To enter please leave me a comment telling me what you love most about spring.
Miss Maddy girl will draw the winner on May 25. If the winner is one of my followers - I will embellish your nest with one of these little jeweled birds if you wish.
If you would like to post about my little "Spring Celebration" give away on your own blog - please come back AGAIN and leave me another comment telling me that you have done so. Everyone who posts about this little "nesting" give away on their blog will be entered into a special contest to win this lovely tea towel from my favorite store - Anthropology.
Thank you all for being here for me - your comments and emails mean the world to me. Your sweet words about the Gardener's beautiful sea turtle photos have made him beam with pride!
I have been trying to reply to some of you who I have not had the chance to meet or visit regularly. However - SOME OF YOU have your email specifications set so that I cannot reply to you - the dreaded "no reply blogger". Please take a minute to check your email profile in your blogger account and correct this if you wish. It would make it so much easier for me to reply to your comments.
Next up- those cruise photos just keep on coming~
I'll take you all to one of the Caribbean's best kept secrets~
the colorful and captivating island of Curacao.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 277 Newer› Newest»Oh how I'd love to win one of your nests....thank you for allowing me to enter this one in a million opportunities... Xoxo. Trscie
AHHHH! They are simply gorgeous!!!! I can't believe how many you made!! The colors just melt right at you..
So very generous!
Cat @ Tattered Rebel
oh...the dreaded first comment...What I love most about spring is the smell of the citrus trees blooming in my backyard...and planting my garden.
oh...the dreaded first comment...What I love most about spring is the smell of the citrus trees blooming in my backyard...and planting my garden.
I am a follower and have enjoyed your cruise photos.
yes, you are crazy to take on completing 47 nests...but I hope mine is one of those 47! Or am I in the next group?
After the long cold winters Spring is a much loved blessing!
I love the new beginnings...
new grass, new flowers, a new season, sunshine, birds singing, walking bare foot,the smell of fresh cut grass and after a rainfall. Those are just a few things I love about spring!
These are simply mermaid heaven nests!
Am in pure love!!!
And as for Curacao... there over 25 years ago..
but beautiful....
Cricket @ http://gypseanurse.blogspot.com
Thank you sooooooo much for offering us one of your beautiful nests!
They are amazing, I would be thrilled to win!
I am amazed at how many you made, I bet you are sick of seeing them! :-)
Oh Oh Oh I am a follower
Yes I am!!!
your nests are gorgeous.. i cherish mine.. and no youre not crazy. you are a talented giving angel :)
those little blinged birds are adorable.. where did you find them ?
you just enjoy your spring as im sure all the nests are happily in their homes. .. and you can get inspiration from the fresh spring breezes .
big ladybug hugs
I am loving your daffodils.
Mine are not up yet!
I am posting your badge on my blog!
Come visit!
what i love about spring.. is just the beginning of new life.. hearing the birds singing.. the little buds pushing out of the garden.. and even hearing the rain on the roof.. such comforting sounds...
happy spring to all :)
big ladybug hugs
I so look forward to your new posts, I anxiously wait to see your new nests! Wonderfull!!
Hurrah, another chance to win one of your stunning nests. Have to admit to trying before and failing miserably, lol, but hey, perhaps this time is my time. Thank you so much for offering such a beautiful giveaway.
Oh, and of course I am follower, a drooling one every time I see one of your nests.
What do I love about Spring? Hmm, so many things, but especially all the different shades of greens everywhere you look. From the lightest yellowy green tiny leaves to the richest deep greens, there are so many beautiful shades to admire. We were driving through the French countryside last week in beautiful sunshine and I am sure my son thought I was totally bonkers constantly shouting out " just look at those beautiful greens, such gorgeous colours! "
And yes, you are mad to take on 47 nests, lol, but who wants to be totally sane? Boring! I just try and imagine the range of your feelings right now, the sense of accomplishment, the relief of having finished this mammoth task..... are you starting to miss the feel of the needles and the yarns already???
Hi dearest Vicki,
as alwayes they are like a dream, your nests,--and so many---how are your arms, and fingers sweet ? :)
Your little corner in your garten looks so absolutely beautiful, and for the jewel birds I can only say :LOVE THEM--
As I`m the most happy owner of two nests, I will not be in your drawing, but I wish everyone else the best of luck-you will love to hold Vicki`s sweet nest in your hands.
Happy spring dear, and big hugs.
Spring...what do i love about it? I love that I can warm my bare arms in the warm sunshine (when it decides to be warm and sunny here in Lincolnshire).
I would cut off my left pinky-toe for one of those nests!
I am a follower, too!
and 47 nests? I cannot even commit myself to making 6 ATCs these days. Way to go! You may indeed be crazy, but your work is fabulous!
Ooooo! What I like most about Spring is the Robins hopping around in my yard and FLOWERS growing!! Is there anything else like it?!! :-)
I'm a regular follower of yours and I just had to come back to tell you how great I thought that opening poem was!! :-] You know I'm a poet...and I was impressed with you! Just talented 'all over the place'! Yes you are! ^_^
There are so many things I love about spring ,but the one of the first ,is hearing the frogs singing!!!
I am a follower and really enjoy your blog.
What do I love about spring? NO SNOW!!! THAT'S what I love the most. After that, seeing those beautiful little green shoots coming up through the dead leaves of the year before has to be tops. The little kittens coming out on the pussy willow branches is a biggie too. Of course, there is also the appearance of some of the most beautiful nests I have ever seen that heralds the arrival of spring.
Yes, I am a follower of yours. Happy Spring.
47 nests....phew.....queen of the nest builders for sure.
It just wouldn't be right for me to win yet another nest so, if Maddy Dear pulls my name, just pretend it didn't happen. I do wish to tell you thought that you are not numb and you are not dumb ... you just love to knit beautiful nests. My favorite Springtime love is the newness, the freshness and the happiness I feel surrounded by blue skies, sunshine, green grass, buds, flowers and chirping birds.
Of course I will post about your contest......
Hi Vicki ~ my favorite thing about spring is mulch! Yep...I love the fresh smell of mulch around all my flower beds. I order a huge dump truck load, and it takes me awhile to get it all spread. This year I haven't started because another thing I love about spring is white picket fences...and I've been frantically painting mine--it's taking awhile!
I'm a follower, too!
Hi knitting Vicki! You are amazing...and yes, a little crazy to knit all those beautiful nests! And I know all the recipients will love theirs!
Vicki, another fabulous nest, oh my you are so full of energy....wow! 47 nests!!!!! I love the birds, they are gorgeous, and the tea towel is stunning!!!!
Can't wait to see more of your holiday, I loved reading the last post and those photos are so wonderful!!!
Margaret B
Spring means "hope" to me. It's a beginning of warm days, neighbors stopping by, seeds popping,and best of all the laughter of children playing outside. No inside voices needed anymore.
Oh Vicki I would just love to be the winner of one of your nest they are beyond beautiful...I love "SPRING" because of the new life it brings, the sweet,crisp fresh air the beautiful,fragrant flowers to look at ,it's just a whole new beginning of what God has given us to nurture and enjoy!
I would love to own one of your nests as well! Please enter me in the drawing and then pick my name ~ lol. Connie
I am a follower :-D I forgot to tell you what I love about spring. That would be everything - the birds singing, the trees budding, the flowers revealing themselves through the earth's surface, and the weather and how good it makes me feel, just to name some.
gorgeous as always. oh my...they always leave me speechless vicki! (Now...onto a certain other theme you have in mind? :) J'adore these sweet and breathtaking creations. would LOVE to have a spring one of my own. I love "Le Printemps" because it is when everything comes back to life: nature....and my soul.
i am a happy follower! :)
Hi my dear Vicki,
I cant stop - jump there I am to join in your giveaway - you know I love your nests.... and I will post about it.
2.) I follow your since I found you *lol*
3.) The tea towel is simply wonderful
4.) You definitely are crazy to knit over fourty nests (but I can understand everybody who wants his own little treasured nest...)
5.) What I love about spring - every single thing - the nature waking up, the birds singing like crazy, the colour, the feeling - its such a good feeling to know winter has gone *sigh*.
Love & kisses
Oh Vicki, those nests are so beautifull ,that you made so many is a fete in itself and you are not crazy just very talented and ......well yes crazy. Love your pictures of the daffodils in your garden, they remind me of the Lake District in England, what I love about spring is the spring flowers and the feeling of rebirth (being a labour and delivery nurse.),the earth refreshes itself once a year and its my favourite time of the year. Love this site, thanks ,Lynne
I love your nests and your incredible talent yes and your craziness to make so many,,,,also I love the pictures of your daffodils in the garden.They remind me of spring in the Lake District in England. I love the feeling of re-birth in the spring time ( I am a labour and delivery nurse),its like the earth is refreshing itself and it gives us all hope. Thanks for your blog Vicki, carry on creating..Lynne
One of my favorite parts of spring are the lovely fresh clean smells that drift in from an open window.
I also love the longer days and blooming bulbs.
Thanks for this generous give away!
cw33stone at aol dot com
I think you are just one of those people that has a hard time saying "no".
That's why you made so many baskets....not dumb just optmistic that it wouldn't be so difficult to do! You must love it too.
cw33stone at aol dot com
I am a follower! : )
cw33stone at aol dot com
Even here in Florida spring is different. Spring also brings us more rain. The grass and trees look so much happier for it. The Jasmine blooms *mmmmmmmm* and so do the orange trees, *achoo*. (And believe me, the fragrance of the orange blossoms definilty outweighs the stuffy, runny nose and sore throat the pollen gives me if I'm not taking my claritin) I love that the days are getting noticibly longer and that it is warm enough to go to the beach again. It reminds me that renewal can happen anytime, anywhere.
What I love most about Spring is that first warm-ish day when I can open all the windows in my house and hear the birds singing :)
I follow your blog :)
I blogged about the giveaway! http://calledtocreativity.blogspot.com/2011/04/giveaway.html
What a lovely prize!! My favorite part of spring is the awakening of nature. The birds sing happier, the trees earn their leaves, and the flowers sprout their buds. (And it's not yet 100 degrees here in TX!)
You were totally crazy to make all these nests! Haha And I would be just as crazy! :D
I'm a follower! (I can't tell if I already was one or just signed up - but either way, I'm in there!)
I AM a follower....wouldn't miss keeping up with your life!
So enter my name! I love those nests!
And here I am again.....
What I love about Spring? BIRDS!!! They leave our town at 8,000' every Fall and it's so QUIET here all winter. Now the Red-headed Finch's are back in full force/the bluebirds are nesting/the robins are chirping!
You are not nuts...you are dedicated! The nests are so pretty and I'm a fan of fiber (I have a ton of it myself), so can appreciate the tactile nests. And those birds....to die for!
Ok, here is my 3rd entry.
I have all my limbs crossed!
Ciao Vicki :)
Your "Spring Nesting" ex "Winter" ;) is sooo similar to "Twilight" movie when Edward & Bella are on a leaf green full of wonderful & colorful flowers...
I'm a fan of this Saga :))
Anyway, your nest is simply gorgeous!
Hugs & Smiles,
Mila :)
Just beautiful as usual! And those jeweled birds are to die for. I just can't wait to see your autumn nests - be sure to put me on the list for one of them - I just love fall colors. The original nest I got from you is still in my studio waiting for me to make a little birdie to put in it - one of these days LOL And don't you just love Anthropolgie? I could stay in there looking for hours. Hugs!
And of course I'm a follower!
Of course you aren't crazy - exactly LOLOLOL I don't know if I could do that many of one thing all in a row though. Looking forward to more photos. I remember when I was a kid my grandfather had some kind of job in Curacao for awhile - he loved it down there.
My response would have to be what is there NOT to like about spring. A time of renewal, new birth and the coming of life from all that is bare and grey. I always look forward to the wood poppies blooming, that is supposed to be the sign that all freezing weather has passed.
I am a faithful follower! Love every minute of it!
Now it is not the fact you created 47 nests that I find crazy. It is the fact you created 47 nests AND were looking forward to mowing the grass that I find crazy. You must be like a little energizer bunny!
You do amazingly creative work! I can't believe how gorgeous your little nests are! And yes...you must be crazy..to make 47 of them!
Hi Vicki
I would really love to join your give away again, maybe I´m lucky this time :-)
What I love about springtime is, temperatures rising, sun gets up earlier, farmers working outside, hanging my laundry outside, staying a LOT more outside, knitting outside...and I could go on,I just love springtime.
Hi Vicki
I´m a follower and I love those little birds nests. The colurs you use are my favorite.
Hi again ;-)
I have made a post on my blog, about your give away.
Last comment from me :-)
You are really a little crazy, making so many nests. But They are so beautiful and I would really love to win both the lovely tea towel and nest.
Have a nice day
Woould love to add this nest to the one I have,, they are so gorgeous..They remind me of the blue birds nest we had in out back yard when we were living in upstate NY..
What I love about spring is to hear the birds singing in the mornings.. and to have the windows open and smell the fresh spring air coming into the house.
Spring -- I love the flowers -- period.
Thanks for the great giveaway -- what a treat!
Greetings from Southern California
I added myself to follow your blog.
I invite you to visit my blog and become a follower if you want too.
God bless you and have a nice day :-)
I think these are the best nests yet...and so many!! I just love them!! They keep getting better.
I would love to win this one....I like anything to do with birds...could it be because my name is Robin??
Im a follower too.
I love spring for the flowers and their fragrance. Everything is in bloom.
Oh, what I love most about spring is when it is watching all the birds returning from their winter habitats and starting their nests. And it finally being warm enough to go out with a light jacket or sweater and putter in the garden among the emerging plants.
Your nests are gorgeous! Thanks for the giveaway!
Another thing I love about spring is hunting for Morel mushrooms. It's like an Easter egg hunt.
Thanks again for your give away!
Oh, besides being a follower (thus the two previous posts) I have mentioned your give away on my blog. http://hhcampbell.blogspot.com. Hope it helps get a few more followers for you.
P.S. I think you were a bit nuts.. okay mostly bonkers, to create 47 nests! Although if you really love making them, it's probably not as crazy as it sounds.
I love your nests!! Beautiful! I love spring riding around with my husband on his motorcycle and smelling the orange blossoms!
I just posted about your beautiful giveaway on my blog!
thanks for the chance!
wow! 47 nests! Can't imagine how much work that was. but they are so gorgeous! but yes, you were probably crazy to commit to it, crazy in a good way! the tea towel is adorable too.
Vicki, I love your nest creations! Spring to me means blossoms on the trees and when the float down it looks like a wedding celebration!!
I am definitely a follower of your lovely blog!!
I always think of spring as a new beginning - for the plants that didn't do so well last year, as well as myself - starting a new diet that I might actually stick to or whatever else didn't work well over the winter. Love your little bird nests - am a true follower, but don't have a blog.
Love spring for the promise of new beginnings! Love your birds nests and am a follower, but don't have a blog. Love reading about your exciting trips.
You have such a good eye for color.
I LOVE your photo's of Spring!! I am so ready here! When i look at your gorgeous nests I am so happy i have mine! So much work in everyone one. Love the sweet sparkly birds! Beautiful blog post as always!you know i am a follower!!
xx Susan
Hi Sweet Vicki,
Here I am....Here I am.....not sure where I was but I'm here now with you!!
Ok I am going to be a Nest Hog and
enter your Giveaway for one of your beautiful Nests!!
And... you made how many??? OMGoodness girl your litttle fingers need a rest!!! ;)
Love ya!! You already know I'm a happy follower of yours!!
Art of Mine
I LOVe Spring time because it is warm...I really do not like to be cold...I love the spring flowers and the flowering dogwood and cherry trees.
I can wear linen again and feel happy!!
Love ya,
Hi Vicki,
I posted your Spring time Nest Giveaway on my blog as well.
Love and Hugs,
Oh, what a gorgeous post, Vicki!! And gorgeous nest!!! What do I love about spring? Well, what is there not to love about spring? Right now, my favorite are the wrens nesting by our front door... Love, Silke
Of course I am a follower!! Definitely!!! :)
And... I just blogged about your giveaway...
47 nests?!? I get tired and exhausted just reading about it!! You are Superwoman!!!! Love, Silke
Hi Vicki.
I love Spring because I can open the windows and feel the new fresh air and I can hear the birds sing and see the beautiful flowers blooming and the green appearing on the trees. Spring is a joy filled blessing!
♥ audrey
Hi Vicki...
Yep, I'm a happy follower of your beautiful blog.
♥ audrey
I've posted about your Spring Celebration Nest Giveaway on the sidebar of my blog. The tea towel is sweet.
♥ audrey
Me again, Vicki.
47 Nests!! Crazy? No, I would not use that word. I think I would just say that you love what you do. And I love that you do it. (: And I love that you are having this giveaway! I will be hoping.
♥ audrey
PS - verif. word is metrobar. We have a restaurant/bar here in Roanoke called METRO. The word was made just for me. hahaha
I would love to win one of these beautiful nests!! I have just become a follower. Did you embroider that fabulous piece also?
Having fresh flowers in my house makes me smile.. thank you Spring for providing them! And thank you Vicki for continuing this work of love. So much joy is realized because of your work!
Your pics of warmer weather are gorgeous.. and 'thank you' to the Gardner as well!! Glad to know your nesting is complete.. so pretty!
I love spring because a new mix if birds returns to my feeder. But to be toyally honest my favorite season is winter.
I would love to win one of these. Such a lot of love has gone into this creation.
If you enjoyed the creation of these nests and I think you did, then no you are not crazy.
Marjorie says-
My love of spring is that I feel extremely lucky to be enjoying another spring and the warmth and the sunshine with friends. During this year two friends will not have the pleasure and it does make my realise how precious every minute is.
how lovely to read your blog on your holiday, the pictures are amazing.
What I love best about spring is the smell...you can feel the newness in the air.
I love to watch the birds in the spring.
Spring is the "rebirth" of everything or maybe the awakening of nature after a long winter nap. Even with me, makes me perk up and get fresh ideas flowing. And if that doesn't perk me up, then these precious (no you are not crazy for creating them)nests do it for me! So much thought and time put into them. Very much appreciated!!! Absolutely love them!!!
Spring is the rebirth of nature. An awakening of nature after a long winter nap. Gets fresh ideas flowing in my mind. And if Spring doesn't get me going, these nests do, just gorgeous and inspiring. So appreciative of the time spent, and your creative talent.
The bird nests are fabulous! So glad I found your blog! My favorite thing about spring is warm weather and flowers. chedeb5353@hotmail.com
I follow on GFC and would love to win!! chedeb5353@hotmail.com
I think you are crazy for taking on such a large task as making 47 nests!! chedeb5353@hotmail.com
Your nests are extraordinarily gorgeous. Congrats on making 47 of them. That is an achievement! What I like most about spring is it is the time the earth reawakens. The flowers bloom and the birds return. Everything is bathed in beauty. Thanks for the opportunity. Theresa
Oh how I have been lusting after one of your breathtaking handknit nests. This one must be meant for me as April 12th is Mr. C's birthday and May 25th is my dear departed Mother's birthday and she would be swooning over your nests.
Spring for me means renewed life, nature, energy, creating art and a fresh start after the long dreary winter.
Thank you for this opportunity to covet one of your fabulous nests.
Now I am returning because I simply must have another opportunity to be selected to give your beautiful nest a very good home. I have followed your blog and your travels and your nests for some time. Thank you again. Happy weekend...
Oh, goodness,I just spent a half hour on your cruise pictures-they are gorgeous!
What I love about Spring---Everything! Especially after the last winter, it was brutal!
I love your nests so much! Please pick me!
Ouch...47 nests in one lot is an enormous undertaking. However you did it and somehow I think you will be ready when the time comes for you to create the next lovely lot of breathtaking nests. Your summer series with the seashells was stunning also. Oh how I desire to have one of your creations. Thank you once again.
And yes, I am a follower! The Gardener's turtle pics are excellent and beautiful.
Spring reminds me of "rebirth"...everything is starting over...flowers sprout from the ground, leaves bud, bird nests are built & eggs are layed....Easter reminds us of Our Risen Savior..
Your nest is so beautiful...your talents are definitely God given.
Blessings, Tiff
I am a new follower & loved browsing your blog. Tiff
I can't believe you made 47 nests! I'd never want to see another one if I had done that!
What i love most about the spring -
The fresh pure air, holding a promise of renewal, of second chances and new beginnings.
The chirping of birds - busy, busy, busy. And bees buzzing and butterflies flying.
The soft sweet flowers peeking from their buds, timid at first, but courage building, breaking free and bursting forth.
This is spring - and what I love most.
Jan of Fursdon House
Follower I am - of one of the most unique expressions of art I've seen in a very, very long time!
Love and Blessings, Jan
Crazy? Of course you're crazy! That's the best thing about you! Besides, just think how boring "normal" would be!!
May God Bless, Jan
Vicki, Now, I've gone and posted a link on my blog. Thanks for your generousity!
Back again! Just posted about your spring giveaway on my own blog. I'm still amazed with these nests! Absolutely fabulous! Take a nice rest now, to gear up for the next go-around! :) Jan
I am awestruck by the beauty of your knitted nest. They are spectacular creations and would love to own one. Please enter me in your draw. Penny
Crazy of course you are, but what a sense of acheivement. When I was younger I preferred winter the crispness and the dark cozy nights. However now that I am older time seems more important and Spring is that much more welcome with the longer days. Why does the beauty of nature seem to grab you more when you get older? Simple spring flowers like the primula and cowslip are now amongst my very favorite flowers. Fingers crossed a exquisite nesty comes my way
I am a regular follower too, looks like all your other followers are here too. ;-)
So pretty! I love the Fresh life of spring feels like a new begining.Warm Blessings!~Amy
I'm a follower.Warm Blessings!~Amy
Although the next are soooo pretty,you are crazy for trying to make so many!!! I'm happy you did though because now you can share! Warm Blessings!~Amy
Posting to my blog for the extra chance and special drawing.So generous of you!~Amy
Oh, me oh my with a heavy sigh I definitely love spring too.
Flowers poppin' birds a singing
A joyous time when springs a springing! Your nests are BEAUTIFUL. Would be magical fun to have one! Please count me in!
I'm back to comment one more time...following now, oh, and I love your rhyme! So my 2nd entry I do believe...discovering what spring has up her sleeve!Thanks again for such an awesome giveaway...I found you from Silke Powers Blogpost!
I would love to win one of your nests and have that touch of Spring and nature.
Thank you for allowing me the chance to win.
Lynne M
I'm a happy follower. What a lovely and magical giveaway. Thank you for the opportunity to enter. Hugs!
Ohhh your nests are just the sweetest signs of spring I've seen so far. Darling!!!!
I love to see the cherry trees beginning to show the little buds, I know spring isn't far behind.
I can't believe I hadn't found you already. I'm a follower now!
Your little Nests are just "Breathtaking" so much color yet very soothing and pleaseing to the eye.All the wonderful supplies used give it so much depth and texture,how could you make so many?Most of all give them away?Thank you for giving us a chance to be the proud Owner of one!
I love seeing my grass just keep getting greener each day...then discovering the bulbs planted last fall coming up and blooming! I love your nests and would truly enjoying giving it a home here in the Pines...and finally, I'm one of the folks without an email and was just going to do that today and make it available..thanks for the reminder! Happy Spring!
I am a follower too!
Oh, and I would say you're crazy to make so many nests, but then you wouldn't have this awesome giveaway! And also,I love all the pics of your beautiful vacation. I swear, it helped me get through the end of a very long and cold winter here. Thank goodness we have made it to spring!
Hi Vicki,
Why do I love spring? NO MORE SNOW, and the return of green and flowers and birds and warmth, and of course the debut of your gorgeous spring nests!
And yes, I am a follower!
And I will happily post your giveaway on my blog!
And Vicki you are crazy to commit to 47 nests, but it's the good kind of crazy that made 47 people very happy!
What a wonderful 'giveaway' !! I would love to win this..smile..
I love spring because of the nice weather, singing of the birds and the fact I can get out and walk!
I am a new follower and really don't think you're crazy..but 47 is really a lot of nests..smile..
xoxo Gert
I will be putting your wonderful 'giveaway' on my blog.
soso Gert
Love you blog...so glad I found you!
xoxo Gert
Oh how I have missed your posts while we were away! Good heavens I can't imagine making 47 of anything Vicki! You are so giving to actually offer up another one of your beautiful creations. I much prefer the spring daffodils right now in your images since we still have a tiny amount of snow left in the shady nooks around here. Spring will be a welcome sight when it finally comes for us! Those bejeweled birdies are so precious too. Do you ever rest up your little fingers, you are amazing! xo ~Lili
Hi Hope one of the nice are mine ,I have not heard from you ,Wish we had flower here it is still cold Laura
All your nests are so gorgeous, but the one you are giving away is spectacular.
It's hard to say what I like best about spring. Being an advid gardner, I love that I can plant again and watch all the plants wake up from winter.
And I can't believe thatyou made 47 nests. I can't wait till fall to get mine!!
Vicki you have outdone yourself with this beautiful nest! It is lovely!
Please enter me in your giveaway.
Thanks so much, xo, Karen
I am a follower already. The thing I love most about Spring is that everything is so fresh and new after the gray, cold months of winter. I just posted about our winds here in southeastern Washington and how ready I am for Spring!
Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful nest.
xo, Karen
I must say that I am amazed that you knitted 47 nests in such a short period of time. The work you put into them is phenomenal! Crazy...nah! Dedicated, yes!
I will post about your giveaway on my blog this Tuesday and will leave a comment when I do.
xo, Karen
It's so hard to pick a favorite part of Spring unless I just say "the flowers!" The fragrance of hyacinths might be a more singular choice. I really enjoy your blog and think your nests are just amazing!
I don't think I can bring myself to say that you were crazy to commit to making 47 nests! Maybe just a little screwy!?! But, don't you feel good that you did now that they're done?!? I'm impressed and inspired!
I love spring! New life, budding flowers and trees, and feeling the warm sun once again. I am so excited to have a chance at winning one of your gorgeous nests. You are so talented Vicki.
I love spring! New life, budding flowers and trees, and feeling the warm sun once again. I am so very excited to have a chance to win one of your gorgeous nests. You are extremely talented Vicki.
Oh my gosh! There's so many comments here I feel a little lost.... but I'm in springy heaven right now. If you check out my blog you can see how obsessed I've been about all the beautiful changes that are happening. My favorite springy thing to do is take nature walks, discover hidden clumps of bluebells, watch the robins hopping about, and working on my current springtime hooked rug. I've admire your nests from afar for quite awhile. It's so generous of you to include one in a giveaway. And the tea towel is just the cutest!
Hi! I'm back, and a happy follower of your lovely blog. Just getting ready to head outdoors for a Sunday walk. The sky is blue and the dogwoods are in bloom. Sending springtime wishes to you!
Oh dear! I don't feel right telling you you're "crazy". But, it does seem like an awfully big challenge to keep track of all these comments and give away such beautiful prizes. But, I'm very glad that you're not only generous to do this, but a tad bit crazy also! Well.... crazy in a good way...
I rarely enter give aways, because I just can't see them in my home...however, your nest is a thing of beauty. I'm so glad Dulcy let me know about your blog.
The thing I love best about spring is that the sparrows are back and busily building their condo of nests on our sunporch...watching them tend their nests and catch bugs and sing their songs makes my heart sing.
How unbelievably gorgeous are your nests! I adore them! My favorite thing about Spring has to be the beauty of the tulips and daffodils pushing through the soil to announce Spring is here! Megan supermeg1718 at yahoo dot com
I LOVE your nests! How ingenious a creation! I love everything about Spring! The smell of the green grass, the flowers, the birds chirping! Susan purrpage3 at verizon dot net
I am a new follower too! Susan purrpage3 at verizon dot net
I posted your giveaway with a link back to you on the sidebar of my blog! Susan purrpage3 at verizon dot net
I hate calling people "crazy" but that's a LOT of nests, and since you insisted, ok, you're a bit kooky! ha! Susan purrpage3 at verizon dot net
I have happily added a nice little bluebird post about your lovely giveaway!
Your nests are absolutely beautiful, would love a chance to win one. My favorite thing about Spring is the tree frogs singing their song and all green popping out.
I am a follower and would love a second chance to win the lovely nest.
I posted about your giveaway on my blog, so would love a third chance to win.
You are not crazy, just determined. I admire you for getting them all done. I just love them.
Congrats on your winning the Peter Rabbit banner!
What I love about spring- I look forward to the reawakening of the trees and plants, the births of baby animals, and warmer weather so that I can take long walks on the greenway paths our city has.
I look forward to seeing the crocuses in my garden. They are always the first flowers to bloom and help convince me that spring really is arriving!
I'm a follower of your blog!
I'm not sure if you're crazy or not for making 47 nests, but you're definitely dedicated!
so naturey!
so lovely!
I love your nests.Great job.
Your daffodils are so sweet :) Your nest is GORGEOUS!
I love the little peeks of green breaking through the soil~ a new surprise everyday... as they seem to grow through the night :)
The bright green leaves coming on the hedges... and the thrill of seeing a tiny bird nest here and there~ feathered neighbors moving in!
Wishing you joy!
Hi Vicki,
I have been catching up with you today and my goodness girl you have been a busy little bird, making your sweet nests...I love your Spring nest and it sure would look lovely next to my shore nest :)
Please drop my name into the hat and maybe if I'm really lucky your Miss Maddy girl will pick my name..
Your vacation looked amazing and so beautiful!
Have a sweet day and big hugs, Elizabeth
Hi Vickie,
I'm a follower of course, would not want to miss a post!
hugs, Elizabeth
Hi Vicki,
I posted about your Spring Celebration on my side bar...
Elizabeth xo
OK, so you want me to say you are CRAZY..."You crazy creative girl you" I don't really think you are crazy just passionate about your nests!
Big hugs, Elizabeth
Oh how I would LOVE to win!! They are the most beautiful nests I've ever seen!!
Ich mache gerne mit.
Sonnige Grüße
Spring is awakening to me. The birds are having babies, the squirrels are flitting, flowers are blooming, everything is greening up. Spring brings hope. I would love to have one of your wonderful nests. They are amazing!!!
I am a new follower, but I am so glad I got here. Love what you do. Love the turtles. You are gifted and blessed with three beautiful children. Thank you for sharing with us. And I would LOVE to win one of your beautiful nests!
I am sure that you are not crazy....obsessed maybe, but not crazy. But when you start creating it is sometimes hard to stop. And as I scroll through the pictures each nest is different from the next. You are an artist!!!
Hi Vicki,
I just posted about your Spring Nest Giveaway on my blog and included some pictures.
Have a great day! xo, Karen
I did a post on your lovely nests, I hope you get lots of visitors.
Your nests are so AWESOME! I love them...What I love most about spring are the new flowers...the smells and the awesome greenhouses full of flowers.
Vicki, the nests are so beautiful-you have so much talent. The tea towel is also darling. The daffodils are such a sign of spring.
I love all the flowers that are blooming in the springtime.
Have a lovely eve.
Hi Vicki,
thank your for your nice comment about my bunnies. The children love them and I have to produce one after the other *lol*. I look at that magnolia when i look out my kitchen window - isn`t it beautiful. I love it. Always thinking of you when I have my latte. Hugs & kisses Myriam
Hi Vicki! what I love most about spring is the return of colour after months of snow and grey.
I'm an official Vicki groupie/follower.
Me again! I've just posted a link to your contest on my blog at: http://ascattering.blogspot.com/2011/04/vickis-spring-nest-giveaway.html
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