Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Introducing the latest Woodland Spring nest... (a very special edition)...and updates on NEW NESTS to come

My latest Woodland Spring nests are truly a cause
 for Celebration...
 the first nests 
that I have created since my

I wanted to commemorate
this special occasion in my life
with a beautiful new nest...

tucked inside a tangle of branches
is a tiny tea cup...

beneath the branches
is a beautiful tarnished vintage spoon...

an itty bitty bird has 
claimed the tea cup as the perfect place
 to lay her little 
blue egg. 

the little tarnished spoon
has also been claimed as a perfect place
for a nest...

these are the most elaborate and exquisite
Woodland Spring nests that I have
ever made...

My "retirement version"
is indeed very 
they are listed now
 in my ETSY shop

These nests have all been RESERVED
and there is currently a waiting list
(in case that anyone cancels)...
next years waiting list starts

Tags, paper, and tie on birds
are created for me
by my talented friend Sue Kosec. 
Presentation is everything...
and your nest will arrive beautifully packaged
thanks to Sue's amazing creativity.
You can contact Sue directly at

Anyone who is interested in 
reserving a place on NEXT year's waiting list
may email me for more information.
In this time of turmoil and so much uncertainty
I feel that I need to say something
relating to my nests...
So many people are finding themselves
in the midst of struggles right now...
trying to pay bills,
and face a world that has suddenly turned itself
upside down...
I realize that the purchase of a nest
is so NOT important and rightfully needs
to take a backseat to so many other necessities right now.
with that in mind...
I have offered to everyone on my RESERVED list
the opportunity to delay their purchase
until October of this year, and beyond.. if necessary.
A friend told me today...
(in relation to my nests)
"true joy and happiness in days like these have no price.
Everyone deserves to spoil themselves
with something that brings light into their hearts..."
With that in mind and
this opportunity will also be available
to everyone who is on the RESERVED list for my upcoming
Breast Cancer Awareness nest...
the "Alicia" nest. 
for those who may be interested..
there are 3 spots left on the waiting list
for this next charitable nest.
You may email me for more info...

something a bit unprecedented...
Just in time for your "small family" Memorial Day celebrations,
followed by Independence Day, and Labor Day...
After the sellout of my Freebird nests last summer..
I found that I still had enough supplies
to make 4 more.
So...over the course of the winter,
I recreated a few more of these
beautiful Patriotic themed
They are listed now for purchase in my ETSY shop.
I have never, ever, done anything like this before..
recreated a Designer nest...
(and most likely will not ever do so again,
but I just felt like those nests
were calling out to me...
 to be made.

If anyone is interested in one of these nests,
and would also like to take advantage of the opportunity
to delay their purchase,
please email me for more info.
We can make that happen for you... 

That's it for now...seems like a busy post. 
I plan on posting again in a few days... bringing you some updates on our life 
here at home in the midst of all this madness. 
I hope everyone is healthy and well..


Karen B. said... 1

Oh Vicki,
I am so very excited and check my mailbox every day to see if your beautiful nest is here! It is just so so beautiful! Thank you for making them.

Many hugs,
Karen B. xx

Sandra at Thistle Cove Farm said... 2

Beautiful work of your hands and heart, Vicki.
love from Sandra at Thistle Cove Farm

Quinn said... 3

I hope you and yours are wll, Vicki. It is always good to see your name pop up in my reading list :)