Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Nesting - The Knitting of "YOUR" nest

If I were a bird, I'd sing a song
and fly about the whole day long~~~

And when night comes, I'd go to rest
up in my cozy little nest.

Spring is here and all around us, little birds are setting about the task of building their nests. They gather sticks, and moss, and grasses and~~~ yarn.

Birds build nests, secret and deep
in holes in old trees,
and banks that are steep.
(Yvonne Winer)

As promised - the nest building (knitting) has begun! All the little birdies who placed orders will soon be rewarded with a cozy little nest.

Nests will soon be delivered to the states of
Virginia, Florida, Texas, Wisconsin, Arizona,
Oregon, Kansas, North Carolina,
New York, and Georgia.

Nests will also be delivered
to the countries of
Australia, United Kingdom, Germany, Canada,
Denmark, and Israel.

If you placed an order for a little bird nest
and your state or country was not listed above,
please contact me via email!
My email address is listed at the top
of my sidebar.

More than 60 yarns have been gathered from my stash
for the making of these bird nests.
Browns, and tans and blues, and greens.
Eyelash, furry, angora, mohair,
tangled, knotted,

Each little nest will contain between 25-30
different yarns in a variety of
styles and colors.

My goal (cross your fingers!)
is to have all the nests
delivered by
late May.

Can you keep a little secret?
(5 little nests will soon be delivered
to their new homes!)

What about little fall and winter birdies?
Don't they need little nests?
Of course they do!

Anyone who is interested
in ordering a little knitted nest
may contact me via email.

The next little round of "bird nest knitting"
will begin in August.
This little birdie
will knit for about 6 weeks
to fill those orders.

(No yarns were harmed
in the making of these
photographs! )

How About a Little Spring Give Away?
This sweet little Vera Bradley EMMA bag
in the beautiful spring design called
"Sittin in a Tree"
will be given away
on April 30.
Here is how you can win--
Just leave a comment on this posting
anytime between now and April 30.
You can enter as often as you want!
(Really - you can!)
Every time you enter,
I will put your name in a basket.
If you are a follower, please tell me so
the first time that you comment.
Followers will receive an extra entry.
If you wish to post about this give away
on your blog
please do so and leave me a comment about that also.
You will earn 2 extra entries for that favor!
All of my followers who leave comments,
will also be entered in a
special contest to win this
little clutch purse!
(the contests are open to everyone
no matter where you live)
Let's Celebrate Spring!


«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 250   Newer›   Newest»
Snugglebug Blessings said... 1

Oh Vicki please count me in. What a fabulous giveaway. You are so very generous. I'm going to post this on my blog too! Thank you for such a wonderful giveaway. God bless, Cathy

Snugglebug Blessings said... 2

Hi Vicki, Not sure if my last blog went through so I'm giving er another try. Anyway, love this giveaway. You are so very generous and this bag is just gorgous. Thank you for being so kind. God bless, Cathy
PS. I'm posting this on my blog too and the side bar.

Lady Farmer said... 3

Good Evening Vicki~
Yes, yes, yes, yes! Please enter me into your giveaway! I am a follower and I will put your giveaway on my sidebar for others to see. That makes 4 entries so far, right?
And your nests are simply divine!

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said... 4

Your nests are so beautiful. I can't imagine making so many and sending them around the country and the world. Fabulous! You are definitely gonna be one busy bee. Wishing you all the best. :) Tammy

Dorthe said... 5

Dear Vicki, this is such a beautifull post.
Your photoes with all the fantastic yarn there in nature,is so inspirering, and makes me wish to sit there knitting with you.So full of a warm and cosy ahtsmofaire.
And ofcourse I would love to win, -only I did that last time, so maybe I should just leave it by that!!!!!!!!!
Oh but you know I`m a follower, dear ,:) -hi,hi .
You will be in my didebar dear friend.
Hugs Dorthe

Deb said... 6

Good Morning, Vicki! Aren't you amazing?! What an honor to have your birds' nests go to states/countries so far away! It will almost be like a piece of you has visited all of us little chickadees who want one! I'm a follower, too. Thanks for the Vera giveaway.

Marsha said... 7

Hi Vicki ! I love the new look for the blog...
The Spring photos are lovely! As you may know, I
love all things to do with birds and their nests,
please enter me in your Sittin in a Tree Contest!
I'm a follower also--and if I had a blog I would
mention your give away ! ^..^

Lisa said... 8

Those bird nests are ADORABLE!! I love your post about your baskets. I'm a Longaberger collector, too.

dat Bea said... 9

Go Vicki go! Your pour fingers knitting all those nests...
though... I am really looking forward to it!

And yes, of course I would like to join the give away list and YES! I will post about it on my blog!

Have a lovely Easter time!!

King regards from Germany,

The French Bear said... 10

Gorgeous bag!!! I love to enter giveaways....especially blogs I follow!!! I will have to get my name on that list for a nest!!!
I love the yarn, my goodness it is so beautiful!
Margaret B

Tami said... 11

Adorable post Vicki!! Have a wonderful time making all those nest!!

Unknown said... 12

Vicki, I'm so excited that a little bird's nest will be coming to set up residence with me here in Wisconsin! And not a moment too soon . . . LOL!

What a wonderful way to welcome spring with such a generous give-away! I'm definitely a follower and would love to be included.

Thanks so much for sharing and happy knitting!


tyumenqueen said... 13

Love these bags! Please add me to the chance for the giveaway. I also love your birdnests! ...vicki

myriamkreativ said... 14

Hi Vicki,
Yes, yes, yes - I love the little bird nest to come all around the world to Germany. And I love your spring giveaway - this bag is just gorgeous! I would love it. So I will take part, I will promote your giveaway on my blog, I follow you, and I will be back soon. My dear friend I wish you a wonderful easter with a busy little easter bunny and lots of beautiful eggs. Spent some peaceful hours with your family happy easter to you Hugs Myriam

Anonymous said... 15

love it! Count me in!

Ewe-N-Me said... 16

Wow! What an awesome giveaway! Please add my name to the drawing!

Christa said... 17

Hi Vicki,
I'm new to your blog and I'm now a follower. Your blog is wonderful and I'm looking forward to visiting often. I would love to win the VB bag! I'm going to post your giveaway in my sidebar.

thanks so much, Christa

Unknown said... 18

I'm so excited about the nest. Of course you realize this means I have to make a special bird to perch on the edge. Yea! Something to do in my spare (NOT) time LOLOLOL
PS I am one of your followers.

Unknown said... 19

PS I put a link to your blog and giveaway at the top of my blog too!

Jenn said... 20

Vicki...such lovely yarn for your amazing nests! I am a follower :)

Jenn said... 21

And I posted about your giveaway on my blog :)

Anonymous said... 22

wow! my first time seeing your's sooo magical!

warm wishes to you for a happy easter weekend xxx


Lili said... 23

Those nests are exquisite! I am totally in awe of your creations. And how much fun you must have had setting up that gorgeous photo shoot. Those yarns are like little wooly gems! And then to see you are giving away the sweetest Vera Bradley bag in those luscious colors too! What a generous giveaway. I'm so glad I'm a follower, you are very inspirational! ~Lili

Anonymous said... 24

Hi Vicki~ Though I've not met you in person, I feel like I know you. Once again, I got totally lost in your Blog. Your photos, gorgeous knitted creations, flowers--which I love so much, and inspiration touched my heart. I'd love to enter for any giveaway you have posted. They are wonderful!
Also, sorry to ask, but can I follow and not be on Facebook? (I'm not on FBook and will probably hold off since I am on Twitter already.) I'd love to sign up to get your Blog posts, but just need to send you an email first. Thanks and blessings to you!

Suzanne MacCrone Rogers • Italian Girl in Georgia™ said... 25

Hi Vicki,

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and you lovely comments. Your "nesting" project looks wonderful and your yarns are so beautiful.

Glad you found me and now I know where you are too! Happy Spring to you.


myriamkreativ said... 26

Hi Vicki,
I just put your giveaway in the sidebar. And I really do hope that the goood fairie will chose my as the new bag-owner lol. I wish you a wonderful day with your family Hugs Myriam

Marsha said... 27

Hi Vicki!
I see the responses for this give away are pouring in! So...put my name in again! Also, I am a follower of your blog...I love it!
^..^ Marsha

The Doctors Wife said... 28

Oh that bag is so lovely. You have a remarkable talent. I'll be back later with a link to my blog about your give away.

Vicki K. said... 29

Hello Vicki, What a beautiful giveaway - thank you! I also like to knit and have some of the same L. baskets in your photos. Just found you and am excited to go through and explore your blog...

carol said... 30

Can't wait to get my birds nest, what beautiful yarns you have picked for the nests. I'm a everyday follower of your. one of mt favorite blods, would just love to have the vera bradley bag. carol

Kristen said... 31

Enter me, please! I'm also a follower of your blog on my Google Reader!

Jenn said... 32

I am back for another chance while my girls are watching a movie and Erik is sleeping :)

sjmcdowell said... 33

Hi Vicki!!

Hope your Easter is wonderful!!

Thank you for stopping by before and leaving your sweet message!

Please count me in your Giveaway.
The bag is just what I have been wanting...would be so nice to win something from you!!!



sjmcdowell said... 34

Hi Vicki,

I also added your giveaway to my sidebar and have linked it back to you.



sjmcdowell said... 35

Hi Vicki,

Forgot to say I'm a follower...
think it's too late now. :(



knitalatte said... 36

Hi VIcki,
Your daffodils are to die for! It looks like you've got your work cut out for you with all that bird nest building. Can you sign up some little tweets to help?
I really like all the colors and textures of the yarns you've got in the ready for the nests. They will surely be beautiful, (I still think mine is the prettiest) HA!
I cracked up when I read your comment about my recent blog post. Too funny. I too wish you and your family a beautiful Easter. Your friend,

Finding Joy said... 37

Please count me in Vicki - I just loved the photos (glad to hear that no yarn was harmed in the making of the photos) and thanks for showing us those beautiful daffodils (I am about to plant my bulbs). Those photos would look great in any magazine.

Your giveaways are wonderful.

God Bless and Happy Easter.

Anonymous said... 38

Please add my name to your wonderful contest. I love your blog and this is the first time I have entered a comment. what beautiful pictures you have posted!

myriamkreativ said... 39

Hi my dear friend,
thanks for coming around. I wish you a wonderful easterweekend and I am sure there is no one better than you to look after the babies. Maybe there will be some easterbabies how sweet. And now I have to win the bag - especially when you include a big smile! Thnak you for letting me know about the nest.... I am really very hibbly cribbly to see it. I think you will do a miracle like always. You are such an outstandig crafter. I wish you warm and wonderful days and happy easter to you and all your beloves people Hugs Myriam

Lesley said... 40

What a wonderful giveaway. It's sooo pretty. I am a folower, but I don't have a blog, which is a great disadvantage when entering giveaways. However, this time I'm crossing my fingers, (but, not holding my breath) lol

Lesley said... 41

I promised myself I wouldn't do another comment for this bag, but I lovr it so much, I've gritted my teeth, and here I am again

SuZeQ said... 42

Woop. Woop. Booty Dance. Rump-shakin' Booty Dance. I see Texas on your list ... I can't wait (but I will, of course!)

SuZeQ said... 43

Oh. My. Gawd! I would LOVE to have this littlel purse. And, I'm gonna try my hardest (maybe recruit some help, too!) to try nd figure out how to become a Follower just so I can have a chance at the mini, too. Wahoo! You KNOW I'll be back, don'tcha now!?!

Marsha said... 44

Hi Vicki-
The response for this give-a-way is great!
Put my name in again, and again for being a follower!

^..^ Marsha

The Feathered Nest said... 45

I am also a follower sweetie!!!! xxoo, Dawn

The Feathered Nest said... 46

Dear sweet Vicki, you are such an angel!!! What a wonderful giveaway!!!! I would LOVE to be entered to win the beautiful bag....I'll be sure to post about it soon too!! Your nests are so magical to me ~ I love each and every one...hugs and love, Dawn

Esme said... 47

Please count me in-this is very pretty. I love the knitted nests.

Patricia P. said... 48

What a wonderful giveaway. Your site is lovely. Wish I were half as talented. I am also a follower.

myriamkreativ said... 49

Hi Vicki,
I hope the babies are all well and you hadn`t too much to do.... and I hope the easterbunny was generous lol. Wish you a nice warm day with your family. Hugs Myriam

carol said... 50

Just wanted to wish you & your family HAPPY EASTER!! enjoy listening to your music. would love to have the vera bradley bag.

SuZeQ said... 51

I'm baaaaaaaaaaackkkkkk! Yes, you knew I'd return, didn't you now? I really and truly do love this purse. Now, if I had a blog, for sure I'd brag you up ... and I most definitely WILL become a follower (perhaps tomorrow!) You are such a generous and caring and giving soul. Happy Easter! EAT CHOCOLATE.

Anonymous said... 52

what lovely yarns! Please include me in your giveaway, I also follow your blog

Judi said... 53

Happy Easter Vicki
I am sooo happy that you found me! Thank you for your lovely comments and because of that I was able to come and visit you. I have so enjoyed this visit. I absolutely love your bird's nests. They are gorgeous....and the pictures of all the yarns and the baskets are so inspiring.

Please enter me in your giveaway. I am a follower too :o) The bag is gorgeous. Did you make it? Love it and all the best of luck to me...and to everyone.

I am so happy to have found you and I'll be back to visit more. Please do come back also.

Hope you are having a lovely Easter.

Anonymous said... 54

am loving that bag!!!!!!!

Jenn said... 55

Happy Easter!!!!

Marsha said... 56

Hey Vicki!! Give Samora, Biddy Kitty, Captain
Sooty, and Homer a good petting from me!
The yellow long haired kitty is beautiful--but
I'm sure Roxie would be jealous!
Please add my name to the contest!!! I love
sittin in a tree!!
^..^. Marsha

mary said... 57

Just wondering if the birds have found their way to your Sacred Yarn Room window! I know they NEED some yarn for their nests! Have a great day!

Shirley said... 58

I found your blog through a mutual friend and I have become one of your followers. I love your blog makeover and I have been talking to Karen, who's work I like very much. I loved reading your blog and I will be back when I have a little more time. I would love to win your giveaway. Have a wonderful week.

Pretty Things said... 59

I love that Vera Bradley bag!

PS, you won at my 1000th post giveaway! Come see and I need to know where to send things!

SuZeQ said... 60

Well, I have nothing to put in the beautiful purse ... but I'd love to have it just the same.

Anita said... 61

Thanks for your kind comment on our blog. I always think my pictures are not near as professinal as so many other wonderful blogs- so you made my day! We have posted about your giveaway on our blog, knowing more people will LOVE it too!

The Feathered Nest said... 62

Hey sweet Vicki!! I'm blogging about your giveaway for tonight's post!!!! hugs and love, Dawn

Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said... 63

You are one ambitious lady! Your nest are wonderful. Love the bag and please include me in your giveaway!

Christa said... 64

Hi Vicki,
I'm back again for another entry. That's okay right?
I love this bag! I have a VB coin purse from 1996 that I still have and it's getting pretty worn out. Parting with it is to painful. :0)


Kay said... 65

OH I love the colors in this bag!! :)

Carol Mae said... 66

Beautiful bag, I'm a new follower and would love to be entered. smiles, Carol Mae

Linens Lace and Lattes said... 67

Please add me to your giveaway. I just spent some time on your blog and love your style.

Beedeebabee said... 68

OMG!!! First, thank you sooo much for somehow landing in my blog which then enabled me to come visit yours! Good heavens, this is a "make a pot of coffee and spend a good hour drooling", type of blog...for sure!!! You are such a wonderful knitter! Those pictures in your sidebar...oh beautiful!!! There's soooo much to see!....xo Paulette

Beedeebabee said... 69

OMG!!!! I just saw your knitted storybook blanket (amazing!) ...your yarn room, and that potato soup recipe!...I'm going to need another pot of coffee! ;)

Primitive Seasons said... 70

Vicki: your blog is so lovely, such a feast for the eyes. I would love to win the Vera Bradley bag. Always wanted one! You are so talented!


Julie Pishny said... 71

Hi There! I just found your blog via Dorthe and love the earthy Spring colors that you have chosen for your posting. The Vera bag is lovely - thanks for hosting this generous giveaway! xo Julie

Sandi said... 72

Just became a follower. please enter my name into the drawing. Looking forward to follow your adventures.

Anonymous said... 73

Please count me in, too! Love your nests. I actually purchased one via etsy a few weeks ago and gave it to a friend just before Easter, who DIED over it!!!
It was such a hit at her little gathering - everyone wanted to know who, where, how.....??!?!?!?
They were amazed.

Theresa N. said... 74

Beautiful yarn and Vera bag.
Theresa N

Anonymous said... 75

Please enter me into your giveaway. I love your knit bird nests, what a precious idea!!!!
Thanks. Marcy

Jackie said... 76

It would be so fun to win the lovely bag! You have such a fun blog!!!!

myriamkreativ said... 77

Hi Vicki,
come over for a latte and share the nosy questions with me... wish you a wonderful sunny week. Hugs Myriam

Cape Cod Rambling Rose said... 78

I'd love to enter your beautiful and generous giveaway ~ I've just become a follower of your blog, too. I'll be back for many more visits... your artwork really inspires me!

Lorelei Campbell said... 79

Please enter me in your giveaway. The bag is absolutely beautiful. I so love the pattern. I'm hoping a nest is on it's way to Yorktown, Virginia....

Pretty Things said... 80

(Vicki, email me at lori at lorianderson dot net with your mailing address so I can send your earrings!)

SuZeQ said... 81

Yabba Dabba Do ... haven't changed my mind. I still love the purse so count me in!

Anonymous said... 82

Hi Vicki- I came over from Dawn's. I was just going to read- and not leave a comment 'cause I never win- but I heard "A Thousand Years" and had to stay! I'ts on my playlist too. Really lovely things on your blog! COunt me in!

Anonymous said... 83

many thanks for the invitation to leave another comment on this wonderful and very generous giveaway post. i am so delighted you visited and left a comment on my blog. sorry it's taken a while for me to get back here again. i was nursing two of my dear pets as they were poorly, thankfully they are much better now.

warm thoughts and wishes xxx


~*~ saskia ~*~ said... 84

Hi Vicki, just popped onto your lovely creative blog through sweet Paulette! I love your artful pictures of the daffodils and the yarn!!
Do enjoy your gorgeous Giveaway.
I became your newest follower and look forward to your future posts...

Have a happy week! xo

disuth said... 85

Hello Vicky,
i am singing a new song of this little Vera Bradley Emma Bag .... tweet tweet... in german so, as my english is not that good.

Nice blog and great work of yours. i wish i could knit like that.
Will also put a Link on my blog to get to your page.

Greetings from Germany

Sue said... 86

Hi, Vicki: I love your new nests. I have enjoyed reading your blog as well. I am a fan of Vera Bradley and I love the Sitting in a Tree pattern--I hope I win. Thank you for the generous giveaway. Blessings to you.

Antoinette Petersen said... 87

I would like to enter your giveaway! What a lovely idea! Here is my e-mail if I win: practicalsimplicity(at)gmail(dot)com


Miss Antoinette

PS. I am having one too over at my blog here:

Jody Hammer said... 88

Oh, all that gorgeous yarn and all those beautiful Longaberger baskets. What a dreamy combo!!! The bird nests are so pretty and inventive....

Victoria said... 89

Vicki, I am so excited about your give away. Please add me to the list. Love the new pics of the knitting and daffodils! Your nests are lovely!

Mary Ann said... 90

I love the bag and would love to win. I am also a follower of your blog.

Mary Ann said... 91

Would love to have one of the nests too, but my main goal now is to win that lovely bag. Please enter me.

Jenn said... 92

Hi Vicki, I'm back again :)

Fruen said... 93

Hi Vicki.
Please count me in. I really love your little nests. Lucky birds.
I´ve added your give away to my blog. Have a nice and sunny day.

Anonymous said... 94

Hi Vicki!
What a fabulous and generous giveaway! Please include me too:)
Love your blog and your beautiful creations..I am an avid crocheter so I am drawn of course to your work and the beautiful fibers you use!
I am a new follower..stop by and visit when you can.

Take care,

Wildflowerhouse said... 95

I have admired your knitting for sometime now and enjoy reading your posts. I would so love the Emma bag. Fingers crossed.

Wildflowerhouse said... 96

Me again. I forgot to tell you I am a follower!

Pattyjo said... 97

I am a follower! Thanks for a great chance at an awesome bag!

JaneT said... 98

Today is my 65th birthday so I will consider it a lucky day to enter. Love your darling bird's nests.

SuZeQ said... 99

Swaaaaaaaaaaaaeeeeeeeeeeeettttttttt. Throw my name in the hopper one more time! Been our running errans most of the day - exhausted and in need of a new purse.

nancarts said... 100

Hi Vicki! I love these nests. They are beautiful. You are so talented.
Please include me in your give away. Would be honored to have one of your nests.
Smiles and Blessings,
Nancy C

nancarts said... 101

Hi not sure if my first comment was received...anyway, I love your beautiful nests! and would be honored to win one.

Please include me in your give away. I'm also a follower.
Smiles and Blessings,
Nancy C

Lindsay-ann said... 102

Hi Vicki
Thanks so much for visiting my blog and leaving me such a lovely comment. I have really enjoyed visiting your great blog too. Your knitting is beautiful. I especially love the storybook blanket and seeing your amazing vacation pictures. Your little Maddy is adorable. I hope you had a good Easter in your part of the world. I am sure the little doll Stella would love to visit Bermuda with you. I will ask her when she comes home! She was supposed to come back here on the 1st December last year but she had such a great time in Florida with Sheila that she is very reluctant to come home and is still there!
Best Wishes from England.
PS I would love to enter your giveaway and am now a follower.

Country Wings in Phoenix said... 103

Hi Vicki Sweetie...
What a wonderful blog, love the nest you make and I adore this EMMA bag giveaway. SO totally awesome. Love it.

I am your newest follower. I can't wait to see what you share next. Please stop by and say hi. I would be so honored if you signed up to follow my blog as well. I love sharing with folks.

Country hugs...Sherry

Country Wings in Phoenix said... 104

Hi Vicki Sweetie...
I have also added your giveaway to my scrollbar now. Many thanks for the wonderful opportunity for this giveaway.

Country hugs sweetie...Sherry

SuZeQ said... 105

A tisket. A tasket. A pretty little purse. Oops - no rhyme, huh? Just the same, I'd love to be the new owner!

Jody Hammer said... 106

I love your blog!!!

SuZeQ said... 107

I hear sirens outside right now. I think they're coming to see my new purse. I hope I don't have to turn them away.

SuZeQ said... 108

With a little (okay - A LOT) of help from my friend, Miss V, I am now a follower. Just have to figure out how to include a photo rather than the generic silhouette. But, the important thing is that I AM A FOLLOWER.

Unknown said... 109

What a wonderful bag -- and posted on my birthday! What better day to start a give-away :)
Thank you for the opportunity -- I am just introduced to your blog (thank you iowa junk gypsies) and look forward to reading more ...

About Me said... 110

I love your blog.

SuZeQ said... 111

Yubba Dubba Do ... I'm still lovin' that bag!

Patty said... 112

Now I kind of want to be a bird ;) thanks for posting!

Unknown said... 113

Let's celebrate spring!

Unknown said... 114

Let's celebrate spring!

Fruen said... 115

Hi Vicki
Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog :-)I forgot to tell you yhat my 19 year old daughters name is...VICKI !! She´s also creative, but she likes to draw instead.
Most of my wool I purchase at
I´d really love to win that bag. Have a nice and sunny weekend.

Kis from Denmark

Laura Quaglia (Fun With This and That) said... 116

I lost you for am couple days. love the yarn .I do not knit put I do have some nice yarn. I use it as a add on to things. Hope I win the nest love it. I still would like to order one I have the perfect place for it . Laura Q

LISA said... 117

I love the new look on your blog!!! I really enjoy following the your wonderful travels and projects! God Bless you and your family,

Deb said... 118

Hi Vicki! I saved this particular post in my Bloglines folder just so I could scroll down and view those beautiful yarns again and again. I love that photo shoot with all the yarns and flowers. I bet you are knitting away, and I'm so very blessed that you're knitting one for me! :)

SuZeQ said... 119

Well, I "HOPE" (in wires and pearls) that I win this purse, that's fer dern shur!

Kristin said... 120

I love your blog! The bag and clutch are gorgeous!

kristinfitzgerald on Ravelry

ps I'm a follower!

Gypsy Heart said... 121

I love this beautiful bag! You are so very talented to knit such incredible creations. I've never had the patience to learn ~

Brightest blessings,

Lisa said... 122

Oh my! I came form Margret's @ The French Bear! I was drawn by this giveaway but your blog is so wonderful I think I may be here all day! I do not knit but your wool is beautiful and your creations are amazing! Your blog is just beautiful! I have enjoyed your vacation posts too! I am a HUGE Vera fan and would love to be entered! I am following now too! Thank you for offering and for having such a beautiful place to visit!!
Hugs, Lisa

michelle said... 123

great bag !i luv vera wang. please enter me im a new follower and i will post this on my blog.i will also comment like a bazillion times to up my thanks for the great

michelle said... 124

okay its me again was so excited i typed vera wang instead of i thought it looked funny and then clicked to post and boom its gone,too late now so here we are again.i would luv to win that VERA BRADLEY EMMA BAg thank you and god bless

Grandma Yellow Hair said... 125

Wow what a wonderful site you have created. Love visiting you tonight and now I am your newest follower.
I found you from sweet Susan at Art of Mine
Thanks for having such a beautiful giveaway

Anonymous said... 126

Hi Vicki,
I stumbled across your blog while on my friends blog. What a great give away and WOW! Your are amazing. I just LOVE your little nest, how adorable! I plan on following you..I will post again to let you know.
Blessings XO,

Anonymous said... 127

Hi again Vicki,
Ok It's official, I now a happy follower of yours! YEA

Eloise Slone said... 128

I love my little bird nest, designed by Vicki, in shades of greens with numerous embellishments. El

Marie said... 129

I am a new follower! Lovely giveaway, I had not seen that print before and it's just so pretty! Fingers crossed.

Jann said... 130

Oh, I just love your nests! I am a beginning knitter and hope to get better as time goes on. I only knit scarves, but would love to learn to knit socks--that's one of my goals. Thanks for a chance--your giveaway is very generous!

SuZeQ said... 131

Yep - it's me! That bag looks big enough to stuff a couple of days of clothes into. I think I'll run away.

michelle said... 132

hi vickie guess who im glad you got a chuckle out of my spoof.i do that quite often,so im sure youll get more giggles!im here for another entry and to wish you a gooday.thank you and godbless

michelle said... 133

peek a boo its me!okay so im workin on another entry (last one for the day)lol i also wanted to tell you that i love the photo of the birds nest in the chair.just darling.god bless michelle

Eloise Slone said... 134

Spring is in the air and travel in the heart. Hope, hope, hope for another chance to win your wonderful giveaway for a get-away.

Beansieleigh said... 135

Hi Vicki! Please do count me in for your giveaway! I have posted it under the "giveaways" section, on the right side bar of my blog. Thanks! ~tina

michelle said... 136

good morning vicki!im here for another entry.its a rainy and dreary day here HOPE the suns pops her head out soon.have a good day and god

LISA said... 137

Hi Vicki, Please count me in, love the blog and your contests!
Take care,

P.s. I am also a follower:))

SuZeQ said... 138

Hmmmmmm ... "giveaway" or "runaway" ... guess the choice is ours!

Marsha said... 139

Hi Vicki!
Hope all is well in KY...The weather in GA is beautiful...unfortunately I am sunburned! Really I think windburned...
Please enter me in the little birds purse give-away! The response to it is amazing...
^..^ Marsha ^..^

michelle said... 140

hey vickie,im sun yet but can keep on hoping for it.just popin in for another entry ,then im off to replant some plants i just got at lowes on clearance.they look sad and wilty but with luck and love i will perk them up.hey for a buck i just couldnt pass them god bless michelle

Феникс said... 141

Ah, what a bag! I very much want to get this beauty! Link to the right in the blog!
Greetings from Russia! Svetlana.

michelle said... 142

hello vicki its me again .i told you i would enter like a bazillion times lol.the photos of you in italy are breathtaking.what a speacial time in your life to visit such a beautiful place.betcha whant to go back huh?i would ,but first things first sweetie enter me again please.i just gotta have this purse(the hubby has cut me off of my purse collecting fetish)your my last god bless michelle

Феникс said... 143

I am a constant reader! Just posted a link to your drawing in my blog! Do you have a very unusual and interesting blog! And the purse like! Good luck! We look forward to April 30!

michelle said... 144

good morning vicki.well as you know i poped in for another entry and what a feast for my eyes did i get.what a beautiful baby shower.the prettiest ive ever seen honestly and the slideshow wow just wow i luv the baby clothes hangin on the line between the trees how precious.your so inventive.god bless you and great job michelle

SuZeQ said... 145

Oops - that was me wanting to stuff miracles inside my bag ... just forgot to sign my name.

Anonymous said... 146

I WANT THIS PURSE ... I can stuff all my miracles inside. And you are one of them!

michelle said... 147

yeah its me again thats pure dedication huh i just gotta have this i spent most of my morning reflecting on the beautiful baby shower and how special indeed it will be for the little baby no name (i just luv that)to sit there with you and here the story of her gorgeous quilt.thats so have touched my heart and made me think and miss my mother so much.enjoy your special moments.everyone and thank you and god bless.when i first came to your blog it was a giveaway now its so much more.your an extrodinary (ok cant spell that one lol )gal.till tommorow or perhaps later.i do have nothin but time and laundry

Eileen said... 148

I just discovered your blog through Tina of Beanie Babies and I'm so glad I did! I love all your photos and yarns - it's all so lovely. And your giveaway is incredibly generous. I just adore Vera Bradley. Please do count me in. I am a follower, too. :)

SuZeQ said... 149

Today just might be the day I need the bag ... looks like rain here and I think that bag is large enough to put over my head (never did like umbrellas!)

Birgit said... 150

Hi Vicki,

I happened to find your blog by chance -- my good luck I guess! :) I love your photos and the positive outlook of your blog as a whole.

Thanks also for the chance to win such a lovely bag. :)

Greetings from Munich,

PS: I have a little giveaway on my blog these days -- a bookmark calendar with black and white photos of Paris. :)

michelle said... 151

good afternoon vicki.its a beautiful day here hope it is your way as well .the flowers are all soaking up the sun and growin ,growin.i cant wait till the last frost is over so i can plant more prettys.i got hollhocks and they are breathtaking.i cant wait to get them in the ground.well just wanted to pop in for another chance and wish you a great day.god bless michelle

michelle said... 152

ok so you know why im here!are you getting carpal tunnel yet?i just cant stay away?the kids are starting to pick on me now for being a blogger but im havin so much fun.put me in again vickie now i do got to get some laundry done,three girls ,its never ending in the laundry god bless michelle

Eloise Slone said... 153

I've got Vera on my mind! Put me in the pot.

Friend Eloise

Heather Lee said... 154

Hi Vicki! What a wonderful giveaway! I read your profile and saw that you enjoy cruises. My husband and I took our first a few years ago and loved it. Please enter me in your giveaway!
God Bless,

Heather Lee said... 155

HI Vicki
I've posted a link to your Giveaway on the sidebar of my blog!

Lorrie said... 156

I'd love to be entered in your Spring giveaway Vicki--I've added myself to your list of followers. A very generous prize.

michelle said... 157

good morning vickie!you know i just cant stay i just wanted to pop in for another entry,im headin to walmart to get a cord for the camera,so i can post pics on my blog.yippee im so excited.have a great friday.god bless michelle

SuZeQ said... 158

I need that purse. Plain and simple. NEED - got it?

Marsha said... 159

Hi Vicki!
Just a note to put my name in for the sittin in a tree purse!! I love it!
Marsha ^..^

michelle said... 160

jumpin on real quick for another entry (the little ones buggin me to get on computer to look at summer clothes typical girl lol)till tommorow god bless michelle

michelle said... 161

ok i know i said id be back tommorow ....but i was checking out your gorgeous birdnests and thought hey why not .i will be off to west virgina in the morning to visit my husbands sick grandfather and clean his place for him,so might not get a chance tommorow. im sure youll miss god bless michelle

Annesphamily said... 162

I love it over here! I love this giveaway! One of our patients was carrying her Vera Bradley handbag the other day! Her designs are beautiful~! I am loving coming over here and have been back twice today! LOL! Hugs Anne

Please join me!

Annesphamily said... 163

I love your nests Vicki! They are so precious! My mother always told to make sure I always had a lil bird with his nest in my Christmas tree! I am not good at posting buttons but will blog about you for sure! Anne

SuZeQ said... 164

Ohhhhhhhh Lordy me ... I really need something pretty like this purse to soothe my nerves. I was held hostage for EIGHT HOURS on tax day. Some guy went nuts-o while meeting with his tax man - guess he lost his business, his home, his boat, his car and feels he'll soon lose his common-law wife. Don't be upset though ... it was all a SWAT team exercise drill that we were part of. WOW - what an eye-opener though. Hope I'm never involved in anything like that IRL. But, if you want, you can still feel sorry for me and pick my name for the purse - ha ha!

SuZeQ said... 165

Even though it was all "pretend" I am still traumatized. SEND PURSE.

Unknown said... 166

What a beautiful bag! Stunning! I'm off to start following you in google reader:) Hugs, Rowena

Subbota said... 167

I found your blog not so long ago and just love it! I'm becoming a follower immediately, and ask you to count me in for this fabulous giveaway! I'll post a picture of it in my blog on the right sidebar.
Sorry for my poor English.
Greetings from Russia

michelle said... 168

good morning vicki im stopping by to say hello and to work them fingers some more writin my im off to a birthday party,what a busy weekend.till tommorow god bless ya michelle

Kitten With a Whiplash said... 169

I'm thinking I'll take just one shot at this beautiful bag, I know Mom would love it. Thanks for the chance.

Eileen said... 170

Hi Vicki. Just wanted to let you know I posted about your fabulous giveaway.

Eileen said... 171

Hi Vicki. Just wanted to let you know I posted about your fabulous giveaway.

Klik said... 172

Hi! I like your spring bag, cause it's really spring! :)
I put a link to your give away on my sidebar, I've got a translator, so you are welcome! :)

SuZeQ said... 173

171 comments ... you rock, girl! Be proud you have so many people visiting you. I'm happy for you. Sad for me ... way too much competition. Ha ha! Happy Day to you!

michelle said... 174

wow do you have alot of comments im gonna have to start sending more lol.hope you had a good weekend and add me again please.god bless michelle I'll be back!

Bumpkin Hill said... 175

Vicki, I have just had the most wonderful time exploring your blog properly, your yarn work and bird nests are truly beautiful, takes me back to my days studying Textiles at college, how I loved all the textures and colours of yarns. Thank you for bringing back this inspiration. I would love to be entered into your giveaway - I have also Blogged about your Giveaway. Hugs, Catherine x

Klik said... 176

Yes, it's again me :)/ I'm back to tell you, that now I'm your follower.
And one more question: would you let me make a post on my blog about...your fab nests! :) With some photos with link to your blog.

Fruen said... 177

Hi Vicki. What georgeus nests you have made. Here we make nests for the Easterbunny, for the eggs, around the garden. Lucky the bird or easterbunny who may rest in your nests. I do hope you still count me in. I really love that bag. May I also show some of your nests on my blog?
Have a nice day, Kis

Klik said... 178

Oh ma va, it's again me... I came back with link (you know, about nests)

Thank you!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said... 179

How sweet! I am a new follower and would be so thrilled to win! Thanks!

michelle said... 180

oh vickie your never gonna get rid of me .lol you know why im here.haha. i bet your not getting much knitting done are you with all these entries,hopefully youve recruited a little helper.the kids have decided to play batman on the ps3 and now tell me i need to get off of here so they can hook internet to came so till tommorow ,or maybe when their sleeping i'll be back .god bless michelle

Fruen said... 181

Hi again, Vicki
Now I´ve made a Post, showing your creations. Thanks for letting me.
wonderful Spring to you also.


Linnie Blooms Shop said... 182

WOW! 180 comments and it's only the 19th of the month! Someone has a very popular blog;) After reviewing your site, I'm excited to say that I am also now a follower! Whether I win or not, your site really rocks:oD

michelle said... 183

well hello there,you should of known i couldnt stay away for long ,i really really would luv to have that bag or the other as not picky lol just on that note pop me in again darlin,thank you and see ya tommorow.night night michelle

hohla said... 184

Vicki! What a beautiful bag! What a fabulous giveaway. Link to drawing on my blog! Thank you for such a wonderful giveaway!

michelle said... 185

good morning my favorite bloggin nothin much going on here so i have all day to visit you over and and get the routine ,except some movies came out today so i will be watchin those but i can blog while doin that lol till later god bless michelle

SuZeQ said... 186

Yubba Dubba Do ... you can just send that purse today, if you'd so like. It would make me oh-so-happy, that's for sure!

Donna K. said... 187

Vicki, I've been a follower since I first saw your beautiful nests! Thanks for a chance to win the generous giveaway. Saying a prayer for the safe delivery of "baby no name".

LISA said... 188

Hi Vicki,
Just stopped by to see any new pics! Interested in the vera!GOD Bless you and your family!

michelle said... 189

good evening!hopefully all is well and little baby no name has arrived and all is well take careand god bless michelle

michelle said... 190

i just love all the new photos she is just beautiful congrats again.god bless michelle

SuZeQ said... 191

A Tisket. A Tasket. A pretty little purse. For me? Hoping so!

Leuchtzeichen said... 192

Dear Vicky,
first: congratulation for the sweet baby and tahnk you for the beautyfull pictures of her!
Please count me for your blog giveaway. The bag is very very nice. I´m going to post it on my blog too!!
The best for you and your family,

Anonymous said... 193

Just found your great blog. What a beautiful bag. Please enter me. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway. I am your newest follower.

michelle said... 194

I just luv getting on here today and seeing that sweet babies face,the hubby and i have three girls and have started trying a few months (seems like an eternity for another hopefully a boy hehe but will get whatever god blesses us with.i just hope he blesses us soon.well anyways u know why im here lol.till later michelle

Deb said... 195

Well, I see you have almost 200 comments!! That's awesome!! I'd better get busy commenting again and again so I can have enough chances in your giveaway! Really, I think of my little nest being knit quite often.

In fact, one day I was our at a store buying some gardening items. The lady checking out in front of me had on some dangling birds nest ear rings with little eggs inside. I complimented her on how cute they were and proceeded to tell her about a lady who was knitting me a birds nest!! I'm not sure she could picture it! Anyway, happy knitting now that the baby is here!

michelle said... 196

hello again ,boy if i only had a time machine i would jump to the 30 so it would be giveaway day but i dont so ill just keep on entering,i do enjoy it though i can just ramble on and on......god bless ya michelle

Kathleen said... 197

What a beautiful new baby girl! Thank you so much for sharing photos with us.
Please count me in for the drawing.
Your bird nests are absolutely beautiful!

Bumpkin Hill said... 198

I came over to see your wonderful news of your darling Grandaughter coming into the world. I love the name of the fabric you used for the bag, reminds me of my days as a child when I loved to see in the top of the tree at Blossom time, felt like I was in heaven :) wishing your little Keri Beth Blossom filled days. Catherine x

Deb said... 199

It's a beautiful day here in Virginia, and I'm headed outside to work in the yard. I thought I'd say a sweet Good Morning to my knitting friend before I started my day. Hope that new little one is dreaming and not screaming. :)

SuZeQ said... 200

Shazam ... I'm in it to win it. BRING IT ON!

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