Sunday, October 23, 2016

Breast Cancer Awareness-- a knitted wrap for a Warrior Princess

Fate whispers to the warrior...
                "you cannot withstand the storm..."
                              and the warrior whispers back 
                                          " I am... the storm."

 October is
Breast Cancer Awareness

in my own humble little way,
I am dedicating my latest knitted wrap
to raising awareness 
for women everywhere...

every woman who is diagnosed
with breast cancer
becomes a warrior...

this knitted wrap,
the most exquisite and detailed 
that I have ever made...
is truly fit for a 
Warrior Princess..

 one end of my knitted wrap
is accented with a pale pink ribbon-
a symbol of Breast Cancer Awareness.
the pink ribbon 
is embellished with an exquisite
  garland made from
hundreds of seed beads, sequins, tiny glass leaves,
and my own embroidery accents.

unlike anything that I have ever made

the wrap is knitted
with my own combination 
of super soft acrylic yarns...
the beaded and embellished ribbon
separates a slight color distinction
in the design...
one end is knitted in a muted pink 
combination of yarns
while the remainder of the wrap
is knitted in muted tan colors 
accented with soft pink

a tiny muslin tag,
hand painted... 
bears the symbol of the
warrior princess...
so tiny that one would
hardly notice...
but she knows that it is there...

the entire wrap
is accented with beaded leaves,
vines, and flowers...

 over 50 tiny handmade leaves,
and over 40 flowers
are hand sewn
along a beautiful trailing vine...

every stitch
is filled with prayers...

 every leaf and flower
is accented with seed beads,
glass beads, and 
vintage accent pieces...

 and on one leaf,
another tiny beaded symbol for our
warrior princess...

beautiful blooms 
 are scattered
 along the trailing vine...

 every bloom
is beautiful and unique~
as is every warrior princess...

the charitable proceeds
from the sale of this knitted wrap
will be donated to
a women's ministry
that provides hope and support
to warrior princess's
who battle all types of cancer.
they have been kind to our family...

my "Warrior Princess"
knitted wrap...
can be found in my 
ETSY shop

I am humbled to love and admire
a beautiful and very special
warrior princess 
in our family...


Eugenia Maru said... 1

It is very, very beautiful. Wonderful details for a warrior.

Sue Kosec said... 2

Just one word: EXQUISITE.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for a prayer in each stitch.

Karen B. said... 3

My dear Vicki,
this wrap with keep your Warrior Princess warm with all the love that was knitted into it. My thoughts, heart and prayers are with her.
Many hugs to you and your.
Karen B. ~ Todolwen
P.S. I almost forgot to tell you how absolutly beautiful the wrap is, so stunnung! xo

Gracie Saylor said... 4

It is beautiful, and I hope will bring much support for the cause. When I clicked on the link to Etsy it said you had no items in the maybe it has already sold? xx

Lululiz said... 5

Truly exquisite, dear Vicki, and of course sold already. No surprise there, lol. xxx

Little Wandering Wren said... 6

What a truly beautiful post, from every stitch of love, to every heartfelt word - very moving.
Wren x

NanaDiana said... 7

Omgosh, Vicki. That is the most beautiful knitted thing I have EVER seen. You certainly outdid yourself. It is wonderful. Is it already sold because it doesn't show up in the shop? God bless you! The person that receives that is really getting a prayer shawl because it has been prayed over as it was stitched. MyHero's favorite thing during his bout with cancer was a prayer shawl he received. It is the size of a small lap robe and gave (and still gives) him so much comfort. xo Diana

Marlynne said... 8

Just Stunning! So Much Love Shows Forth In Your Lovely Work! God Bless You!

Thistle Cove Farm said... 9

Vicki, so incredibly beautiful and such a tribute. Recently seen on social media..."I asked God, "Why did you send me through such a horrible storm?" His reply, "Because your enemies cannot swim."

kathyinozarks said... 10

So lovely Vicki-breathtaking, hugs to you and your family

Ariadne said... 11

What a beautiful and well wishing shawl!I am glad it is sold already!AriadnefromGreece!

suzeeez said... 12

Gorgeous work !

Anne's Attic - Design said... 13

Dear Vicki, your wrap is exquisite. Your are my idol always thinking of others. I wish that I had seen it sooner I would have loved to have it, such a worthy cause.
xx Jo

Quinn said... 14

Your work is exquisite, Vicki - as always. So multi-layered and intricate, and kindness and love woven in every step of the way.

Julie said... 15

I can just imagine the love and comforting hug that the lovely wrap will give to the wearer. It's delightful.

gigi knits said... 16

Who receives this gorgeous wrap will feel the love & prayers that you have put into it.💞

Createology said... 17

Your knitted one-of-a-kind unique wrap is truly gorgeous and with all the love you have stitched into this wrap will definitely help a Warrior Princess fight. Vicki your HeArt is so big with LOVE and CARE and you are amazing. Blessings Dear...

Lulu said... 18


Unknown said... 19

you clever clever girl, what a superb shawl that is, so elegant and finely made and so delicately knitted... how I wish I could knit like that... having rediscovered knitting, I am starting out and learning all again , this time I will drop less stitches I hope*** Have a super christmas and new year, and thank you for sharing that beautiful article with us all..

mrsnesbitt said... 20

Wow! How beautiful! I must make 2017 the year of creative crafting!

Tanna said... 21

You are so amazing, Vicki! I am always so inspired by your heart and your creativity... and the way you knit those two together so beautifully. Just wanted to stop by and wish you all the very best in 2017! blessings and hugs ~ tanna

Pamela said... 22

Your wrap is exquisite! Looking forward to information about a 2017 Grow Your Blog event.

Mary Ann Tate said... 23

Absolutely amazing.

I missed this post last year as I was recovering from radiation treatments. I'm a very lucky survivor of breast cancer. I met a lot of strong, valiant "Warrior Princesses" who made my journey very special.

Acorn to Oak said... 24

This wrap is gorgeous! I noticed this is an old post though. I hope everything is ok! Maybe you're just taking a break from blogging. I did that. I hope you're alright!