Friday, September 25, 2015

Breast Cancer Awareness Knitted Wrap -- in my ETSY shop now

There's one in every group...
in your neighborhood, in your church group, your book club, 
         your knitting circle.... 
              they work in your favorite clothing stores, 
                          they teach your children at school...
 they are your work peers,
            your neighbors,
                     your best friends,....
                               your family~

   they are amazing women,
strong, determined, beautiful...

 they are 
Breast Cancer survivors...

is the month
that is designated to raise
awareness for
Breast Cancer..

in  my own
 small, but special way,
this is my attempt to help raise
 awareness about this
terrible disease...

 National statistics~
1 out of every 8 women will
develop breast cancer
over the course of their lifetime..

Breast Cancer 
is the most common cancer
among women...

 there are more than
2.8 million breast cancer
survivors in the
United States...

while most of us
are well aware of the implications
of breast cancer,...
there are still those who
do not take the simple steps
to practice a monthly early detection
self exam..

early detection
can be the key to surviving
breast cancer...

you can find information
about breast health
and the importance of self examination

introducing my
Breast Cancer Awareness
knitted wrap...
(the latest in my Blooms collection series..) 

 the charitable proceeds
from the sale of this knitted wrap
will be donated to the
Susan G. Komen 

like many of you...
breast cancer has touched my 
life as well...

it has affected many that I love,
 my friends,
and my family...

my beautiful
daughter in law 
is a breast cancer survivor..
as a family, 
we know first hand
the fear that those two words
can bring to our lives...

 our precious
were ages 1 and 3
when their Mother was diagnosed
with breast cancer...

now, 2 years later...
she is strong, and healthy
and alive...
she is an amazing woman,
she is my hero..

 perhaps you or someone you love
would like to spread
the awareness
by wearing this beautiful

you can find my
Breast Cancer Awareness
knitted wrap



Amy at love made my home said... 1

Such a beautiful wrap and a beautiful thing that you are doing! Here's to all those wonderful women - and men! xx

Sue Kosec said... 2

I said it on Facebook ... and I'll say it again right here: YOU ARE SO GENEROUS AND HAVE SUCH A KIND HEART.

Hip-Hip-Hurray to your daughter-in-law.


Magpie's Mumblings said... 3

Vicki - your wrap is beautiful and incredible and amazing, but it's your words today that have touched my heart.

Fundy Blue said... 4

Your wrap is gorgeous, Vicki! Thanks for the reminder. I've been dragging my feet and need to get in for my overdue mammogram! Happy weekend to you!

Julie said... 5

A beautiful wrap and such a great cause too. My best friend is a 17 breast cancer survivor, she's amazing and such a strong lady.

Meredith said... 6

Amazing my friend in both the beauty of the wrap and the thoughts behind it.

SummersStudio said... 7

Stunningly beautiful, Vicki! Not just the wrap but also your support of BC awareness has always touched me in a very profound way. Sad to hear that your DIL is one of us but so very happy that she's made 2 years. It's a wonderful start to the rest of her life. I've retreated from much activity in the social media world but I still keep up quietly with what you do. The 'retreat' is of my own choice as I find myself concentrating on and savoring each day and each moment where I find myself. I will always be grateful to your giving me the opportunity to gift my BC sisters in my own community with such a bounty of generosity. Thank you so much for being the kind hearted activist woman that you are. My life has been enriched.

Suzan said... 8

Your wrap is lovely!! So much time and flowers and bling put into it!!! I checked but it's already sold!! Lovely work!! and Lovely posting about important information.

lynn cockrell said... 9

The wrap is beautiful, Vicki! A dear, sweet and beautiful friend and workmate of mine was diagnosed with breast cancer earlier this year. She has now been told she is cancer free and that is such good news. I hate cancer. It is a wretched and ruthless thing. We lost our precious son-in-law to kidney cancer after 4-1/2 years. We loved him so! I posted on my blog about him and I hope everyone who reads my blog will pray for a cure for all forms of cancer in the world! Thank you for your gracious and unselfish heart and for doing all that you do to fight breast cancer!

thiet ke nha dep said... 10

So amazing !!! Very nice

nha xinh
thiet ke nha

Dorthe said... 11

Oh dear friend, what a dream you have knitted, what a most beautiful wrap.
It is a artpiece and looks stunning. So adorable with all the flowers, and the colours are fantastic. And your beautiful heart never fails to try do everything, you can ,to help .
I am feeling blessed knowing you Vicki.

Love, Dorthe

Halinka said... 12

Szal przepiękny, romantyczny!!!Zdjęcia super!!!