Thursday, March 17, 2016

Welcome to Spring! (A little Easter giveaway for you..)

In Spring everything is full of promise...

Spring has returned~
the earth is like a child that knows 

the music of open windows...

the front door 
to Springtime is a photographer's
best friend...

it was one of those 
March days..
when the sun shines hot
and the wind blows cold.
It felt like summer in the sunshine,
and winter in the shade...
(and I nearly froze taking these photos when the wind blew!)

 the arrival of Spring
 has made my spirits soar!
To welcome the warm breezes,
sunny days, and beautiful blooms...
let's have a little giveaway~

 I fell in love with these 
pretty little mugs,
and I'm excited to be sharing two of them
with you... 

to enter~
simply leave a comment
telling me what you love most
about spring...

 this little giveaway
 is open
to all  of my blog readers --
wherever you live...

 the winners
will be posted here
on March 31...

March 31
~the winners of the Easter mugs giveaway are--
Just This...Alice 
Debby --Cozy Blanket 

This contest is now closed

From the bottom of my heart ... to all of you~
thank you for your heartfelt comments, your messages, emails, cards, and even phone calls.  I am overwhelmed with the love that you have sent my way.  Every minute of every day is obligated right now and I've hardly had a minute to call my own.  I've not been able to respond to your emails, letters, comments, and such... but I have felt your love and support and it has given me strength.
Every day is full of blessings... 

Please join me on my "2 Bags Full" Instagram page if you have an account there.  I've been posting some lovely photos there...


Unknown said...

Thanks Vicki, you are a true blessing too. I totally agree with you about Spring, it is a welcome sight after a dreary winter. It's like coming up for fresh air for the first time in a long time. We have trees and flowers budding out all over the place here in my neck of the woods (west Arkansas). My allergies have been going berserk but that's okay, I love to see all the new life.

krayolakris said...

I love most...the riot of colors that are the flowers and the multitude of green things; the nesting birds in my yard; the carpet of wild violets; the beautiful clear sunlight and its extended hours; the return of hummingbirds and butterflies. Victory of light over gloom, the rebirth of everything in nature and what that represents for us all!

Jocelynn said...

The thing I love most of spring is when my little crocuses start to emerge after a very long winter. It is just such a relief to see that something so delicate can survive in the absence of the sun and warmth. Give a feeling of hope and the possibility of regrowth.

lynn cockrell said...

Your post is beautiful, just like you! I am still praying for you, sweet Vicki.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

What do I love about spring? That's easy - it's not winter!! And the bird song that fills the air.
Hope things are improving for you and yours Vicki - thoughts are with you.

Julia said...

Dear Vicki, I'm very surprised to see that you even did a blog post under the circumstances and even a giveaway.
Support from friends is so very important and we only realize it when it's our turn to receive.

What I love most about Spring is shedding my winter cloths for lighter ones, hearing the spring peepers in the ponds, the warm sunshine, green grass and leaves, spring flowers and birds returning to nest and working in the gardens.

Hugs, JB

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

I love the flowers coming into bloom, and warmer days to go for a walk. I love those mugs!! I know the first comment rarely wins, but I am going to be hopeful!

Debbie said...

Spring brings brighter days with color, fragrance and sounds.

Hugs to you and yours. Take care.

Monica Baker said...

I love when the pond "peepers" come back to life - living in the country - it is the "sure sign" that Spring has come. Those itty bitty frogs are so loud at times it just amazes me but never fails to make me smile. <3

Charlene S said...

Opening my windows and letting the sweet smell of flowers in.

Janice Williams said...

For me, Spring is wonderful because in northern Michigan the winters are long and the only colors in our woods are white snow, black trees, and blue sky. Our spring is short. It begins the second week in May when trillium flowers blanket the woods, everywhere my eye can see. These beautiful white flowers with pretty green leaves stay about three weeks and then are replaced with blue wildflowers and tiny white Dutchman's britches and pretty violets. The bay thaws. The tulips bloom, and suddenly color is everywhere!

To me, this is all a visual reminder or hope, grace, and mercy. Winter is quiet, beautiful, and harsh. Spring is the turning point and hints at the beautiful summer to come!

Vicki, I so appreciate you and your generous, thoughtful, creative spirit. May peace surround you every day.

Unknown said...

I think the thing I love most about Spring is being able to open up the house and let the fresh breezes blow in. Away go the stuffy smells and in comes the freshness! I turn the air off, the ceiling fans on, and I sleep like a baby under my down comforter! In the morning, I have my coffee while listening to the birds sing. Sounds like they are happy to see Spring as well! BTW, your pics were beautiful, as always! Happy Spring!

Anonymous said...

Spring flowers, warm sunshine, birds singing! Dawn D

yaya said...

Many don't like the time change but I love the light lasting longer in the evening because of working in surgery without windows. I'm happy that I can have some sun when I come home that lasts longer than 5pm! Add that to the beautiful flowers and my green grass and I'm thrilled it's almost Spring! Hugs to you and thanks for a giveaway!

Debby said...

I love the spring flowers and the blooming trees. It's such a beautiful time of the year. Loving those egg mugs.
Glad you are busy right now. Hugs

Carol D. said...

Spring is my favorite season! I love all the colors and being able to get back outside and work in my yard and flower beds. And oh, the smell of those daffodils!!!

Sheila said...

What I love most is seeing green again , new life emerging. So looking forward to spring. Thanks for the chance .

Shirley said...

What I love about Spring is my beautiful Magnolia tree in full bloom, the birds singing, being able to open the window and the spring time flowers. I just hope that we don't get what they are predicting tomorrow night. We are to drop to 28 and have snow. I don't want that. I went to post my comment before that came up weird and then I remembered my grandson used my computer. I wish they would remove their stuff after they get through,but you have to love them. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend Shirley

Createology said...

Spring is the renewal of fresh growth on Nature's trees, bushes and flowers that push forth and blossom so beautifully. Your mugs are beautiful and speak to the wonder of baby birds hatching and singing to us. Blessings Dear...

Debbie Walter said...

What a beautiful post! I love spring, it's like the wizard of Oz... you start out in black and white then BAM technicolor :0) It's also the season that shows us that the world never gives up, no matter how cold it gets, beauty is still there, just waiting for the opportunity to bloom. (who knew I could be poetic before coffee!!) Thanks for such a lovely blog, I always enjoy visiting it.

Angela said...

What a sweet giveaway . Love the mugs. Spring is such a great time of new beginning. As new growth is viewed all around us, it is also a time of new beginnings, and making dreams materialize that we dreamed during the long cold winter months. You can smell life in the breezes that blow sway the cold and welcome the warm spring breezes.

Wendy @ Ravenwood Whimzies said...

Those mugs are so sweet - they really say SPRING! I think what I love most about Spring is the earth coming back to life, feeling the sun on my face and being able to work hard outside in the warm breezes, after being inside all winter. I listen carefully for the first signs of the red wing blackbirds returning...and the sweet thrill of the bluebirds as they look over the nesting boxes. It has been lovely here the past week, but is only March, and the cold air and snowflakes have returned...time to get more inside things done until it turns warmer. Thank you for the chance to win.

Willnnabel said...

Spring is an end to snow, and for some of us thats one of the best things. I love he return of the birds, opening windows to fresh air and once again enjoying coffee in the early mornings on the deck.

Pam L said...

I know Spring is on the way when I first hear the Peepers, (they arrived Feb. 2 this year here on Lookout Mt.), then the Pussywillows and now the wild violets are popping up all over. Joyous celebration!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a wonderful day, Pam

Anonymous said...

Spring, how do I love thee, let me count the ways (thank goodness not limited to twitter 144 characters)
Colors of flowers, bushes, trees
Scent of fresh, warmer breezes
Brighter sunlight and longer hours of daylight
I like 100% of your attributes, my dear friend Spring

Anonymous said...

Happy Spring Vicki,

Fresh beginnings, warmer days, bluer skies where the sun seems to make everything more vibrant, these are favorite Spring moments. People seem to have a lighter step with cheery hello's just enjoying getting outdoors again. The clothes layers start to thin & the air seems to clear the cobwebs from the mind, Spring is here!

The Easter mugs are so cute & look like a perfect size for that morning coffee :)

Have a beautiful weekend,


Nancy Carr said...

I love those mugs! I also love the spring flaowers when they push their way through the snow and earth to brighten our lives. You and your blog are wonderful. Blessings

Sue Kosec said...

To me, Springtime means new life. I just love when everything greens up and the flowers poke their heads up to say hello. Ohhhhhhhhh, and the birdies singing just soothes my soul and warms my heart.

Happy Spring, sweet Vicki!

Carol said...

SPRING FOR ME IS REJUVENATION OF LIFE ♥ The sounds of the peeper frogs singing in the the waning light making the night sound beautiful. The green of budding new life and sight and smell of beautiful flowers greeting the new season of growth. It's the door opening to the wonders of Summer ♥♥♥♥♥

Havplenty said...

The Spring time represents renewal for me. Flowers, trees and grasses are blooming, the sun is brighter, the brisk morning air, the daylight lasts longer, the birds are flying about and having babies who chirp in the very early morning. Yes a time of renewal. I love mugs by the way to sip my many flavors of tea from. Awesome mugs.

Vicki there is a time for everything and a season for everything. And as in all things, this time too shall pass. May the winds (and prayers) of your quilty friends hold you up that much longer.

tushay3 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Bonnie58 said...

Thank-you Vicki. I enjoy your blog and the mugs are beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing with us all.

gigi knits said...

Spring is the feeling that very thing is going to be ok. There is no way to explain the feeling I get just feeling the clean spring air around me.
You & your family will continue to be in my thought & prayers.
Love to you 🌷

Betsy said...

what I love about spring is.... absolutely everything!!!

Mary Redman said...

Green! I can't wait to see green again! I've had enough brown and gray. Thankfully the white has finally disappeared. Winters in Wisconsin go on forever. I finally saw my first robin yesterday.

Meredith said...

Vicki, first hoping you are okay, and that your family is as well. I would love those mugs, my favorite thing about Spring is the clean, fresh, warm air. Take good care of yourself my friend,

Ariadne said...

Lovely mugs! What I love about spring? The change of the atmosphere, the breeze and the sunshine, the colours and smells, Easter and being with relatives and friends!AriadnefromGreece!

Julie Marie said...

Dear sweet Vicki... always thinking of others... you are just the sweetest lady I know... there are so many things I love about Spring I could write an entire book!... of course there is the birdsong... which touches my heart so!... and I love having my bedroom window open on Spring nights and listening to the sound of the crickets chirping outside my window and the bullfrogs song from the stream down the lane... love you and sending happy thoughts your way, xoxo... Julie Marie PS Those cups are so beautiful!...

Wendy D. said...

What I love most about spring is waking to the sound of songbirds greeting the new day -- and Mother Nature dressed in spring green -- and the reminder to hope -- and daffofils -- and . . . ! Hugs and prayers, xo

Kerry said...

Such gorgeous mugs !!!
For me the planting of my veggie garden is a Spring treat ...... my seed potatoes have just this week, popped their leafy heads through the soil - I'm giddy with excitement :-)
Thank you for sharing such a wonderful giveaway :-)

Motherdragon's Musings said...

For me Spring, is the commencment of the hot weather the birth of new shoots and buds. I live in Australia, in the outback, we only have, really hot weather all year round.
Thank you for the chance to win a pretty prize.

Just this... Alice said...

My favorite thing about spring is digging in the earth, planting seeds and watching them grow. I love everything about Spring!

Kali said...

My favorite thing is the first flowers to appear, or this year it seems the first stalk of asparagus :)

Amy at love made my home said...

I hope that spring will bring great things your way! My favourite thing about spring is the promise that it brings. Warmer days, longer days of sunshine, plants growing, new things happening, getting out and about again. Just all the new starts and good times to come. So I really hope that this is what spring will bring to you this year! Hugs and good wishes for a Happy Easter! xx

Eugenia Maru said...

Como siempre, tus fotos muy hermosas.

Di@Cottage-Wishes said...

Oh flowers blooming, herbs growing and fresh veggies!! What a great giveaway thank you. Di@cottage-wishes

Jennifer Fulton Inquiring Quilter said...

I love the flowers blooming! I have a star magnolia that when it blooms, the heavenly scent fills the air near my door. I'm a lilac-aholic, and can't get enough of them when they bloom. My magnolia has the same effect. Can't smell it enough!

darla said...

I live down south where Spring puts on a spectacular show! The trees and flowers are beautiful right now. We are waiting for the dogwood trees to bloom next.

kathyinozarks said...

Happy Spring Vicki oh my I love those mugs! Since retiring and living in the woods the first thing I love about spring here is when the little frog noises come alive in our ponds. We have a pond near the house so we can hear them in our bedroom-I just love that.

Anonymous said...

What lovely cups. I love that there is more light each day and I do garden rounds to see what has changed overnight! Helen

Unknown said...

I have an April birthday and my BFF from 1st grade has a May birthday. We turn 61 this year and love being able to celebrate together in Spring when there are pretty blooms, happy birdsong and all the lovely things that Spring brings. It's a wonderful time of year to celebrate birthdays and a life long friendship!

~VIRGINIA~ said...

When the blooms just start coming to life! And you see the buds on the trees. The birds singing early in the morning. Sadly we still get snow here until May. But I still love it. I love seeing our koe start to move and the turle and frogs come up to catch a few early rays of sun. So relazing to see them and hear the water in the water fall. Then are just a few of the things I like about spring. Hugs V

Down On The Farm said...

There is so much about springtime that I love. I have to say the SMELL of spring is what gets me every year. I love everything coming alive again after a long, cold, dreary winter. I love the feel of a warm breeze and the sunshine on my face. But its the smells I long for most of it. It's not yet spring here in Missouri . . . but it's coming. Yes ma'am, it's coming! Blessings to you my friend.

Shirley said...

I love the colors of spring and the increasing amount of daylight. Love your photos and the mugs. Thanks for the opportunity to enter the giveaway! (

Sue said...

Vicki, this is so kind of you, and at a time when you have so many concerns. I pray that all will be well for you. My favorite thing about Spring is daffodils, they always remind me of the sunshine even on the grey, wet and windy days, and always make me smile. Those mugs are so lovely, I have special mugs for Christmas but don't think I have ever seen Easter ones for adults.

belarmina said...

Vicki !! preciosas fotos y bonitas tazas,
me gustan las flores amarillas de la primavera,
y los tonos de los arboles que empiezan a brotar,

KraSS said...

Wonderful mugs! They are so lovely!
Most of all I love the first leaves and very first dandelions - They are so bright!

Julie said...

For me Spring starts with my sons birthday which is 22nd March, I know when we sing Happy Birthday to him that Spring is truly here and we will be hearing the birds singing and diving about in the sky with their mates awaiting the arrival of new life in their nests.
Sending love and {hugs} your way xxxx

Heather said...

I love the warm sunshine taking over the snow and then the pop of the daffodils as the first signs of spring!

Kathy H said...

I enjoy your blog and agree that it is wonderful to have some springtime reminders. I love the new colors of flowers after the grays of winter. I also love the fresh breezes.

Fat Dormouse said...

I love so many things - feeling the fuzz of pussy willows, smelling the freshness of the new green buds, the tiny blue and pink flowers that abound here, the sharp, almostr acidic yellow of the broom on the mountains and hillsides...the warmth finally seeping into this old stone house, the looking forward to sipping rosé wine on the balcony, but most of all, the fact that my friend Cathy will be arriving for her summer stay at the end of next month!
Look after yourself, dear friend.

Kaisievic said...

Dear Vickie, Please count me in for the giveaway. What do I love most about Spring - the early jonquils and cherry blossom, I think.

Joyful said...

Count me in too Vicky. those are sweet little mugs and so illustrative of Spring. My favourite things that speaks of Spring is when the crocuses poke their way through the dirt. It excites me. But my very favourite thing is when the sakuru blossoms come out. Then I know it won't be long before sunny days and warmer weather arrive. xx

Pat S. in Lebanon said...

Spring is the assurance that God has a plan for the world that he has created...the renewing of life's cycle is perfect proof of that. Easter blessings to you and your
loved ones, Vickie.

HollyM said...

The mugs are sweet! Since we're in the midst of a snowstorm right now, it doesn't feel much like spring. I think my favourite part is the longer days. Each night we have a little more light and it gives me energy. Since we're under a couple feet of snow, I guess the late spring is the best part when the trees start to bud and the birds are returning.

Thistle Cove Farm said...

You know me and mugs...

Anonymous said...

Up in Alaska, what I love most about Spring is the fresh spring air and the longer days of sunshine.


p.s. the mugs are beautiful

Connie K. said...

Spring is all about color for me - bright yellow daffodils, grape hyacinths, and the snowy Bradford Pear trees never fail to make me feel happy.

leahtbug said...

Birds and bunnies. There are so many birds searching for that perfect little twig for their new nests. I watched a dove this morning spend 5 minutes picking up and putting down twigs, until the perfect one was found. They are SO busy and the singing goes on and on and is music to my ears, as I sip my coffee, as the sun is coming up. And little bunnies that come to visit my neighborhood. They are tiny and sweet and I know it means Spring is finally here. It also means hay fever close behind!

Anonymous said...

I love the brave little crocuses that struggle up through the snow and bring the first colors of spring to my yard. Spring also means watching the sparrows argue about who gets to move into the birdhouse on my garage and looking forward to the nest building and baby bird watching!!

Pam from NH

Jill said...

Renewal. Precious wildlife babies. Budding flora.

Countrylovers said...

Liebe Vicki,

was ich am Frühlings so mag, ist der Neubeginn von allem was uns umgibt. Auch für uns Menschen markiert der Frühling eine Wende. Die einen beginnen eine Diät, die anderen renovieren ihr Haus oder ihre Wohnung. Man geht hinaus in den Garten, freut sich über die ersten Knospen die sprießen, fühlt sich eins mit der Natur.
"Und jedem Anfang wohnt ein Zauber inne,
der uns beschützt und der uns hilft zu leben." sagte einst der deutsche Dichter und Schriftsteller Hermann Hesse und er hat recht.
So wie eine Schlange sich häutet und altes abwirft, so sieht auch der Mensch im Frühling den immerwährenden Neuanfang von allem. Immer wieder kommt ein neuer Frühling.
Alle Liebe für dich und deine Liebsten, Barbara

june said...

I love the crocuses and daffodils and the longer hours of daylight! And the emerging rhubarb!

Shwetablog said...
