Friday, September 17, 2010

"Washed by the Sea"

The sea is calm and unimaginably blue~~

The waves are small and rhythmic, soothing in their repetition as they quietly and softly roll ashore. The sea is powerful and unending - it's waves rolling again and again and again. Reminding us that it is both a treasure and a threat - it can feed you, it can kill you, it can create beauty, alive - but still only drops of salted water. Reminding us also, that when small things stand together they can create power.

The glass washed by the sea, is shaped by the waves that come again and again. For me - it is a visible proof that we should never give up - that if we consistently focus on things that we want to change, that after a while, - we will finally shape it.

The Gardener and I just returned from a wonderful (and romantic) cruise to Bermuda. One of our primary tasks - to find out if the legend of the "seaglass" beach was true~~

We had no idea what was awaiting us as we climbed down the crooked little winding stairs that led from the top of the hill to the beach below. Some creative person had embellished the stone walls and staircase with bits of seaglass and pottery. That someone would take the time to create such artistry was a delight for me. It was all sort of "corny" - and yet - I so loved it ! Taking these photos was such fun!




We had found a seaglass lover's paradise! The most amazing sight - the entire beach was covered with bits of seaglass - in a variety of colors like we had never seen. Frosted whites, dark green, teal green, light green, brown, frosted brown, amber, yellow, pink, and a few precious pieces of that elusive blue!

My goal was to fill 2 gallon size zip lock bags. I could have filled 2 dump trucks! And at the shoreline, as the waves gently rocked against the sand - I listened to the constant jingle, jingle, jingle of the glass as it tumbled against the rocks and shore.

The first day that we visited the beach - we stayed there and played for over 3 hours. At one point we were trapped in a late afternoon rainstorm - so we donned our Gortex jackets and huddled under a tree against the hillside. When the rain was done - and we returned to the glass - the beach shimmered in that wet glow that makes the seaglass so beautiful. The colors were more vibrant and each piece seemed to shimmer and shine - saying "pick me - pick me"!



We carefully selected each piece of glass that we chose - finding something special about the way it looked, and curved and shined~~


Along the top of the beach - the glass was several inches thick in places. (good thing I brought those brand new water shoes!) This was one beach that you really did not want to walk on with bare feet. The glass was all tumbled and not sharp - but there was so much of it!!!

True seaglass collectors know that blue is one of the most desirable colors to be found. When you are lucky enough to find a piece of blue - it is often tiny - like this one above. (I brought home a nice bag of little pieces like this.) Those little treasures are headed to the "shorebird nests"!!

There were also bits and pieces of broken pottery - an amazing asortment of colors and designs. Can I just say that this still seems like a dream that we had really found such a place as this!

This view is of the "other side" of the seaglass beach. As you climb down the stairs - you can see that there is a beach on each side. We had to come back on a second day to scour this side of the beach. And when we did - the first thing I found was a beautiful piece of sapphire blue glass laying right at my feet!

See our happy "seaglass" smiles! Don't you love my fashionable pink water shoes! When we returned to the ship - don't you just know that I washed and examined every piece of glass - still unbelieving that we had found such treasures.

Legend has it that a kiss under a moon gate will bring you "forever love" and make your most secret wishes come true. This beautiful Moon Gate was not far from one of the seaglass beaches that we found. Bermuda is famous for their novelty Moon Gates. I will tell you more about this very special moon gate in a little bit when I post more photos of our wonderful trip.
As summer draws to an end here for us all - I hope that you have enjoyed the bright and sunny days. Fall is in the air - I can smell it, I can feel it, I can sense it in the wind. Visit with me on October 1, if you can, for a special welcome to the Autumn season. And if you are waiting on those "shorebird nests" - they will be coming up soon!


michelle said... 1

Oh Vicki ,what a beautiful beach.I have never heard of such a place.Thank you so much for sharing.Ive been pretty much in bed lately back on my oxygenCopd and asthma and now bronchitus too boot lol.)so I must confess I was just on here last night looking at all your beautiful photos that i so enjoy from your previous post and was so glad to see you put up some more eyecandy to appease my soul.did you get some glass for maddy to collect?she would just love some i bet in a pretty little jar.have a great weekend ya michelle

Shane Pollard said... 2

What a lovely post!
How wonderful to find your beach in Bermuda was as you hoped and even better!
Sometimes we dream about such things and they disappoint - but you were lucky.
The glass looks amazing!!
Love the moongate story too!!
Take care

Caprice said... 3

I never knew such a place existed! I am so envious! I have so many ideas for so much sea glass!!! Thank you for sharing!

Dorthe said... 4

Dear Vicki, this is unbeliavable, never in my life I have heard of something like gorgeus this sight is, how beautifull. I will surely never visit Bermuda, so thanks my sweet friend for this lovely post.
I can`t wait to see how you uses some of this in the coming nests, and I can`t wait to see which one will be mine :-)
I collect beach glasses here,too,-buuutttt -well you know, one big glass jar,takes years to fill----
How did all that glass end up there, whom made that "mess" loading glass in those amounts to the sea?
Dearest Vicki, welcome home again, I have missed you,sweetie.
Hugs and love,Dorthe

Lululiz said... 5

I have never ever seen anything like it, WOW WOW WOW. I haven't seen a single piece of sea glass on our beach in years, now I know why, it has all ended up on THAT beach! What a truly amazing sight.

elvira pajarola said... 6

Carissima Vicky.......INCANTEVOLE!!!! ENCHANTING!!!!!

How would jump my creative heart also; could I gather and chooose all these glittering and shiny glasses....!!!!
I've never seen a beach full of these "gems".....!!!

You just seem a magnificient "Sirena" between all these sparkling "jewels".....!!!!!

On our Tuscan Beaches certainly you find beautiful little treasures; but I've neve seen these colourfull seaglasses!!

So sweet the Creation of the mini-wall in glass and pottery...!

Have a wonderful time, Vicky!!!

ciao ciao elvira

PoetessWug said... 7

Seeing as I only enjoy looking at seaglass, and not collecting or making anything out of seaglass, I was fascinated right along with you, but probably waaaay more so, at how much of it was on that beach!!! Is this how all seaglass craftsmen get their seaglass? They "find" it somewhere?! Forgive my ignorance. I thought it was made out of something else. NOW, I understand "EXACTLY" why it's called "Seaglass"!! DUH!! ^_^ Looks like a great place to just spend some peace and quiet too! Thanks for sharing the pictures.

Julie Marie said... 8

Hello Vicki... oooh, I love seaglass and it looks like you truly found seaglass Heaven!... your photos are all lovely and you look just beautiful! I can hardly wait for my shorebird nest!... xoxo Julie Marie

gigi knits said... 9

Love love sea Glass.Have been collecting it for years but never anything like this, so happy for you to have had this amazing time!
Will be waiting anxiously for word on the ShoreNests!!!

knitalatte said... 10

Hi Vicki,
Wow, looks like you had a great trip. I really enjoyed the photos of you and the Gardner collecting glass. Isn't it fun! There is a beach on the California Coastline above Fort Bragg that glass gathers. It is truly magical that this even happens. Way back when my daughter was 4, we took her there and spent the day collecting. She still remembers that outing.
Our favorites were the 'blue' and 'china' pieces. Looking forward to seeing what you do with your new treasure.

Drawn to The Sea said... 11

I'm tickled pink that you had such a great trip. You can write 100 posts about Bermuda & I'll savor each & every word.

Can't place the rock formations, & don't remember the beautiful mosaic walls. (Walls could be new, of course.) Which parrish is this?

Bermuda's wonderful in the rain, makes the sand so pink. The kiss is adorable... my moongate kiss pic's long gone, but I'll remember the moment forever.

Welcome back :-))

Mosaic Magpie said... 12

What a wonderful place. I have never heard of it before, but now I will have to do some research on it. I know in Florida there is Sanibel Island with all the shells, but a beach full of seaglass! Wow. My husband would have only seen the back of my neck, I would have been so busy looking down at all those treasures. I have a dear friend that passed away this year, she loved to collect sea glass, I wish she could have visited there. Who knows maybe she is. Glad you are back KY missed you.

susan jenkins said... 13

Well, that was spectacular!I have to say, the glass, I am so in love with beach glass and we only find it here maybe 2 months out of the year usually after a storm. The ocean leaves piles of rocks and there it is all nestled in . One year there was lots and lots of coke bottle green and a beautiful pale sea foam color. We also find shards of pottery that we believe belonged to the Indians that once lived here on the coast. Also we've found pieces of blue and white china that we swear was part of the Hearst Castle collection that fell of the boat at the unloading dock. Ha! We do believe it!! Makes it fun. The elusive blue, yes, we are forever looking for it. My girlfriend and I are so thrilled when we find even a piece!
Nothing like this tho. In Bermuda. Paradise !!I love the wall, wonderful and the moon gate.
You did so enjoy it all anyone could see. Beautiful pictures!
Thankyou so much for sharing.

Sherri said... 14

I collect sea glass and that would have been a collectors paradise for me!! My husband and I have been to Bermuda but we never saw tons of sea glass like that! Just wonderful!

Lyn said... 15

I have never heard of the sea glass beach, what a lovely place to visit.

Lili said... 16

So glad you're back home safe and sound with what's heading to Bermuda right now! Oh Vicki that beach is simply unbelievable, I'm longing to see all the glass you collected displayed together. I guess that must have been a site that had a whole lot of activity 100 years ago! Love your pink shoes, you look simply darling on the beach you know! xoxo ~Lili

Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings... said... 17

I'm dumbfounded!!!!!
Today as I walked the beach the ocean coughed up gifts for me....all the timer keeping my eyes pealed for just a PIECE of sea glass!!!!
Talk about the literal MOTHER LOAD!!!!!!!
How truly magical.
The Lovers...
and Sea Glass heaven!
I made an entire summer line of jewelry in my head just looking at those photos!
Wonderful....such a find!

Love the pink shoes.
Our LOVE to "The Knitter" and "The Gardener".

xoxo~Kathy @
Sweet Up-North Mornings...

Carole said... 18

If I hadn't seen it on your blog I woundn't have believed it either. Wow if only you could have taken a truck load home. Just gorgeous!

Createology said... 19

This is such a wonderful and adventure and Bermuda and this seaglass beach!!! Thank you for sharing. I can't imagine finding and being able to take away so much sea glass. Treasures to be certain. I am in love with your hand knitted nests. Happy creating...

Deb said... 20

Your trip sounds wonderful. I've never heard of all that glass on a beach! I would have taken so much of it!!! I'm guessing it would be legal to do so! Glad you had a great time away.

Peggy said... 21

OMG -- I collect beach glass along my lake michigan beach -- but I have NEVER seen that much in one place!!!! Thanks for sharing!

SuZeQ said... 22

Whoa! Such beauty. Thank you so much for sharing. The glass beach is something I only see in my dreams and you were fortunate enough to be there in person. Lucky you. Cannot wait to see the rest of your photos. AND can't wait to see these little bits of magical glass in those shorebird nests ... and you-know-what to accompany the nests. Yessiree!

Jules said... 23

Looks like you had a wonderful time - what an amazing place! I've been thinking of you as I'm heading to North Carolina tomorrow and will be at Biltmore House next weekend xxx

Jules said... 24

Looks like you had a wonderful time - what an amazing place! I've been thinking of you as I'm heading to North Carolina tomorrow and will be at Biltmore House next weekend xxx

gigi knits said... 25

I have been collecting sea glass for years.. one piece at a time never anything like glad you had a wonderful cruise,

myriamkreativ said... 26

Hi my dear Vicki,
that must have been a wonderful trip. Thank you for sharing the pictures of the fabolous beach. I cannot believe it... a beach full of this wonderful sea glass. My kids are really crazy for it and searched the beach in Fuengirola for hours and hours to find some. How could you leave lol???
And what do I hear about shorebird nests .... sounds great!!!!!! I wish you a wonderful week back at home Hugs my dear freind Myriam

Linda Jereb said... 27

You may enjoy becoming a member of Seaglasslovers, the largest online community on the net dedicated to Sea Glass Collectors of the world.

Over 4800 members sharing 20,000 sea glass and beach photos, Craft and Display ideas, Shard Id, Sea Glass Anatomy, Sea Glass Color Wheel, beach locations and so SO much more!

Membership is free to all and we are a Non Jewelry and Non Agenda site.

Anonymous said... 28

Vicki, your amazing ability to describe in detail the beauty captured in your heart is a blessing from God. So many lovely pictures to help those of us who could not go see a glimps of the natural beauty God has given us.

BunnyNuts said... 29

I had no idea beach glass could be found like that!! Nor have I heard about the Moon Gates - was a really lovely idea!
As always - thank you for the "trip"!

Pat said... 30

Vicki....I would not have believed all this beautiful glass if you hadn't shown it...just gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!!! You and the Gardener look pretty good too! Thanks for letting me SEE....pat

Finding Joy said... 31

That is just amazing - where does all the glass come from? and why do they end up on that beach. Must be something to do with the tides. The edges look very smooth from the water. Just imagine what you could make from the glass!!! I am sure you were.

Good to see that you had a great holiday:)

Welcome home

The Painted Garden said... 32

Hi Vicki,

Oh my goodness - what a beautiful beach. The glass is just amazing and your photographs are fabulous.
Thank you for sharing.

Maya @ Completely Coastal said... 33

I had no idea that there was a seaglass beach in Bermuda..., now I want to go there even more!!! Is one allowed to take all the seaglass one wants? Just amazing!!!

Jody Hammer said... 34

*sighs dreamily*
Wow!!! What a wonderful beach!!! How amazing it must have been. Sharon had told me about your visit to that beach. Wow!!! I'm so glad you had fun and that the hurricanes stayed away for your safe travel!

Esme said... 35

Vicki-what a gorgeous beach-I had no idea that such a place existed. I would go to B. just to go to the beach. I came across a beach with seaglass in Italy-however nothing compared to this. You are the mermaid in the treasure chest. I bit you could had spent hours and hours sifting through all the seaglass.

Thank you for sharing this with us.

Susan said... 36

I love it when you take me on those trips with you. What a beautiful beach and all that seaglass is priceless. You are so blessed to have been able to see all that with the Gardener. Thanks for sharing your wonderful stories.I smell autumm in the air too. It is my favorite season. Have a great Tuesday. Susan

Tami said... 37

Oh Vicki, I am now dreaming of a vacation to that oh so wonderful beach!!

myriamkreativ said... 38

Hi my dear Vicki,
great that you like my andalusian impressions... I must admit I LOVE Andalucia. For me its one of the most wonderful plades on earth. From Stuttgart we usually fly for 2 1/2 hours to Malaga (you can go by car but it will take 2 1/2 days... no good idea with two little ones). And the best is you can have it all there... beach, mountains, cultural places and events and the food! And by the way with you last comment you made me wondering, thinking, longing what your gift could be... and I will be happy I`m sure. I wish you a wonderful Indian summer - here it is unbelievable at the moment. Bright sun but the smell in the air is autum and even some leaves are wonderful colored - simply perfekt. Hugs to you Myriam

Erica said... 39

What an amazing place! This alone makes me want to go to Bermuda. Looks like you had a wonderful vacation.

Elizabeth and Gary said... 40

Hi Vicki,
What a lovely blog you have! I just found you through Kathy and Dave at Sweet Up-North Mornings. It's a pleasure to meet you.
I also love to do all kinds of needle work..I have enjoyed my visit with you today very much..and
have become a follower.
Stop over for a visit anytime.
Big hugs, Elizabeth

crimsoncat05 said... 41

Oh my goodness, I have never heard of this before-- it must be absolutely amazing to see it in person!

Bumpkin Hill said... 42

What a wonderful time you clearly had, you look so pretty and glamorous on the beach. Love all that glass, so magical. HUGS, Catherine xx

Jeanie said... 43

Wow! What an amazing beach. I could spend days there sifting through all the beautiful sea glass. Where does it all come from-amazing. Thanks for sharing your pics.

Mieke'S said... 44

How beautiful!
Thank you for sharing the pictures!

Mosaic Magpie said... 45

The suspense is killing me!!!

Em said... 46

What a lovely post, I was smiling all the way through...Em xx

Beedeebabee said... 47

Oh vicki...Such a lovely vacation! I can't believe how much sea glass there is there. OMG!!! The photo of you and your hubby sneaking a kiss is beautiful!
xo Paulette

Sharlotte said... 48

What an amazing beach! I can hardly believe that such a place exsists! Love all your pictures.

Karma Delights said... 49

Thank you So much for sharing, I have never seen that much sea glass in one place..

Your site is amazing I'm so excited I stumbled upon it today. I'm suppose to be making Apple Crisp for my daughter Autumn (my Absolute Favorite time of the year) and I can't pull myself away.. If I show her your site maybe she will understand!!?

I look forward to future updates on your site..

FlowerLady Lorraine said... 50

I'm just going back through your blog and what a wonderful beach this is. I love the picture of you and your DH smooching under the Moon Gate too. :-)


Shellbelle said... 51

Well, I must tell you that this is the first post today from Maya's Coastal Party that made me gasp out loud! What a find, I've never seen sea glass in such numbers. Reminds me of the shells on Sanibel Island. Thank you SO much for sharing this with us, I truly enjoyed my visit.

Happy Beachy 2011!

Simone @ Doberman's by the Sea said... 52

Amazing. Time to head to
Bermuda! thanks for sharing.

Leo said... 53

Wow - amazing sea glass beach. I can't believe how much is on the shore. Just beautiful.

Arabella said... 54

Was blog hopping this morning and happened upon your marvelous blog.

What a wondrous beach & glorious finds!

Have a beachy day & hope to see you sometime at our Coastal Lifestyle Blog:

Everything Coastal said... 55

Good Morning Vicki -
Only one word. WOW

Love this post, am sharing on our Facebook page too!


SJ Scott said... 56

This is the first time I've heard of this beach...seaglass beach?! What heaven!!!! I must bring my seaglass addiction into my blog, soon! And save up for that trip to Bermuda....

Beach Totes said... 57

hello dear friend vicki,
what a beautiful beach. i have never heard of such a place.!thanks for share nice information.!

you visit this

Anonymous said... 58

Sadly, since so many have discovered Sea Glass beach, aka Black Bay to the locals, it is no longer legal to remove glass from the beach. There is a sign up saying anyone caught taking the glass will be prosecuted. Just thought I'd share this new info.