variegated yarns. soooooo pretty!

Suzan said...

Ohh my goodness Vicki! You constantly amaze me with your talent and your work!! These nests are beautiful and each one so lovely blended with the colors of the upcoming season of fall!
Enjoy your rest!!
God Bless!!

Sherri said...

Vickie, no wonder you need a blog break-45 custom nests is an incredible fete!! They are all so gorgeous! I'm sure you have made 45 people exceptionally happy!!! See you when you get back!

Elizabeth and Gary said...

Hi Vicki,
Your harvest nests are beautiful!!!! I love all the fall colors you used and those little acorns are just the sweetest little things ever.
Have a sweet day, Elizabeth

Pat said...

Vicki, You have done a magnificient job of creating even more beautiful nests for people to enjoy and for such a good cause. I'd say you deserve time off to rest and recuperate.....please do have a restful 'vacation.' You are just the 'best.' Will look forward to your return and that good news! pat

Pat said...

Vicki, You have done a magnificient job of creating even more beautiful nests for people to enjoy and for such a good cause. I'd say you deserve time off to rest and recuperate.....please do have a restful 'vacation.' You are just the 'best.' Will look forward to your return and that good news! pat

Julie Marie said...

Hi Vicki.... my nest arrived yesterday and I am so in love with it!... it is just gorgeous!!! I just did a special post about it and YOU!... hope you can stop by if you get a chance, thank you sooo much!... xoxo Julie Marie

NanaDiana said...

Julie Marie sent me over. I have never heard of, or seen, anything like these nests- they are just gorgeous. You do absolutely stunning work. I am signing up as a new follower so I will be looking forward to your return in October- Blessings- xo Diana

Deb said...

Those 45 people will be thrilled to receive their beautiful nest! The photo shoot is amazing seeing all those nests in one spot! Vicki, you must DREAM beautiful yarn dreams! :) Everything is gorgeous!

audrey said...

My nest arrived!!! It is beyond beautiful! The colors are amazing and every little item you've incorporated into it makes it a very special Harvest Nest. Thank you for making these works of art for our homes.
♥ audrey

Thee Alley Kat said...

So very beautiful and full of detail!!

Mila said...

Ciao Vicki! Your nests are so beautiful!
Mila :)

Tanna said...

Amazing and exquisite!! Each and every one!! Just beautiful. blessings ~ tanna

Beedeebabee said...

Vicki, These nests are beyond words exquisite!!! The colors, the fibers, all of the goodies woven into them...just everything! All of the love and time you put into each nest definitely shows. They are such treasures...and you my sweet friend, are an absolute angel!

Maggie said...

Vicki, Vicki, Vicki!
You have excelled yourself this time, dear girl, the Harvest nests are stunning!
I just know that all those who ordered one from you are going to be as delighted with their nests as I am with both my Woodland and Christmas nests.
Have a wonderful break, sweetie, you really deserve some R&R after this mammoth task.

Mosaic Magpie said...

Dear Great Pumpkin,
Please be aware there is a very special knitter living in Kentucky that is claiming to be you. She has a heart of gold and a special talent for knitting up the prettiest nests I have ever seen.
LOL, beautiful as always!

Fat Dormouse said...

What lovely lovely things you create, Vicki! I think I visited you way back during OWOH event, but I'm afraid I didn't keep up with following you. Thanks to Sandra, I have found your blog again and would love to join in with your Grow Your Blog event. Enjoy your rest through September.

Lili said...

Those are so incredible!!! I love that you incorporated some vintage jewelry in them too. I can't wait to check out your shabby chic ones that you mentioned were on your sidebar!! Enjoy your well deserved break. You are amazing Vicki!! xoxo ~Lili

Charlene said...

Oh soooooooooooo pretty! WOW 45 nests I can't imagine. I have one of your beauties. A gift from a friend for my BDay. Mine is one of the shore/beach themed ones. I just remodeled my Master Bath & she's back on the shelf above my tub. The eggs are still in the bottom of the nest but, I have a beautiful 1950's mermaids (like people put in the aquarium) in it. I'll be doing a post about the remodel soon so hope you stop by from time to time to see. SO FUN! Have a great week.

Sharon Lovejoy said...

When I returned home to California dear Vicki, I unwrapped my nest (and the gift card that came with it), and put them on my big work table. Just love them so much.

I adore the photo of you with 45 NESTS. That is utterly amazing. They're in some of my favorite colors too.

You constantly bring pleasure to all of us...pleasure AND beauty, and a zest for life.

Sending love across the miles...and when I am in Lexington or that area, will you be around? I will be on book tour for a month.

Love, love,


myriamkreativ said...

Hi my sweet Vicki,
.... these are simply gorgeous! I am so excited waiting for my nest to come...... I hope it will be soon! Have a great Sunday.
Hugs and kisses

Bumpkin Hill said...

Wow you have been busy!! They really do remind me of a sunny autumnal walk crunching through the leaves! Catherine x

Rosemary Aubut said...

I am a texture freak and I love everything you do! Well done! Exquisite work!

Lorraine said...

These are beautiful Vicki! Most definitely a bountiful harvest.

Tanya Sehgal said...

Wow! What lovely pics you got :) You are so beautiful. :) I can't tell if you got so many grand children because you don't seem like a grandma :) The nests are really beautiful, I would love to make one on my own. Also your blog is soo wonderful. The pictures & your blog posts. I am a regluar reader now :) Take care

Anonymous said...

thanks so much for getting back to me. I will be sure to continue to check you blog not only for the blog party but to see your beautiful creations.

Dreaming Woods said...

i think magic bird would live in these autumn nests. the nests look like they would have fell from the fairyland tree! magical!!!

Susan Elliott said...

These turned out beautifully Vicki! And I LOVE the pic of you with all your nests! I hope someone is taking a picture of you as you's part of your story and it should be captured.

Love the breast cancer nests too! Such a great idea. You have been a very busy woman~it's beautiful to see.

xo Susan