***January 15, 2013 - UPDATE
If you are looking for the Grow Your Party list of participants for this years HUGE party -- you will find it here!
The day I started blogging is etched in my mind forever. After working for what seemed like hours on my very first post, I held my breath while cautiously (and nervously) -- touching my fingers to the publish button. One second later, I was a blogger. At that time, I had no idea how this experience called "blogging" would change my life~~
If you are looking for the Grow Your Party list of participants for this years HUGE party -- you will find it here!
The day I started blogging is etched in my mind forever. After working for what seemed like hours on my very first post, I held my breath while cautiously (and nervously) -- touching my fingers to the publish button. One second later, I was a blogger. At that time, I had no idea how this experience called "blogging" would change my life~~

Without ever packing a bag I'm able to visit with some amazing people from all over the world. Over the past couple of years I've developed wonderful relationships with folks on the other side of the world -- friends that I truly cherish~~
Dorthe lives in Denmark- she makes mermaids and dolls and beautiful crafts from objects that she finds along the beach near her home. ~~ Jenny and her husband Enno live in Holland and have the most beautiful garden you have ever seen. ~~Suzy lives in Australia and works her magic with lace -- an unbelievable talent. ~~ My friend Jo also lives in Australia -- she introduces me to great art, wonderful recipes -- she is an amazing cook, wonderful books and keeps me always thinking with her inquisitive posts. One more friend in Australia - sweet Neesie, shares her gorgeous artwork on her blog while writing the most intriquing posts about her interests and life in general. ~~ Jim,Ron,(and Sophie Doodle) live in Nova Scotia- they showcase their amazing scenery on their blog and live life to its fullest -- all through the eyes of their adorable doodle dog - Sophie. ~~
My dear friend Elaine lives in Canada- we share similar interests in books, movies and PBS series. She has given me some wonderful recommendations! She is also an amazing photographer. ~~ Rod - my knitting extraordinaire friend - lives in Iceland (and I am going to visit him next summer!!) This experience most certainly would not be happeneing if it were not for blogging!! ~~ Liz lives in France and makes gorgeous crafts using some This experience most certainly would not have happened had it not been for wonderful items that she buys at the flea markets over there (lucky dog!) ~~ Paul lives in England-- he is an expert on plants and flowers and all things gardening related. He has taken me to some amazingly beautiful places in England through the pages of his blog.~~ Myriam lives in Germany and is truly a wonderful friend. She is so kind and always remembers me on my birthday :) ~~
Tammy lives in Kuwait and has introduced me to a whole new culture. She is a talented crafter, a world traveler, and shares some amazing recipes on her beautiful blog. ~~ Delilah lives in Finland, but is moving to England -- a recent graduate of a Master Gardening degree -- she is moving to take a position in one of the great historical gardens in the English countryside. She makes beautiful jewelry. ~~ Mila lives in Italy in the place of my dreams, Cinque Tere - she is a painter and her designs are exquisite. ~~
Elvira lives in (sigh)--- Tuscany. Her photography is simply breathtaking. She shares photos of the Tuscan countryside that are beautiful beyond words- and she has a wild boar that she rescued as a baby -- she keeps her as a pet! ~~ Catherine lives in Belgium -- she is a children's illustrator and makes beautiful bears. Her party themed designs are precious.~~ And Maggie -- lives in France - in a beautiful historic Presbytere. She shares stunning photos from around her home and takes us along on her travels.
My dear friend Elaine lives in Canada- we share similar interests in books, movies and PBS series. She has given me some wonderful recommendations! She is also an amazing photographer. ~~ Rod - my knitting extraordinaire friend - lives in Iceland (and I am going to visit him next summer!!) This experience most certainly would not be happeneing if it were not for blogging!! ~~ Liz lives in France and makes gorgeous crafts using some This experience most certainly would not have happened had it not been for wonderful items that she buys at the flea markets over there (lucky dog!) ~~ Paul lives in England-- he is an expert on plants and flowers and all things gardening related. He has taken me to some amazingly beautiful places in England through the pages of his blog.~~ Myriam lives in Germany and is truly a wonderful friend. She is so kind and always remembers me on my birthday :) ~~
Tammy lives in Kuwait and has introduced me to a whole new culture. She is a talented crafter, a world traveler, and shares some amazing recipes on her beautiful blog. ~~ Delilah lives in Finland, but is moving to England -- a recent graduate of a Master Gardening degree -- she is moving to take a position in one of the great historical gardens in the English countryside. She makes beautiful jewelry. ~~ Mila lives in Italy in the place of my dreams, Cinque Tere - she is a painter and her designs are exquisite. ~~
Elvira lives in (sigh)--- Tuscany. Her photography is simply breathtaking. She shares photos of the Tuscan countryside that are beautiful beyond words- and she has a wild boar that she rescued as a baby -- she keeps her as a pet! ~~ Catherine lives in Belgium -- she is a children's illustrator and makes beautiful bears. Her party themed designs are precious.~~ And Maggie -- lives in France - in a beautiful historic Presbytere. She shares stunning photos from around her home and takes us along on her travels.
These aren't just people that I know -- these are people that I love. We have become true friends through this experience called blogging~~
Whether you have been blogging for years or months or just days -- we all want the experience of making new friends and just knowing that there are people "out there" who care about and are interested in our blogs. We want to be "heard". We want people to visit - and leave comments -- and come back again and again to read what we write. We want FOLLOWERS!!
My "Grow Your Blog" event is designed to bring more readers and FOLLOWERS to your blogs. The premise is simple -- visit as many blogs as you can and follow those that interest you. In turn, those folks will be doing the same thing -- and hopefully everyone will grow a bigger blog!
We need some guidelines - so here they are~~
1. ***Everyone who has a blog is invited!! Please note - the deadline for entry is January 15!!!***
This is the official SIGN UP Post. If you want to participate - please leave a comment here on this post. Make sure you have a valid link to your blog and also tell me how many Followers you have. ***I am going to place everyone into categories based on the number of followers that you currently have. While you can certainly visit any blogs and as many blogs as you wish -- those of you with only a few followers may wish to begin your quest by visiting blogs that are similar to yours - so that you can support each other and more quickly add to your follower list.***
This is the official SIGN UP Post. If you want to participate - please leave a comment here on this post. Make sure you have a valid link to your blog and also tell me how many Followers you have. ***I am going to place everyone into categories based on the number of followers that you currently have. While you can certainly visit any blogs and as many blogs as you wish -- those of you with only a few followers may wish to begin your quest by visiting blogs that are similar to yours - so that you can support each other and more quickly add to your follower list.***
2. PLEASE share the beautiful party badge (created by friend Karen) on your own blogs. The more people that know about this event -- the better. We need lots of people to participate so that you have a better chance of "growing your blog!" Share this information with your blog friends, with your readers and followers -- perhaps do a special post about the event. Spread the word!!
3. Just in case you don't get what you want for Christmas (LOL!!) -- lets give away some prizes to our participants! If you wish (it's NOT a requirement) you may give away a prize. (Anything you want.) The rules need to be simple -- anyone can enter, anyone can win - regardless of where they live. There is NO requirement that a person has to be a follower of your blog to win. ***The winner does not have to have a blog -- please make sure that you make that evident on your post -- anyone can enter -- anyone can win.*** Blogging has NO boundaries and you need to be willing to mail your gift anywhere in the world. Let's all do the same thing and give our prizes away on February 1, 2013. You can announce the winner of your giveaway on Your blog.
4. **** Please publish your blog post late in the evening of January 18th. I will publish my post as the host blog -- around midnight on the morning of the 19th. I'll participate just as you all do - and will have a little give away of my own as well.
4. **** Please publish your blog post late in the evening of January 18th. I will publish my post as the host blog -- around midnight on the morning of the 19th. I'll participate just as you all do - and will have a little give away of my own as well.
Some suggestions for making this a better and more fun experience for all of us--
1. Introduce yourself on your blog. Tell about who you are and why you started your blog. If your blog pertains to a particular interest - tell about that also. In short - let folks know what your blog is about.
2. Make sure that you go to your blog profile and add your email address to your profile. There is NOTHING more dreaded than the No-Reply Blogger status on your comment. People want to be able to reply back to you and if they can't because you have not included your address in your profile -- they may get frustrated.
3. Comment Moderation spam filter ---We all hate it. Please consider turning it OFF for this event. Folks just do not want to sit and have to type in those silly numbers and letters every time they leave a comment. If you visit 50 or 60 blogs - that might get old really fast. It is totally your choice to turn it off or leave it on -- I am just suggesting that you turn it off.
4. VERY IMPORTANT -- Be sure that you have your Follower button installed on your sidebar!!! (It's located in the gadget section of your design page- just click to add it to your sidebar.)
5. You might want to consider adding your email address to your sidebar someplace where folks will see it. (you can add that by using the text gadget)
6. Put your first name someplace near your blogger profile and share a photo of yourself if you would like. People want to identify with you and to call you by your first name when they leave their comments.
7. Please -- we are NOT selling things here. That is not what this event is about. The purpose of this event is to Meet-Greet- and Grow your blogs! So please don't take advantage of that. If you have an ETSY shop or website -- just have it listed on your sidebar. If folks are interested - they will go there.
8. If you want to give your blog a new "do" in time for the party --- you might want to contact Karen - she will make your blog look beautiful!
This is my way of giving back to the blogging community that has given SO very much to me. I feel in my heart that this event has such great potential to help your blogs to GROW and to change your blogging life -- especially if you are a new or novice blogger. I'm so very excited to have the opportunity to host this event and to invite you all to participate. My fingers are crossed already -- and we still have to wait 2 months!!! Lets use that time to spread the word among our fellow bloggers. Please - Please-- share the information with all of your friends. Lets make this an unbelievable event!! (and then we can do it again next year!!)
ps -- coming up next -- a little motivation for some pre-Christmas shopping and a little reward for my devoted followers! An I LOVE ETSY Party!! . I will link to some of my favorite ETSY shops and--- I will link to yours. If you are one of my devoted followers and your etsy shop is ready for Christmas shoppers -- then I would love to help to bring folks to your etsy shop. I will have all the info in a post that is coming up soon - so be watching!!
And so it begins~~ the first donation for my "Pink Scarf Project" has arrived. Donated by the generous souls at the Lady of Fatima Church in Huntington, West Va-- it is beyond beautiful and so very special. The flower embellishments were added by my friend Janet Yost. This scarf will bring a smile and a warm hug to someone who is recieving treatments for Breast cancer.
Please consider participating in this special project. You may make or purchase a pink scarf for your donation. The scarf you donate could make a difference -- You can find more info on my sidebar-- or here.
And so it begins~~ the first donation for my "Pink Scarf Project" has arrived. Donated by the generous souls at the Lady of Fatima Church in Huntington, West Va-- it is beyond beautiful and so very special. The flower embellishments were added by my friend Janet Yost. This scarf will bring a smile and a warm hug to someone who is recieving treatments for Breast cancer.
Please consider participating in this special project. You may make or purchase a pink scarf for your donation. The scarf you donate could make a difference -- You can find more info on my sidebar-- or here.