Monday, December 30, 2013

Kadence's Winter "Onederland"

Our youngest grandbabe turned one year old just a few days ago. Kadence Noelle was supposed to arrive on Christmas day -- but-- she came a few weeks early.  Please indulge this"gb" one more time and allow me to share a few more family photos of our babes at the birthday party and at Christmas~
(and--- there is a little surprise for you all at the end of this post!)

her Mama made her little "tu-tu"
for her winter Penguin themed party

well, let me just say
that she was NOT going to wear the bow
that matched her outfit!

when you are one year old
it's ok to have your name printed on your bottom!
(actually, it's pretty darn cute!)

taking a photo with her sitting still
was not easy!  
she's a girl on the move!

the clothes come off for the eating of
the birthday cake!
Now-- her big sister, Keri Beth
also had a cute little matching outfit to wear --
but -- she was NOT wearing that
because, she IS a Princess.

 it's tough trying to carry out
all of your Princess duties when you are
 3 years old!

this would be the 
"pouty face"
(can you say Diva?)

us "girls" before the party
(Keri Beth, Kadence Noelle, and Maddy girl)
(it only took about 40 tries to get this picture!)

Papaw is grabbing a little snuggle
before the party

My best vintage Goodwill find ever!
vintage solid wool with a pink satin lining
perfect condition with the original 
"ILGWU" tag in the back.
I paid $3 for this little coat at the
 Goodwill store!

My friend Shell
created this beautiful little
wintery, snowy, Princess crown
for "you know who".

nobody does "bling" better than Shell! 
this little Winter crown
was perfect for the Princess!

she never took it off and insisted on
wearing it the entire time of our
Christmas celebration~
(heaven help us all!)

 playing with her
Sophia the first princess doll

Kadence did not really understand
the whole Christmas thing --
she loved the paper
and she was intent on watching her big sister!

Our Christmas miracle--
getting this photo made
before one of them wiggled out of our arms!

A little surprise gift from me to you~

When I posted a photo of me wearing these gloves on my last post, I had NO idea that so many people would notice (or care!!)  Over 40 emails arrived within the next few days asking me about these beautiful felted gloves.  So~~~ I spoke with Aurelija, the designer of the gloves and she has agreed to offer a special discount to my readers. 

You can find the gloves here and if you purchase anything from her etsy shop between now and the month of January, you may use the discount code SALE15AURELIA   for a 15% discount on your purchase. Who loves you baby? (me!!)

Some updates~

~~we are winding down to the last few days to sign up for the
 Grow Your Blog party.  The deadline to enter is January 15 -- 
I am already beginning to load your blogs into place for the party.
As of right now we have almost 200 entries for the party -- its shaping up to be a very nice event.  You still have time to invite all of your blogging friends -- the more, the merrier, as the purpose is to meet lots of new people and grow your readership and FOLLOWERS!!  

Please note that I won't be sending you emails after you are loaded in place -- there is just NOT enough time for me to do that, I hope you understand.  If you left an entry comment -- you will be at the party!  You can find all the info for the party here~

I wish you all a wonderful and blessed New Year. Every day is what we make it -- my goal for this day and every day to come is to make it count~ do something special for someone I love,(like all of you), and to enjoy and appreciate all the blessings that surround my life and those I love. 


Seawashed said... 1

Your grandbabes are so so so adorable. I love the name Kadence. Both my daughters are Christmas babies. Holly Noel was born Dec. 26th and Grace Elisabeth was born on Christmas night on the way to the hospital and my hubby delivered her!!!!

Julia said... 2

Thanks for sharing your family photos with us. Your little grandkids are really sweet. I hope that you have a wonderful New Year and that all your wishes come true.

Art and Sand said... 3

I have grandbaby envy. They are so cute and I know they must be a lot of fun.

Those gloves are beautiful.

Meredith said... 4

Your granddaughters are so adorable, I am so glad you had a wonderful Holiday with them.

Sandies' Patch said... 5

Your grandbabies are gorgeous! and..Granpaw looks so pleased to have captured one for a snuggle!
Love your mittens/gloves!

You and yours have the most fabulously Happy New Year 2014!

Sandie xxx

Dorthe said... 6

How sweet and beautiful, they are , dear Vicki,- that little new one is a darling, and the princess so lovely in her dress, and with her fantastic crown.
Also the glowes are truly amazing and beautiful.
Dearest Vicki, I also wish you a blessed , healthy and happy new year 2014, filled with dayes to enjoy, and like you wrote, to make the most of!!
Thank you for this one,soon gone, I truly feel gifted knowing you, dear friend.
Love from Dorthe-xx

Jeanne said... 7

Vicki just love these gloves and now have a pair on the way to me! excited to get them.
The photos of your grandchildren are just adorable, and definitely glad about your surprise at the end. I am so enjoying the beautiful shawl that you knit for me. Your work is just amazing. HOpe your holidays were wonderful and that the new year brings you much JOY

knitalatte said... 8

Your grand babies get more adorable every year.
What wonderful family photos you've taken of their happy Christmas. A treasure for sure! I want to wish you a very Happy New Year. Be safe and cozy.
Oh, and the mitts, wow, love em...
I look forward to seeing what you are up to in 2014!

lynn cockrell said... 9

Grandchildren are such a blessing. Yours are beautiful. I have five and cannot imagine life without them in it. Wishing you a great year in 2014!

Lili said... 10

Even though I didn't comment about those felted gloves I sure did notice them and was ooohing and aaahing over them. Thanks so much for the link (and discount) of where to find them! Love that pink wool Goodwill find...and of course the snowy princess are leading your dear grandbabies down a fabulously stylin' path and I love it! xoxo

Di@Cottage-Wishes said... 11

I love those gloves!! Thank you for sharing another great artist. And can I say those grandgirls are beautiful. di@Cottage-wishes

Thistle Cove Farm said... 12

Vicki, those are fabulous little girls and loved all the photos. The gloves are wonderful, thank you for the link and the discount; as Aunt Bonnie used to say, "You sure are thoughty!" (Dear me, I loved that old woman to the moon and beyond!)
Happy New Year to you and the Mr. May your travels be safe and memorable.

Mosaic Magpie said... 13

What a post full of beautiful faces. Such a special fun Christmas you had with a birthday girl and a Princess! The coat you found is so cute and she looks just precious in it. What a great find! I love those fingerless gloves and I am off to place an order, so we can match!

Julie Marie said... 14

Love all of your precious little girls dear Vicki... I am sure you are the best gb in the world!... love the looks on the "Princess's" face... I am a self~appointed princess, you know... and I also eat my cake the exact same way little Kadence does... face first!... Happy Birthday to her... and Happy New Year to you and your family... love you sweet lady!... off to look at those gloves now, xoxo Julie Marie

gin said... 15

loved seeing the birthdday pictures. one of my grandbabies turned one in october and she had the tut, would not wear the bow, had white bottoms with her name in big pink letters, and ate her cake with no shirt, too. grandbabies are a miracle. we also had a grandbaby boy turn one in july. I call them my twins, 9 weeks apart. thanks for the special on the beautiful gloves.

Terry said... 16

Your family is beautiful! I soooo look forward to being a grandma!

Happy New Year!

Anonymous said... 17

Vicki, u are truly amazing, love all the pictures, still hoping for a grand-daughter. LOL
Cameron is still the JOY of my life.

Susan said... 18

A soft and cuddly post to read before my bedtime, what a treat. I've decided my New Years day post will be about the blog party. A great way to start the year. Blessings.

Val's Quilting Studio said... 19

Thanks for sharing your Christmas bundles of joy!! The photos made my day. Looking forward to Build your BLog...thank you ahead of time for your time put into this. Happy New Year!

Quinn said... 20

Going through this lovely post, I kept thinking, "That's my favorite picture!" and then, "No, That's my favorite picture!" If I had to pick just one, it would be the last one with you and Dan and both girls...what a treasure.
Thank you for a year of wonderful posts and images...I look forward to 2014!

kathyinozarks said... 21

The photos were just all so happy and fun-I love it that you shared them with us.
I noticed those gloves too and thought they were amazing-how nice of you to set up a discount for all of us.
Happy New Year Vicki

gigi knits said... 22

Aren't grand babies the best thing to come into our lives. Just back from spending christmas with mine in upstate NY.

Sue Kosec said... 23

Just beautiful babies ... and they know you and The Gardner love them to pieces.

Happy New Year, sweet friend. I love you!


Esme said... 24

I was loving the post seeing the girls, both girls are adorable and take their roles very seriously. Then I saw the pink coat and then the gloves. Vicki you live a wonderful life to be surrounded by the ones you love.

Unknown said... 25

Your grand kids are soooooooooooooooo cute!! How do you resist not to kiss them all day long??? :) :) And 3 dollars for that fantastic coat??? I can't believe it!! 3 dollars....WOW! Great find! Have a happy New year!

Linda H said... 26

Your granddaughters are so adorable. What fun they must be! That tutu is just too cute!!
I signed up for the Grow Your Blog event a while back and have tried more than a few times to load the button to my sidebar with no luck. I was getting frustrated, but finally today, I got it in place, first try. Don't know what I was doing wrong! Anyway, It's there now and I'm looking forward to this fun hop around so many new blogs. Thanks for hosting this. Wishing you a happy and healthy New Year!

Tanna said... 27

Oh, Vicki!! Preciousness! Pure Preciousness! I know you were on Cloud 9. ;) Wishing you and yours all the best in 2014. blessings ~ tanna

Maggie said... 28

Such fun to see you and your girls celebrating, they sure have style! I wonder who they got that from?
Sending all best wishes for 2014.

Maureen said... 29

Looks like you had a fab Christmas Vicki. Adorable family; love the "Princess" pics!

Happy New Year to you and yours - can't wait for the party again this year!

Tami Von Zalez said... 30

The darling wearing the pink vintage coat is worthy of framing!

See you later in the month ...

Donna said... 31

Soooo dango precious! Sweet memories, sweet pics!

Tiffany said... 32

Absolutely beautiful.

Fiberluscious said... 33

As a new "gamma" of a little princess I was enthralled with your photos! Oh my, there is nothing like a little girl. You have your hands full! I thank you for your wonderful generosity and inspiration. I look forward to our upcoming needle book projects! Happy New Year to you and your readers! Jill

suziqu's thread works said... 34

How absolutely gorgeous seeing the faces of these dear little grand babies once again. How special to celebrate the first birthday of your little Kadence and oh my those named fancy pants are amazing! Not to be forgotten of course, your little princess all adorned in her amazing crown!

I just absolutely love those felted mittens - what a score and how talented is the creator.

I feel so blessed Vicki that you have come into my life.
I wish for you and Grandpaw a most joyful, inner peaceful and healthy year,
Love and hugs,

Marlynne said... 35

I enjoyed your Christmas Pictures! And yes those gloves are beautiful!

Jim said... 36

SWEET SWEET SWEET photos of you all Vicki! Just magical.

Silke Powers said... 37

Such beautiful photos of your gorgeous family. That little tutu was the best!! You all look fabulous!! And those gloves - they look perfect for you!

Getting ready for the blog party? Remember I'm here to help...

Love, Silke

yaya said... 38

I don't know how I missed this post, but I'm glad I finally saw all those sweet pics of your beautiful grandbabies! Looks like a great time was had by all. Such an amazing find at Goodwill! I need to hit that place more often! Have a wonderful new year and I'm looking forward to reading more great posts this year!

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said... 39

All you girls are so beautiful! Happy New Year Vicki! My goal for each day is the same as yours. Blessings, Tammy

Kaisievic said... 40

I so loved seeing your GBs - such darling little poppets!

Astrids dragon said... 41

Such beautiful little girls, what blessings!

Looking forward to your Grow Your Blog party, hope you're not going too crazy organizing it. ;)

Needles and Wool said... 42

What a lovely jacket I love that it is so colorful and fun! I loved the photos of your grandchildren they are too cute! take care,

barbara woods said... 43

Beautiful babies