Monday, April 8, 2013

The Shabby Chic nests ~ (their story)

My Mother's Bible is old and tattered.
   The pages yellowed and loose from their bindings~

Her precious collection of vintage laces sat here in my
 Sacred Yarn room for years ---

silently calling to me~

until finally~
I had the courage to listen.

Filled with laces from my Mother's collection-
the Shabby Chic nests
  are now more beautiful
 than ever before.

them sitting on my Mother's Bible,
 just seemed fitting.

To make them even more special~
I'm adding your very own personal treasures.
your grandmother's pearls,
tiny lockets,
pieces of a wedding dress,
ribbons from christening gowns,
your Father's handkerchief,
pieces of a treasured prayer cloth,
laces from your own collections,...

For weeks now,
tiny packages have been arriving here to me~
filled with precious memories
 from Your past and present--

This note made my heart stop~
a stark realization that life is fragile,
there are no promises.
We should tell the people we love --
that we LOVE them.
(I am sharing this photo with the permission
 of a very special lady).
Bringing these nests to life
with your own precious treasures
has brought me the greatest

My own collection of vintage embellishments
made a lovely photo~
pearl necklaces, beaded garland, millinery branches,
and feathers.
(I'm adding these embellishments and
lots of beautiful wispy,
 white feathers~)

I've been steadily working on nests since December.
First -- I made all of the Woodland nests.
And then -- we traveled to warm places (sigh~)
(photos coming soon - I promise!)
Since I have been home
I have dedicated long hours to creating these
Shabby Chic nests for those of you
on the waiting list.
If you would like info about NEXT year's waiting list --
you are welcome to email me~

Of course, Yeller Feller is helping me in the usual way~
My goal is to have the Shabby Chic nests finished by
early June.
Those of you still on the list
will be hearing from me

Some updates~

Your generosity and participation in the
continues to amaze me!
When we returned from our cruise to warm places,
these packages
(containing 24 scarves!!)
were waiting on me!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
To date~ the Pink Scarf Project
has collected over
 100 scarves!!!
~~ If you would like info
about the project --
the photo link is on the top of my sidebar
or the link noted above.
(I am already working on the beautiful spring photo shoot for the scarves!)
It is going to be amazingly beautiful!
I'm getting SO excited to share the scarves with you all! 
All scarves received from this notice on --
 will be photographed in the
photo shoot.
(I'm thinking they might take a trip to the seashore!!) 

A bit of news~
Here I go again-- off on another little blogging break.  For real this time!!
I will return on May 7 --(set your clocks for 2 pm EST) --
Visit me here for a beautiful post featuring my collection of Vintage Millinery -- and a little preview of something new!!~
You are always welcome to email me at any time.  And, can I just say this to you all~~ I love you.

PS -- Did you enter my Vera Grateful Giveaway??? The link is on the top of my sidebar --



Tanya said... 1

Yeah, well, WE love YOU!!! The Shabby Chic nests are FABULOUS - I love that you are personalizing them...just when I thought the nests could get any more wonderful. I made gifts of both of the ones I got from you - one to my MIL, and one to my Mom...they were absolutely speechless at how beautiful they are, and both love them so!

Working on two knit scarves...had taken a break from knitting and sewing for the past few months - feels good to have the needles back in my hands. Looking SO forward to this month - XOXO Tanya

Carole said... 2

Oh my dear Vicki, your nests are so beautiful and even more than that, the love you put in each piece of embellishment you add creates a nest that is both stunning and exquisite, simply beautiful my friend, just like you! Carole xox

audrey said... 3

Your beauty inside and out overwhelms me. These Shabby Chic nests are precious and so very special because of the personal items used in the creation of them. They are beautiful ~ the creams and whites and ribbons and pearls... I love that you used your Mother's Bible in the photo shoot. I bet she loves that you did that, too.
I am glad you have given us such a long period of time for the pink scarf project as I have yet to get started on mine (I have not forgotten).
Sending love your way, beautiful lady.
audrey xo

Shirley said... 4

Hi Vicki, What can I say but beautiful and awesome of your nest. Your latest nest is so awesome for a wonderful lady. Yes, I did enter your giveaway and I even got about it to work on my side bar. It is wonderful having my son home even though it is short, but any amount of time is wonderful. He isn't sure where he is going back to, waiting on a phone call. If you go on a trip during your absence, I hope you bring us back lots of pictures. Have a wonderful day. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend.

NanaDiana said... 5

My gosh, Vicki- I have really never in my life seen anything like those nests. What an amazing tribute to the person you make it for. The Bible is the perfect backdrop for your nests because the heart and soul is wrapped in the sweet remnants lace and life that is woven into the nests. xo Diana

NanaDiana said... 6

Oooops- forgot to say- Enjoy your time away- xo Diana

Karen B. said... 7

My sweet friend Vicki,
you are an amazing person and I love my nest so much ~ especially with your Mama's lace. I wish you a wonderful break and already can't wait for your return.
Sending you many hugs and much love,
Karen B. ~ Todolwenxx

Unknown said... 8

Have a wonderful time off Vicki. Love you too. your post was beautiful and brings tears to my eyes.

Many Hugs Marilou

marda said... 9

The pictures are fantastic, but nothing like the real thing in person. I'm sooo fortunate to have been on that list and to have received my Shabby Chic nest. Your work continues to amaze. You are truly a beautiful person inside and out..enjoy your break. I'll be watching in May for your return. Love you too sweet lady.

Jeanne said... 10

Beautiful shots and lovely story of the shabby chic nests and the precious materials that they are made from! Have a wonderful time!

Suztats said... 11

As always, your nests are stunning! How wonderful to have a nest created with one's own keepsakes! Now, that would make them even more special!

JShelby said... 12

oh your nests made my breath catch! What a wonderful way to capture little treasures together in a safe place, I'm so smitten.
And 100 scarves - Your project is really taking off, congratulations! You should be so proud of the difference you are making!
It was also very nice to see Yeller Feller again. He looks quite dapper, and so restrained in the company of a nest of all things!

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said... 13

Wow Vickie! Those nests are so very special. I'm sure all the embellishments and notes you have received have moved you deeply as you complete each nest with that personal touch. I'm sure even in your blog break, you are going to be one busy lady. Look forward to seeing you in May. Take care! Hugs and blessings, Tammy

Hi.. I am Kaivi.. said... 14

Lovely Post.. The letter made me emotional ... and the nests are fantastic..

Joyful said... 15



Hello Vicki,

All the nests are looking very exquisite and special because of all the treasures you have added to them.

Have a lovely trip to warm places and we will look forward to seeing all those lovely PINK scarf upon your return.

Happy Travels. Hugs Judy

Unknown said... 17

They are beautiful Vicki! And what a wonderful idea to include special things from the people who will receive them. Yea you!

maggiegracecreates said... 18

vicki - we love you too and the nests ----- oh the nests. those are wonderful.

I adore all of the attention to detail.

Have a wonderful trip.

Unknown said... 19

all of your nests are beyond beautiful but this nest...THIS nest..well it speaks to the souls of so many. how very touching and sentimental. you are an angel on earth mon amie. truly. enjoy your getaway! ;)

September Violets said... 20

What a wonderful sentiment to combine all the vintage lace with the beautiful sentimental pieces others have sent to you. An amazing collaboration! What a tender note passed on to you from your friend ... hugs to her! Wendy

Susan McShannon-Monteith said... 21

The nests are just beautiful Vicki... as beautiful as the stories that inspire them.
Enjoy the lovely days of April...
Susan x

Ann said... 22

The nest would be a beautiful sentimental item and you do a beautiful job with them.

Deb said... 23

Beautiful post, Vicki! What I noticed in the picture of you with all the pkgs was your BARN QUILT!!! Love it! It looks just perfect there! I hope you have a good blogging break- see you next month!

Acorn to Oak said... 24

What a wonderful idea to add personal items to each nest. These are extra special! I can tell that these nests are made with love.

SuZeQ said... 25

Ohhhhhhhh ... can't wait to see what you've got up your sleeve on your next blog (although I think I have an idea!!!)

I am so happy you are getting lots of scarves - what a fabulous endeavor. We all thank you!

We'll be in touch! Safe travels.

The French Bear said... 26

Wow, this nest is breathtaking Vicki!!! I love white, I need to get on your list for one of these!!! I am almost finished my scarf, if I was a better knitter I could make 24, lol, might just have to crochet some too.
I had tears in my eyes after reading that note, touches your heart doesn't is so precious.
I can't wait for the next blog post in May, hope you are having a well deserved rest!

Dorthe said... 27

Dearest Vicki,
they are gorgeous- I so love the little green pieces you have added to all the whiteness of beauty- what amazing nests ,again!
I wish you a happy and wonderful trip away from home, -take care and enjoy happy beautiful dayes!
I send you love on the way !

Mosaic Magpie said... 28

The Shabby Chic nests are beautiful and I love the fact that there are personal treasures included in the stitches. I also like the story of their inspiration.....I would imagine your sweet mom is smiling down on you.
Have a good break, all is going well here.
I love you!

Kare said... 29

I am trying to learn to knit or crochet. If that doesn't work I will buy a pretty pink scarf for this generous and special project!
Xo's Karen

Thistle Cove Farm said... 30

The note made my heart stop as well, Vicki. The last thing I told Dave was, "I love you". God gave me that gift and the better gift of Dave making his peace with God just days before he died.
The nests are beautiful; one can feel your love simply looking at them.

Createology said... 31

A well deserved blog break for you dear. We love you!! Your personalized nests are lovingly beautiful with all the sentiment of cherished momentos. I'll be sending along my pink scarves very soon. Happy Hearts are Creative Hearts Dear...

Catherine said... 32

Beautiful post!

SummersStudio said... 33

Vicki, the heirloom treasures nests are breath taking. It's such a loving way to weave family memories into something so beautiful.

The pink scarf project is amazing!

Working on birdies this week after a long long studio break.

yaya said... 34

What a great idea to use someone's special keepsake to make those beautiful nests. Amazing. Enjoy your blogging break...see you in May!

val said... 35

Amazing nests, their beauty brought tears to my eyes...especially reading how you are incorporating special things into them. I think that is an amazing idea. The note from the lady who lost her sweet. I know 4 women (3 friends, 1 sister) who lost their husbands within the same calender year. Each one has a different are right, life is fragile.

Anonymous said... 36

So busy creating and inspiring us all!
Enjoy your break, Vicki. :)
Big hugs,

Eugenia Maru said... 37

Tus nidos son maravillosos. Y las fotos con que los presentan los hacen más especiales.
Hermosas perlas, plumas, muchos tesoros de esos que todas atesoramos con amor.
Felicidades querida Vicki, por fin pude poner tus enlaces en mi blog (la tecnología me supera, jiji).
Un abrazo

Marlynne said... 38

Your Shabby Chic Nests are precious! You have inspired me to try one for myself.

annies home said... 39

how very pretty

gigi knits said... 40

Love my Shabby Chic nest is so beautiful... Have it on my nite stand..

Rustique Gal said... 41

Vicki, I LOVE these shabby nests. They are so precious. And the pictures with the bible are very sweet and sentimental. Looking forward to your latest travels!

Lynn said... 42

Oh Vicki, these nests are absolutely beautiful!! I don't think I've ever seen anything like them. What an amazing way to display one's precious keepsakes.

Maggie said... 43

Dear girl your photo shoots continue to amaze me with their beauty. Now, of course I'm wishing that I'd commissioned a Shabby Nest for myself but as the proud caretaker of two of your nests already I thought it was time to let someone else share the beauty and the joy. Drat!
Would love to know where you & the gardener are off to this time, or is it going to be springtime in Paris??

suziqu's thread works said... 44

Dear Vicki
I love reading about you creating these nests and how very special are the Shabby Chic ones with your dearest mother's laces in there along with many other contributions from people who have placed an order with you for their very own personalized nest. What an excellent idea!
So pleased to see those Pink Scarves still arriving at your door too - a testament to your inspiration and dedication once again!
Sending love and big hugs for a little break away and hoping to hear a little word from you soon!
Sunshine and Spring Hugs,

Bumpkin Hill said... 45

How very special and brave to use your mothers beautiful treasures, sending your love and her precious memory out into the world like a beam of warm comforting sunshine. Hope you have a wonderful trip. Hugs, catherine x

Fundy Blue said... 46

Such lovely things that you create, Vicki! I hope that you are enjoying your break! I look forward to your future posts!

Anonymous said... 47

Your nests are so inspiring and FULL of meaning. You are a precious human Angel!

Beedeebabee said... 48

Hi Sweetie...Your shabby nests are so stunning, Vicki, and your idea to add special bits to personalize each one was brilliant. Your photos are breathtaking too. You're so inspiring my friend...your art, your sweetness, your never ending compassion, just everything! Sending you a big old hug. xoxo Paulette

Burlap Luxe said... 49

This nest has inspired my soul....

Off to create :)


~Lavender Dreamer~ said... 50

Your nests are so beautiful! It's a dream of mine to have one. Enjoy the next few days! Sweet hugs!

Esther Joy said... 51

Shabby Chic nests - very unique! I love the vintage photo with your pearls - exquisite!

myriamkreativ said... 52

Hi my dear friend,
the nests are like you ... so very special. Wonderful work and I am sure they will be most appreciated and loved. Hope everything is well at your side of the world. Here spring isn?t really getting on...shaed of greay in the sky and rain all day..... Im so fed up.
Send a little sunshine this way
Hugs Myriam

Connie said... 53

My what a beautiful post :)

Jenn said... 54

I've been away too long and yet it seems like no time at all with this post about new nests being the first I read. You were working on some when I last read and that was when Keri Beth was still a little baby. Time flies. So good to see you still creating beautiful things and blogging.

Patty C. said... 55

The nests are just gorgeous - I could stare at them forever ...

JShelby said... 56

beautiful! Bon voyage Vicki! Have fun

Sue Kosec said... 57

As always ...

Beautiful thoughts, beautiful creations and beautiful photographs.

Have a great trip.