Monday, May 24, 2010


Celebrate, celebrate,
let's all dance to the music~~~

all the nests are
to their happy
little homes!(the last little nests left this morning for their home sweet homes!)

all but one~
that is!~~~~
To celebrate
the end of the
~ "nesting" ~let's give this last
little nest

Who wants to give a home to this last little nest?Just leave a comment here on this posting.
You can enter as often as you like!
Maddy girl is in charge of all contests, you know~
she will pick the winner on July 3.
If you want to post about this contest
on your own blog - just leave me a comment
that you have done so
and I will give you 3 extra chances
to win!~~~
(this little nest will travel to it's new home
anywhere in the world!)
We are taking a little trip!
How exciting!
Where are we going?
What are we

Some of my little nests are traveling
to a beautiful gallery
in the town of Black Mountain
just outside of
Asheville, North Carolina!
We are a little bit nervous!
This is a new venture for us~~~

We are leaving tomorrow~~~
Wish us luck!

I will have lots to tell you all about
when we return home
in a few days~~~

I hope to have
some pictures
to share

Oh! I almost forgot!!!
If the lucky winner
of the nest
is one of my
sweet followers~~
they can choose
to have me personalize
their nest
(if they wish)
with one of these
little jeweled
bird pins!

My heartfelt thanks to everyone who patiently waited for me to create their nest. This "nesting" experience has led me to meet the most wonderful people and they have gifted me with such sincerely kind and thoughtful comments.
Never, ever, would I have thought that the creation of a little bird nest would allow me to make such precious friendships from all over the world! I am truly blessed!
Our next "nesting" season will begin in August. Until then I am going to ~~~
(sit by the pool, visit the grand baby, read some great books, cook for my husband!, mow lots of grass (love that!), knit something besides a bird nest,~~~)


knitalatte said... 1

Vicki, wow you have been sooooooo busy with nest building. They are all works of art. I'm sure each one will be appreciated by its new owner. Enjoy your much deserved break:)

michelle said... 2

oh wow vicki let me be the first,i would love to win one of your beautiful nests.i will try to keep my posts to minimum NOT,lol i will be here everyday you know the routine,lol hows baby keri doing?growin like a weed i bet.have a great night dear oh and i will post this on my blog as well.thanks swettie god bless michelle

Tami said... 3

I am so excited for you Vicki, I know they will be a hit they are so adorable. Have a wonderful and safe trip!

I would love to have a couple of those nest when you do the next lot.

Love and Hugs to you sweetie!!

just me said... 4

yay another chance to win one!!! love them, and love all your LB baskets! have a few myself, what great taste we have:) now to hopefully have one of your nests too. have a great summer, sounds wonderful.

Lady Farmer said... 5

I do, I do! I want to give the little nest a home!!! I have been smitten with these since I first saw them when you started with them! Oh they are delightful!
I am putting your giveaway on my sidebar so others can see your lovely work. (drat!)
Congratulations on your nests being shown in a gallery! I'm sure they will be gone in a flash!
Be Blessed!

The Polka Dot Closet said... 6

Oh they are beautiful I would love to win one and bonus!! I am a follower! Yea! Good luck on your nesting adventure!!


Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said... 7

Congrats on finishing and mailing off all those beautiful nests. And much luck as you showcase your lovely creations at the gallery. Fantastic! NC must be having fabulous weather right about now. Best wishes for the trip. And since I will be in the States on July 3rd, you can enter me in the contest. When I win ;) you can just mail it to me in Michigan. :) Now that's positive thinking! Have a great week. All the best, Tammy

jenclair said... 8

I, too, would love to give a home to one of your beautiful nests!

Dorthe said... 9

Hi sweetie, and congratulations on you finishing this beautifull and big work, of wonderfull knitted nests.
Mine alwayes leaves me with a smile, passing it many times aday.
So sweet of you,to giveaway that last little one.
Ofcourse I will pass on that, already been gifted so sweetly of you.
Vicki, wish you all the luck in the world with your gallery trip,-you just go, sweetie, they will be admired and loved ,I`m sure.
Have a wonderfull week,
and rest you knitting hands,a bit :)
Love ,Dorthe

Finding Joy said... 10

Just gorgeous - I love them sitting in the suitcase waiting to go on their holiday.

Lisa said... 11

What a generous giveaway!! I would love to enter and I am goig to post about your giveaway on my blog right now! Thanks!

Klik said... 12

I'm your follower and would like to win such cool, really cool nest!
Gone to post a link on my blog!

Klik said... 13

It's me again :). I've post a link on my left sidebar

Silke Powers said... 14

Yeah!! A gallery! I'm so excited for you!! We'll be through the Ashville Area early next week, so maybe I'll see your nests in person... They are exquisite and I am not surprised that galleries will want to sell them!! And to answer your questions, yes, come have coffee with me any time!! Love, Silke

Deb said... 15

Hi Vicki! You have been busy!! Yes, you have! And, guess what? I'm getting a bird's nest from you...I can't wait til it arrives in the mail!!! They are gorgeous on your blog and probably more so in person. I wish you the best of success with your nests in the shops in NC! I agree with another commenter--they will be snatched up in a flash! I know it!

I'll be back again for sure--maybe I'll WIN a nest!! Have a good trip!!

Sheila said... 16

Vicki, Those are so beautiful, such a work of art. I would love to win one. I am a follower .

Mosaic Magpie said... 17

Of course I would love one of your beautiful nests. The jeweled birds are great and would like right at home in one of your cozy nests. Good luck today it's tough putting your things out there in the real world waiting to see how they are accepted. I know they will love them as much as the rest of us.

Tina said... 18

Oh, I just love those little nests! I would love to win one! how precious, the nests in the suitcase. Art brings hearts together and I too have met wonderful people that way. Blessings to you,

Sandi said... 19

Please enter me in the giveaway. I love these nest. Would love one of the little birdies nestled in my nest, if I won.

Thanks for the chance to win.


hannah said... 20

Your knitted nests are so unique! I'm sure they will do well in the gift shop...I wish you success.

SuZeQ said... 21

Ohhhhhhhh Vicki dear, you are such a treat! Those nests are simply delightful and I love how you have them staged in that suitcase. How clever! Please do not include me in this contest ... it just wouldn't be fair. But, I do want to comment just to let you know I am reading along with all of your other fans. Have a great week!
PS - send me a picture of your donation and we'll talk.

myriamkreativ said... 22

Hi my dear Vicki,
how very generous of you to give that little last one away. I really love mit little nest and surely all the other nest-holders are loving theirs. And I am sure your little travelling nests will definitely find a wonderful home. Everybody will love them - in real life thei are almost more beautiful than just on the pics. So I wish you a wonderful time, sitting in the garden, cooking, having great summer fun and dooing everything you and Hubby like to. Hugs and a warm wonderful sunshine Myriam

Lululiz said... 23

I think I might just have told you once or twice before how much I adore your beautiful nests, lolol. I'd love to try again to win one, that would be awesome. Have a wonderful, nest-free, time over the next couple of months.

Subbota said... 24

You are so generous dear Vicki! Can I participate? I want one of your nests very much! I posted a picture of it to the right side of my blog! I just love this opportunity to have This beautifull little nest!

Anonymous said... 25

I am a new follower and love your cute little nests....can't wait to see more. please enter me in your contest.

Jules said... 26

Good luck, Vicki - I'm sure the gorgeous little nests will receive a warm welcome in Black Mountain - they're friendly folks in that neck of the woods :)

Lindsay-ann said... 27

Hi Vivki
Good luck with your trip. Look forward to hearing all about it. Your nests are adorable.

Snap said... 28


How wonderful. I love your nests and would just love to give this one a home. I promise to love and cherish it and it will be happy here with my birdies! Promise! I do follow your blog. Thanks! Your nests will be a big hit in the gallery ... of that I'm sure!

Debbie said... 29

I would love to win, that would be beyond great. After your major production of these nests I can completely understand needing/wanting a break. Do you know what you will knit next? I am interested to know.

Jody Hammer said... 30

I love Black Mountain!!! I have only been there once, but it was beautiful. I was there for a whole week. How exciting your nests are going to be there!!! I know they will sell very quickly, they are too beautiful not to!! Good luck!

BunnyNuts said... 31

Vicki - they are so magical!! Hope you have a wonderful summer - any trips to Disney?

Shell said... 32

Oh how Fun!!!! I'm so excited for you to share your creations and have this lovely trip! Cannot wait to hear about it!

Okay,and STOP IT! LOL,,,,,it's "Aliza" NOT Adam! Dang,,,but I sure could have fun making some drag queen headwear! I see a new blog in the works!!

Have a great time! You always make me smile, laugh and just feel thankful to have you in my ilfe!!!

Big hugs and love you to pieces!

PS.....I never get tired of baby pics,so cut loose when you have them Grandma!!! : )

The French Bear said... 33

Oh my, I have wanted one of your precious nests forever!!! I love them. They are so beautiful!!
Margaret B

just me said... 34

thanks for the comment. just read that you were a neonatal nurse, my youngest ayden was in nicu. special nurses that work in there! my neice was also born at week 28 1lb14 oz. amazing nurses who helped my sister not only deal with the fear but care for her baby. you are a special lady!

elvira pajarola said... 35

.....I am convinced my sweet birds in the woods around the house wouldn't build any nests anymore and just "sit" in one of your


colourfull , soft and luxourious nests......; they would spread the voice and I would have to order soooo many precious little nests made by you...!!!!!....(can you imagine how long would be this list...??)

Cara Vicky, enjoy your time in the garden ; I will do so too.......and see you soon!
have a sunny and happy week!!!!
ciao ciao elvira

~*~ saskia ~*~ said... 36

To a gallery ~ how exciting for you, Vicki! Your pieces are beautiful, as always. Do enjoy your gorgeous Giveaway, it truly is a great one.
Wishing you a wonderful day! xx

myriamkreativ said... 37

Hi my dear Vicki,
yes of course I have planned something for summer.... not only one thing 100s... eating ice cream every day, sipping frosted latte every day, reading beside the swimming pool etc. etc.
And in August we will go to Andalucia having a fabolous holiday I hope. The weather was very hot the last 3 days but now there are heavy clouds hanging in the sky and I thing we will have lots of rain in the next time uaaaah. Wish you a wonderful week Hugs Myriam

Bumpkin Hill said... 38

oooh you deserve a huge well done for finishing all those nests. You are so kind to give a nest away, I would love to give this pretty nest a home. I have had a black bird making a wonderful nest in my garden, but I think it was too near the patio and although I was always so quiet I think she decided to nest elsewhere :( I'm too off on travels (to Andalucia in Spain) in a few days, I hope your trip goes well to the gallery, I'm sure they will love them. Catherine xx

Kristen said... 39

Please enter me for the last nest! :)

Andrea said... 40

Oh my gosh I love those! if I don't win ,please make me one!!

Andrea said... 41

Please let me know,I have to have one!

lori vliegen said... 42

oh my goodness.....i am squealing with delight over these nests!!! how gorgeous!!! and aren't you an absolute sweetheart to be sharing one with us!! i've had a look-see around your blog and it's such a cozy, inviting place!! thanks for stopping by my blog.....i appreciate the sweet comment you left for me!! good luck with your gallery venture!! :))

Lili said... 43

Oh Vicki that is so exciting to hear about your nests being headed for a gallery! Everyone that sees them falls right in love with them (I've shown several people your images of them.) I have a feeling you'll be knitting your poor fingers to the bone once they hit that gallery! And what sweet little birds you found to pair them with. Enjoy your trip and yes, please please enter me into the hat to have a chance to win one of these exquisite works of art! ~Lili

Margaret said... 44

Vicki, the little jeweled bird pins are just beautiful, you find the most wonderful things, they remind me of the little hummingbird I have been watching every day, her chicks are ready to leave the nest any day now. We will keep watching... Talk to you soon!

Sandi said... 45

I would love to be entered in this lovely giveaway and I wish you all kinds of luck in your new venture!! Can't wait to see more pix!

gigi knits said... 46

My nest arrived today it's absolutely beautiful, Will have to find a blue bird to call it home. thank you so much for making this for me!!

Rosann said... 47

The nests are just beautiful. If I don't win one I will be waiting for August to arrive so I can purchase one. Thanks!

Unknown said... 48

i love your nests and would love to own one I cant believe that you are just going to give one away and with abeautiful bird as well you are so generous. enjoy the time with grandchild and doing other projects for a few weeks enjoy

Shane Pollard said... 49

Hello Vicki
This is my first time to your blog - you have created such a welcoming place to visit.

I have become a follower so I look forward to reading your posts and getting to know you!

I LOVE your blog name, you put a lot of thought into that.

I would love to enter in your giveaway - Such beautiful knitted birds nests - how creative, they look so sweet.
I wish them safe journeys where ever they travel!!

Please come and visit me and I will make you welcome at my place!!
Thank you for sharing.

Cynthia in nc said... 50

Beautiful little nests! I would love to give one a home. I really enjoy your blog. Enjoy your summer!

Brenda said... 51

Hello Vicki! This is my first visit and Wow! Your nests are awesome! Of course I would love to win one of these works of art. I think that I would have to keep an eye on it each time I had a guest in my home if I do though.

Lynn-Teacupstitches said... 52

Hi Vicki!
This is my first visit to your blog and I absolutely love it!
Your oh so creative nests are just the sweetest things ever! I know one would be very happy in my home :-)
Please enter me in the giveaway!!!
Sweet Tweets to you!


Susan Elliott said... 53

I just started following your blog about a month ago...I have a crush on you!

Mitzi Curi said... 54

Vicki, your nests are so exquisite and unique! I also appreciate the directions for "Spring In A Jar". I might give that a try. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I'm so tickled to have discovered your site, and I'm definitely going to bookmark it. You have a fabulous blog too!

Lisa said... 55

Oh you know how I love these nests. All of my sweet friends have them, I am left out. Wahhhh. Hows that for a possible sympathy vote. I am on the waiting list for an August nest. Wouldn't it be fun to get one a month earlier. I'm so happy for the success you've earned from these amazing creations. Have a wonderful trip. Lisa

Erica said... 56

Hi Vicki! You know I want one of those nests! Sounds like you had a wonderful trip. Best wishes on the new venture - I'm sure they'll "fly" out the door! We're just back from Wyoming and I already need another vacation!

FredaB said... 57

I too would love to have one of your beautiful nests. If I am not lucky enough to win one I would like to order one when you start making them again. I will watch for August.

I tried to become a follower but google wasn't allowing me in tonight. Will try again tomorrow.



Rustique Gal said... 58

Vicki, Just found your blog through Dorthe's post. I just adore these nests! I am off to sign on as a follower and post this on my blog. I really have "a thing" for bird's nests! So Sweet!!!

Gabriela said... 59

How sweet of you to share this last nest with us! They are absolutely beautiful and I would love to have one!
I will add a link to my page!

Anonymous said... 60

I wish all a good luch, it is to late for me, but I love the small artpice!

Marina Satt said... 61

Delightful things!
I will try to test good luck!
The reference on the right

Catharina Maria said... 62

What a lovely work have you made , it's great !!
love form ♥RINI♥ the Netherlands

Michelle Palmer said... 63

They are all so beautiful!!
My storybook critters (that I have been making into needle felts)would just love to cozy up inside and take a nap :)
Your blog is a joy~
I'll share about your giveaway on my side bar!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Anonymous said... 64

Pick me, Pick me, Pick me. OMG, those nests are too adorable, I would beg on my knees for one!!! Thanks. Marcy

RobinBirdsNest said... 65

I am a new follower and look forward to visiting your wonderful blog!

RobinBirdsNest said... 66

These are just the sweetest little nests tha I have ever seen!

RobinBirdsNest said... 67

I just put your giveaway button on my blog!

Annesphamily said... 68

I love those nests! Have a fun vacation and come back soon! Anne

JenW!~ said... 69

Wow what an adorable nest. I just love it.i

Anonymous said... 70

These nests are just precious and the birds are so very unique!
congratulations on your precious grand baby too!

Unknown said... 71

Oh what a darling nest! I would love to win. I just found your blog and I am a new friend (follower).

she dreams big! said... 72

I thought I'd lost you forever! What happened to me being a follower? Will have to check out this computer glitch!

Would so love to win one of your nests! But if I don't (boo hoo), it is on my calendar to contact you in August!

Have a safe and wonderful summer!

she dreams big! said... 73

There - all fixed! I am now a follower again!

Going to give you a shout out on my sidebar right now!

We are expecting our first granddaughter ANY DAY NOW! Can't wait to get in lots of snuggles!

Anonymous said... 74

Would love to have one of your adorable nests to add to my growing collection!!

Enjoy your time!

bee blessed

Blue Creek Home said... 75

I came over from the giveaway party at tales from an oc cottage.
I absolutely love this nest. I have never seen anything like it.

I have an 8 week old grandson - I signed up to follow so I can keep up with your sweet granddaughter. Aren't they just the sweetest???

I also added your giveaway to my sidebar.

Come over when you have time!

Marsha said... 76

OOhhhh I love the bird nests! Perfect for my little birdies!
Meow! ^..^

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said... 77

Yay! I am on that August list and can't wait. However, I wouldn't mind winning one as well! : )

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said... 78

I have added your giveaway on my blog wih a link back here!

RobinBirdsNest said... 79

Hoping, hoping, hoping to win your sweet little nest! Enjoyed your granbaby pics. What a precious little sweetheart! Grandkids are the absolute best thing in the world!

A Scattering said... 80

Hi, I happened to find you via Michelle Palmer's blog - what a stroke of luck! So, now I'm a follower, I've posted a link to your contest on my blog and I've posted your link on my facebook page. Spreading the word!!

The wee nests are simply precious.
Have a great week!

Atalia /Natalia said... 81

Vikki,It so nice of you share this wonderful gift.
Please see on my blog link to your giveaway
Wishing be lucky
Best regards

Ľubaša said... 82

I am lucky to find your blog today.:-) I ve never seen knited nest but I love that yours. thanks
lubaska dot k at gmail dot com

Tarnished Rose said... 83

Lovely nests. I sure wish I could knit!


KarenB said... 84

I'd love to be added to your giveaway list! Your nests are so beautiful! I would give it a very special spot! Your grandbaby is so beautiful! Looks like you had very precious moments with her!

Lululiz said... 85

Still dreaming about your beautiful nest, and how lovely it would look in our French cottage...........

Diane said... 86

These are soooooooooo gorgeous!!!! I love them and have never seen any nests quite like them...just exciting to put themina how you have them all acked up in a vintage suitcase!! I am posting them on my blog sidebard for ALL to see...and I am a follower...thanks for the chance and good luck on your new venture!!

Kathleen said... 87

I just love looking at all the beautiful pictures on you blog!
I also love to knit and would love to win one of your fabulous nests.
Your knitted baby sweaters are fabulous.
Looking forward to the next event!

Fuzzy Slippers said... 88

I'm so happy to have stumbled onto your stunning blog! I'm posting about this giveaway on my blog right now. :)

Blessings from Cindy said... 89

This is my first time visiting your blog. What beautiful nests! I've never seen anything like them! Please enter me in your giveaway.

Blessings from Cindy said... 90

I just posted on my blog about your wonderful giveaway! I also became a follower! Good luck on your venture!

Susan said... 91

The nests are beautiful!!! I'm wishing you the best of luck as they travel with you. You a such a talent. Susan

78thistles said... 92

Vicki, these nest are beautiful and a work of art!

Christina said... 93

The birds nests are so adorable and I would love to be entered in the contest! Your combination of colors is so amazing and artistic!
Thank you!

Beverly said... 94

What beautiful little nests!!! They are amazing. I just found your blog and am now a follower. I will also link your contest to my blog. I do parrot rescue, so that little nest would be right up my alley. Have a great day:)

Create With Joy said... 95

Dear Vicki,

I'm a new follower of your awesome blog! The nests and your post and photographs are just lovely! I invite you to visit me at Create With Joy when you have a moment - I'd love to welcome you into my family of Kindred Spirits as well!


Create With Joy said... 96

I have added your candy to my sidebar at Create With Joy - thanks for the extra entries!


Diane said... 97

Thank you for visiting my blogs and for all the nice sure made my day......I have a thing about "nests"..hence the name of my blog.....these are fantastic pieces of your blog and have recommended it to some of my "blog friends" sooooooooo glad I found it!!!

Anonymous said... 98

I would absolutely love to win one of your delightful nests. As my blog is called "thefeatherednest" what would be more appropriate than a lovely little nest displayed in our foyer. Enjoy your summers rest, and dream dreams of a feathered nest.

Susan said... 99

I completely love these nests, too. So precious and very, very beautiful. You are so talented.

Thank you for having this giveaway!


Susan said... 100

I am a brand new follower of your blog and I really, truly love it! It's beautiful.

Thank you for having this giveaway and a chance to win one of your beautiful nests.


Susan said... 101

I posted your giveaway on my blog's side bar. Looks like you're having a good turn out. It's no wonder with how gorgeous these nests are.


Tobi Britton* said... 102

Oh My!!! We would LOVE to give her a good home- please count us in!! We need info on where to purchase one as well please!!!
Sparkly Hugs,
Tobi and the pixies!

Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings... said... 103

A more precious NEST...I have never laid eyes on!
Such a fest for the eyes...
You are wonderful at creating these works of art!
Sign me up girfriend...
xoxo~Kathy @
Sweey Up-North Mornings...

Susan said... 104

Vicki, did I read that correctly? We get to leave a comment and enter as often as we like? You're nests are so beautiful, it's tempting to enter at least three times a day! :-) They are really very precious and totally gorgeous. I love looking at all the colors and the textures. Wonderful works of love.

Happiness and peace,


Anonymous said... 105

I am a new follower and have posted a blog about your site and your contest. I feel a little greedy entering your contest as I have the priviledge of watching a pair of cardinals building their own nest just outside my living room window. Your little, orphan nest is so beautiful though, that I can't resist. Please enter me in your contest.

Felicity said... 106

A little birdy told me that there was a special place to play so I wandered over to 'Two Bags Full' today.
Imagine my great wonder when I discovered too,
That Vicki wanted a new home for some little eggs [Woohoo!].
I think I have the perfect place, it's filled with light and love. Your little friends would be safe and warm and given lots of Aussie love.


PS I have just stumbled upon your lovely site and would love a chance to win a nest [if you go to my blog you'll see why the nest would be special and also that I've included a button to your giveaway!].

Susan said... 107

Okay... one more time tonight. Another entry. Keeping my fingers crossed.


Susan said... 108

New post, hopefully a better chance of winning a beautifully crafted nest!


Susan said... 109

Here I am again... yet another entry. Well, Vicki, you can't blame me for trying... your nests are just so gorgeous.

Have a great and beautiful day!

shabby girl said... 110

Your little nest is beautiful! How creative you are!
My house and yard are full of nest, real ones. I love watching the process, the feeding, and the babies getting fed!
Please add my name!

Wildflowerhouse said... 111

Just read your June11th post. How sweet. The shop looks very inviting. It is hard to part with your creations as they become a part of you, don't they! I would love to win one of your beautys.

Wildflowerhouse said... 112

Forgot! I am a follower and I shall post about your giveaway on my right sidebar!!!!!

Unknown said... 113

vicki, I love everything about these nests. Of course I want in the contest! :)

Susan said... 114

Time for me to throw another chance into the hat!

Thanks, Vicki!


Anonymous said... 115

Love your little nests, I love to win. Please enter me, I've added it to my blog too. I'm a new follower Vicki, and it is so nice to meet you.

Susan said... 116

Oh, it's rainy here and the day seems gloomy... but I'm excited and thinking of the bright colors and happy feelings that these nests bring!

Mila said... 117

Everything is delicious and very nice! Notes!
link on the right blog:

Sheila said... 118

Your nests are just breathtaking. I would love to be entered into your drawing.

Sheila said... 119

I posted your drawing on my blog

Createology said... 120

Hello Vicki: I have just discovered your blog from Den Lilli's blog and the side bar picture of your handknit nest entranced me! So here I am commenting on your post with hopes of being selected to give your nest a wonderful home here in the gold country. July 3rd is my wedding anniversary and I feel lucky. I am now following your blog and I adore your creative talents. Happy creating...

Susan said... 121

Okay... one more time this morning... fingers still crossed.

Susan said... 122

My fingers are starting to hurt pretty badly. I have been keeping them crossed for days now.



Susan said... 123

Just throwing my name in one more time...

My Creative House said... 124

Vicki your knitted nests are gorgeous, I would love to give one of them a new home, I'm a new follower.

Deb said... 125

Hi Vicki ~ I don't think i have very many entries in for this contest, and i sure would love to win!! I know I've purchased nests from you, but wouldn't it be extra special to win one? I think so. :)

Brynwood Needleworks said... 126

Hi Vicki:
PLEASE enter me in your giveaway for the beautiful birds nest! I'd love to have one in my studio at Brynwood.

Pam @ Frippery said... 127

These nests are amazing! So beautiful. I also visited your "Sacred" space. So inspiring. I am definitely a follower now!

Kristal said... 128

Here I am, popping over from WBC to toss my name in the hat for one of this delightful little nest!


cathy said... 129

Hi Vicki
I enjoyed peaking into your studio and your nests are absolutely adorable. I hope I win so I can give it to my mom who loves all things birds! Cheers - Cathy

Terri said... 130

Fab Nests... I'm so excited for the opportunity at a chance to have one of your creations grace my home.

Sandy Navarro said... 131

OMG! Vicki your nests are FabUlous! I found toay via Karen's WWB II and I'm soooooooo happy I did! Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful treasures and for a chance to win one of your nests.

Teah said... 132

Please enter me in your amazing contest and pick me. Your nests are just beautiful. I'll have to buy one after you don't pick my name. I never win anything, but I can dream. My decor has lots of birds and birdhouses, but nothing like your nests. You are very gifted and creative. Thanks for sharing with us.

Holly S said... 133

I totally need a nest!! They look simply amazing! I am now a follower...(just to get the extra!) I really need a nest! thanks for the chance to win one!

Gail said... 134

Oh now I know where the knitted nests are, Colleen over at DDNA told me I should check these out, cause I am wanting a nest. I am bookmarking and now I am going over to see your studio post, please come see me at Big Horn Mountain Creations when you get a chance.

Lori ann said... 135

Hello Vicki!,
I am so happy to meet you, i'm over from Silke's blog!
OH MY GOSH, these nest's you've made are so gorgeous. You are very sweet to be having a give~a~way, and i am thrilled to have a chance to win. I LOVE birds and nests too (i have a couple real discarded ones). The tiny birds are precious too.
If you have any time, please come by my blog too, i am having a give~a~way as well. ☺

Thank you for offering this, and have a wonderful, safe trip.
♥ lori

Romeo said... 136

I have admired your nests from afar and now see that you are offering the nest a new home! Oh my whiskers!!!! "She" collects nests and if I won your nest for "her".....oh my whiskers, I bet I would get salmon patties everynight for a year!!!! Please enter me in your contest!!! Purrlease, pretty purrlease....

Purrs with paws crossed!

Romeo and "her"

Susan said... 137

Just had to enter again for another chance to win one of these absolutely gorgeous nests.

Hope you're having a beautiful weekend, Vicki.


Susan said... 138

How many times in a row do I enter before it gets obnoxious? I just love your nests!


Bumpkin Hill said... 139

I am totally inspired by your work, I have always loved yarns and remember dying them all sorts of colours when I was at textile college, I had mislayed this love a wee bit and your posts always bring this back to me. How I would love to just sit next to you in your yarn room and gaze how you create, oh what fun that would be :) Now to create a special time machine so I can pop over for a cup of tea and craft time :) In the meantime a chance to win a precious nest will keep me going. Catherine x

D. Jean Quarles said... 140

Your bird's nests are amazing! Truly. I love them . I'm a new follower starting now.

Cat Stegall said... 141

LOVELY LOVELY LOVELY ..I just keep coming back for another peek!!!

Cat Stegall said... 142

PS Sprout says she would really love a nest!!!!

Beth said... 143

My friend Silke at Metamorphosis directed me to your blog. Your nests are so lovely!! I would love to be able to enjoy one in my home in Maine. ☺

Donna said... 144

How incredibly gorgeous! I love birds and threads, so I would love to win this! Thank you so much!

Susan said... 145

I just love visiting your blog and checking out the beauty in it. These nests are very happy looking with their rich and varied colors.

Thank you for having this giveaway,

Something Special said... 146

These nests ae just the neatest little perfect objects. You are so talented. put me on the list for the drawing. I am having a giveaway over at my blog in honor of my newest grandson. He is just so wonderful. Come say hi if you have the time. Looks like those nests are keeping you busy.

Susan said... 147

It's a lovely Tuesday morning, The gray skies have cleared and I'm watching the robins in the puddles on the back patio and it reminded me of these lovely nests and the I wanted to toss my name in again for another chance to win. :-)


Beedeebabee said... 148

Oh gosh Vicki, I would so love a chance to win one of your beautiful nests! Oh gosh, would I ever!!! Please toss my name into your fingers and toes are crossed! Thank you so much for the chance. I'm putting you in my sidebar, and I'll tweet about this giveaway in my next post! hee hee hee! xo Paulette

just me... jan said... 149


While I have one of your precious nests headed my way, it would be wonderful to win another! Call me greedy! But if I'm lucky I'll pass it on to my sister who runs a B&B and has a "bird" room....I promise!

just me...lovin' your creativity...jan

Anonymous said... 150

Oh my they are adorableeeeee,to cute.I would love the chance to win one of those.I love anything bird.Im a new follower as well.Keeping my fingers and toes crossed.LOL

Susan said... 151

It's Wednesday and still keeping my fingers crossed for one of your nests, Vicki!

Have a great evening,

Kelly Mac said... 152

Your idea for using the yarn bits was such genius! What beautiful, beautiful nests you create. I'm not even a knitter and you make me want a pile of yarn, and maybe a sheep or two. And please tell your sweet gardener that I'm very jealous of his peonies, they won't grow this far down south for me.


Kelly Mac said... 153

Your use of little bits is pure genius! What beautiful, beautiful nests you've created. I'd love to have one. I'll mention the giveaway on my blog. I don't even knit and you've made me want a yarn pile, and maybe even a sheep or two. And please tell your sweet gardener that I'm jealous of his peonies, I can't get them to grow this far south.

Wendy Aspinall said... 154

I hope I can give that little nest a home in my home. I have everything crossed ...if you get time pop over to see me. The kettle is on . would you like Tea or coffee? ~Wendy @Blissangels

Diane said... 155

Vicki I have been blog hopping today and so glad I found your blog! Love your darling bird nests and would be delighted to be entered in your giveaway. I am adding a post on my blog too! :0)

jen said... 156

How adorable are these nests, you talented lady you! How wonderful!! I have some lovely branches in my entryway that would love to be the new home :)

luvs and glitter

luvs andg

jen said... 157

I also put a badge on my sidebar and linked to your giveaway even though I don't want anyone else to win!

luvs and glitter

Create With Joy said... 158

Just stopping by to say hello and see the beautiful nests - I couldn't remember if I had entered but I have - viewed your more recent posts today, your workspace looks awesome!


Anonymous said... 159

Hi, I just love your bird nests. I have collected bird nests for years. I paid my kids 50 cents for each one they found for me. I would put them in the branches of my Christmas tree. Each nest has its' own pair of mushroom birds. Eagles, owls, cardinals & more. This nest would make a lovely addition.
Thanks -

Susan said... 160

Wow, Vicki, you sure have gotten a good turn out for your nest giveaway. You must be please and excited about that. I'm tossing in my name again for a chance to win.


Theresa MacNaughton said... 161

The nests are truly stunning. I would be most delighted to host one in my home. :) Theresa

JulMiron said... 162

Those are so beautiful!

Sherry said... 163

The nests are just beautiful. I would love to have one in my home. I just became a follower of you lovely blog.

Nancy said... 164

OMGoodness, those Nest are just Beautiful!! I would Love to give one a new home!! Have a nice trip!!

Sylvia (at) Lily's Pad and Petals said... 165

I have a perfect home for this beautiful nest. LOVE them.

Sylvia (at) Lily's Pad and Petals said... 166

Oh I've got to win this - they are gorgeous. What talent you have. True works of art.

Patty C. said... 167

I have just found your Blog and besides being completely taken with the music - I am entirely into the bird nesting fun. If you stop by my stitching Blog Hanging on by a thread ( you can see some pictures of my baby bluebirds :)How fun & your nests are absolutely beautiful - what an honor it would be to have one. Good Luck To all !!!! But I have to admit I really want to say Pick me Pick Me -lol

Take Care and thank you so much for sharing your gifts with us all

Patty C. said... 168

I posted about your lovely nests in my sidebar

The winner will surely be blessed with your nests -
Take Care

Patty C. said... 169

I am so enjoying your blog :)

Bumpkin Hill said... 170

I had to pop by again and look at your lovely nest, I always feel so inspired visiting your world :) Catherine xx

Laura Quaglia (Fun With This and That) said... 171

I have a spot for the nest .They are wonderful The yarn for sale now day is so many kinds I do not knit. If any things I could do a rug as there is no changing for me it is chain or pearl. Have a good week. LauraQ

Vintage Linen Treasures said... 172

My chances of winning this adorable nest is slim to none, but I have to try. It's just too adorable! I love nests and have a few real (and not-so-real) ones tucked here and there. What a blessing this little nest will be to the lucky winner! Hope it's me!!
Patricia :o)

Patty C. said... 173

I had to leave another post - I am so taken with your beautiful nest - it is amazing as I read about them that there are so many different fibers in just one nest - no wonder they are so beautiful - By the way - I like your garden as well - my husband helps me with mine too- isn't it fun :)
Take Care
Thank you for such generosity
Good Luck to all :)

Patty C. said... 174

I think Susan (with the lamb picture) is sleep walking to her computer dreaming about your nests - roflol

Patty C. said... 175

Pick me :)

Patty C. said... 176

Pick Me :)

Patty C. said... 177

Pick Me :) - ok I'm just kidding - I had to do a roll of entries just once for fun -roflol

I do want the nest though - lol

Have fun :)

Deb said... 178

Hi Vicki ~ I'm leaving another comment for another chance to win your beautiful nest. Did i mention that my b'day was Friday the 2nd, and you're drawing a name on the 3rd? Wouldn't that be just the most special birthday gift? Whisper that in Maddy's ear since she's in charge. :)

Deb said... 179

Vicki, I have enjoyed your blog while I have been recuperating from the hospital for 6 days and now home for 2 weeks...4 weeks more before I'll be back to normal. It's hard because I'm a gardening person...I miss my flowers outside. But viewing the beautiful pictures on your blog certainly helps me feel a part of the outdoors. Enter my name again for your beautiful nest.

Patty C. said... 180

Thia is sooooooo much fun - I have gone way beyond the nest - I just like entering - lol

Your blog is awesome
Your nest is beautiful
I have way to much time on my hands this weekend :)

It's raining here so I am entering again - I can't go outside to work in my garden :)

Patty C. said... 181

<Bird()-- I need a nest

Susan said... 182

Oh dear, I haven't entered in a couple of days... It's getting close. The anticipation is just awful! Fingers are seriously cramped from crossing them.

Hope you're doing very well, Vicki.


elaine said... 183

Your nests are so lovely-such creativity you have!

Elaine R

Patty C. said... 184

One Last Entry
Good Luck To All :)

Barby Anderson said... 185

Such a lovely blog! So glad I found you. Please enter me into your giveaway for the beautiful nest! =)


Barby Anderson said... 186


I just tried to enter your most gracious giveaway and I don't think it posted. I would love to be in the contest. Thank you! Your nests are from heaven above.


Susan said... 187

One last try. Today is the day!!!

baygirl32 said... 188

WoW! those are absolutely beautiful! I'm sure you will make a great impression on your trip. Best of luck

Retired Knitter said... 189

Oh my god I just discovered your blog and those beautiful nests. As I sit here with my coffee watching the birds feed at my bird feeds in the morning I am in wonder at their beauty and grace. And now with spring, their colors.

Your nests reflect that beauty.

Lucky are the people who can bring one of these nests into their home.